I thought I didn’t want a woman. She proved me wrong. And my boyfriend is fine with it. [part I of III-m/f]

Evening, r/gonewildstories, and allow me to introduce myself, as this is my first post. My name is Echo, and I have been a long time lurker of this subreddit. Now, it's my turn to share tales of my… adventures.

I am a 22 year old woman, and for those who are hungry for details, my physical description is as follows: I am 5'2", barely over the 100 pound mark. My frame is quite petite, but I was fortunate enough to be blessed with a "nicely shaped" hourglass figure, or so I've been told. A few years of waist training will do that, I suppose. I do love my corsets. I have pale skin with a fair complexion, and chin-length hair dyed crimson. My hazel eyes and pouty lips are my most prominent features. I love to paint my face in dark make-up. Though, I'm sure you would rather I go on with the juicy bits, mm? My bust is a 34C, not too big but not too small. Perfect for my structure, in my opinion. I've been told I have a nice ass by several people, lovers and strangers alike. I can't disagree, really. Even I am guilty of whispering "Damn~" when modeling a new pair of sexy panties in the mirror.

The naysayers of the forum are no doubt shaking their head and calling shenanigans already. That is okay. I'm not here to prove anything. I am here for telling stories of my experiences. Whether you decide to believe anything or not is all on you. Now, where should I begin…

I won't start with my most scandalous sessions. That would spoil my fun later on. This story I'm about to tell you, dear Reader, occurred recently. A "new experience" for me. I will warn you though–It's going to be a long read.

I forgot to mention in my introduction that I am a bisexual female with a deep love for BDSM. The bondage play will come later, I promise. When confessing to my love of four years of my sexuality, he handled it calmly. He loves me regardless of who or what I am. And… told me, if need be, that it was okay for me to seek out female "companionship" to fill the other half of my heart that he could sate. I laughed it off. I told him I didn't want a girlfriend. "Women are nice to gander at." is how I lightly put it. That was six months ago.

And then, I met Amelia.

It was the week before Christmas, the worst time to make a trip to the mall. A friend told me of a new shop that opened up that did free corset fittings and sold all sorts of Steam Punk/Gothic/Wiccan merchandise. Right up my alley. I HAD to check it out. The assortment of clothing was beautiful, though not as beautiful as the sales associate swaying to Depeche Mode blaring throughout the store.

She looked like a thicker, curvier version of Betty Page. The black hairstyle the icon adorned, the perfect eyebrows, the scarlet lips… I greatly admire Betty Page. Finding a young woman with almost the same appearance was like winning the lottery. Few women can pull the style off. But she, Amelia, was absolutely stunning.

I must of stared for one moment too long, because she approached me with the usual "Do you need help with anything?" She saw me as another customer, another sale. I saw her as a goddess.

I explained to her that I was told of the free corset fittings. As the store was dead, she perked up when given this new task. She brought me over to the back wall decorated with a menagerie of corsets and permitted me to pick out my favorite to try on. I chose a dark purple underbust with black lace and silver buttons.

She accompanied me into the fitting room, as it was part of her job to assist me. She watched as I unbuttoned my flannel and set it aside on the small table in the room. "Oh, that is a cute bra! And you have the right clasp for a corset?" For those who don't know, 3-4 rows of hooks in the back and no spaghetti straps when wearing certain type of corsets for form fitting. I smiled. Told her I knew what I was doing. She sighed in relief. "If only you knew how many customers came in with flimsy bras…"

Then she complimented the style and color. It was nothing to be overly impressed with. A typical black and lacey bra. And then I noticed something that made my heart jump just a bit…

This woman was clearly checking out my breasts. Part of her job? Perhaps. But her eyes were locked on. She noticed and jumped, startled. "I'm sorry! You have beautiful skin."

I thanked her. She proceeded with the fitting. Once it was on, I heard an audible "Wow." from behind me.

Needless to say, it was worth the $70. I told her I'd come back to see her soon. She thought I meant visit the shop. Gods, no… I wanted to see HER.

I came back a week later with money burning in my wallet and the desire to see my "Betty Page". She recognized me as I walked in and called me over to show off the new stock of Demonia boots. I was pleased she remembered my love for those boots. She had to be bored. She talked my ear off about everything from clothes, to music, and tattoos. And I was fine with all of it. After a good fifteen to twenty minutes of conversation, I tried breaking myself away by using the excuse "I know you're busy. I'll let you go back to work."

She scoffed. "Honey, we've been dead all day. I enjoy your company."

I couldn't help it. I smiled. I hung out with her while she folded clothes and worked on fixtures. She asked if I wanted to join her at the food court during her lunch break. I happily obliged.

It was during that time in the food court I learned that she recently broke up with her GIRLFRIEND (cha-ching!) and moved up here in Jacksonville from Tampa. She lamented on how she had difficulty finding new friends in the area and how lonely she felt. I offered to be her friend. She smiled. Her smile is so perfect.

When I went home, I sat my boyfriend down and told him about Amy. At first, I detected a little jealousy, but then he softened. He pulled me to him and told me he said I could pursue women. He did, however, appreciate the heads up. I kissed him and thanked him for being so understanding, only to apologize immediately after. "There's nothing to be sorry for. You are who you are. I'll never stop loving you." And then, he grabbed my hand and lead it down to the pulsating buldge protruding from his jeans. "Just remember–This is the only cock you're allowed to see and touch. No other man will have you."

He kissed me. It was a deep, demanding kiss. As his tongue slithered against mine, I unbuttoned his jeans. A woman could take a piece of my heart, yes, but he's my one and only. I was determined to reassure him of that. I freed him of his pants and knelt down before him, playfully lapping my tongue under the tip of his penis. He gasped and ran his fingers through my hair as I teased the head, licking slowly up and down his shaft before taking him into my mouth and sucking. He's larger than average, making deep throating almost impossible. I make up for this by jacking him off as I suck on him. After a few moments, he forcefully pushed me off and crawled on top of me. In one swift motion, he removed my shorts and thong and was in me. I barely had time to brace myself, and cried out as his thick cock plowed deep into my pussy.

"No man is allowed to make you feel good like I do." He growled, thrusting harder. He wanted me to scream. My body shook from micro-orgasms, and I dug my nails deep into his back. He groaned and shook me off, and then rolled over so I would be on top of him. He grasped tightly at my hips and bucked his hips hard. I can't handle it when he performs that way. I bent over, moaning loudly into his ear. His hands loosed and explored down my hips and over my ass. He chuckled and slapped my ass cheek hard, forcing another cry out of me. I was on the edge. Was jealousy the reason he was being so rough in that moment? Whether it was or not, I loved it. I rocked my hips in rhythm with his. I moaned against his ear, begging him for more, expressing my love and gratitude. He responded my firmly grabbing my ass, and massaging my asshole as he went all out.

I was cumming. My lower half pulsated, my thighs tightened around his hips, and my legs quivered. I screamed his name as I came. His shoulders were bleeding from my nails digging deep into them.

"Oh, baby… I'm not through with you yet."

I was still sore and throbbing the next morning when I sent Amy a text asking if she worked. She was off, but added that she didn't mind meeting up with me for lunch. The boyfriend nodded his approval, knowing my aching cervix was enough to remind me of who I really belonged to.

The rest will have to wait until part II ;) I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammatical errors. It is late and I'm headed to bed… after a quick session with my vibrating wand.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40wojc/i_thought_i_didnt_want_a_woman_she_proved_me


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