The Apartment Complex Pt.1

We lived in an apartment complex when we were first married and my husband liked to take photos of me outside when he thought no one was looking. Turned out some in the nearby apartments did look, not at first, but happened to be home one time when we didn’t know it. The other thing I didn’t notice was that the way the apartments were built along a curved creek bed so the ones next to us either direction were not lined up but the patios and decks could see pretty well down the inside of the curve.

From before we were married my husband was always open about encouraging me to play around if I found someone that was interesting. He was attracted to me by my sexually open attitude and enjoyment of sex and wanted it to keep going even after we were married. He persuaded me to pose for increasingly revealing photos until I was very comfortable with being naked and being naked in front of a camera. Since moving into the apartment he had me pose out on the patio behind the building and occasionally would tie me to the posts holding up the deck for the apartment above. We had never seen anyone else outside when we did these photos but figured there had to be sometimes when others would be outside and see me naked. It was thrilling and scary at the same time knowing I could be seen by others.

He had moved his classic motorcycle around to the back of the apartment on the patio and wanted to take some photos of me on the cycle. We took a few and then went back inside to play around since taking photos always turns us both on.

Apartment 1

Another weekend the weather made it a nice time to do some new outside photos. As an additional thrill I had heard the guy upstairs come home earlier and my imagination started to run wild. My husband took me out on the patio and had me pose on the motorcycle for some photos then tied me to the posts and after taking more photos of me tied suddenly went back inside saying he wanted to see if anyone walked by with me exposed like that.

Apartment 2

Shortly after he went inside I heard the neighbor come out on the deck and saw him look down. He said he would be right down. I heard his door close and him come down the steps and soon was standing right in front of me looking me over pretty good. It was embarrassing and exciting at the same time. He walked around behind me and stood for a little bit then I felt his hand on my ass gently caressing. He reached around and grabbed my tits from behind and began fondling and squeezing and it felt good. I must have moaned and he said, “so you like being touched by a stranger?” which I answered “yes”. I could feel him pressing into me and his erection against my ass. It felt pretty good. He did that for a short time then came back around to the front and bent down to suck on my nipples and quickly ran his fingers through my pubic hair slightly touching my clit. Then he said he had to go to work but would see me again. I told him that would be fun and he left. I was so hot and excited that when my husband came out to get me I practically attacked him on the patio and he dragged me back inside and we fucked wildly with the patio door open still. Little did I know at the time but other neighbors had seen what was going on and had walked by while we were having sex on the floor.

When we had finished sex in the living room, my husband asked me why I was so wild so I told him about the upstairs neighbor. He thought it was the hottest thing he had heard and was a bit surprised I didn’t make more noise than I did because he hadn’t heard much of what was going on outside.

A few days later my husband was out polishing his motorcycle on the back patio when a neighbor from several apartments away walked by and stopped to talk with him. He was talking about the motorcycle for a little bit then out of the blue said that he wanted to thank my husband for the show the other day. Not really catching on at the time my husband ask him what he was talking about. The guy said that he had been sitting out on his patio 3 apartments up the hill and had wondered what my husband was taking photos of a few days ago. He moved his chair to the end of the patio and realized he could see me naked tied to the poles on our patio. My husband asked him what he saw. He said he could plainly see the upstairs neighbor come out onto the deck above and noticing me down below, lean out over the railing and appear to be talking. Then he saw the neighbor go back into his apartment then reappear below next to me and start caressing me. He could see it all from where he was sitting.

My husband was excited and worried at the same time and prodded him for more information. He told my husband that he saw him come out and untie me shortly after the other guy had gone and saw us go back into the apartment but not close the door. That made him curious and he got up and walked down by our door where he could see through the opening. He said he saw us fucking and that I was extremely hot. He told my husband that he was a lucky man. My husband agreed and thanked him for the compliment and for not turning us into the apartment manager. He said not to worry that this block of apartments were cool, and would never do something like that especially if it happened more often and more of the tenants got to see me naked now and then. My husband said that could be arranged and if he was around on Sunday morning early weather permitting, we would be taking more photos so it would be another good show time. He thanked my husband for the information and ambled back to his apartment.

