How I [M]et The Girl, Who Would Become the Mother o[f] My Daughter.

I have been wanting to add a story to this sub for a while now. The sub has become my main source of ‘inspiration’ for my late night auto-erotic escapades, and what remains of my sense of honor coerces me to give something back.
So I’ve decided to share what is possibly the craziest, and definitely the most defining of my sexual experiences. The story is extremely long, be warned, but I’ll try to make it worth your while, obviously.

I was a pretty late bloomer. The last among my friends to lose my virginity at 16, and I found my first girlfriend a couple months later after turning 17.
I had spent the last 6 years (yes, I discovered masturbation already at the age of 11) fantasising about what sex was going to be like, how much I wanted to experiment with it, what I felt I had to try at least once, and so on, but that first girl wasn’t exactly adventurous, to say the least. She wasn’t prude either, but it was evident that I wanted more than her. We stuck together for about a year, but at the end of it, I felt more caged than loved, as it became clearer and clearer that we simply weren’t in the same book, sexually.

So we broke up, which was more of a relief than a heartbreak for both of us, and we were very good friends until graduation. I had learned a lot about who I was and who I wasn’t. I believe she felt the same way, and I just felt free to go out and go crazy on the world.
During my year with her, she introduced me to a social network // imageboard for alternative lifestyles, and I really took a liking to the place. It was a great way of meeting new people. Most of my hook ups for the next year and a half was with girls I met on there, (And holy shit, everyone needs to bang an emo chick at least once in their life. Some of those girls are out of their fucking mind in the best possible way), and as you may have guessed, so was the protagonist of this story.

In the last few months of my final year (I’ve heard that the Danish equivalent of high school is a bit ‘later’ than the American one, in the sense that we’re older when we go), I was 19, and one night when I was up late, playing World of Warcraft with a couple of my friends, I decided to check out the previously mentioned site once again, and I noticed this ridiculously beautiful girl (or at least her hips) posting in a thread about tattoos with a photo of the famous video game dragon she had inked into her. This was about the time when The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was all the fire, and I remember having a good laugh thinking of this girl, whose name is Erica by the way, as the girl with the Spyro tattoo.
I wrote her a message, saying hi and complimenting her on every aspect that I felt she deserved compliments, and when she answered happily, I decided: “what the heck.”

So I wrote and asked her if she would like to go on a four day hike with me. Yes, that was my idea. I could see that she was a former girl scout, so she would know a thing or two about pitching a tent and lighting a fire, and since we were from virtually opposite ends of the country, I suggested we met at a coast town in the southern end of Funen, and walked the 72 kilometers to the next coast town.
You can imagine my surprise when she, very enthusiastically, said yes, despite not knowing a single thing about me. We quickly decided on who would bring what, (I ended up carrying 14 litres of water in my backpack since we didn’t know if we’d have a chance to fill them up, and we were going to walk for 4 days in 25 degrees Celsius), and for the next week we chatted every day about everyday stuff.

And so the day came.. bear in mind, I had only seen a few pictures of this girl, which were undoubtedly retouched to make her look as unnaturally pretty as possible, so I was delighted to see that she was, if not stunning, then at least pretty. I almost didn’t recognise her though, since she had long, red hair in most of her pictures, but a few weeks prior to our “date”, she had cut it down to about 8 cm and dyed it blonde… Damn it. I fucking adore redheads.

We said our hellos, and exchanged names, smiles and a hug before we headed over to the bus we’d take down to the small coast town. We sat next to each other and small talked, laughed about how crazy this was, and how I couldn’t believe she had agreed to it, and I remember we were the only people in the bus apart from one other guy, who was facing in the other direction. I placed my hand on her thigh, a little higher than was appropriate, in order to read her reaction, but she just smiled and kept talking. Awesome.

An hour later, we were on site. We headed down to the water, and just stood there for a while, letting it all sink in. Here we were, just a few hundred meters outside of civilisation, with a complete stranger, knowing we were unlikely to see other people for the next four days, (we did meet some, however, since we were forced to divert our course at some point), and we’ll aware of how much trust we were actually placing in each other. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, definitely strengthened by the setting sun over the clear sea on a plain sandy beach. All alone.
We only walked a few kilometers on the first day, and set up camp on the first spot we saw, that was even slightly qualified for camping – the outline of a wheat field. We built a bivuak, fastened it and cooked some basic food on the portable trangia that she had brought. (God bless the girl scouts.)
It is pretty typical for Danish beaches to have tall dunes or cliffs near the water, looking down several meters upon the actual breadth of sand, and this was no exception. This all happened four years ago, and the memory is a bit hazy. Up until this point I can’t clearly recall any of the exact words we exchanged, but this is one of the moments I remember clearly. We went down to sit at the edge of the cliff, our feet dangling, and just looked as the last light of the day disappeared over the horizon. For the second time in less than an hour, it occurred to me just how far we were from the rest of the world, and I often long to experience something like that again.

