Instructions Ch. 1-3 [F][bd]

Chapter One

Stiffly she stretched out her arms allowing the chilly morning air to seep in to her cocoon of blankets. Her arms were sore, her neck tight, and there was a ball of pent-up stress building in her stomach. Last night she had kissed her owner goodbye and begun the two week stretch from hell.

All things considered two weeks wasn’t bad, she knew, but there was still a hollow feeling as she wiggled her toes and considered the prospects of waking up to be a bit daunting. Rolling over to check her phone she noticed a little Post-It taped to the screen.

“You’re mine whore. Don’t forget that. Follow every direction carefully or the whip comes out of hiding.”

She shuddered remembering the stinging tails of the whip opening up her back then smiled a the realization that there would be more notes for her to find. Breezing out of bed she noticed little notes scattered about the house but opted to avoid reading them and be tempted into distraction. With toast in hand and her coffee percolating she made her way into the bathroom to allow the shower to warm up against the protests of the ancient water heater.

Neon pink flashed from the note on the door, “Practice makes perfect,” which made little sense but she simply shrugged out of her shirt and opened the door to the shower. Stepping into the steam was like stepping into an oasis. Warm water cascading down her skin, easing the tension left behind by too many hours in bondage, relaxing her worries about weeks without release. When she turned around to get her shampoo the note became perfectly clear.

There, just below eye level, was a brand new dildo mounted by suction cup to the shower wall. It was a lurid color, some combination of blue and green that should never have been, but its purpose was clear. Despite being alone, behind a locked door, and a veil of steam she felt incredibly self conscious. Even knowing nobody would know what she did or didn’t do could not stop a quiver from passing through her as she approached the faux cock tentatively then backed off. She stared at it the dildo curiously, flipped it with her finger and watched it bounce, then felt even more nervous about playing with it.

Her fingers traced the chain of the collar that hugged her neck and she remembered the accompanying threat of the whip. She shivered. Then with both eyes closed leaned in and began to suck very gingerly. She stepped closer so the bobbing motions didn’t aggravate the crick in her throat then allowed her tongue to swirl around the head of the cock while one of her hands began to slide up and down the slippery shaft. She felt foolish and quietly ashamed but something about that made her pussy roar with desire. Water ran down her back, her ass, her legs, all the while she deepthroated a pretend cock because of a sticky note.

The note didn’t say how long it was supposed to take so she tried to estimate how long it normally took to get him off. It surprised her just how vigorous her ministrations got and she hoped that there wouldn’t be a bruise leftover from one particularly ambitious moment where she headbutted the corner of the shower stall while trying to take every inch down her throat. When she stepped out of the shower and toweled off her hands couldn’t help lingering around her pussy but she was under strict orders not to cum and didn’t trust herself with temptation.

After drying off she went to replace the towel on the rack only to realize there was a note that had been hidden when she first came in. “You know where I go next. ;)”

Even in his notes those obnoxious smileys jumped out at her. For a moment her pussy ached as she imagined taking the new toy and filling it but he had caught her cumming without permission so she was on a strict regime of only being fucked in the ass or mouth so she had no doubt where the new toy was headed next. Opening the cupboard she plucked out the lube and squirted some on the fingers of her right hand. Her left pulled the dildo off the shower wall and put it on the bullseye he had drawn with Expo marked on the wall. Slipping her fingers back between her legs she massaged the lube into her ass and readied herself.

Fucking herself in the ass with a dildo mounted on the wall beneath the towel rack required a fair bit of maneuvering but she soon had the toy eased against her rear entrance with one hand steadying herself on the counter. At first her movements were slow and methodical, an easy rhythm building as she relaxed and accepted the toy into her ass. Then she began to buck harder, driving her hips into the wall, enjoying the sensation of the toy driving deep inside of her. A wild energy was building and she was surprised to feel the first waves of an orgasm welling up inside herself. With one last thrust she pushed her hips back and took the entire toy deep inside of her ass before easing herself off.

The toy was popped from the wall and thrown into the sink to be cleaned, a spare washcloth wiped up the lube that seeped from her ass, and she was ready to move on to her day. Looking around the house and realizing that these were just the first two notes of many, many more she smiled broadly.

Chapter Two

With morning rituals out of the way she decided to seek out a new note. He had sent a text during her shower saying that, for now at least, he had no specific expectation of order, no quotas to be filled, and no expectation beyond the occasional sext as documentation of her devotion.This led to a few minutes of pouting where she fought a brief temptation to tear all the notes down and read them at once but something about their presence teased her. She found herself getting riled up by all the little squares dancing around her apartment which was an entirely new albeit not unwelcome feeling.