When I got home later that evening, my husband told me about the other neighbor seeing everything and being curious to see more. I was very excited by the possibility of having someone else see me and told my husband that we should do it again soon. He said we would and went back to polishing the bike and smiling.

A couple of days later came Sunday morning and it was a tad on the cool side but not overly so. My husband asked if I wanted to go out and pose for some pics again and I said I would. He said great, lets do it now! I said it was a bit cool and he said that I could start out dressed and that he could take pics of me that way for a while till I felt like getting undressed. I agreed but told him I had to eat first so we went out and had a quick breakfast then came back to the apartment. I noticed the upstairs neighbor’s car was there in the lot when we pulled up along with a couple of cars I didn’t know.

I started to get really excited thinking of last week and the encounter I had with the cute guy upstairs. I think I was hoping it would happen again this week but trying not to get my hopes up too high. We went into the apartment and my husband told me to get some sexy outfit on and we would go out and take some photos. I picked out one that I knew he liked but that would come off easily when he wanted me naked. I was getting pretty excited thinking about being outside where anyone who walked by could see me, though rarely anyone walked behind the apartments.

There was just woods about 30 yards behind the apartment and a small creek ran through it part of the year. Farther, about 200 yards away thru the woods was another part of the apartment complex. During the winter when the leaves were off the trees you could see those apartments well but when the trees were leafed out they were pretty well hidden.

We went outside through our patio door and began to take photos in various poses. The more we did it the hotter it got and I got more excited with each pose. Finally he told me to start taking off pieces of my lingerie. He took photos of every move I made and finally I was naked on our patio but not really visible, so I thought. He continued to take more photos and talk to me about what I was doing and how I felt about it. He asked me if I was feeling bolder. He always would stand out behind the apartment and take the photos back toward it so I was under the cover of the patio. He began to walk toward me until he got right up to me and said “I want you to walk to the woods and back for me”. I was a bit startled by this as I was completely naked, no shoes, nothing! He said “no one is out at this time and won’t see you do it.” I thought some more then said “yes”.

He sat on the motorcycle and told me to go ahead and walk normally out to the woods, bend over and pick one of the wild flowers, then turn round and come back. I did as I was told, as I always did and always wanted to do.

The first step into the grass with my bare feet sent chills up my back from the excitement of no longer being under the cover of the patio. I took my time not looking around and concentrated on the flowers so when I got to them I would know which one I was going to pick. I was extremely excited by the feeling of the sun on my naked body and the thought of walking out in the open where anyone looking out of their patio doors could see me. Normally on Sunday not many people were home in our area so I figured no one would see me. As I got to the flowers I saw the one I wanted and picked it. I bent to pick it and could hear the sound of the camera as my husband took photos of me bent over. I turned around and smelled the flower facing my husband and began to walk back confidently to the patio. I could see up and down the line of apartments which followed the woods and could see 10 or 12 in each direction. No one was visible on the patios.

As I got closer to our patio I saw the upstairs door was open and inside it I could see the neighbor I had seen the last time we did this. I stopped for a minute, surprised and worry flashed through me but then I knew he had seen me before and done nothing so I began walking again , throwing out my chest proudly and walked directly to my husband. When I was just about to the patio, I looked up and was shocked to see there were 2 other guys looking out the door with the upstairs neighbor. I saw them smile just before I got under their deck and my husband stopped taking photos.

He was extremely pleased that I was able to do what he had asked and took some very nice photos. He asked me if I wanted him to tie me up to the posts for a little bit like he had done last Sunday.

Apartment 2

I said yes so he tied me up and told me he was going inside for about half an hour. He went in but left the patio door open but closed the curtains. I was standing naked outside on our patio tied, helpless and exposed and I was loving it. I have been somewhat of an exhibitionist for a while and my husband promotes it in me and has made me even bolder than I was building my confidence up with encouragement, love and the wonderful photos he takes. After just a couple of minutes I heard footfalls coming down the steps in the breezeway between apartments. Just then the upstairs neighbor came around the corner and stopped to stare at me. Right behind him were his two friends and they stared as well. I stared right back and proudly threw out my chest feeling my tits bounce in the process.

