Prostitution and art of servicing the low grade manipulator.

Bill works in sales. He’s a long time user of prostitutes and a regular customer of the agency I work for, so he fancies himself as a savvy consumer.

I mention that he works in sales because it’s the most significant thing about him. In fact everything with Bill is a negotiation, everything is a battle of wills.

The management came very close to dropping Bill as a client on several occasions (for various reasons). The main reason they didn’t, is because while Bill himself isn’t particularly wealthy, he has referred a number of wealthy clients.

However despite that he’s always threading that line that if he crossed would end up with the agency cutting him off.

The biggest thing with Bill is that girls finish a booking with him, regretting that they agreed to do certain things. While someone might agree to do something with Bill at the time, later reflection can often bring a combination of WTF, regret, and anger.

So there’s only a few girls that the agency will now send for outcalls with Bill and I’m one of them. I do them largely because I get to pick when I go, rather than sitting around in one of the agency apartments waiting for a booking.

He’s regular work in otherwords.

Bill gets on well with the drivers. Which is unusual for a client.Clients often try to befriend the drivers but usually they’re met with stony indifference.

Some clients like to try and show off in front of the drivers. By having us strip off in front of them, while they’re getting the driver the money. Which the drivers usually hate (they’ve seen us naked enough times already) However Bill always has the money ready which immediately puts the driver at ease then chats casually with them for a few minutes, before they head off.

This is a calculated tactic of Bill’s because he knows that if anything goes wrong, it’ll be the driver kicking the door in.

Anyway lets talk about one appointment I had with Bill.

I’d stopped offering Bill anal sex. Strictly speaking I wasn’t allowed to do that, Anal sex was something we were supposed to offer to all our clients after a second booking with them (it was one of the reasons a few girls didn’t go for regulars).

However after an instance a few weeks earlier with Bill and another girl that I’d heard about, I’d simply told him no anal.That was largely an opportunistic act on my part, I didn’t want to do anal if I didn’t have to. Normally the agency would have been all over me if I’d said no to another client, but because it was Bill it was okay.

Bill had never really had that much interest in anal. I think he found it too difficult. Most clients with long bookings will always want to do anal at least once. There were ways I’d try and discourage them or persuade them not to, but all in all on any give night I’d expect to have anal sex at least once.

So after 5 months I considered myself relatively experienced at this. I’d found from my own experience it was always better to initiate sex rather than wait for the client to do it. That allowed an added element of control. Bill had a thing that he thought was unique to him, where he’d like to get a blowjob standing up in the middle of his lounge. I never told him that it wasn’t really unusual and that I had other clients that liked the same thing. Blowjobs are always easier if you let the client put at least one hand on your head and guide you. By keeping your hands on the base of his cock you could always control what he was doing. It gave them the illusion of control and they always came quicker.

Bill came in my mouth without warning (though that wasn’t a surprise). He knew he wasn’t meant to, but I was prepared for it and there wasn’t too much of a scene.

However after I made a bit of a scene and spit it out, I felt I had to challenge him on it.

Normally Bill would say it was an accident and act all apologetic, which would be a lie. This time however he didn’t even pretend, which was worrying.

Bill had booked me for 4 hours, and we were only 20 minutes into it.

So we did what was the usual routine I put a t-shirt on and we sat on the couch to watch TV, while Bill was getting ready to go again.

This was actually a common routine with men on longer bookings in between having sex, sometime they’d watch porn while fingering me, or in Bill’s case he put Newsnight on.

It wasn’t even the first time that I’d watched Jeremy Paxman grill someone, while sitting in a guys lap while he fingered me. Anyway after a while I felt his erection come back. At first I thought I’d get away with another blowjob but no he wanted sex.

So fine and I lay back on the couch but then he said he wanted anal.

I said no immediately, like I had when he’d asked on previous bookings. However this time he was up for an argument and I suspect he’d been planning.