Some of them were chores, others reflective tasks, and others were designed to keep her living on that edge between comfort and boundaries. Heading into the kitchen for a refill of coffee she decided to snag a garishly bright green note and see what instructions it held.

"Take the hall mirror down and prop it up outside the kitchen. Clean the floors. Naked.”

For a moment she allowed herself a chance to step back and think, “Is that IT?!” After the first card this felt like such a letdown, such a cop-out. So he wanted the floors clean? Big deal. After a clarifying shake of her head, which sent locks of dark hair whipping around her, she forced herself to commit to taking this as seriously as if he’d given the instruction with belt in hand.

She had never bothered to dress after her shower so the naked part was taken care of. The hall mirror was a little tricky to prop up but she did so in such a way that it was reflected in the silvery sheen of the oven so she would have a rough view of herself from two angles. A cursory sweep of the floor didn’t do much, she was fairly obsessive about tidiness, although she knew that when he said ‘clean’ he left off ‘enough to eat my cum off’ which he had been known to demand of her. So she grabbed a rag and spray bottle and got down onto her knees to scrub things further.

Which is when she noticed something on the baseboards beneath the cabinets. Something she had been too preoccupied to notice before. Three more notes. She crawled over to the nearest as the handwriting was impossibly small. “What an obedient slut you are.” The words were like an arrow that shot through her brain and pierced her pussy sending warm tingles throughout her body. In that moment she was struck by a sudden awareness of her predicament. Naked, kneeling, crawling across the tiles with her breasts swinging somewhat pendulously, totally exposed if someone were to walk in.

Shame and lust began a brief battle for control of her mind. What if someone saw her like this? Fuck it, she needed to serve, loved serving, loved letting this side of herself out. No need to decide, no need to think, just obey and respond. Lust quickly won and she felt herself growing wetter by the second as she reached the next note by the far wall.

“Crawl for me.” For a split second her analytical side took over as she realized she may be reading these outside of some intended order but then she quickly shook her head and realized the third note was nearby. Before she could make her way over she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirrored surface of the stove. With her legs spread she had a clear view of her pussy and ass reflected from the mirror to the stove. Her hair splayed out over her shoulders wildly, arms stretched forward in some rough approximation of a yoga pose.Seeing herself like this triggered those dueling emotions of shame and desire again so she put a little extra wiggle in her hips on her way to the third sticker.

“Edge. Then picture.” She groaned then jumped surprised at the frustration and need released in that moment. Dutifully she moved one finger back between her legs, utilizing his favorite face down, ass up position to access her clit. She dared not insert a finger but instead teaser herself with steady pressure from her thumb while her index finger traced lightly around the edges. In moments she was grunting and grinding her hips into the air hungrily in an attempt to increase the pressure she was putting on her clit. She could feel her juices dripping down her thighs, knew her pussy was soaked, but also knew better than to violate the rules about insertion so she focused on maintaining pressure on her clit.

Again her breath quickened as her other hand found a nipple and pulled hard, surprised at how tender they were after her last brutal session with him. Then a long, shuddering moan escaped her lips. Her hands dropped instantly and for a second she worried that she wouldn’t be able to hold back the surging need within her but she was able to avoid orgasm. She hopped to her feet and ran to her phone, careful to get the best lighting near the window before sending a picture of her soaked pussy off to him with a little tease, “Now what sir?”

His response, while predictable, was frustrating in exactly the right way. “Finish the kitchen.”

Chapter Three

She allowed herself some time to relax before seeking out another card. The neediness in her pussy started to fade as she allowed herself to get lost in a new book he wanted her to read, the mid-morning glass of wine helped as well.

Finishing a chapter she set it aside and let her eyes drift around the room. Over by the front door was a dull blue card with two staples clearly visible in the center. Curiously she walked over and picked it up.

“Do not read the attached card until you are at an office supply store.”

Her curiosity piqued she felt that familiar need returning to her cunt. Moving quickly to the bedroom she noticed that there were a few cards in her way. Bright and big on her underwear drawer was a card that read, “No.” Well, that was clear enough. She grabbed a dress that was short enough to show off a little bit but long enough to (hopefully) conceal whatever shenanigans he had in mind. She was never much of an exhibitionist but there was something about being made to be on display (because he liked seeing her) that made electric tingles run down her spine.

After a cursory application of makeup she paused long enough to snap a selfie in the hall mirror (still propped in the kitchen) to send his way followed by a snap of the card she was following. Grabbing her keys, she dashed out the door and drove to the nearest store.

