How One Success on r/raomd Lead to Another One [33M/40F]

For the five of you reading this that are unfamiliar, r/randomactsofmuffdive is a subreddit where women can find other men/women to go down on them. Sounds a bit daunting given how creepy the internet can be, I know, but I’ve only had positive experiences with it and wanted to share some of the fun from this past weekend.


Winding the clock back 8 months: I posted [this Success Post]( about my first time hooking up with someone I’d met through Reddit. We had a great time, but she was visiting from a different city so we knew we only had a finite window of shared time together. She actually came back to town to see some friends a few months later and we shared another memorable evening (this time adding the other two pillars of life: pizza and blowjobs), but I haven’t seen her since.

Fast forward to a month ago and [this new post of mine]( looking for someone local with whom I could meet up on a more regular basis. For two weeks there were no bites so I stopped checking my inbox as frequently. Then, one day, just out of habit, I found my fingers logging into this account and to my surprise, there was a lone, orange envelope waiting for me.

“Sarah” (will be changing minor details for her privacy’s sake) had apparently heard of r/raomd through r/gonewildstories and had been lurking the subreddit for months before finally replying to someone. My lucky fucking day, in retrospect (not to say I wasn’t excited in the moment; it’s just good to be cautiously optimistic about this sort of thing). She was out of town for a while, but was open to chatting on Kik a bit in the meantime.

**Lust at First Sight (ie The Bit Where I Explain What She Looks Like)**

When she sent me a few pictures of her (the top part of her head was cropped above her sweet smile, but her Terence and Philip joke about it made me laugh), I distinctly remember inhaling sharply and immediately writing back, “talk about winning the goddamn lottery.” She was just a few inches shorter than me with pale skin and dark hair down to her shoulders. Slender hips branching off into two incredible thighs that I could practically feel the softness of on either side of my head. The skin-hugging tights she wore in the first photo weren’t leaving much to the imagination and the formal, more executive attire of the second photo left all the best things to my imagination. I’d eventually become very familiar with how the intensity of her bright eyes was able to cut straight through the yellow haze of my bedside lamp.

**Long Distance Teasing**

Our longest chat on Kik took place a few nights later. We unexpectedly ended up talking for what felt like hours. About countries we’d both visited, the city we both used live in (at different times), my fantasies about some older women in my life during high school, some of her past dating exploits, and why they’ve contributed to her being a bit more guarded in that arena. The conversation was taking a more serious turn at this point so, after a momentary lull on my end, I wrote,

“One major drawback to texting: I can’t be there right now to just push you back on to the bed and help distract you from thoughts of being guarded and how shitty dating can be.”

She thought that sounded perfect and I expressed how much I wanted to turn the lights down so that she could only concentrate on the sensation of my hands on her; not even beginning to remove a scrap of clothing. Her only reply was “Go on.” I began to describe the slow progression of how I planned to tease her and didn’t stop when she informed me that a friend of hers just called to say she’d be stopping by soon. I wanted to keep the momentum going so that when she did inevitably have to go, it would leave her thinking of how the rest of my plans would play out. I knew we were headed down the right path when she told me, “My back is actually arching even though you’re not here.”

I continued to chart the path my hands and lips would take, making it clear that there were certain areas I’d be staying away from, no matter how much she wanted my fingers there. “Then I won’t let myself touch there either. For now.” As someone who absolutely loves the idea of having that kind of say in what someone else does, I immediately became aroused and replied, “Good girl. Better that you start letting me dictate where you’re going to be touched now; get you in the habit early.” She only had a few seconds to tell me that “The phrase ‘good girl’ is like a drug. This I like” before “shit shit shit my friend is here” popped up (a bit earlier than expected :/). We left it at that for the time being. I can only speak for myself, but I was definitely all wound up and wished it was the next week already.

**The Night We Actually Met Up**

The rest of our texting consisted of planning logistics. When she showed up at the bar in my neighborhood, she had clearly absorbed all the preferences I had expressed over text and completely nailed the Sexy Librarian vibe; from the heels and tight skirt all the way up to the tasteful necklace and sharp looking glasses. I was already smitten and prayed I didn’t say anything stupid to screw this up when I was so close. Long story short, we chatted pleasantly for a while as she downed the requisite number of drinks to feel comfortable. I was completely charmed by her intelligence and the timbre of her rare, but earnest laugh. We walked back holding hands while she fumbled with and eventually gave up on her heels, exchanging them for the more comfortable flats in her purse.

Some of the finer details escape me here because I was so excited to have her back at my place that my brain went a bit fuzzy. Suffice to say it wasn’t long before she was settling into my bed on her back and I was kneeling between her legs, taking in the sights before me. What I do remember is how incredibly smooth her skin felt against my palms as I ran them down her arms, sides, and the curve of her calves. Or how her hair smelled when I crawled up momentarily to kiss my way from her collarbone to just behind her ear. Writing this from the same bed we shared just a few nights ago, I can reach down right now and inhale that scent off my comforter. As she predicted, I’m still finding stray strands of her hair in random places and each one makes me smile for a moment.

