So I started dating this guy recently that has a really big dick that is way too big for my pussy. So he actually bought me a really big dildo so I could practice and loosen myself up with it so it wouldn't hurt so much when we have sex but today I tried getting the dildo inside me and I could barely get in a couple inches in before it started to hurt too bad and I stopped. In a weird way I like the challenge of being able to take his cock inside me without a problem but I realized how much practice I need and I'm afraid of the pain :( I guess I just was hoping to get some advice or encouragement on how to stretch myself out for him in the least painful way possible. He also knows I've done anal with other guys and wants me to do it with him but I don't think there's any way I could prepare my ass for what would happen if he put his dick inside me :/
I’m a guy and have ran into this same problem with the girl I date. 1. Foreplay (have him go down on you until you can’t take it any longer). You’ll loosen up and be aroused. 2. Lube should be your best friend. 3. Keep practicing with his penis. Your vagina will adjust over time. 4. Do not put his penis in your butt. That sounds way too painful. Maybe surprise him with a butt plug instead. Hope that helps! =)
the foreplay will be good till your pussy can just take his dick
Practice with toys! Wines your other friend! Let us see your progress of course!
Really not the forum for this. You should be in /r/sex But since you’re here: 1. More foreplay 2. Use lube always. Lube is not there for after you’re dry or sore. Lube is there to prevent you from being dry or sore. I have the same issue, and had girlfriends feel slightly insulted when I wanted to use lube even though they were wet. The next time we had sex, they asked to use the lube again; it really makes a difference on post-sex wear and tear. A good silicone lube will last longer than a water-based one. Just don’t use silicone lube with silicone toys. Anal is…tricky. Your butt has two sphincters (muscles that clench it shut), and one of the two isn’t under your conscious control. Relaxed anal is happy anal. Work your way up to cock over the course of weeks, starting with a finger, and adding more as you’re comfortable. Expect the actual anal to take way longer than you’d expect; foreplay keeps it interesting. Err on the side of too much lube, and consider buying lube applicators so you’re getting it inside where it’s needed, too. If it ever gets painful, stop and try again another day. If drinking or weed helps you relax, that may help too.
Get a set of plugs from smaller to larger. I have to do that in order to do anal with my current girlfriend. The largest plug is just slightly bigger than me.