Sex at an Anime Convention, Part 2 [m22/f19]

[aka, The Time I Gave Rey Six Orgasms in Under an Hour]

Sorry about the long gap between chapters. As I said before, I’ve never written anything like this so I’m quite self conscious about it. I spent a lot of time rewriting it and then tidying it up. Also, this one is much longer but I hope completely worth it. Please let me know what you think in the comments, and more specifically give me any pointers you think I can learn from. I’m enjoying writing these, but I’m still not really sure if I’m doing them well. So…

When last we left off, I’d just fucked the hell out of my girlfriend, Rey, dressed as Sailor Jupiter at an anime convention. That night, she slept in her room with her friends (who were quite prude and would have raised too many eyebrows if she stayed with me) and I stayed in my room with my friends (who were secretly-not-so-secretly hooking up in the next bed). In all honesty, between running around in the wee hours to get everyone together for the convention, getting settled at the convention, running around the convention, and then fucking at the end of the day had me pretty tired so I went to sleep pretty easily to the sounds of poorly masked gasps.

The next day was much more of the same at the convention. I’d been to cons before and had a good time, but this one seemed fairly one dimensional. In the end, that just left me more time to dwell on my highly erotic new relationship with Rey, who today was dressed like Anna from Frozen.

At the time I was only 22, and though I’d slept with a handful of women, none of them were as feral as Rey in bed. I prided myself (and still do) on being able to adapt to what my partner likes, to giving in fully to their desires and making their fantasies come true. I got off on them getting off. Typically, that meant prolonged bouts, sometimes harder, sometimes softer, some light bondage, and the occasional anal experiment. I got pretty good at going down on women and developed endurance that has been periodically described as “too long” to people who I didn’t routinely sleep with.

Rey was a different case all together. She liked to be fucked. Hard. As hard as humanly possible. That alone was new, but the sheer ferocity that she required (and dealt out) was astounding. A sure way to make her cum was holding her hands behind her back while mercilessly fucking her, pulling her hair, digging my nails in all the way down her back. And she would send it right back, covering me in bite marks and raking her nails down my back. I’m not joking when I say that almost every day I would have bloody scratch marks on my back and ruined a handful of shirts that way. I actually have scars from some of her more intense orgasms.

Needless to say, this was all running through my mind as we wandered the vendor halls (again) and went to poorly put together panels (again). Her being dressed like a danish country girl in the winter didn’t give me too much to work with, but I had by this point accumulated a vast library of past experiences and future endeavors to be planned.

At some point after dinner, our two groups went separate ways for one reason or another. She went back up to her room with her roommates who wouldn’t allow boys in, and I went to the local bar to meet with some friends who lived in the neighborhood.

What I failed to mention so far was that on saturday night at this con, there’s a rave. I’d never been to a rave, and had never really been one for dancing either. Not that I don’t enjoy it, I’m just really no good at it. When I saw Rey outside of the dance hall, all of that disappeared. She was wearing a neon trimmed pair of black yoga shorts which made her very fit ass look amazing, a bright blue sports bra which was probably too revealing to be effective, a neon blue and pink wig, and a handful of glow sticks about her. I could have been made to dress like little Bo Peep and counted myself lucky to be at this rave. We weren’t even in the building and I’d already had a hundred thoughts about what I’d love to do to her. But, as it was, the rave was Rey’s favorite part of the con, so leaving early was out of the question.

Like I said, I’ve been to cons before, and I’m always amazed at how social people can be once they know that they’re part of a community. I wouldn’t think an anime convention would be the place to see people gyrating on strangers, but there were about a thousand of them doing just that. The rave itself was amateur at best, but they had the prerequisite loud bumping music, fog machines, and lasers, so it was enough to get awkward people looking to get laid to groove.

Knowing what’s up, Rey immediately pulled me as deep into the front of the crowd as we could go. At a metal concert this would have been the mosh pit, but with techno music it somehow just became a massive grind fest. As if she couldn’t get any more amazing, Rey knew exactly how to dance. In a sea of bodies pressing in from all sides, she moved to the beat, grinding, rubbing, and leaning on me for the better part of an hour while I tried my very best to hold on for the ride. This deep in, your movements are pretty much chosen for you by the crowd pressing against you, so luckily I didn’t have to think too much and could just enjoy her ass grinding back onto me, her nails running through my hair, and the amazing smell of her.

At some point we decided to duck back to the edges of the dance hall and get some water. We were with a group of her friends, some of whom weren’t so keen to get in the middle of the clothed orgy we’d just been part of, so we decided to form our own little dance circle on the perimeter. To me, dancing seemed to go much the same with Rey grinding on me to the beat, just with more room for her to move and less cover to mask my roaming hands. What quickly became apparent though, was that one of her friends, Kallie, was getting some unwanted attention.

Up until now, Kallie had been dancing only a few feet from us in the mob with someone who I had assumed was her boyfriend. Now, a random guy had come up to her and started to put serious moves on her. While I’m all for making new friends and definitely for getting intimate with them, this dude exuded waves of creep. Not only was he covered in sheep masks (no joke, like he had one on top of his head, on each shoulder, a belt of them, super sketch), but his hands were feeling her up and then dodging her hands when she went to move them to more safe areas, only to move to other personal areas!

