I Cheated on my Boyfriend at Work [F/F] – 2

edit: read from here to skip to the wild bit.

Hi gws. I posted something crazy that happened to me here and it was really really great for me to know other people were seeing it, and it was nice to be able to contribute to the sub as well. So I thought I’d write up the next bit and post it. I actually contacted the mods before posting this because of how long it is, and what my options were for cutting it up, but I never got a reply.

Once again details and stuff have been tweaked a lot. I have also written in a lot of the talking between Izzy and me. Obviously I kind of had to make it all up from memory, but it's true as far as I can remember it. Same goes for all the details I guess. It’s mega rambly and stupidly long because I’m just going through everything step by step in my brain. Like, every detail I can really remember. It’s definitely helping me get everything out of my head. So the disclaimer is that there are pages and pages of words where I don't 'go wild' in any way. Obviously though this is gonewildstories so you can infer from that what you like… I've tried to break it up into chunks with lines of *XXX*s so you can zoom ahead if you want to skip all my rambly thoughts.


This is the weekend after it happened where I just think a lot about stuff. Skip ahead to go to my first day back at work with Izzy.

I suppose I should start with the Saturday after the Friday, as that makes sense. I woke up next to my boyfriend completely naked and feeling very heterosexual. Sleeping next to my man after having his penis inside me was very reassuring. I felt fine. I got up, put some pjs on and started on breakfast. Before long my boyfriend joined me and we had a nice normal Saturday morning together. We rent a little two bed flat on the outskirts of our smallish city. It’s nothing fancy but it’s our base, and that morning we were enjoying it with cups of tea and crappy television.

If all this sounds very normal, that’s because it was. It was weirdly normal, almost scarily normal. At first I tried desperately to not think about what had happened with Izzy the day before, because I was afraid everything would come tumbling down and I would become a mess or something. But obviously you can only keep that up for so long, because it’s like trying not to imagine a pink elephant when someone says ‘don’t imagine a pink elephant’.

So I’d be sipping my tea and relaxing when Izzy’s face would suddenly pop into my mind’s eye, looking up at me from between my thighs. Or I’d be looking at the tv screen and suddenly remember staring at my laptop screen while Izzy quietly pulled my legs open. It was bizarre to feel so normal, but suddenly get these weird flashbacks. At one point I went to go have a shower, and as soon as I locked the door I was transported back to that toilet cubicle, peeling off my panties and sticking them in my handbag. I stood there in the bathroom thinking ‘Was that really me? Did I get half naked at work? Did I really get wet because of a girl?

What was bothering me about the flashbacks (which is a term I use super loosely) wasn’t that they were making me feel sick or weird (they weren’t) but that they didn’t even feel like me at all. It was a bit like having someone else’s memories in my brain because the person I was remembering didn’t fit with how I thought about myself. I wasn’t disgusted or anything, I just didn’t identify with the ‘me’ in my memories. Very odd feeling.

I didn’t let anything on, and if my boyfriend noticed anything he didn’t show it. We just continued through our day like normal. I went for a swim in the afternoon which helped clear me up a bit, and I started to feel more and more removed from the previous day. By the time dinner rolled around Izzy felt like a character in a book I’d read, and Friday seemed like it had been weeks ago, and in another person’s life. I almost tricked myself into thinking I’d made it all up. When I woke up on Sunday it was even more normal. I just accepted that Friday had happened, and that it was just going to be a teeny tiny blip in my life. We went to lunch with my boyfriend’s parents, and everything seemed to have sorted itself out.

On Monday morning it was the usual routine which meant up early and off to work. Izzy doesn’t come in on Mondays, which I was really happy about if I’m honest. I felt fine in myself but I was afraid that we we’re going to have to have a ‘talk’ or something, so it was nice to know there was another day before we’d have to work that out. All the same I got pretty nervous when I got to my building and office. I got this feeling like the walls knew what happened. I must sound super paranoid or something, but I think I just had a lot of butterflies. I swiped into the office, walked over to my team’s desk, and sat down. Everyone had the usual post weekend small talk as we settled down to work. It was really nice to have everything feel like nothing had changed, and I worked away happily all morning.

