Sensitive topic; would GWS like to hear about a rape fantasy I took part in (100% consensual)

Understand rape is a very sensitive topic for most and certainly as well for me. I don’t want to disturb anyone but I do want to tell about my craziest role play. I’ve written the story and just want to gauge reactions before I post to make sure I am not going to break rules, though I’m certain to offend someone. Trigger warning will be in the title with a brief rape tag or something so those who want to avoid it, can.



  1. Y’all are a buncha twisted motherfuckers…love it. It’ll get posted tonight just about when you settle in for a good night’s wank. ;-)

  2. Hey if it’s totally consensual then I don’t think it’s a problem.

    Fair play for being thoughtful about others, but it’s not on you to look after everyone sense. Tbh if it has the word “rape” qualified with “consensual”, then that’s fair warning to anyone who might want to steer clear.

  3. I remember one story where a guy and his girl discussed her having rape fantasies. Allegedly, she went on a trip somewhere without him. He followed her there secretly, stalked her basically, and raped her without letting her know it was actually him. It was pretty fucked up.

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