Exploring Nora F4F Part 2 [Series]

Thanks for the support reddit !

Catch the first instalment here:-



Life continued as normal after the party and neither of us could bare to speak about it to one another for fear of the other making an admission of regret. We continued to socialise as if the actions that took place some months ago hadn’t happened and as if we hadn’t held each other so intently. As if we hadn’t wanted to fuck each others brains out that night. We moved as strangers along side each other, almost like ghosts. I began to believe that it hadn’t happened and as the months ticked by I was convinced that the whole thing had been a figment of my imagination.

A friend of mine has a wonderful flat in the heart of the city. You can see the cities skyline from the lounge and it’s interior is as upmarket as one might expect in such an elite city. He threw a party at his plush bachelor pad on a summer evening in August of the same year. Our friends are close and there are around 25 of us; all of us had been invited to this party and we were all excited. Nora was going to be there. I work at a snooker bar in a different town and unfortunately I was scheduled to work that night. I was annoyed but I figured I wouldn’t miss much and I would roll up to the party later.

The shift felt like an eternity and I believed that I may miss the party all together. I became increasingly annoyed with each customer that i served as I was desperate to leave! Alas, it was Saturday night and the men wanted their beer serving and unfortunately I was at their peril, as was my social life. At around 12pm I was finally let go and I raced home to make myself presentable.

I eventually rocked up at the party and I was welcomed to the hub of activity warmly by my friends. I had stopped by the shops and bought some tequila, I peer pressured just about everybody I knew at the party to have a shot and I soon forgot that I had been at work. I clocked Nora across the room wearing a black lace dress, it was long sleeved and it just covered her bum cheeks. My stomach flipped and I suddenly felt exposed like a rabbit in the headlights. I made my way to the fridge and opened another corona before tackling the rest of the tequila. I’m a force to be reckoned with when I have a bit of dutch courage and a dose of that was just what I needed. I ignored Nora, I wanted her to make the first move and I wanted to know if she had the same need to seek me out as i did her. She did.

After an agonising hour passed by, she approached me. I was mid conversation and more beers than I can count deep. I felt her arms wrap around my waist and her cold nose press into my back. I felt her body pressed against mine and I closed my eyes as I felt her chest rise against my back as she inhaled my scent. I turned round and she ducked under my right arm. ‘Hi’ she breathed as she looked up at me with her beautiful doe eyes. I answered her as coolly as I possibly could whilst she squeezed me tight with her arms still wrapped around my waist. I made my excuses and darted away, the energy between us was too intense and I needed another beer.

Despite the apartment being luxurious, it was rather chilly and when I returned to the lounge with my beer, I sat on the floor with my back against the wall next to a heater. Nora approached and sat down too. She pressed her legs together and wrapped her arms around them to warm herself up. Her head lay on her arms so she could look at me. I patted the floor, gesturing for her to come closer. She moved and placed herself between my legs with her back to me. She lay on me and I wrapped my arms around her, nuzzling her neck. She smelt as she always did and her spell was cast on me. A friend of ours approached and asked Nora whether she wanted to come outside for a cigarette. Nora declined and said that she was where she needed to be. She pulled my arms around her tighter and she loudly exhaled. ‘I missed you’ she said. ‘I missed you too’ I replied and then I cursed her for letting the months pass by. She apologised and said that her feelings hadn’t changed and she constantly wondered where I was too. I appreciated the fuck out of her whilst she sat with me so closely and I didn’t think I would ever be able to let her go. No sooner had this thought crossed my mind before she wriggled out of my grasp to visit the ladies room.

The night continued and the parties buzz grew louder as dawn approached. The house music we had all taken a fancy to was thumping so loud it was as if it was beating in our chests. The narcotics got passed round and people began to decide what they needed in order the carry on until the morning. Nora and I continued to socialise but we weren’t alone. We had to settle for the occasional hug when we crossed paths so we could release some of that tension. It only increased it.
I noticed one of our male friends approach Nora. As usual he was off his face on ecstasy and he had a lot of love. He picked her up easily with his burley arms and her dress rode up. I saw him whisper in her ear and she giggled. He paid her sufficient enough attention for my jealousy to pang but I pretended not to notice. He later marched over and told me how he would like to see her compromised on all fours with her arse in the air ready for the taking. I nipped him and told him that she was mine. She really was and he knew it, but he continued to cruelly tease me.

The party began to die down and at around 4am and people began to leave. I had arranged to stay at my friends house for ease and I knew Nora had similar plans. I banked on this for most of the evening and this was the reason that I hadn’t sought her out as desperately as I would have if I knew she was due to leave at any moment. The problem is with Nora, is that she is rather unreliable and she has often let me down by changing plans or failing to come to parties that she would normally expected to be at. It’s something I am now used to but at this point when she let me down it was hard not to be angry at her because I felt like I needed my dose of her. If she denied me, it frustrated me further. I had patiently waited all this time, I felt like she owed me. I needed some affection or some words to cling onto until our next encounter, it was what I deserved. Inevitably i heard her call across the room to one of our friends to say that she was almost ready to go and my heart skipped a beat knowing that she was soon to slip away from me for another unknown period of time.

