A first kiss for both of us (F/F)

I’ve been curious about experimenting with a girl for some time now, but beyond talking to a few people online the opportunity has never arisen, and I’ve never been too sure where to start in comparison to meeting guys to be honest.

However, this week and a moment of boredom taking a look at what nonsense people were posting on YikYak let to me finding a post that more than caught my eye – a bi-curious girl who was only in town for a couple of days, looking to kiss a girl for the first time. Sceptical, I replied nonetheless, and she soon came back and we swapped details to chat elsewhere.

She was a year older than me, visiting friends at university here for a week, but was leaving London in a couple of days. We went on to trade pictures and prove we were both who we said we were, and she was very attractive to me – Arab in origin, a little shorter than me, slim with lovely eyes and long, brown and slightly curly hair. We ended up spending the entire evening chatting and got on wonderfully, so we started to firm up arrangements to meet.

The next day brought more of the same – we continued to chat and figure out when and where to meet. By the end of that evening, we both seemed excited – I was certainly turned on at the prospect of meeting, even though the girl in question had made it clear that she had no experience and wanted to do no more than kiss, and she also seemed really excited to meet.

So, the day arrived, and after some final messages to confirm that we were still meeting after lunch I showered, dressed in a thick sweater and jeans (it was a pretty cold day), and once she confirmed she had arrived in the area I headed off a little nervously to the coffee shop she’d agreed to meet at.

When I arrived, I spotted her sat at a table instantly, wearing a thick dark coat and skinny jeans not unlike my own. I headed over with a nervous wave as she glanced up in my direction, and she shyly smiled and raised a hand in response. After greeting her, she stood up and we shared a quick hug, before I insisted on paying for drinks and headed to the counter to buy us coffees. Returning with our drinks, we spent a good half hour slowly draining our cups and talking – about studying, our respective lives and interests, and so on.

Once our drinks were finished, the nerves returned for both of us, but I broke the ice after an awkward silence by suggesting we take a walk – she’d already said she wasn’t comfortable coming back to my place after we met, so the plan was to find somewhere quiet instead. I led the way, mixing an opportunity for us to talk some more, for her to play the tourist, and for me to scope out a good place where we could get some privacy. We wandered around for some time, allowing her to take in the area before we headed towards a quiet park that wasn’t particularly busy on a chilly weekday afternoon.

Things got quiet between us as we walked through the park, and before the nerves got overwhelming I quietly suggested that we look for somewhere secluded. She nodded, looking more nervous than ever, and a rounding the corner of the path I spotted a maintenance building that seemed to fit the bill. Taking her hand, I could feel the nerves from her sweaty palm as I took the lead and guided her towards, and then around the back of, the small building. My own heart pounding, I turned to face her, still holding her hand, and asked her whether she still wanted to go ahead with this. Hesitating for a moment, she took a deep breath and then nodded again with a nervous smile.

I smiled back excitedly, moving in a little closer and keeping eye contact, half-expecting her to dart away or change her mind at any moment. Instead, she simply looked back nervously, causing me to self-consciously push my hair back behind my ear as my own nerves started to show. Taking a deep breath myself, I finally leaned in to peck her on the lips and test the water. Pulling away, I saw her eyes closing, assenting to me to kiss her properly. I did just that, our lips meeting and my tongue slowly teasing between them. For a while, she simply stood and passively let me kiss her, but soon she was responding and I could feel her tongue against mine, bringing a contended sigh from me as our kiss became deeper.

We continued like this for a while, and I could slowly feel her getting into the kiss just as I was getting used to the softness and sensuality of kissing another girl. Without really thinking, I found myself moving closer into her, holding her hips and then gripping her ass through her jeans as I pulled her in closer to me in turn. After a little longer we broke the kiss, stopping for breath with an exclamation of “wow, that was amazing” from me. She agreed, telling me it was everything she hoped, stepping back to lean against the back of the building for a moment of recovery now that her nerves had drained away.

“Want to do it some more?” I quizzed, and again the response was a nod. This time the kiss was hungrier and more vigorous, as I stepped forward and kissed her deeply immediately, her back pressed against the building as I pressed forward against her in turn. Our kissing was far more passionate and raw now, and I found myself bringing a knee between her legs as I leaned more heavily into her. Letting my leg gently press between hers, I immediately felt a response from her – she tensed for a moment, before a soft moan escaped from her into my mouth. Emboldened, I pressed forward a little more to increase the sensation of my legs between hers, and sure enough another small sigh came from her.

Seemingly unable to resist the possibility this left her with, I felt her starting to move her hips, moaning sweetly again as she shifted against my leg, a little at first and then more noticeably. Soon she wasn’t even trying to hide what she was doing, grinding herself against my leg, eventually breaking off our kiss on account of her heavy breathing for a quick break before almost grabbing my face to thrust her tongue back into my mouth. Her reaction had me soaking wet by this point, but all I could do was reach around to massage her ass and guide her as she rubbed herself frantically against my legs – at one point I started to reach one hand out to unbutton her jeans but she again broke our kiss to shake her head “no” while still ceaselessly grinding against me.

It was probably only a few minutes of her humping against my leg increasingly desperately while our tongues danced around one another before I felt a hand reach out and grab the sleeve of my sweater hard, as she all but squealed into my mouth and I realised she was cumming. Wrapping my arms around her back as her ministrations stopped I pulled her tight to me, feeling her body shaking slightly as we broke our kiss for a final time and she buried her face against my shoulder, panting and flushed.

She stayed this way for some time until I started to worry that she was upset and trying to hide it, but eventually she pulled back and looked at me, stammering out a long and convoluted apology that she wouldn’t let me interrupt, insisting that she’d gotten carried away and gone too far and that she felt ashamed about it. I apologised back for putting her in that position but told her not to worry, that it was okay and I’d loved the whole experience, and although she calmed down she still seemed very embarrassed about what had happened.

Picking up my bag and her coat from the ground next to her, I asked if she wanted to go somewhere else or if we should walk back to the station, but her embarrassment really had gotten the better of her and she insisted she’d make her own way home and that she knew where she was going from here. Not wanting to make her feel more uncomfortable I said a goodbye and a thank you, and she found time for one last hug and a quiet thank you laced with more unnecessary apologies at her behaviour before hurrying away with a wake, glancing all around the park as she left.

I watched her leave rather than following immediately, taking some time to run over what had just happened in my head and realised how incredibly wet the experience had made me, which led to me rushing off myself… kicking off my shoes as soon as I returned home, racing upstairs to yank off my jeans and knickers in one go and (after rolling around and squealing childishly with sheer delight that I’d finally managed to kiss a girl) masturbating myself through several orgasms, playing what had just happened through my head spiced up with fantasies about the turns I wish it had taken.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/447bcc/a_first_kiss_for_both_of_us_ff


  1. I know that it kinda sucks in this situation to be the one left to take care of yourself, and I’ve been there, but this story was still really really hot.

  2. That was so incredibly hot! I remember my first girl experience. So glad to finally see some lesbian gonewildstories!!!,

  3. Wonderfully reported as always. I hope there will be more experiments in this direction.
    Also: “racing upstairs to yank off my jeans and knickers in one go” is a seriously hot image.

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