College Road Trip (m18/f19)(m18/f18)

I apologize in advance. Trying to type this out on my phone.

Back in '04, Freshman year, my friends and I decided to take a weekend trip to visit one girls grandmother and go hiking.

Let's set the scene.

I am a nerdy as hell 5'8" 120 lb. cross country runner, M18. At the time between girlfriends.

Leanne was 19, curvy, 5'3". Big green eyes. Recently off with her on again off again boytoy. Came on this trip to keep her mind off him.

David and Jen were that disgustingly affectionate cutesy couple that exists in every group. except that they were both openly and aggressively bisexual. Leanne and Jen had entertained us on many occasions with hot make out sessions.

We set out from campus around 6 pm in Dave's dad's car, Avenged Sevenfold blaring. It was going to be around a 4 hour drive, and I hadn't had much sleep so I dozed off in the backseat, Lee's head in my lap.

When I awoke, the sun had set, and the lights from the dash board illuminated a distinct lack of warm body in the front passenger seat. I glanced over at the driver seat and shot the rest of the way awake as I noticed two things.

  1. The speedometer read 90

  2. Jen was bouncing quite vigorously on David's cock as he continued to drive down the road.

"You mind paying attention to the road, bud? I don't want the last thing I see to be your girlfriend's o-face."

"Fuck you. You're just jealous." David flipped me off. I patted his shoulder "fair enough. Just wake me up if we're going to die."

Before I could fall back asleep though, the head in my lap turned inward. Leanne was now facing directly into my crotch. Her hot breath awoke my lower head and caused my already tight jeans to become uncomfortably so. Apparently I had made her uncomfortable as well, because she rolled back to face up at me and blinked the sleep out of her eyes.

"Why does it smell like sex in here?"

Jen laughed and dismounted David, returning to her seat. "That would be the sex, dear one. I got bored. You guys were asleep."

"So you tried to kill us?"

"You're just jealous, with Mark gone."

Leanne sat up and punched Jen in the back of the head through the gap in the headrest. "I dumped him!"

Jen spun in her seat and tried to hit Lee but fell short when her fist connected with my head instead.

"Goddamit woman! Stop it!" I grabbed her arm and forced it down, earning a death glare from Jen and a matching glare in the rearview from David.

David slammed on the brakes and pulled onto the shoulder, throwing both of the girls, neither of whom were buckled in, into the floor.

"If everyone could just calm the fuck down, I'm trying to drive."

I shot back "you were fine with her in your lap?"

"She wasn't yelling IN MY EAR, or hitting people. Now children, can we get along for another…. hour and a half, til we get where we're going?"

"Yes,dad" we all answered, laughing.

I settled back in my seat when an unexpected hand found its way to my zipper. "What are you doing Lee?" I asked the girl still sitting in the floor of the back seat. "Paying those guys back, and you for trying to defend me."

"By getting punched in the head?"

"Yep. And speaking of head." She pulled my dick free from my pants and blew on it, then licked the head before taking the head in her mouth, swirling her tongue expertly around it. After a few seconds of this, she began bobbing her head up and down, getting more of me in every downstroke. Before long I felt that familiar boil in my ball and got her attention. She pulled off, looking around the car momentarily for Amy stray napkins or clothes. Not finding any, she smiled up at me for a moment then plunged back onto my dick, deepthroating me and pushing me over the edge. Stars flashed in my eyes as I came.

Leanne pulled herself up into the seat next to me and swallowed, a pained look on her face. She leaned in andI,whIispered "You should feel privileged. That's the first time I've ever swallowed. Not as bad as I thought it'd be."

Jen piped up "You all done back there? I don't wanna turn around and see Luke's cockon display."

"Yes maam." I tucked myself back in and nodded at leanne. "You're good."

Jen turned around again " sounded like you were enjoying yourselves."

"Very" came Lee's reply as she leaned forward and caught Jen's lips. She pulled back after a second, laughing. "See?"

Jen licked her lips, confused. "What are you talking…." recignition and realization of what she was tasting flashed through her eyes. "Oh god. I'm gonna throw up."