Gents, feel the crowd. Seriously.

For the first minute or two that he was around, Rey and I exchanged whispers (well, shouts over the music), questioning if she knew him or not. It quickly became obvious though that she was not enjoying his company.

Now I’m not the kind of guy to pick a fight, and I will always walk away rather than defend myself, but I’m not just going to let a girl get unwillingly fondled in front of me. I whispered to Rey that I would be right back and not to freak out, and then turned us around so that I was dancing between her and Kallie before turning to dance just with Kallie. Lamb guy was behind her, I was in front, and I leaned in on the side opposite him to whisper in her ear to go with it, then backed up and nodded to the guy over her shoulder. She quickly favored me with her dancing, wrapping her arms around my neck, grinding on me instead of him, and generally ignoring him while paying attention to me, and within a few minutes I think that he’d gotten the idea that he wasn’t going to be getting lucky tonight. (I actually ended up using the same tactic at a bar the very next year).

I didn’t consider it to be heroic, but based on how much praise I got once he left, you’d think I fought off a mugger. Now slightly defensive and with my mind more on protecting the girls than getting laid, I went back to Rey and tried to start up dancing again, if only to save the night for her. She had other ideas.

I don’t know if it was the heroics, her friends praising me so highly, or that she’d finally had enough, but she took my hand, said good night to her friends, and pulled me out of the hall. Everyone at the con was at the rave or just outside of it, so when we got in the elevator there was no one with us. She pushed me up against the wall and kissed me, hard. As I kissed her back, her hand slipped right into my jeans to grip my rapidly growing cock. As the elevator dinged our floor, she backed up only enough to whisper “Shower?”

I nodded. “Shower.”

We practically sprinted down the halls to my room. When we got there, we were shocked to see my friends already in bed and totally asleep (or at least pretending to be). Granted, it was probably 11pm by this point, but if there was a night to party it was this one.

As quietly as we could, we snuck into the bathroom and started the shower, stripping off our sweaty cloths along the way. With the water giving us some cover, we were able to at least whisper again. She got in first, obviously enjoying the feeling of washing up. Then she moved to the side, making room for me under the water. I wont lie, for a couple of seconds I wasn’t even thinking of the naked beautiful soaking wet woman in front of me, and just got caught up in the feeling of washing away a whole layer of sweat.

She would fix that. I felt her hand grab my half hard cock and moaned. In seconds I was back up to full hardness. I pushed her up against the wall and pinned her there, attacking her neck and shoulders with kisses, nibbles, and bites. She did likewise while positioning my cock just between her thighs so that it would run along her slit but not into her. We both moaned, probably too loud. I began moving back and forth, rubbing her silky slick lips with the top of my cock. I cupped one of her breasts, rolling her nipple between my fingers.

She gasped and it moved me to action. I wanted to hear more of her. I knelt down and put one of her legs on my shoulder, still massaging her breast with one hand reaching up and holding her ass with the other. I leaned forward and kissed her mound, slowly moving down her lips. I was rewarded with a shiver, one of her hands weaving into my hair and the other clutching her tit. I licked her, splitting her lips with my tongue slowly, working m tongue all the way up her slit but stopping just short of her clit. She let out a frustrated shudder. I did it again. And again. I would lick up one side of her pussy, skip her clit, and lick down the other. I would let my tongue just barely graze her lips, letting her feel the texture of me but not giving her any pressure. By now, her fingers were digging into my scalp and I had to imagine they were leaving marks on her breast.

Finally, I again slipped my tongue slowly up her slit and slowed to a crawl just before her clit. I could feel her tensing up. Without moving it, I would flex my tongue, sending the most minute pulses to her, which would in turn make her shudder. Then, slowly, as slowly as I could, I let my tongue contact her clit. At the same time I slowly pinched her nipple, making her cry out for the first time. She tried to move her hips to get any friction on my tongue, but I held her amazing ass tight. Instead, I slowly moved my tongue around her clit, still moving as slowly as possible. I could tell that I was balancing her on the edge and anything would send her over, so I did my best to just keep her balanced.

For a few minutes, all I did was slowly circle her clit, winding her up more and more. Sometimes I would switch the direction from clockwise to counter clockwise, and back. Sometimes I would just stop and hold my tongue still for four or five seconds before starting up again. It was tormenting her and I could tell. I loved it.

Finally, I decided to escalate. I put my tongue firmly on her clit and just flexed it, then counted to five, then flexed it again, then counted to five. Over and over. Each time I could feel her body get more tense. I could feel her stomach pulse tighter and her thighs shiver stronger and stronger. It wasn’t long until she fell over the edge, her hands both gripping my hair, her body completely tensed and shuddering, whispering “fuck, fuck, fuck!” over and over. I kept pulsing my tongue on her, keeping her orgasm going for probably ten or twenty seconds before she pushed my head back.

I stood up, smiling while she shivered and caught her breath. I think in sheer exhaustion, she put her head on my chest. I chuckled. “You’re not done yet.” I whispered.

