[F/M] Power Reversal: She Squirted in My Face

I’ll always remember the girl who came in my face several times in one night. It’s funny, because I initially wasn’t attracted to her. Sure, we often flirted at work, but practically everyone at the restaurant flirted with one another. She just wasn’t my type. I was the type to go home and read books while she went out to party. To me, our interactions were fun, but nothing more.

I was in a relationship, but when my girlfriend and I broke up, she wasted no time expressing interest in me. She asked me out to a bar when we got out of work one night. I agreed, mainly because my previous plans for the night involved camping out in front of a TV screen, searching for heart pieces in the *Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess*. A rebound fuck was just what I needed.

I hate to sound cocky, because in reality, I’m an average looking guy, but I *knew* this girl wanted me. She was hot, but I didn’t find her intellectually stimulating. Personally, I value an adventurous mind over a hot body, but as it turned out, I was judging a book by its cover.

She bought me round after round, eventually inviting me back to her apartment. She held my hand as we walked, which I found humorous. She talked about a future for the two of us. In my head, I was like, “Slow the fuck down. You know I just got out of a relationship. I’m not about to enter another.” Of course, I wasn’t going to say that to her face, so I held on to her hand and enjoyed the ride.

Her room was lit by several candles. I remember reading in sex advice books that in order to reach orgasm, many women need the right type of atmosphere. What I never expected was how much that atmosphere would heighten my arousal.

Her room was private yet inviting. Immediately, I knew I was in a trusting environment. What could’ve been a drunken fling ended up being personal and romantic. It felt like we were making love. Her room truly set the tone for the night.

“We’re not gonna have sex, okay?”

The tables had turned. She was calling the shots. Gone was the perky and cheery personality, replaced by a mature, seductive one. I found myself in awe.

It dawned on me how was lucky I was to be in this situation. I told myself to take full of advantage of it. I kissed her neck and ran my hand underneath her tank top straps, only to pull them back up. I took my time kissing her, letting her know how appreciative I was that she was letting me explore her. I listened to her breathing to see what she liked. I teased her but made sure not to overdo it.

“Do you like it when I kiss you like that?” I legitimately wanted to know what turned her on. She quietly moaned her approval. I pressed my lips against the back of her neck and removed her top.

Everything blended together so perfectly – from the candle aroma to the softness of the light. Even her bra added to her beauty. I kept it on and took my sweet time admiring her, savoring the opportunity of feeling her breasts, softly kissing around her collarbone. I could only imagine getting the opportunity to go down on her.

Other times when I had gone down on women, it was an act of foreplay. With her, it was the goal. I knew she wasn’t going to have sex with me, but I was okay with that.

I ran my tongue up her thighs, stopping at the leg bands of her panties. Instead of going the expected route, I caressed her legs.

I wanted to *prove* to her that I would do anything for her. I wanted to worship every piece of her. And so, I kissed her legs with all the passion I could conjure.

“I’ve never had a guy kiss my legs like that.” She clearly liked it.

When she couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled me in with her thighs. Her instructions were clear: “Tonight is about me, okay? Show me how selfless you can be.”

I hardly said a word for hours. While caressing her breasts, I gently pressed my lips against her labia. I explored her in every way possible – sometimes licking her clockwise, sometimes side to side. I occasionally teased her clit with a soft kiss and brush of the tongue. I couldn’t get enough of her.

She also couldn’t get enough: she shot her cum all over my face. I swallowed as much as I could. I was shocked because I had no idea she could squirt. I loved seeing the physical evidence of her orgasm. There were no guessing games. I wanted to do it again.

With her eyes shut, she let out, “Oh God… Stop. That was great. Just give me a minute.” She kept her legs wrapped around my head. I laid there silently, letting the moment sink in. I could’ve had my hands tied behind my back and it wouldn’t have made a difference. I loved the position I was in and I had no intention of leaving it.