Fuck you. I'm delicious." I pulled Leanne to me and began kissing her in earnest.

I gotta get back to work but I'll be back later with more details.



  1. You stopped the story too soon…There’s more, but it seems you’ve not told the whole story. Keep it up!

  2. Yeah. Like I said. Typing on my phone and my supervisor called so I had to cut it shprt.

  3. Part 2 with some background info. I had only been with 2 other women before this trip, and was pretty socially inept. The impromptu show we had put on earlier was burning into my brain. If i had been anywhere else with anyone else I would have curled up and died, but these people brought me out of my shell. David and I both kept our hair long back then,both wore glasses. We had been asked on multiple occasions if we were brothers. Jen and Leanne both had shoulder length hair, Jens Brown and Leannes a deep shade of dyed red. Leanne had a small mouth, so her canines actually erupted above her gumline (called screw teeth, and for some reason, I find them SUPER hot). This particular group was essentially the core group of a collection of gamers and geeks from the two colleges in the area. David and I met through Leannes ex mark, I introduced Jen to the group, and she and David began dating, or rather, fucking. Jen was also fucking Jim and Bear, who was a 17 year old prodigy, engaged to Cass. Mark was fucking Melissa and Leanne. I was, until this road trip, dating a wonderful girl who I am now, 10 years later, married too… while David is married to Melissa. No one talks to Leanne anymore, and ythe General consensus from the scraps anyone can find is that Jen died in 09. Basically my life was a soap opera. ———- Leanne and I continued to make out heavily until we pulled up to Jens grandmothers house at about 10 pm. When we got all the bags out of the car and got up to the front door, there was a note on the door. JEN Had to run out to my sisters. Should be back by tomorrow evening. Left the spare key. Have fun. Love you. Gma. "Well, looks like well have the place to ourselves" David slapped Jen on the ass. Jen pulled the light fixture next to the door open and fished out a key, opening it to let us all in. "She’s probably got you boys set up in the den, and us girls in my old bedroom. But thats not going to happen. Go get the blankets she set out for you guys and meet us in the room at the end of this hall." Jen pointed us to the den and back bedroom. When we got to the bedroom and dropped our bags, I noticed that there was only one bed. It was huge, but still, only one. When I turned to question Jen, I caught David’s eye and did not like what I saw. Like I said earlier, Jen and David were both bisexual, and while I had no problem with him, I was straight. Was…. Leanne broke the awkward silence by announcing she needed a shower. Jen reignited the awkwardness with her announcement. "There definitely will not be enough hot water for us all to shower, so we need to pair up." Jen undressed and took Leannes arm, leading her into the attached bathroom, locking the door behind them. I don’t know what went on in there, but i do know that Leanne was either being murdered, or Jen is VERY good. I spent the next 15 minutes sitting on the side of the bed, facing away from David. and trying not to think about what was going on in the other room. Jen and Leanne burst forth from the bathroom, not a towel between them, lips locked together, hands groping and grasping at whatever. They stumbled together blindly to the bed, soaking the sheets,and the other occupants in the process. It was Impossible to be angry though, as the sight that greeted me as I rolled over to berate them was Leannes perfect butt. Deciding that even if I weren’t mad, she still needed to be punished, I leaned in and bit her hard on the ass. "LUKE!" I laughed, pulling off my sodden tshirt, and shrugged. "you know me. Dont put it near my mouth if you don’t want it attacked." (I actually do have a bit of a biting fetish) Jen propped herself in one arm to look over Leanne at me "do you mind? I’m working here." Her answer came from behind her, where David had stripped down and was now pressing himself against her backside. His hand snaked around to run over her lower lips, eliciting a squeak. She turned her head to look back and him, Mock indignation on her face. "Really?!" Leanne slapped her playfully on the chest. "you started it, remember." Jen leaned back over to meet Leannes lips as David repositioned and lifted Jen’s leg to enter her. I pulled back, unsure of where to go, or whether I wanted to go there, when the decision was made for me. Leanne reached behind herself and pulled me in behind her, my jeans rubbing against her ass, my bare chest and face chilled by her still soaked hair. I wrapped my arms under and over her, my righthand coming to rest on her left breast. I massaged it gently at first, before a moan from her spurred me to grip more tightly. This apparently was the right thing to do, as she broke her kiss with Jen and turned her head to meet my lips. After kissing me, she ducked away again and pulled my hand off her breast and laying it on Jen’s side, just above where David had hold of her hip, slowly working himself in and out of her slit. Jen and David both looked at me then Jen turned and whispered something to David and Leanne. They broke apart and Jen and Leanne both turned to lay on their backs, then pulled us atop them. I resumed kissing Leanne as David reentered Jen and began thrusting roughly. I was still wearing my jeans but the combination of the shower water and Leannes arousal i could feel the heat and slickness of her. Before I could get my jeans off, however, David’s arm shot out to grab my head and pulled me into a harsh kiss as he groaned out his orgasm, Jen squealing beneath him. I sputtered out a protest as the girls began to laugh. "What the hell, man?! What was that? Are you serious?" "Hey,what can I say? You look good shirtless, and Leanne can’t have all the fun if you were as good a kisser as it looked like. Had to find out for myself." —–more to come later, work beckons.