As we eased into the swing of things, time seemed to slow and blur a bit. Clothes seemed to melt away even though my initial post said I’d stay dressed throughout the entire evening. I can recall the sensation of her nipples stiffening between my lips and the exact way she moaned when I pulled on them a little harder before letting them spring back. I slowly worked my way down the bed so that the hairs of my beard would brush against the flat, but soft expanse of her stomach. When my hands bunched the material of her hip-hugging skirt around her waist, they revealed a very sexy and strategically sheer pair of panties that covered up juuust enough to not give away the entire game too early. In terms of coverage, they were similar to these ([not her; just a Google Image search](

While I appreciate and love different things about the entire spectrum of feminine grooming and how genetics decide the way things are arranged down there, I have to admit I was completely floored by how sexy she looked in that moment. Peeking just above the opaque fabric, I could see that she was very closely trimmed with just the barest whisper of hair around the top and down the sides. After a bit more manual teasing and touching without touching There, it was time to give her what she came for. The motion of peeling the panties down and off a woman’s legs triggers something intensely chemical in my brain so I was already feeling pretty high at this point.

It was difficult not to dive right in, but I made a point of continuing to tease along the inside of her thighs and just over her mons with the back of my fingers, the tip of my nose, and the smooth part of my cheek. Anything to prolong that feeling of having my mouth close, but not quite close enough. She had warned me earlier about how it takes a while to get her off so I wanted to draw this out for as long as my hunger for her would allow. Working up a little reserve of saliva in my mouth, I pursed my lips and let it drip down onto the hood of her clit. Leaving it to pick a side and slowly trail down the contours of her inner lips. The aroma of her arousal was driving me crazy at this point, but I tried to exercise a bit more restraint.

As the warm liquid trickled down, I began to gently move my head from side to side (not unlike an oscillating fan) while alternating cool and hot breath across her moist skin. As I’d hoped, her waist began to shift towards me and I took that as my cue to finally begin in earnest. From here, as so often happens with me, things became a loose weave of memory. I completely lose myself when going down on a woman so all I can think of now is a montage of long, flat licks from bottom to top…the tip of my tongue winding along the creases between thigh, outer lips, and inner…pausing momentarily to slide up and kiss her so that she knew how good she tasted…burying my face in deep between her legs and moaning appreciatively so that the tiny vibrations would travel from my vocal chords to somewhere inside that I couldn’t touch…and my personal favorite, pulling the entire area surrounding her clit (still keeping it protected under its hood) into my mouth and suckling on it very carefully while rolling my tongue around in a steady rhythm.

Occasionally I’d come up for air and move back up to continue kissing and playing with the rest of her body while her hand kept her clit occupied. At one point, I remember laying my hand on top of hers, some of the fingers interlocking, and rubbing her together while I told her about some of my fantasies and highlights from my sexual history. We’d cycle between these states for a while as she continued to loosen up, relax, and get wetter. I loved having these peaks and valleys of activity to stretch out or time together.

As things began to reach a head, I (still laying alongside her), pulled her in close and began ramping up to a really intense finger fucking, lifting her hips off the mattress with each thrust. In an earlier conversation, she mentioned that this was how she liked to get herself off so it only made sense to follow suit. I’ll never forget how she kept her eyes clenched shut, her mouth open, urging me to keep going because she was close. My arm was getting a bit sore from the effort and angle, but I continued to pull her body up instead of just jackhammering my digits in and out. And all the while, I never stopped whispering filth in her ear about what a good girl she’d been, how sexy she was, and how badly I wanted to see her cum for me. It was working. Her body began to tense and shake around me before finally locking into a frozen arch that furrowed her brow and exposed more of her teeth. I continued to apply the exact same pressure as she rode her orgasm out until she finally collapsed back against the sheet and began muttering a series of breathless “thank you”s with a slightly foggy look in her eyes.

**The Aftermath**

We kissed and cuddled after that until it was time to get some sleep. Somewhere around 3am, I sort of half-woke up to find myself half hard and, in completely sleepy auto-pilot mode, began to gently stroke myself under the sheets. This was pretty typical for me so I didn’t really register the presence of a stranger until I noticed that she had woken up and realized what I was up to. Before I had any time to react (again, still half asleep) I felt her hand on my bare chest and then watched it disappear beneath the sheets. This hadn’t been part of our arrangement, but I certainly wasn’t going to complain in this state.

Before I knew it, I was completely swollen and her mouth was expertly working every part of me. She spent more time sucking each of my balls in turn than anyone had in a long time and it made my eyes roll back and my vision swim with happiness. And oh god I will never forget that loud slurping sound once her head began to bob up and down the full length of my shaft. It was wet and enthusiastic; practically ripped from a porn scene only better because she rarely stopped transfixing me with those eyes of hers. When I told her I was ready to cum, I asked where she wanted it and she indicated that she didn’t want to swallow. This was totally fine by me because this was already way more reciprocation than I had ever expected so she sat up and began to jerk me off.

I was all set to just unload on her tits, but then something amazing happened. She climbed over me a bit more until she was almost right in my face and continued to pump away with her hand harder than she ever had. Giving me a look that was almost dangerously daring me to cum. I was so surprised and aroused by her sudden dominant turn that I began to cum without realizing it, most of it spraying across my own belly and chest. She appeared very satisfied with herself and pleased by how I looked in the moment. I was in that post-orgasm glow so I was only dimly aware of getting some damp hand towels for cleaning up before going back to sleep.

She left the next morning and we’ve been making plans to meet up again sometime this week. Needless to say, I owe r/raomd a great deal and encourage more women reading this to get out there and get theirs too. I know I wouldn’t have been able to write this story if my new friend hadn’t taken that chance.



  1. Wonderfully written. I share your enthusiasms for the smart business / librarian look, and for completely losing yourself in going down on a woman. A fabulous experience – I’m so jealous!

  2. I’ve had great experience on that sub, too. Its too bad you’re not closer, but congrats on the fun!

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