When she pulled me in closer, I inserted my tongue as deep as it could go. I couldn’t believe the innocent hostess from work came all over my face. In my mind, it was a power reversal. Hours earlier, I wasn’t taking her seriously, but here I was making her cum with my mouth while my pleasure was completely ignored.

My favorite part of sex is discovering new turn-ons. I was never that interested in going down on women, but she tasted so good that I could’ve eaten her out every night for the rest of my life. I also loved the power dynamic, in that she was getting hers and not worrying about mine. Finally, I couldn’t get over how sexually confident she was despite being in her early 20s. I was older than her and still not at her level of comfort.

Lots of guys fantasize about taking a girl’s virginity. To me, nothing could be less appealing. She confidently expressed what she liked so there were no hesitations or mixed signals. Despite having several years of experience at this point, she was teaching me what it meant to be a great lover.

She came a second time, releasing more cum in the process. I licked everywhere I could, trying to clean her up. Even the front of my hair was wet. I couldn’t wait for a third round, which is funny, because I usually lose interest in sex after forty five minutes or so. With her, my interest never waned.

If I had fucked her, that would’ve been it. I would’ve gotten mine and in all likelihood, passed out shortly after. Instead, she was keeping me on a leash, making sure the both of us continued to build up instead of crash.

I got a brief look at the bed after she got up to use the restroom. At this point, she came three times and I was curious to see what the sheets looked like. Turned out, I was laying in a puddle of her cum. Unlike guy’s cum which is pretty gross if left unattended, her’s smelled sweet. I pressed my face against the sheets, bathing in her scent.

I made a pathetic attempt at getting her to touch my dick. I guided her hand to it only to be brushed off. We both realized my mistake, so she guided my head back between her legs.

I ended up losing count of how many times she orgasmed. If I remember correctly, I ate her out for over three hours and she orgasmed at least five times.

So it turned out, I didn’t have her wrapped around my finger. In fact, it was the complete opposite. At no point did she even consider getting me off. Sure, she might have been uncomfortable having sex with me on our first night together, but she could have returned the favor and gone down on me. The truth was, she didn’t care. The fact that I’m writing a story about this experience years later shows I was completely fine with her mindset.

The next morning, I woke up and got us breakfast. By the time I got back, she was showered and dressed. I didn’t even get to see her in her panties (I love seeing a woman walk around in her underwear while getting ready). I figured it just went along with our newly found power dynamic: *I was the sex object, there for her gratification.”

“Aww, you got me breakfast!” Her tone let me know that from now on, I’d be making desperate bids for her approval.

And that’s how it was. I mean, she was in her early 20s and clearly not ready to have a serious relationship with anyone. It wouldn’t have worked for me either, considering I had just gotten out of a relationship. Down the line, when I hooked up with other women, I tried to replicate the experience I shared with her, but it didn’t work out. Either they were more into penetrative sex than oral, or they felt bad when I didn’t get off.

I think that’s what I liked so much about *her*: she didn’t care if I got off. In a way, it was like a gender role reversal. You always hear stories about that d-bag guy who gets off while his girlfriend doesn’t (e.g. gets a blowjob and cums in her face). In my situation, it was the opposite, but I loved it. It made me desire her more. “You’re never going to fuck me, but you can eat me out if I let you.”

We went back to being friendly co-workers who occasionally flirted with one another. Only now, I was the one anxiously awaiting her attention, hopeful that she would give me another chance. It never happened. Years later, I still wake up horny,from time-to-time, thinking about her scent and how she repeatedly came in my face, completely indifferent to my cock.

**Hope y’all enjoyed. I wrote the story over the course of a few days as I remembered the details. I didn’t have anyone edit it so I apologize if there’s any grammatical errors. Feel free to point them out!.**

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/474h6i/fm_power_reversal_she_squirted_in_my_face


  1. This was outstanding! I would love for a woman to just let me go down on her, and do whatever she wants me to do. Great story

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