At lunch time I went to the kitchen in our office and microwaved some soup that I’d brought. I was alone in the room kind of staring vacantly into the microwave (as you do) and I figured I should probably think about what to say to Izzy the next day. Thing is, she had been totally fine about everything on Friday afternoon so I guessed she’d probably be fine on the Tuesday too. She’d probably come in and it would be awkward at first, but we’d get a chance to speak about it and both be like ‘Yeah no worries let’s just cross it off the bucket list and move on!’. I’d just tell her it was our secret and that it’s not like it meant anything anyway. Everything would be fine.

I was sat down at my desk eating my soup when my colleague/friend sat next to me said ‘Oh, Helen, have you got that list of codes I laminated?’. I didn’t have the list, but I knew exactly where it was. I had lent it to Izzy on the Friday morning for her project and she had probably put it in her desk. I swallowed my soup and said ‘Yeah hang on a sec, I’ll just grab it from Izzy’s desk’. Hearing her name out loud kind of knocked me a little bit. I stood up and walked over to her desk. Pretty ordinary and sparse, ‘Just like that other desk’ I thought. I tried to ignore the thought and looked for the list.

Keyboard mouse monitor, with some stationary and a packet of biscuits off to one side. It was an ordinary desk, but it was also hers. My wandered again and I thought ‘Those biscuits go into the same mouth that gave me an orgasm three days go’. Really random thought, but it just popped in. I ignored it again and opened the drawer under her desk. Some pens and pencils, a phone charger, some papers, and a pair of grey mittens. I knelt down so that I could leaf through it easier, and got just the faintest smell of her, probably from the mittens? I don’t know if it was perfume or body spray or shampoo, but it was definitely her. I didn’t realise until then that she even had a smell. I breathed in through my nose to see if I could get it again. I did, and it took me right back to opening the meeting room door on Friday. Smells are fucking weird like that. I started to get a bit anxious, and forced myself to sift through the pages until I found the laminated list. I closed the drawer without looking at it, stepped back to my desk and handed the list to my colleague.

The rest of the day I was a tiny bit more subdued. I was fine really, but part of me worried that I was going to freak out when I saw Izzy the next day. I went home that day feeling fine, but probably a little less secure than in the morning. I also noticed that I still didn’t feel bad about what had happened. It almost felt too alien for me to feel bad about it, even though I knew that didn’t make it okay.

on Monday evening I was sorting out some laundry. While I was putting some clothes away in my chest of drawers I rediscovered my little treasure trove of lingerie (I don’t have much if I’m honest). I don’t wear it that often but I like looking at it sometimes because it’s a nice reminder of my intimacy with Ben (the name I’m giving my boyfriend). Probably sounds a bit weird but whatever. It’s all the usual sort of stuff really, lots of sheer things that each weigh less than a chocolate biscuit because of how little material there is. I found a pair of panties that Ben bought me as a semi-serious valentine’s present last year, so I picked them out to have a look at them.

They are like lace panties except the middle bit is attached to the front with a pair of buttons, so you can unbutton for ‘easy access’ (lingerie makes me laugh sometimes). I don’t know if I’m explaining it very well but they look kind of like this, only on mine the middle bit is sheer lace and the rest is cotton. I was looking at them with a smirk, when my mind turned rogue again and thought ‘These would definitely have made things easier last week’. I put the panties back with the other stuff and shoved it all back into the drawer. I figured it was going to take a few more days at least to get everything out of my system, and I just carried on with my laundry.


tldr spent the weekend feeling a bit weird and wondering if I was gay or something

Next bit is about seeing Izzy again after the weekend. Keep scrolling if you want to skip to where we talk about ‘stuff’

The next morning Izzy was on my mind again obviously. When I got dressed I actually deliberately chose some trousers because I wanted to divorce myself from everything that happened. I got in my car a bit later feeling pretty confident and set off for work early, so I’d definitely be there before she arrived. I did manage to get to work early, swiped in and got started on stuff at my desk. Izzy cycles into work and comes up the office’s back entrance (past the toilets). I was actually really glad about that because my desk faces towards the main entrance and I think I would have just stared at the doors waiting for her otherwise.

