A long flight

I thought I’d share a fun story from a few years ago. While probably not as wild as most stories here, and far from my personal wildest adventures, it’s the sexual event in my life that excites me most to think about. Hopefully I can explain it in a way that makes you understand. Apologies if I ramble.

My girlfriend and I went on a beach holiday to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. While we were there, she met a fantastic guy and decided to prolong her trip to spend more time with him. So when departure day came, I was solo. I was dreading about 16 hours of travel ahead of me, and my day started off with an afternoon flight to Paris.

I had some make-up on, but was far from my best. The combination of sunburn, a few long island ice teas the night before, and 10 nights of too little sleep takes a toll on a girl. I was wearing pretty short jean shorts, but nothing else remarkable, a t-shirt from a souvenier shop, flat shoes, and even my hair was up. But sometimes I wonder why I ever get dressed up or try to look hot, because it’s the times I don’t that always seem more likely to awaken fate.

Sitting in my cramped window economy seat, the plane was about 1/2 full. After I had settled in, another passenger arrived and began the process of taking the seat next to me. My fantasy of an empty seat next to me shattered, I barely noticed my new neighbbor. He gave the standard half audible hello to strangers on planes and at least was was reasonably polite while he was settling in. At that point, about all I could probably have said to describe him was that he was youngish (mid to late 20’s, a little older than I), pretty tall, with dirty blonde hair. I’m not the best flyer in the world, and I get a little nervous for takeoff. So I wasn’t upset when he made some mundane small talk. I learned he was from Stuttgart, worked for one of the car companies in some entry position in the design division, was also flying alone, and some of the standard touristy talk about what resort he stayed in, what clubs he visited, etc. I found him pleasant if not a bit awkward, quick with a joke, clever and not unattractive. But to say any thought beyond a pleasant seatmate crossed my mind at this point would be pure exaggeration.

Once the plane reached altitude, his phone came out and headphones went on as he listened to his music. I browsed through the movies, and flipped through some magazines waiting for them to start. Truth is, I hate long flights. I can’t sleep on planes. I’m incredibly jealous of those that do. I can close my eyes and fall asleep, but it only lasts a minute and I’m more awake than ever after coming alert. Some time passed, and I went to the toilet, strolled to the back of the plane, stretched my legs, got some water, etc. I returned to my seat, but my seatmate had his earphones on and didn’t hear my first “excuse me.” So I was standing right over him from behind and I saw he was flipping through photos on his phone. I wasn’t trying to be nosy, or maybe I was, so instead of interupting him, I just looked over his shoulder for maybe 30 seconds. How to be succint… this young, polite, reasonably attractive seatmate looks AMAZING with his shirt off. He doesn’t have a steroids body, just very sporty with the muscles in his stomach showing. He also has a great smile, which drives me more crazy than any single male feature. Suddenly, everything about him in real life became more attractive. His hair, his lips, his tatoo on his arm.

He noticed me standing above him, and got up to let me in. This moment, face to face, slightly brushing against him squeezing into the seat… I almost lost it. Shit – get to together I was telling myself. I was acting like a school girl. It’s not like I’ve never been around a goodlooking guy. I’m usually full of confidence. What was wrong with me? It was all so sudden. I sat in my seat frozen, pretending to watch a movie.

Taking a step back, I went on vacation with my friend like I think most single girls in their 20’s do. I was completely open to meeting somebody I liked, but wasn’t obsessed about it. In that regard, it wasn’t the greatest trip. My friend met her guy but his friends weren’t to my liking, at least physically. I played the good friend and hung out with the group, and fended off a lot of advances. They thought they were being chivalrous or something protecting my honor making sure nobody else got a chance to talk to me. But my friend was having romantic week of a lifetime. Her guy stayed over a few nights in our room and they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. I gave them as much privacy as I could, but woke a few times to them having sex. So on top of everything else, sex was on my mind and I was really horny. I even sent some whatsapp messages to an ex-boyfriend hinting I wanted to meet with him when I got home, which was pretty abnormal for me.