She breezed through the doors and wandered aimlessly for a minute before pausing near a back corner. Pulling the note from her clutch she examined the staple and realized there were three cards stuck together. Figuring that she had already done her part for the first she pried the staples out and tugged it free.

“Never forget you are an owned whore.”

The words were big, and clear, and

“Having trouble finding anything today?”

The overly cheery words of a sales associate she hadn’t heard approaching cut through her dreamy state and caused her to fumble with the cards before dropping them.

“Let me help you get that,” he started to lean down but she was quicker, snatching the cards from the floor with a mumbled, “No thanks,” before quickly walking down the aisle.

Her heart drummed in her chest, she felt dizzy, and her pussy was absolutely on fire. Goddamn that man she thought to herself once she finally regained enough composure to read the third card. “Buy a package of small rubber bands and a pack of clothespins. Apply them in your car for the drive home.”

Fuuuuuuck. A clothespin on her clit was no big deal, she was used to the torment, and despite the absolute inferno of desire raging inside her, she felt capable of managing that. Plus, it was easy enough to be discreet when applying in a car. But those little goddamn rubber bands on her nipples which had already spent nearly an hour clamped through various sessions the day before … not to mention having to find a way to manipulate her breasts in the car without putting them on display …. fuck.

Naturally this momentary frustration just spurred on the wetness in her crotch. Dutifully she picked out a package of each then went to the counter where, naturally, the associate who had walked up on her was waiting to help. She felt so flustered and embarrassed that she just focused on a spot on the counter while he tried to make small talk. Swiping her credit card hurriedly she snatched the bag from his hand and hustled out to her car.

Collapsing into her seat she spread her legs and allowed herself a moment to appreciate the growing wetness between her thighs. Her index finger lightly traced her labia sending a quiver through her legs. She brought her finger to her mouth and sucked it clean, something she’d never really been into before he made it mandatory, though she had begun to appreciate her taste recently. Lazily she traced another line along her pussy, feeling the heat, the emptiness, emanating from between her legs. Her already swollen clit was now positively throbbing which made it that much easier to stealthily apply the bright pink clothespin to it. She jumped a little in her seat when the teeth bit down but gritted her own before settling back down.

Scanning the parking lot she saw there were no other cards around. Figuring that he was up to something she’d purposefully parked in an empty corner shielded from the road by trees. Tugging down her dress a little she held one of the rubber bands apart with her fingers and then pulled forth her right breast. She admired the bruises that had developed on the underside of her breast, all purple and black, before sliding the rubber band down her fingers to snap into place around her stiff nipple. “Fuuuuuuuck,” she groaned, the combination of pleasure and pain shooting right from her nipple to her clit then up to her brain where the wires were getting all crossed.

Her head was swimming when she put the other rubber band on, taking a surreptitious picture to send his way.

“Looks great. You know what would go great with that?” he asked.

She drew a breath between her teeth, her legs squirming as she replied.

“A bottle of wine. Go get yourself one before you go home.”

She thrashed in her seat momentarily, her taut nipples clearly visible through her dress (luckily she’d chosen a dark fabric so they weren’t as noticeable. Her whole body ached with desire but the prospect of another trip out in public. UGH! There was a small grocery store next door so she left her car parked in the same spot and walked carefully over. Each step caused the clothespin on her clit to swing, and tug, and cause little flashbulbs in her head to go off. Her steps were measured and careful though also as quick as her body would allow. She grabbed a bottle off the shelf, marched up to the counter,and realized she would have to wait in line.

Her feet shifted uncomfortably as she suddenly realized how exposed she was.The rubber bands forced her nipples to stay perfectly erect. She folded her arms in front of herself while she waited, certain that every eye was on her. When it was her turn to pay the girl running the cash register didn’t even bother trying to hide the glances she stole at her cleavage. This did nothing to help the quivering building in her legs so once she had paid she sprinted across the parking lot to her car and sat in the driver’s seat letting pins and needles of need run throughout her body.

She took a few deep yoga breaths to allow help herself calm down but the constant pressure on her nipples and clit only allowed her to get so calm. She sent him a picture of the wine bottle on the back seat and nervously awaited a reply, not bothering to move until he had given direction.

“Guess what?”

She moaned in frustration and hunger but dutifully sent a question mark in reply.

“When you get home, check the back cover of your book. An orgasm awaits.”

A shiver ran through her whole body, she felt it from her toes to the top of her head, and a very obvious moan of pleasure slipped from her lips. She melted into her seat, buckled her seat belt, and drove home in anticipation of what her next directions were be. While driving her hand rose to the day collar she wore and fingered the lock. It felt very good to be owned, even if from a distance.