As we went back to our camp I stopped her, wrapped my arms around her shoulders and just kissed her. She didn’t hesitate for a second, but kissed me back in equal measure. (She later told me, she had been waiting for me to do that, and was starting to get curious as to whether I was going to do it at all).
I drew back, still holding her, and said the first thing that came to mind: “Mh. Nice to know, we agree on that.”
Unthought through? Yeah. Awkward? Slightly. But she just rolled her eyes and kept smiling, asking if we were going to get some sleep now. I agreed, so we packed up and unwrapped our sleeping bags.
As we laid down, wrapped in each of our bags, we kissed again, only more passionately this time, and it was obvious that we had both had the same idea about this trip prior to leaving home; – that there was no way in hell two teenagers were going to seclude themselves this way without letting loose, and it wasn’t even worth trying to fight it. We both knew we were going to have sex, but funny as it may seem, that knowing didn’t cause us to lose control and manically devour each other – instead we thrived in the inevitability, and simply took our good time, trying to extend the moment.
I scooted closer to her, pushed our covers down past our shoulders, so our stomachs could touch. She was so freaking hot.. In the literal sense. Her skin was scalding me in the night’s absence of heat, and I gasped a little as I felt her press herself into me. In the metaphorical sense of hotness, however, she was up there as well. She was very skinny, maybe even a bit too much, with the cutest little A-cup tits. Her hips, legs and butt we’re out of this world though, and I have yet to see or even dream up a finer specimen in that department.
I unhooked her bra and slid my hand down her side, feeling the softness of her skin underneath my fingers, and the goosebumps that rose on her stomach as the air rushed past her now uncovered body, combined with the shivers she was having from the touch. My hand rested on her thigh, and I looked, hypnotised, at her body in the dark, glancing at her side, and smiling when I saw the tat, that was in a way responsible for all this:
“Ah. There it is,” i whispered as I stroked my hand across her inked skin.
She laid there and let me admire her, while her hand nuzzled my hair, and the other slowly caressed her breasts. Her eyes caught mine, and I leaned back to kiss her while my hand drifted between her legs for the first time, and from the point when I touched her sex from the outside of her damp underwear, and heard her first moan, I slowly started losing my mind.

I kissed her down the cheek, neck and collarbone, while she whispered that she had extremely sensitive nipples, warning me not to bite them. She wasn’t kidding, as she yelped heartily at the touch of my tongue, and her hips all but shot upwards toward my hand. My fingers went beneath the thin layer of cloth, and started rubbing her in her entirety, and moaning softly at the feel of her wetness. She was literally leaking (Though this might have to do with the fact that she was on her period – an information she didn’t feel obliged to indulge me in until much later), and I continued to suckle and lick at her hardening nips while she writhed and moaned.
See, this is the beauty about being out in the wild – you can just let go. Erica was the loudest girl I had ever been with, which I attribute to he fact that she didn’t feel like she had to restrain herself. This meant I could read exactly what felt good for her, and what didn’t, meaning I could pleasure her in the best possible way.
At some point I convinced her to come out of her bag, and I basically ripped off her last piece of futile clothing, before kissing my way down her stomach and giving her one, long lick all the way from the skin between her puss and her butt, and up to her clit. I’ve always been pretty good at oral, (anyone who genuinely enjoys doing it eventually becomes that, I believe) and I could just play her like a violin.
I really remember thinking that I was playing music on her, seeing what sounds I could get her to say, until I let her cum, at which point her screams ceased altogether. She made a sound as if she was choking, as her body cramped and bucked, and she had to pull me away because her clip was too sensitive at this point. Once she’d calmed down, I dove back in however, determined to spoil her as much as possible. Hell, I wanted this girl to like me, and she seemed surprised, but sure didn’t mind.
She had told me earlier that she didn’t like to be fingered, but now she elaborated on that fact, and said it didn’t count when she was being eaten out at the same time. Happy to oblige, I serviced her with two of my fingers, and if I wasn’t ready to burst from horniness already (hint: I was), the feeling of her wet, textured, smooth tightness around my fingers definitely brought me a little closer to heaven. It wasn’t long before she came again, this time tearing spacetime in two with a sequence of loud squeals, and pulled me up to kiss her, and whispering in between kisses that she wanted me. I asked if I should find a condom, but she (bless her), told me that wouldn’t be an issue. To those of you wondering, in reference to the title – no, I did not knock her up on the first night.