A few people remained at the party and they congregated on the couches in the far corner. Some had passed out from over indulgence and others were getting ready to. The remainder of our friends were smoking outside and i thought Nora was too when i waltzed into the kitchen to overindulge a little further myself. She was perched on the counter in the kitchen sipping from her red party cup. Her eyes appeared glassy the way they often do when she’s a little worse for wear. Her makeup was smudged after a long night of partying but she was still the only one I wanted. We made eye contact and we suddenly felt as if were at the centre of the universe; as if everything was gravitating around us. It was tense and exciting all at the same. She beckoned me over with her dirty eyes and I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
I knew in that moment that I had managed to steal a moment with her and I approached her with all the urgency I would have earlier on in the evening if I’d have known that she wasn’t staying. As I moved towards her, one of those female vocal house tunes graced the surround sound system and the tension in the room strained further. The bass was throbbing and the woman on the track let out all kinds of breathy moans, the types of moans I wanted Nora to make as she gave herself to me.

After what felt like an eternity I reached her on the work top. She parted her legs slightly so I could fit between them and she grinned at me with those fuck me eyes she liked to sport. My hands found her hips and I smiled back. She placed her hands flat on the counter top as if to steady herself and she leaned forward. I asked her if she thought about the last party and she shut her eyes whilst telling me that she almost couldn’t bare to think about it. She proceeded to divulge before slightly hesitating and telling me that it made her wet just thinking about it. I had heard all I needed to and my lips found hers. Our hands found all of those comforting places that only women can find and our make out session ensued.

I remembered she was due to leave and I knew I wouldn’t be happy if that’s how we were going to leave things. I mustered all of the confidence I could from the alcohol I had drank that evening and my hands moved from her hips and onto her thighs. She groaned as I did so and I knew I wasn’t stopping. I started to trace circles on her thighs with my thumbs whilst firmly grasping her thighs with the rest of my hands. I eventually moved my thumbs to her inner thighs before gradually moving upwards to the base of her dress. She locked eyes with me when she knew my intention and her eyes pleaded with me. My hands pushed up her skirt so she was exposed on the counter and i spread her legs so i could see her lacey pants. My thumbs found the very tops of her thighs and I teased her even more. My right thumb grazed her knickers and I was pleased to find that they were damp and I had turned her on to the point where she was soaking her knickers with her lust for me. It was in that moment that I whispered in her ear that I was desperate to taste her, her only response was to bite her lip.

I continued to move my thumb up and down her wet knickers before moving them to the side to expose everything I wanted to see of her. I was hungry for her pussy and I wanted to taste her immediately. I moved my index finger up and down her feeling her wetness and pulling my finger away slightly to see the fine strings of her excitement follow my finger. She whimpered as I began to flick my finger up and down her wet cunt quicker and quicker. I slowed my finger starting at the base of her and taking forever to reach the top of her to find her clit. I moved my finger back and forth over it and she moaned like the house mix that had been on before.

I was feeling just as horny and I could feel the dampness building between my legs. With every ounce of me that needed her I moved my finger away from her clit and i took one last look at her beautiful cunt which was puckering for a fuck, before burying my two fingers deep inside of her. They slid in with ease and she bucked against me on the counter moving closer so I could fuck her even harder with my fingers. Her legs were spread wide and I knew she was mine as I fucked her hard. My efforts were mirrored by her body rocking against my hand. I changed rhythms and I gaged her needs based on her panting and whimpering. Her breath got heavier and her arms wrapped around my shoulders, her legs followed and they encircled mine. She was holding on like a monkey as I bore my fingers deep inside her over and over again.

It’s always nice to tease so I denied her my fingers and removed them from inside of her. She was at my mercy and I wanted her to beg. She groaned as I once again focused my efforts on her clit and I built up her orgasm so it was mine for the taking when I entered her again. Without any warning I was inside of her and I fucked her along to every bass drop the current music was providing. I could tell she was close to climax so I gave her my all. She cried out and I knew I had done myself proud. She shivered and twitched in the way that girls do when it’s all too much. She came and she came hard, the evidence was on my fingers. I looked her in the eyes and we kissed desperately once more. I knew the moment would soon be gone so I threw her back the filthy look she had given me before and I put my fingers to my mouth. She knew what I was going to do and I did it slowly. I tasted Nora’s pussy on my fingers and I sucked each finger slowly to savour her. It was salty and sweet.

We smiled at each other as we came down from the euphoria. The moment quick ly evaporated as she was done with me. She was spent and she had got what she needed. We both transformed back into friends and we both laughed at what had just unfolded. We both admitted that we were like magnets, desperately drawn to one another and the feeling was hypnotic. She clambered off the counter and we both cleaned up. Our friend popped her head in the kitchen and alerted Nora to the fact that their cab had arrived. Nora tottered over and held me close, she pressed her nose and lips against mine and we inhaled each other before she left for the cab.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/46aq21/exploring_nora_f4f_part_2_series


  1. Very hot! I love it when people take the time to give all the non sexual details, it really helps with the immersion. Awesome story and thanks for taking the time to reply to all of us in the original thread so we knew this was here, you rock OP! It’s too bad you didn’t get yours this round though, poor girl.

  2. That was fucking great, It felt like I was there to see it happen. Now I want more!!!! >Boner alert<

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