  4. Part 3 So David kissed me. The girls were loving it, and eachother. Jen alternated inmaking out with David and Leanne as I tried and failed to recover. I was knocked clear out of the zone by the unexpected affection from, well, everybody, honestly. —– To fill in a little more detail about us, until very recently as of the time of this telling, I was essentially Leannes "gay boyfriend". She and everyone else saw me as harmless at best, and ineffectual at worst. I was, sexually and romantically, outside the sphere of influence, had my own girlfriend who was not involved in any way with this group of people. I did however harbor a huge crush on Leanne, and took every oppurtunity to be in physical contact with her, hugging, cuddling, but nothing more adult til the BJ in the backseat. ——– The four of us slowly broke up the proceeding and drifted to sleep, me on one side, then leanne,Jen and David on the other. That is NOT how we woke up. When I regained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was the warm wet feeling enveloping my nether regions, but I hadn’t opened my eyes yet. I also noticed an alternating rough, sharp, and warm feeling on either wrist. I opened my eyes a crack, looking to my left wrist first. David was biting and sucking at my wrist like a man wandering the desert finding an oasis. It felt amazing. Jen had my other arm similarly occupied, which meant….. My suspicions were verified when I looked down and found Leannes head bobbing on my cock. She looked up just as I opened my eyes fully and pulled of with an audible *pop*. "Mornin. Guys, you wanna give the boy some room? Hes got some fucking to get to." Jen and David slipped out of opposite sides of the bed, leaving Leanne and I alone in the room. "Before we do this, I have to know. You’re just using me to rebound from Mark……" She hesitated before starting to answer, but I pulled her up to look me in the eye and stopped her. "Thats just a little twisted, but whatscworse, I’m strangely comfortable with it. Now, I know you’re clean, so we going in raw or do I need to suit up..?" Her answer was to quickly reposition and impale herself on my erect member. She pulled almost all the way off, then slammed back home, throwing her head back on each return and moaning. Her thrusts began to grow erratic, so I grabbed her hips and flipped so I was on top, better able to control the rythm. I plowed into her repeatedly, my vision slowly tunneling to focus on her face, screwed up in pleasure, before the light burst behind my eyes and I filled her. The last few thrusts, combined with this new lubrication, sent her over the edge to her own orgasm.