So I sat on the plane, thinking of everything. The initial shock had faded away, but thoughts still lingered. So what’s a girl to do? I took out my computer, and started browsing through my photos from the trip. My friend and I are kind of attention whores with cameras and there were countless bikini pictures, sexy dresses from clubbing, high heels, proper make-up, hair down, etc. Truth is, I don’t lack for confidence. My body isn’t for everybody. I’m 173 cm tall and less than 50kg. (For Americans, I’m reasonably tall and very thin) I have small boobs, but they stick straight out, and I have a nice curve in my butt. I work out regularly and everthing is hard and I love showing off the muscles in my stomach. Fortunately, I had already deleted the photos I hated, so what was left were the most flattering pics. I was kind of lost in my pictures for a while, forgetting the original reason of taking my computer out. I knew it would be impossible to have computer out and for him not to see the photos, but I didn’t dare look over. After a few minutes, I put the computer away. I went back to my movie.

Eventually, the flight staff brings a meal around, and I take off my headphones. My neighbor gets chatty again but still small talk. After the trash is taken away, I notice he doesn’t go back to his phone. I figure he’s either running low on battery or he’s interested in me :) The conversation turned a a little more personal. He asked if I had boyfriend, etc. Around this time, It occured to me, that this is just a guy on a flight that I’ll never see again, and a huge calm came over me. Why was I nervous before? At most, this is a future Facebook friend. OK, I enjoyed the flirting, and killing some time, good for me.

He excused himself and returned to find me watching movie again. When the movie was over, he quickly started up small talk, asking me if I liked the movie, whatever. And this is how it went for half the flight. Pretty boring, huh?

So then he hands me his phone, showing me he had typed out a message on it that said “Sorry to act so strangely, but this is awkward and didn’t want to say outloud on plane… you are amazing looking!”

I stared at the screen for much longer than it possibly could have taken me to read it. I was speechless, flattered, shy, embarrased. I knew I started this (assuming he wasn’t purposely flipping through his phone to show off his abs) but what to say or do.

After an awkward delay, I started to feel rushed to give a reply. I took out my phone and tapped out a message. In hindsight, I wish I could have thought of something much more interesting to say, but I replied something like “Thank you… I’m flattered. Too bad we didn’t meet in Punta Cana :) ”

He went back to his phone and started typing again. His fingers fly on the keypad, he was such a faster typer than me. And so it began.. about an hour of the most flirty, silent conversation imagineable. There was something so great about it. I can type things I could never say because of embarrassment. But for some reason, typed words don’t bother me. After a while We started playing a game of questions where we could ask the other person any questions with the rules that we had to answer honestly, we could only pass one time on an answer, and the other person couldn’t ask the same question. This was such a fun game, especially given the situation. Of course he wanted to know if I met anybody on the trip, did I kiss anybody, etc. And I asked him if he had sex on his vacation (he did) so asked him a lot of questions about it. Every question thereafter was about sex it seemed.

The messages were going pretty fast now, and the novelty was maybe wearing off, when he hands me the phone and it says “What color panties are you wearing?” wow, that changed directions. In truth, I didn’t remember, though I know I could have just said something. But in that moment of excitement, something took over me, and I didn’t give boring answer. I smiled, put the blanket from the flight over my lap, and undid my shorts and pulled them down some (that takes some doing in a small seat), and glanced around to make sure nobody was walking by and pulled the blanket back a little so we could both see and said “White.” It was the only word I think we spoke in the past or future hour. I wish i could say I had a plan, but I was just caught in the moment and having fun and wanted him to be shocked a little. I started the process of pulling my shorts back up, and saw message “maybe it’s more comfortable with them off :)” I typed back something boring like “Well, they are pretty tight.” So after a few more messages back and forth teasing, I took my shorts all the way off and put them in my purse.

It’s such a strange feeling to be on a plane with no pants on :) There’s the exitement of knowing people are around you who don’t know. There’s some risk in getting caught, possibly even in trouble. Then there’s this strange guy I’m flirting with and not knowing what’s going on in his thoughts. The messages turned a little shy I guess. He was joking saying things like.. if you need to go to the bathroom now, I won’t mind. This went on for a few minutes, and I typed “any chance you would like to kiss me?” It’s so fun to see his expressions after my shock messages. I can only imagine how my face looked when he sent his. He paused a little then leaned over. It’s such an awkward position to kiss, but we managed for a few seconds. I pulled away because I didn’t want to be in some mad makeout session on the plane. I think everybody on the plane was either sleeping or lost in a movie. Every once in a while somebody would walk by, but for the most part, it felt somewhat private, but I still was shy. I’m not really big Public affection person.