The next 10 minutes were agonising. Every time someone walked past I had to force myself not to look and see if it was Izzy. Eventually though it happened. Someone walked into my peripheral vision, slowed, and stopped. I counted to three, pretending to look intently at the screen, and then turned to see Izzy standing at her desk while she set her stuff down. I couldn’t help but just stare at every little detail about her. Not for any dirty reasons, just because she had been going round and round my head for days, and now she was actually in front of me again. She started taking off her coat and turned her head to face me. My stomach actually did this weird flop thing when we made eye contact. She gave me a big smile, and my face smiled straight back at her just as strongly. For just a split second I remembered the wet, sticky version of that smiling face I had seen last week. We didn’t say anything. Pretty quickly I realised we were staring so I just said ‘How you doing? Good weekend?’. She nodded and said ‘Yeah thanks, nothing special but it was okay’. I nodded. We were still kind of smiling at each other which was probably super weird to anyone looking, but I didn’t really want to just turn my head away and end the exchange.

After several long seconds Kim (the friend I sit next to who I’ve mentioned) got to her desk next to mine and said hi to us both. I was relieved for the opportunity to snap myself out of that weird trance, and we had a little three-way small talk for a minute or so. While her PC was turning on, Izzy looked at Kim and I (and a couple of others who had just arrived) and asked if anyone wanted a drink. She went off to the kitchen with our tray to make some teas and coffees (typical intern!) and I had to force myself not to watch her go. I tried to get back to my work while she was gone, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I kept thinking about her face and her eyes and her lips and her hair and her body. Not because I was attracted to her, but because I was trying to figure out if I was attracted to her. We’d had a kind of sex together and I’d been thinking about her for days. Did that mean I fancied her? Had I actually been bisexual all this freaking time? I know orientation isn’t a big deal for a lot of people, but for me it’s a huge chunk of my identity.

Izzy came out of the kitchen a couple of minutes later holding a big tray of mugs. She was keeping an eye on the tray so I took the opportunity to sneak a look at her. By all standards, she really is very good looking. Her features are all pretty striking, but still quite delicate and pretty. It's kind of hard to describe, but her face is quite unique in a good way. Her eyes are really big and blue, her nose is pretty, and her mouth is wide, which might not sound conventionally attractive but she has quite full lips and I think it makes her smiles super infectious. She's white (which you probably guessed), but she has this really subtle tanned colour to her skin, like just barely caramel-y. Her hair is long and blonde and is kind of 'fluffy' without being frizzy, like it's very wavy without being curly. She’s in good shape too, though her body is waaay different to mine. We’re both lean but where I am quite willowy she is shorter and has more curves going on, and you can tell she cycles a lot by looking at her legs. I was carefully scanning all the different parts of her trying to figure out if she was doing it for me. To tell you the truth I really didn’t know. Thinking I might not be straight made me feel pretty uncomfortable to be honest, and I certainly didn’t feel same way I do when I see a hot guy. But at the same time she really did look good, and I was kind of having fun watching her because of it.

Of course right then she looks up and sees me watching her. I thought about looking away but I was way too slow for that. She gave me another big smile which I obviously returned. I thought 'Oh god she probably thinks I fancy her', even though I wasn't 100% convinced I didn't. It was going to be a weird day. She started handing out everyone’s drinks and when she got to my desk her scent hit me way stronger than before, taking me right back to the little meeting room again. She put my mug down and said ‘Milk no sugar, yeah?’. I nodded and said ‘Yep’. When she spoke I could just about see her tongue moving in her mouth, and all I could think 'That's the only tongue in the whole office that's been in my vagina'.

I won’t keep up the blow-by-blow account, but basically the day went on like that. Us both trying not to smile at each other like weirdos while we tried to get our work done. And when either one of us had to pop over to the other’s desk, I couldn’t help but vividly remember our last meeting. I was pretty sure she was thinking the same thing. It's hard to get a lot of work done when you're trying to work out if you 'like' someone.


tldr saw Izzy at work and tried to figure out if I fancied her

This bit is about us talking about things. Skip ahead to find out what happens when I'm left alone with my thoughts.

