Me [26F] with my BF [29 M] I have been encouraging him to get rough with me. He finally went to limit!

Decided to post more details here as a few people messaged me for the story.
Also, sorry I won’t post any more pics online, as I started getting way to many messages.
So, the day started off usual, and I kept sending him naughty texts.. I have been wanting him to get rough with me.. Mid day texts went quiet.
He was fucking our GF.
I came home, he didn’t even let the door shut, grabs me slams the door shut, kisses, and squeezes my tits..
Pulls my shirt off, pants down, and handcuffs me to the stainless steel fridge. Starts kissing me all over, squeezing my tits.
I get a few spankings with his belt.
Then i beg for the dick, he keeps slaming it from behind, and sounds like forever, and keeps pushing me against the fridge.
That cold feeling intensifies as we both orgasam at the same time. I feel his cum filling me up.

We go back up, shower, and cuddle for 45 mins..



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