I angled myself and pushed into her, savoring and treasuring every single millimeter of her tightness, while we both sighed solemnly, and just wrapped ourselves in each other, arms, legs, lips, everything, just turning into this unified, loving, thrusting mass.
I didn’t last long. I don’t think I had ever been so turned on, and when she told me it was okay, that she wanted me to cum in her, I came so hard my entire body shuddered and shook. I had never felt anything like it, ans have only experienced an orgasm like that a few times since.. Every part of my body shimmered and tickled, my toes curled up, and I’m pretty sure I roared like a retarded moose out of sheer ecstasy.
Afterwards, we laid there kissing and petting for a while. Her eyes gleamed in the soft light, and I slipped out of her. I probably should have warned her that I was gonna do so though, because she gasped, and quickly hopped out of the bivuak, saying something about it being my fault if there’s cum on her sleeping bag now.
She went behind a tree to pee, and I just laid there, smiling stupidly until she returned, and straddled me. She kissed me, and crawled down, kissing along the way, and ultimately giving me the best blowjob I had had at the time. She didn’t let me cum however, and honestly I just wanted to fuck her again – I’ve never cared much for blowjobs.
Luckily she crawled up on top of me again soon enough, and guided my dick back inside of her, riding me with a hefty ferocity from the first stroke. Another thing I’ve never liked much is being ridden, since most girls just bounce up and down, which I guess works for them, but it usually just knocks the air out of my lungs and the blood out of my dick.. Erica was something different though, and I fucking loved it. Her upper body was completely still during most of the ordeal, while her hips rocked back and forth in a motion acutely similar to the one I would make if I had been on top, fucking her. It’s hard to describe it in any other way, but it felt fucking fantastic, and at some point she clenched her vaginal muscles hard around me, almost bringing me to the edge.

It should be mentioned that I had been lying on my back haflway outside of the bivuak when she had returned, and as such I had this stunning view of a beautiful girl giving me the only ride I had ever felt confident would bring me to orgasm, while I had a clear night’s sky as background, showered with stars without any nearby city to provide light pollution. I know all of this sound too good to be true, but I’m not kidding, it just was that perfect, and I doubt I’ll ever forget that night. It was like being in a dream, honestly, and when we finally came, we did so at the same time, her pussy cramping around me as I shot whatever cum was left inside of her. We crept back into our separate sleeping bags and dozed off (we didn’t realise until the day after, that it was possible to zip them together).

The rest of the hike went well, with a lot of hilarious encounters. On the last night we set up camp on a small field of grass, fucking our brains out, and I commanded her to scream “FUCK ME” as loud as she literally could, which she did, cause.. who would hear? We didnt notice until the morning, that we were in the corner of an Agility track (a place to train dogs), which was full of people by the time we got up.. The mostly elderly people happily greeted us, and they were very interested in knowing why we were there, and thought the story of how we met was adorable… If only they’d known.

We ended up dating, and moving in together. After a year and a half, we had a child, but a year after that, it didn’t work out between us. Our daughter is two and a half years old now, and although we’re no longer lovers, she’s still one of the most valuable people of my life, and we see each other often.

I hope you liked the story, and I’ll probably return in the future with some of my other experiences :)



  1. Amazing story, something out of a movie. I have to ask, you ever think of trying to fix things up?

  2. So she was having her period during this? You went down on her, played with her, manipulated her, had sex and she was worried about a little cum on her sleeping bag?

  3. “I roared like a retarded moose.”

    I must integrate this phrase into my lexicon of regular conversation. LOL. LOL. LOL. Well done.

  4. “She would know a few things about pitching a tent……
    And starting fires.”
    Sorry found that whole line funnier than it probably was meant to be. Good story though!

  5. Yeah, you like that, you fucking retarded moose?

    (I’m so, so sorry, I couldn’t help myself.)

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