[inc][B/S] A Small Appartment

**Chapter 1**

Their parents had died in an accident shortly before her coming-of-age ceremony. As such, they had fallen under the care of their uncle, who apparently had far greater things to worry about.

He’d rented an apartment, and told them not to bother him. Every month a reasonable sum was dropped into their bank account, and with that they were able to suffice.

All the paperwork was always done in double quick time, so they never had a reason to contact him. In fact, he’d never even asked why she was a few years behind in school, silently paying all the tuition bills he received.

The apartment itself was too small, having only one bedroom. They’d both been too scared to ask their uncle for something more suitable though, so despite being brother and sister, they’d ended up sharing a bedroom.

Living like that made it difficult to respect each other’s privacy. In the beginning they’d made it work, but it was impossible to keep up, especially when they had to share the bed too.

She couldn’t remember when she’d started noticing her brother’s body. He was attractive enough, and with the circumstances, she’d gotten plenty of glimpses of his abs and thighs.

During some restless nights she’d wake up with his arms holding her, or with his member jammed against her buttocks in the morning. She’d made a fuss the first few times, but she knew he couldn’t do anything about it when he was asleep.

After a while she’d started not minding it. His arms were strong and comforting, his chest broad. It got to the stage where she started looking for his embrace.

She definitely remembered the first time they went further though.

**Chapter 2**

It was the weekend, so there was no rush to get up. His arm was draped over her shoulders, and one leg was hooked over her hips. She could feel his erection pressed against her hips. She was used to it because he had one every morning.

She didn’t want to wake him up yet though; it was still pretty early. And she didn’t really mind. She snuggled closer to him, pressing up to his warm body.

When she’d done that, his breathing had changed. Was he having a nightmare? His breaths came shorter, shallower. She was just about to wake him up when his hips started grinding against her.

Was he having an erotic dream? She blushed at the thought. It was too embarrassing to wake him up now; he’d probably stop soon anyway.

But he hadn’t stopped. His breaths had become ragged as he pulled her close. Then his penis pulsed against her hips. Moments later he was rolling out of bed, staggering half asleep to the bathroom.

When she lifted up the sheets, a fresh stain was slowly seeping into her pyjamas, and somehow a few splashes had made their way under her top and were cooling on her stomach.

Her heart was racing. She didn’t tell him.

**Chapter 3**

The very next day he once again had an erotic dream of some kind. His hand had started groping at her breast. She didn’t move when his hand found its way under her top.

He was rough, but it didn’t feel bad. She let him roll on top of her, with his knee between her thighs, she could feel his member poking at her crotch.

By this time she was already wet. All she had to do was push her pyjamas to one side and then he’d be inside her. She’d masturbated before (lots), but … would it feel the same?

She entertained the thought, sliding a hand under his hips. His cock was surprisingly hot to the touch, and somehow it had escaped the confines of his shorts. She pushed her own out of the way, letting him grind directly against her flesh.

Her own breaths had changed to match the groans he was burying in her neck. She pressed her hips forwards so that he was grinding against her slit. His gyrations became larger as his cock slid between her vulva, slick with her juices.

A tremor was building up inside her, but she wanted more. It took a couple of attempts (his thrusting was hard to control), but she managed to push his cock further between her legs.

She gasped, shuddering as his cock penetrated her. He took a few thrusts to get fully inside her. He went much deeper than her fingers had ever reached.

“Don’t stop…” she groaned, before fully realising he was now awake.

Her body froze up, realising the situation. But he was already unloading himself inside her.

**Chapter 4**

He hadn’t been able to look at her for days. She didn’t know what to do when he avoided speaking to her, barely sitting at table long enough to eat. Life had gone on for weeks like that.

In the meantime she visited the doctor to start on the pill, even though it didn’t look like anything would be happening again.

Except that, all of a sudden, it did happen again. He’d rushed in the front door, surprising her as he grabbed her and started kissing her.

“Oppa” (that’s what she always called him).

He didn’t respond to her though, only herding her into the bedroom and pushing her down. He pulled off her panties and climbed on top of her.

It hurt quite a bit when he pushed inside her, but she got wet quickly as he claimed her body. She didn’t come this time either, as his thrusts quickly brought him to climax.

She had plenty of opportunities over the next weeks though. He bent her over at every opportunity, or if it wasn’t that, he pushed her down and spread her legs. Sometimes he made her kneel so he could come in her mouth or on her face. He even tried to fuck her breasts, but they were too small for that.

She quickly found out how possessive he could get. He was so manly when he took control of her that she couldn’t resist. He also liked to talk dirty. It seemed to urge him on when he called her a whore and a slut, and if he brought out his best, that’s when she enjoyed it the most.

He liked to make her beg. He’d stop when she was nearing her climax, then tell her to beg for it. She’d started out by saying “Please fuck me” or “I need your cock”, but he after a couple of times, he’d asked for something more extreme.

She’d looked online for some good things to say, and got some good results. The first time she said “I’m such a dirty hussy, please dump your load inside” he’d been so quick that she hadn’t been able to come herself.

She wasn’t sure if she’d always liked that kind of thing, but when he was quick, it made her feel sexy. She’d just lust him more the next time.

**Chapter 5**

Somehow they only fell deeper into their sex games. They were trying something new again this time. He’d laid her down on the bed, caressing her, kissing her, generally making her feel good.

She watched as he licked at her nipples. He’d planted his knees between her legs, then slowly slid up. Her knees hooked over his hips as her pussy was exposed.

However, when he grabbed his cock, he didn’t line it up to her vagina. Instead he started to masturbate, stopping his kisses only to remind her.

“Don’t forget to tell me when you’re sopping wet.”

The thought of what he was going to do was already driving her crazy, although she wasn’t sure why. She was already wet, and as he tended to her chest it only got worse. She couldn’t help but grind her hips in the air.

“Oppa” was all she needed to say to get his attention.

“Are you ready?”

“You can do it now.”

He knelt back, taking a moment to bring himself to the edge. She watched his hand tug at his shaft, keeping her legs wide open. He finally lined himself up to her whilst still masturbating.

Her eyes were glued to his cock until he suddenly stopped masturbating. Instead, he thrust forwards, encountering no resistance from her slick pussy as he came.

She could feel him convulse several times inside her, but as soon as he was done, he pulled back out. She lay there, horny, with only his semen to show for it.

“Oppa, did you come a lot?”

He collapsed next to her. “Yeah. Make sure you keep it all inside you.”

She bit her lip, squeezing her thighs together.

Over the next few days he continued to deny her orgasms, working her body just to ejaculate inside her. Every time she could feel her lust roil up. When he told her she needed to be wet for him, she couldn’t deny him. He’d turned her into a rage of hormones.

The next step was to make her beg, not so that she could orgasm, but so that he would come inside her. Then he told her to wear something slutty the next time she wanted him to come inside her. She’d lasted two days before she couldn’t hold out any more.

Each time it was something different; she dug up her old school uniform; she spent a whole day naked; he made her go shopping without underwear. She did it to earn only the few thrusts it took him to deposit his seed.

When she asked him when she’d be allowed to climax, he told her she’d have to do a lot more than she had until now to earn it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/49t4mo/incbs_a_small_appartment


  1. I’d very much appreciate any comments, criticism or other thoughts!

  2. Wasn’t bad. I think maybe somewhere include a better description of the characters.

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