I pushed her back against the wall with one hand on her chest. The other went straight between her thighs, shoving two fingers into her. She gasped and looked genuinely surprised by how forceful I was being. Like I said in my last post, I’d recently learned how to make Rey squirt, and being as turned on as I was in that moment, I was absolutely determined to make it happen again. I fixed her with a stern gaze and concentrated and fucking her has hard as I could, my fingers totally drenched in her juices. Her eyes submissively met mine for just a minute before closing in ecstasy. Soon, her hands were gripping my wrist, pulling my fingers deeper into her and digging her nails into my forearm while I used all of my strength to rub her g-spot.

This time I didn’t play around, and in what honestly might have been less than a minute, she tensed up, shivered, and came into my hand. I could feel the gush around and between my fingers. It turned me on so much. Just as I was winding down, she looked up at me and said “I don’t know why you’re stopping. You’re not done yet.” I smiled and redoubled my efforts, and not thirty seconds later she came again, cursing under her breath.

She leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. I just smiled, happy in the knowledge that I could make this beautiful woman feel that way. The moment was momentarily broken as it was clear that she needed a break. “How you doing?” I asked. Her response was a bunch of half formed syllables, a wave of the hand, and a couple of thumbs up. “Break?” I offered. She nodded. I chuckled and grabbed the soap, gently soaping her body while she recovered, making sure to massage her back and shoulders. She moved to lean back on me while I did the same to her hair, giving her a scalp massage just to try and bring her down gently. We stayed like that, holding each other under the water for a while before she finally looked up at me and said, “come on you.”

She got out first, shortly followed by me. It was when I was toweling off my hair that I felt a wet heat envelope the tip of my cock. I looked down to see Rey bobbing her head up and down my pole. She’s typically against blow jobs but god damn she is good at them. Part of me wanted to just tip my head back and enjoy it, but another never wanted to look away from the beautiful sight of her lips running up and down my length. I wove my fingers into her still dripping wet hair and continued massaging her scalp while she went up and down, reveling in the very fact that this was happening.

She stood up not long after, pulling me by the cock to the counter before bending over it. Without hesitation, ran my saliva slick cock over her soaking wet lips before pushing slowly inside of her. First just the tip, making both of us moan (thank god the shower was still on), then pulling out and pushing forward an inch more, then out and in an inch more, until finally my hips were flat against her ass. I held her waist tight against me and savored the sensation of being balls deep in her. I felt her shiver.

I slowly drew out then plunged all the way back in, making her gasp. I did it again and was rewarded by a “fuck!” I quickly built up speed, fucking her harder and harder. My hands moved from her hips, now pinned between the counter and my cock, to scrape my nails down her back, making her moan. One of her hands went straight to her breast while the other clawed at the counter as if trying to gain traction. I grabbed her by the shoulders, using her for leverage to fuck her harder. She was flat against the counter and I remember her specifically hanging on to the sink faucet as if she might fall to the ground without it. I smiled and pulled on her hair, now damp with shower water and a new layer of sweat. I pulled her up by her hair so that I could reach around her and hold her back against me while holding on to one of her tits. She reached back with one hand in my hair and the other digging her fingers into my ass, pulling me with all of her strength into her.

After a few minutes the build up was clearly getting to me. I knew I wouldn’t last much longer, so I pushed her back down to the counter and again held on to her hips. I fucked her has hard as I possibly could. I could see in the mirror that her face was a silent scream and that’s what pushed me over the edge. I slammed into her one last time, driving my cock as deep into her dripping pussy as I could before unloading into her. I watched her hand clench around the faucet stronger and stronger with each pulse of my cock and each rope of cum I shot into her. She trembled around me for a few seconds before dropping to the counter, completely spent.

I stumbled back a step, thoroughly drained myself and smiled when she lifted two fingers, showing that she’d come twice during that pounding. Slowly, we gathered our strength and held each other. At this point we knew that it was easily the best sex that we’d had and were content to hold each other and talk about it.

I guess all of the talking about it got to her though, and not five minutes later, she guided my hand between her thighs. I smiled and kissed her, running my fingers between her cum covered lips and pushing them into her. We both moaned into the kiss. I love cumming into a woman, and it’s so erotic to feel that cum coating her walls. I worked her up slowly, knowing that she’d probably be sore at this point. Before long though, I was pounding her g-spot. Her fingers dug into my shoulders. Her kisses became unfocused but were still a way to muffle her constant moaning. She began tensing and moved her hands from my shoulders to the counter, bracing herself for the orgasm to come. It didn’t take long, and when it hit, she actually lifted herself off the floor she tensed so hard, pushing herself harder and harder onto my fingers. Her face was again a silent scream, but this time she mouthed the words “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” over and over again.

She shuddered and shivered on top of the counter. I held her tight, bringing her slowly back down. After a few minutes, I could tell she’d actually fallen asleep in my arms. I reached over and shut off the shower, then grabbed my sleeping shirt to wrap around her before carrying her to my bed. I don’t think she woke up during any of it.


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