First Threesome m/f/f

So it was a usual Friday night and I decided to chill with a couple of friends and smoke a bowl. They came to pick me up and we smoked till we got to this scenic place in the city. Kinda like a make out cliff. We smoke there for a while when they started to laugh uncontrollably. They were stoned. I didn’t feel much except for being sleepy with me being in the backseat. I see the first girl, Tiffany, lean over to the second, Rachel, and whisper in her ear. I had no idea what was going on so I just kept chilling. Then Tiffany looked back to me “You wanna see something cool?” I didn’t know what to expect but too sleepy to be interested I said sure. She started to pull Rachel to her and they started to make out first slow then faster. I could hear them both moan and see their hands wonder their bodies. and Tiffany started to bite Rachel’s neck. Their both about the same body type. Not big but have curves with large chests. After that subsided she packed another bowl. My blood was rushing straight down. She took a hit and kissed Rachel again. They both got pretty good hits. She looked over to me “You wanna try it?” I agreed obviously. She climbed into the back and took another and we started to make out getting pretty good hits ourselves with some tongue in the middle of it all. Then she started to climb onto my lap and we started to make out more.
Now I could understand Rachel and I have been talking for a while and confessed we both wanted to fuck around. But I barley knew Tiffany and she was biting her lip watching. Rachael got off and Tiffany jumped onto me. Me and Tiffany started to make out and she bite at my neck which was a new one to me but I returned the favor. After a while Tiffany and Rachael started to make out with each other while laying on me with a stray hand slowly caressing my dick. I still don’t know who’s hand it was. Then Rachel whispered to Tiffany and they kissed and she turned to me “We wanna see you on top…” Posting part two tomorrow



  1. Downvoted for karma fishing expedition.

    Just tell the damned story. It’s not a popularity contest.

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