[M/F23] The one with the FIFA world cup match and my virginity.

  So back during the summer of 2014, I was still a virgin, a very confused one. I was very confused about my orientation, am I a lesbian or am I straight or bi? stuck in one of those identity crisis phase. Why bother about it so much? well let me give you some background.

  I hail from a sexually repressed country where most of the people are celibate until they get married and sex talk is taboo, which also explains my lack of romantic life I guess. Also I was this academically achieving tomboy and boys were distractions. Now on Erasmus, in the free western world of Europe, girls gotta try! So on the path to become sexually active and catch up what I missed in my teens, I wanted to know. Hence the whole fuss about my sexual orientation. If that doesn’t explain my low self-esteem…

   Being 170cm tall and weighing 125lbs makes you a giant in a country where the average height of a woman is about 150cm. I felt out of place and overly self-conscious about my presence. Not so much these days as people are tall in this country and I am normal. Now most of my body weight is packed down south. I have big hips, big thighs, imagine Beyonce with small boobs, similar complexion. I had a short bob then like Rihanna. An acoustic guitar would lose to me in a competition of ‘who is more curvy’ (the very curves once I thought were disgusting and tried to hide so badly). If it weren’t for Queen Bey I wouldn’t have survived through my teenage body issues.

  In an effort to know if I’m lesbian or straight, I relied on Tinder (it was just getting popular). I don’t know how to go about approaching girls, so decided to go the easy way. Now swipe, swipe, swipe, I got a match. The guy looked cute, had glasses, a hairstyle similar to Tintin, couple of years older than me I think. We started messaging back and forth – let us call him Simpson – he asked me about my plans for the evening. Now I learnt Simpson, the IT guy, lived down the street 5 to 8 minutes away from my house. We started flirting at this point, cracked a few jokes and I was interested.

   Now I did not want to watch the match between Germany and Algeria at the house with my uptight roommate Bernice. So when Simpson offered that we can watch the game at his place, I went for it. Because I didn’t want to go to the bar either, I just blew money four days back at the bar watching a game. Living in a country known for beers doesn’t help with saving money. I grabbed couple of Leffes from the fridge and headed down the road to Simpson’s place.

   It wasn’t my plan to have sex that evening. It just happened. All I wanted was to watch the match. I got to his place and Simpson unlocked the door, I was wearing a black polka dot dress. He was a bit shorter than me and looked a bit like Fogell from Superbad. I gave him the beer and he put it back in the fridge; it wasn’t cold enough to drink. I went for a coke instead and we started watching the match. With coke giving me awkward burps, I was trying to carry on the conversation normally. He put his arms around me. I liked it and I started getting comfortable.

   I was huddled around him and I just wanted to watch the match. But he started drawing circles above my knee, his hands were moving slowly upwards. I remarked how the goal keeper of Algeria resembles Khal Drogo, scary. Now he was drawing circles in my thigh. Goose bumps are very distracting. My brain goes numb for a moment. I turned towards him puzzled and he kissed me. We started making out. Now I’ve made out several times before, nothing surprising. But as he has moved his hands above, no not there, he moved it to my waist and was caressing my back. what the? what did he do? some damn sensitive spot that was making me squirm. I *gasped* in his mouth as I was moving my hands over his chest. His body was so warm and my hands trailed down. (Inside my head I was thinking “wait is this happening? or we going to do this? what? let’s just go along”) I think he might have caught my hesitation to go on further. He guided my hand towards his hard on hinting I should go for it. I stroked him outside the pants. He was getting more turned on and now he *gasped*, oh I liked the sight of that. I bit my lips and my hands glided inside his pants. I was feeling his boner, it felt a bit squiggly but firm and moved further down and cupped his balls (Okay I was definitely exploring the male anatomy at the first chance I got). Now the pant was getting in the way and I tried to unbuckle his belt. He helped and we got his pants and underwear out of the way.

  ”OMG that’s a dick. It is happening, you’ve seen a penis for real”, I had to shut my mind off. I was fascinated by the mighty, dangling hard penis in front of me. I started stroking it, this was turning him on so much and I just played with it. “Should I lick it?, I should lick it” and with that thought I just did exactly that. I was freely cupping his balls. (wait it didn’t seem like two balls, it wasn’t exactly like the picture of testicles from my biology book. It was hard to distinguish them. I later learnt that it can contract and expand and size/structure differs. It’s totally okay now, I’ve encountered few more balls.) At this point he was losing it and he pulled my dress over my head. He was confused by the red bralette thingy, so I got it off . He was completely naked and I was almost, my aqua blue panties stayed put. Oh it definitely comes off though when we move to the bed. Now he was playing with my nipples. He started licking them and sucking them. *Oh*, *my*, *god*! that was doing something to me. He said we should move to the bed.

   I chuckled at the tissue paper box lying on his bed side table. He had some cool back lights set up by the bed. He switched it on as I got on the bed. And soon my panties came off. I was on my back, he was sucking on my nipples with me gasping a little, he traversed his lips along my body down south. He started going down on me and it was the weirdest feeling I ever had. I mean it didn’t do much but certain times, it gave me a tickle. I didn’t know if I should ask him to keep doing it in that certain way. I mean I’ve masturbated through clit simulation but I just didn’t know. I didn’t know how it was supposed to be. And it was over soon.

   I had to get him hard before we moved onto PIV. You know I wasn’t well versed in the bed of sexual knowledge but I followed the one thing I know and I can – Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Beginning with heavy making out, I kissed my way down. I made a decent attempt in giving a blow job, I kissed, licked and sucked his dick. I licked his balls and I was trying to look for the spot, *taint*! (see internet wasn’t a waste of time after all!) So I tried stimulating the spot, licking and pressing my finger. At the very moment, it lead me to discover or rather Simpson lead me to discover that he is driven crazy by my tongue travelling couple of inches further down. I ended up giving him what I learnt later as the rimjob. He was completely shaven and all very clean down there so it didn’t put me off. I was more in the moment and didn’t give it much thought so I was down there doing a half assed job. I then resumed sucking his dick but I couldn’t keep up the speed he was expecting. So he jerked him off for a bit to get going.

   I am on my back again and Simpson slipped on a condom. It hurt as he tried to penetrate and it wasn’t working. So after few more ouch and oows he grabbed the lube and we tried again. He got inside and it still hurt, it wasn’t painful but definitely wasn’t enjoyable. So I laid there, trying to comprehend it. He slipped out. So we decided that I get on top and guide his dick inside me. This was different and I got him inside me completely. I rocked trying to gauge the feeling of something inside me. We switched positions and he was on top again. He started thrusting and it was a weird combination of nice and uncomfortable. I was trying to perceive and understand the feeling, the sensations but was difficult to focus. He came finally and we laid there for few minutes. He was sweating profusely. I went to clean up and later found my clothes and got dressed up. He asked if it was my first time. I replied o_o yes. He said wow…my pleasure something. I left soon after a bit of small talk.

  I went home and checked the results of the game. I thought maybe I was a lesbian ha ha ha…. But the next guy proved otherwise :P

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/44l1mc/mf23_the_one_with_the_fifa_world_cup_match_and_my


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