The neighbor was the first one to speak when he stepped on the patio and said “we haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Paul.” And he reached out a hand and grabbed one of my erect nipples and shook it! I could see over his shoulder that his friends had surprised looks on their faces even more so than when the first saw me standing there. I stammered but then pulled it together and said it was nice meeting him as well but who are the other 2. He introduced them as Ron and Steven and they both drew closer. I said I would have shaken something but I was a bit tied up at the moment. They all laughed nervously but continued to stare at me. Paul came closer and began to rub his hands on my body while looking me square in the eye. He could see from my reactions that I was enjoying the sensations of his hands on me.

He moved around to the back and rubbed my ass a lot. I guessed he was an ass man. Then reached around and cupped by tits, rolling my nipples between his fingers. He then offered my tits to his friends saying, “here, take one”. They hesitated at first then came closer each choosing a nipple to pull and play with, squeezing my tit while trying not to look at me. I was getting really excited from all this attention and little moans were escaping from my open mouth. I had closed my eyes and was leaning my head back when I felt first one mouth then another on my nipples. I looked down to see that both friends had taken one for themselves and were starting to suck as if trying to get milk from them. I have very sensitive nipples and they were beginning to get to me.

Meanwhile behind me, Paul had dropped his shorts and was pressing his hard cock against the crack of my ass. I felt him spit down between my cheeks so he could wet them in a degrading, but very hot way. (I knew from this action that he was going to be more dominant and if we ever went farther than today would control me as he saw fit. What’s more I knew I would want to do as he said!) I could feel the spit flowing between my cheeks and I heard him spit again to add to the flow. Shortly I felt him press his cock between my cheeks and begin to stroke up and down sliding between them in the spit, making it very slick. I pressed back against him as he slid up and down the crack of my ass all the while feeling the two friends sucking my nipples.

I felt Paul reach around and start to pull me closer and felt his hand rub against my bush. Then I felt him reach a finger down below the trim and touch my lips. He pushed a finger in and touched my clit lightly, letting his up and down motion slide his finger along with it. The friends heard my moan from the touch and stopped sucking and looked up. I opened my eyes and said to them urgently, “ Don’t stop!” and they jumped back to work on my nipples. In my mind, I know my husband is hearing this just on the other side of the curtain so he has a good idea of what is going on but has done nothing to stop it. I know that if he hears our secret word then he will stop the action though. In any case the sucking on my nipples and the gentle touch on my clit was building my orgasm up fast. Paul was moving faster between my ass cheeks and suddenly let out a low grunt and I felt my back get wet from something splashing then felt it dripping down on my ass as he stopped moving and removed his hand suddenly. I felt him pull away and tell the friends to stop, that they needed to get going if they were going to make the ball game. They sheepishly looked at me as they started to move away and thanked me for the show. I heard Paul pull up his pants and then he moved around to face me. He watched me squirm trying to complete my orgasm with nothing to rub on and said, “That was fun, but you owe me”. I said that he owed me more and “what did I owe him?” Then I heard myself almost plead with him to rub my clit just a little more, but he smiled and said, “maybe another time” and he bent to kiss my neck and they were gone.

After I heard their steps drift away and the car start, I heard my husband say, “sounded like you enjoyed that”, and he opened the curtains and looked at my ass noticing the cum dripping down onto the patio floor. “looked like Paul had a nice big load for you and he just left you dripping.” I said “I guess and please let me loose and finish what they started.” He let my hands go and I practically jumped on him and pushed him back into the apartment where we again fucked like mad. I came so fast with him it was amazing and continued to have several more orgasms all the while enjoying his cock but thinking of what had just happened. I think that is what he wanted me to do anyway!

Continued if desired.



  1. Desired is not even close to what I would say I am experiencing. Can’t wait for the next installment.

  2. Great story, please continue. Can you post the pictures of you picking the flower?

  3. This is sexy and well written. I hate to call fake but the women in your 2 stories look nothing like each other.

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