I'm an internet installer and internet/phone fault fixer. Im solid, 6'4, late 20s & Bi
I regularly get hit on by woman home alone, by men home alone, even a few times a year by husbands while they're chatting to me outside while their wives are inside.
I've only once done something while at work (I've had a few people ring me a week or so later talk about their fault then mention fun), I was sitting on the floor of the hallway changing a phone jack, this maori chick (New Zealand Native, think brown Pacific Island) stops behind me & asks questions, then she started massaging my shoulder, I just sat there & moaned quietly as I LOVE shoulder massages. After 5 min she walks off, I finish fixing that jackpoint & ask about other jacks in the house. She shows me then 1 by 1, I follow her into her bedroom, she says there's one down here, she kneels to move a box & points. At this point I'm standing nearish to her with a bulge from my hard cock. She notices & goes from pointing to the jack to grabbing my pants, unzipping me & pulling out my cock. She gave me an amazing BJ for a few minutes, then said to be quiet as her son is in his bedroom playing video games (I'm thinking oh shit). I ended up laying on the edge of the bed naked, with her sucking my cock & balls, licking under my balls & eating my ass (My first time), I ended up exploding in her mouth which she swallowed. We swapped numbers & have met 10-12 times over the last year. She only ever sucks my cock, balls, rims my ass & munches my pits (She likes sweaty tradesmen) but she gives me the best orgasmes
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/41wwt6/phone_fix_it_guy_getting_bj_mf
That fucking took a 180 degree turn with the pit munching.
Yeah, I didn’t even know that was a thing lol
Neither did I til she did it, turns out I really enjoy it
different strokes for different folks i guess.
I used to have the same job as you. Customers used to mess with me from time to time.
Hell yeah lol
I had a fwb that used to always want me to smell, lick and kiss his. He felt it was intimate and really turned him on, and he never wanted me to put deodorant on after my shower if it was before sex. It was different and didn’t do anything for me, but I like to be open minded and liked the way he went crazy for it. Definitely not the weirdest thing I’ve heard :)