  5. Ah well congrats to being happily monogamous! Although it’s always been such a weird concept to me.

  6. PART 4 Less sexytimes in this one, but it’s entertaining so fuck it. I swear everything happened as written. We, as a group, tended to take in the strays and outcasts, and give everyone the benefit of the doubt until actively fucked over. This was never tested as strongly as it was about to be when we left Jen’s grandmothers house in search of food. The closest thing resembling civilization was a gas station just outside of town. A little higher class than a speedway, but not quite a truckstop. Getting there should have taken about 20 minutes. And would have if David hadn’t stopped to pick up a hitch hiker. Let the record show two things. 1. I was against the idea. 2.if there is ever a situation where I am the voice of reason, someone has irreversibly fucked up. So we pick this guy up, says he just needs a ride to the gas station, where his buddy would come get him. We pulled in and disembarked to find food. Grabbed a few packs of Dew, snacks and clove cigarettes (we were so edgy) and made our way back outside. We were greeted in the parking lot by cop cars blocking every exit and pulling the only other person in the lot out of his car and cuffing him. A voice boomed out from one of the speakers mounted on a police car. "Keep your hands where we can see them!" "We didn’t do anything!" "Get on the ground!" That’s when our hitch hiker came running out of the store, saw what turned out to be his getaway driver on the ground and turned to us. "Dont suppose I could get another ride?" David tackled him. So the police tazed David. Jen made the mistake of trying to grab him. So she got a bit of juice too. I threw my hands up and walked back to the curb and sat down to wait for an explanation. Which came from the one police officer not currently trying keep David from killing the hitch hiker. "Did you guys know your friend was going to try and Rob the Western Union in here?" "Not our friend. We just picked him up on the way here. said his buddy was gonna meet him here. And no. We had no idea. We don’t even know his name." "Well…. if the other guy who’s actually with you would stop trying to harm our suspect, I think we can let this all go." "Sounds good to me. Lee, get in the car."

  7. The first post of this reminds me so much of that same time in my life. Good group of friends and pretty much everyone sleeping with everyone. Most of us are all still friends. Good times.

  8. L eeanne and I gathered our fallen and I drove us back home to decompress. As soon as we got in the door, Jen bolted for kitchen, then returned with 4 beer, distributing them. "While you two recover from your little adventure, this beer and I have a date with a shower." (Shoutout to r/showerbeer, if you haven’t tried this it’s awesome.) I hugged Jen and David and retreated to the solitude of the bathroom, stopping only to grab clothes and a towel. I turned the water up as hot as it would go and stepped in, reveling in the shock of the hot water and cold beer. I set the beer on the soapdish and closed my eyes, letting the water wash over me as the events of the last day replayed in my minds eye. Which is probably why I didn’t notice when Leanne snuck in, stripped down, and stole my beer after stepping in behind me. Until she stuck the cold beer against my ass, causing me to scream and spin around, losing my balance and taking us both to the floor of the shower. Luckily, neither of us was seriously injured, and she didnt spill my beer, so I extricatedcmy limbs from hers and stood, helping her up after.she grabbed the washcloth off the towel bar across the back of the shower and lathered it up, handed it to me and turned away, sticking her ass out invitingly, laying her hands on the towelbar. I ran the washcloth over her back, reaching around the rub her breasts as i passed them. Once she was covered, i draped the cloth next to her hands and began to massage her along the path the washcloth had taken. Once I reached her hips, i pressed myself against her,moving my hand to rub her pussy. She leaned even further forward, lining her opening up better with me. She grabbed my cock and guided me in. We started slow, just enjoying the feel of one another. I repositioned so I could bend my knees to enter her straighter and picked up my beer, slowly moving in and out while slowly sipping from the cold bottle. This went on for a few minutes, until the water started getting cold, and the beer warm. Leanne reached down without losing my dick and turned off the water, then stood up, took my beer and finished the last dregs. She kissed me then gestured towards the towel folded on the counter. I handed it to her and waited, shivering. She finished drying off her body, handed me the towel, then took it back and wrapped her hair up before stepping out into the bedroom. I followed, forgoing the rest of my clothes in the hope I wouldn’t need them. I found her on the other side of the bedroom, looking out the sliding glass door at the trees. It was early evening and the sun burned orange between thick clouds on its way down. (This house was on a hill and the back bedroom had an attached deck overlooking the hill and woods.) As she opened the door and stepped out onto the deck, I followed, wrapping my arms around her waist and watching the sunset with her.

  9. Unfortunately, I lost contact with everyone of the people in that group. After I moved back home from college, the whole group split up. We had a good run, but our lives just all moved in completely different directions.

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