Finally, he sent me a shock message. “I want to put my hand under your blanket so badly” Wow! I think everybody reading this knows I wanted this too. I think I replied “I should warn you, it’s pretty wet down there :)” I guess he took that as invitation and put his arm that was closer to me under the blanket, and I could feel him finding his way to his objective. We must have looked so funny. I think both of us were looking over our shoulders for anybody walking by. He slid his hand over my panties and I relaxed my legs a little and tried to widen them, though I was pretty restricted. I’m not a talented enough writer to describe the feeling. We’ve all been there at one point in our life, when the psychological excitement was so intense the slightest physical touch felt better than anything imaginable. After a few moments, I reached under the blanked and took his hand and guided it inside my panties. It would have been easy for him to ruin the moment. An inexperienced guy would have tried to jam his fingers inside me, and it wouldn’t have felt good, but he knew what he was doing. he used the wettness from my pussy to moisten his fingers and started to rub my clit. What can I say… He was perfect at it. Or maybe it’s just like eating junk food when you are REALLY hungry and it tastes delicious. It wasn’t hard to understand that I was going to have a quick orgasm, and I started to panic a little.. I really didn’t want to get caught. I’m not a screamer, but I have intense orgasms and I doubted we could keep it a secret. To his credit (because I love this in guys), when I tried to take his hand away, he became a little forceful. No, it wasn’t rape. But if I was going to take his hand away, I was going to have to do more than pull it lightly away. At this point it didn’t matter. The combination of the whole conversation, a beach holiday where I was left so horny, a hot guy, the moment… I was cumming. I put my head down, pulled up the blanket some and bit into a scrunched up corner of it and proceeded to have the most shocking orgasm I have ever experienced.

He took his hand away, and we both sat there, smiling awkwardly. Things had gotten so crazy, so quickly. I put my shorts back on. But after a few minutes, we started writing messages again. He asked if I wanted to go to the bahtroom with him, but I really didn’t. I mean I wanted to have sex with him, but I didn’t want to do it in a tiny smelly toilet.

So this has gotten so wordy at this point, so i’ll summarize the rest. We flirted some more and eventually he took off his shorts. I got to reach under and play with him. I was licking my fingers and running the gently over him, making his thing jump in my hand. I wanted to kiss it really badly, but just couldn’t there. I started stroking it, but the position was just really difficult and I couldn’t make him cum. He was really hard. I felt sorry for him. :) after a while, I started playing with his balls while he was trying to stroke it, but every noise would make him jump. I told him I needed to use the bathroom again. At first he thought I was hinting to come with him, but I had to tell him no again. But the real reason i went to bathroom was to take my shorts off again and my panties. I put my shorts back on and my strings in my shorts and came back to my seat. I had hunch about this guy. I had boyfriend in past life who was obsessed about my underwear. It was like we couldn’t have sex with my panties off. And since he had started this whole thing by asking about them, I figured he gets turned on by them. So I sat back down, and whispered in his ear that I wanted him to go to the toilet and cum all over my panties (as I took them out and handed them balled up in his hand) and that I wanted to put them on. I was just trying to make this memorable for him because I felt guilty I had great orgasm and he didn’t. Totally unfair and if we were anyplace else, I would have done anything for him. He was a little embarrased but agreed. He came back and sure enough, my panties were all slimy. He seems to be a guy with a lot of sperm. I really didn’t want to put them on, but he immediately reminded me and I could tell it excited him, so I did the blanket thing again and took my shorts off and put them on.

We kissed a little more, but the flight ended and we went our ways. We stayed in touch on Skype and occasionally did the cam thing even though I find it kind of boring. He always said he wanted to visit me. I had mixed feelings on the matter, but agreed and he came to visit one weekend. I wish I could say it was the best weekend ever, but the relationship started on this quirky sexual encounter and there’s kind of nowhere to go. We had sex a few times and I enjoyed it (I assume he did also), but the rest of the time, it was super awkward. We still wish each other happy birthday and “Like” each others photos. But nothing could ever replace those moments on that plane, the shock, the embarrasment, the primitave feelings. If this story was just about getting fingered on a plane, it would be rather boring. But getting caught in the moment with a guy with perfect chemistry for just that moment…. It’s not something that can be duplicated I fear.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/443b46/a_long_flight


  1. Very hot. I work in that environment and I always get horny but I’m with you on the smelly toilet thing.

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