If it was any other client he’d have been in a strong position. He could have phoned the agency and complained and I’d have got an earful. However Bill like I said was lucky to still be able to place bookings, and the management wasn’t really interested in hearing from him.

So I told him no and if he had any problems he could phone the agency. He didn’t want to phone the agency but instead told me he wanted to leave.

Which was a surprise, but to be honest I didn’t argue the point. What did I care as he’d already paid. There was never any point in arguing in situations like this. In fact the first reaction I got was that I could maybe squeeze in a second booking that night. So I phoned the driver who was only a few minutes away and headed off to the bathroom to get a shower and get dressed.

Now lets talk about the driver again. He was a fairly reliable guy, well built and seemingly no nonsense, but he hadn’t been with the agency that long. He’d gotten the job because he was friends with another driver. The drivers like the girls and the management had a pecking order and he was towards the bottom of it.

I always made a huge effort to get on with the drivers (occasionally that meant various things, but usually they considered it a job and weren’t after sex) this driver however I think had mistook my being nice to him, as my deferring to him as the decision maker.

After i showered I got dressed into my scruffs, which was jeans and a shirt rather that the dress I came in. When I headed out, I discovered that Bill had been chatting to the driver in the lounge. I just wanted to get your side of the story, the driver told me.

Bill manipulating prick that he was (perhaps it was the fact that he worked in sales and marketing) had somehow picked up that the driver was a weak spot in this whole commercial transaction.

I actually laughed at him which pissed him off. it wasn’t his place to decide on which story to believe. Bill had obviously been charming him, which I saw as a pointless exercise as there was nothing he could do. Still the driver continued, why didn’t you do anal he asked pompously. As if he was my HR manager.

At this stage I told him to go fuck himself and it was none of his business what I offered clients. Being new he was aware of the constant friction between the agency and the girls about what services we offered. However the agency had never chosen to involve the drivers in that process, for good reason.

The driver also I think knew that I was in often in the managements dirty books, and that I was unpopular with some of the other girls (though not with the other drivers) and I think he thought he might have been able to look good by intervening.

In the end he told me that he was considering giving Bill his money back. I was absolutely gobsmacked, refunds occasionally happened but just because he had the money on him didn’t mean it was his decision.

I just kept laughing. I should have phoned the agency but I decided to let him carry on. Even Bill seemed surprised and a little bemused, he’d just been testing boundaries in his usual way, he didn’t expect this. I even saw a little amusement in his eyes.

The driver however thought that Bill was his friend, and that they were standing tall together against the money grubbing whore.

Bill made an approach to me before he left, saying we could work this out if I would just be more ‘reasonable’. There was always something sinister with Bill, it was one of the reasons he didn’t get the more pliable girls anymore. He obviously had some very specific ways in his mind, that I could ‘sort’ all this out.

Six months earlier I might have considered it, put up with whatever fucking weirdness he wanted, to avoid yet another argument with the agency.

At this point however, I was in a more secure position financially, and I also understood the mechanics of how the agency worked better. So I just told him to go fuck himself.

So Bill got his money back and we left, the driver started to have second thoughts on the drive back, and kept a constant stream of words coming at me, flicking between justifications, accusations and conciliation. On the drive back I think he realised just what a lot of money £700 was.

Anyway when we got back to the apartment the agency was using for incalls, there was just the secretary and another driver there. They were both gobsmacked when the driver told them what had happened. I just shrugged, I’d sorted another booking in the car so I grabbed another driver and headed off. I never saw the driver again.

Some of the other girls didn’t like me, likewise I had a difficult relationship with the manager, however the idea that one of the drivers could do what he did appalled everyone.

The next night I worked the money I was owed for my time with Bill was paid by the agency. Bill never paid it so I suppose either the driver or the agency paid. I actually earned above the odds for the night.

A few weeks later I was on another outcall with Bill. Still no anal but he’d accepted that. At this stage I was the only girl who was taking his bookings.

When I told him what had happened to the driver he laughed.



  1. Jeez. I guess there’s always some kind of scumbag customer, regardless what industry you’re in.

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