Strip Poker

Last week I was playing strip poker with my roommate and two guy friends. We were all drinking, which is probably how I got talked into playing in the first place. The rules of the game were simple: the person with the lowest hand looses an item of clothing, and we play until someone is fully naked. My roommate lost the first round, and opted to take off her shirt. I lost the second hand, and removed my shirt as well. Then us girls had some good luck… they guys each lost their outer shirts and one of them lost their pants. At that point, I lost my pants and was left in just my bra and panties. The guy who still had his pants lost both them and his undershirt. My roommate lost her pants, and the remaining guy lost his undershirt. Unfortunately, I lost next, loosing my bra and leaving my boobs on display.

We were all down to one item left apiece, either panties or boxers, except for my roommate who also still had her bra. I remarked how it wasn’t fair that the guys could still be covered with only one item left, while they got to ogle my
boobs until the end of the game. Since we were playing until the first person was naked, and then we could all get dressed they would barely be exposed at all, and only if they lost. One of the guys suggested that the loser would forfeit their clothes for the rest of the night. That way they’d have almost as much risk as we did. My roommate agreed right away, since she was already ahead in the game. The guys talked me into agreeing as well. Of course, the next hand I lost, leaving me fully exposed and the game over.

The guys and my roommate dressed immediately leaving me the only one naked. It was really embarrassing being the only one naked in front of the group. At some point, more people must have been invited over because I remember a bunch of our
other friends being there. At the end of the night, I asked for my clothes back so I could get dressed to go back to my dorm room, but the guys said it wasn’t the end of the night yet, and I’d have to go back as I was. So there I was streaking back to my room one floor down. My roommate was with me, but she was clothed. We made it down to our floor without getting caught, but we were about half way down the hall to our room when a guy rounds the corner. I tried to cover myself with my hands as best as I could while my roommate let us into our room. Somehow all the exposure got me really horny, and I rubbed myself to a quiet orgasm before falling asleep.



  1. Thank you for your submission.

    Unfortunately, it does not meet our present needs.

  2. I don’t know what everyone is so upset about. I thought this was a very sexy and well written story. I’d read more if you’ve got em!

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