Around lunchtime I was picking at a sandwich when a little alert popped up on my screen. I had totally forgotten but I actually had some TOIL I'd booked off from 2pm that afternoon. Izzy and I share a work calendar so I heard it come up on hers at the same time. It was still an hour and a half away, but about fifteen minutes later a little email notification pops up on my screen, and it's from Izzy. We email files and stuff several times a day so it's no big deal, but the subject line on this one said 'TOIL'. I tried not to click on it straight away in case she thought I was too keen but then told myself off for being a teenager. I waited like twenty seconds and then opened it and this is paraphrased from my inbox.

Hi Helen,

I saw you're on toil this afternoon? Do you want to go to a cafe and have a quick chat? No worries if you've got plans, just thought it would be a good opportunity to go over a few things. I'm actually a bit ahead of schedule over here, in case that's a concern.


My head kind of swam for a bit. This was the first actual recognition that anything had happened outside of my own head. I was relieved to see that she suggested a cafe and not a meeting room, but I still didn't know if we should meet. I hit reply and started typing something super professional like 'Hi Izzy, Thanks for your email. Happy to have a catch-up to see how you're getting on, but I think we should keep it work-related if possible'. But I deleted it because it was pretty bitchy. Well that and I knew I actually did really want to talk about it all. So I settled on:

Hi Izzy

Yes I forgot myself actually, I do think it would be a good idea to go over things though. I have to run an errand first, but we can meet in the downstairs lobby at 14:30 if that suits you?


I clicked send before I could change my mind. I didn't have an errand to run at all but I felt like I wanted some breathing room for some reason. Izzy replied a moment later to say that it was fine and she'd meet me later, which made me a little nervous.

Well 2pm rolled round and I packed my stuff and switched off my computer before saying bye to everyone and heading out. As soon as I got out the building I didn't really know what to do, so I went to the post office to buy some stamps (which nearly caused me to be late because the post office is always super busy). But I got back to the building for half 2. Izzy was there with everything except her bike which she left on the rack, and we shared a smile through the glass when I approached. She's interesting because in some ways she's very feminine but in some ways she's not. She looks very feminine with her hair and her face and her body. Her clothes are all obviously bought from the women's section. But she doesn't really act in a very feminine way. Not that she's butch or anything because she definitely isn't. It's hard to put a finger on it. She never wears heels or dresses or skirts for example. She doesn't wear makeup, and she doesn't wear any jewellery apart from a thin silver chain around her neck. The way she stands and talks and walks isn't really masculine or feminine. It's just Izzy. I think she's just quite practical. I would never describe myself as girly, but being next to Izzy does kind of make me feel a bit girly.

Anyway, she opened the door and walked up to me and we said 'hi'. I wasn't freaking out or anything, but I was definitely nervous because this was the first time we'd been 'alone' together since it happened. I tried to be way more comfortable than I actually felt and said 'So where do you want to go?'. She mentioned a cafe nearby (which I'm not naming for obvious reasons!) and we started to walk in that direction. The walk was only like 5 minutes, but it felt a lot longer. We just talked about work stuff, and a bit more about what we did over the weekend.

The cafe we went to is what I imagine an Italian-American cafe to be like. It's quite dark inside with lots of wood paneling (I've never been to Italy or America so I don't really know!) with quiet classical music playing. It's quite big too, and it's kind of a morning place so it was fairly empty that time of day. Anyway we got a coffee and tea and sat down at a square table in the corner. I had no desire to drink my tea at all but I forced myself to take a few sips anyway. She looked at me and said 'So. I hope this isn't weird'. I said 'No, don't worry!'. But it was definitely a bit weird. I kind of took the lead and said 'Is there anything in particular you wanted to talk about? Obviously, you know, 'that', but anything in particular?'. She laughed and said 'Well, I don't know. I guess it was just pretty crazy. Never done anything like that before. I wanted to make sure everything was still fine with us? I don't want to mess up my internship obviously'. I gave her a very genuine smile of relief that she was approaching this from the same angle as me and said, 'Absolutely. Don't worry about it. It was pretty crazy wasn't it?'

At that moment we both just cracked up and started giggling, and Izzy went super red and I think I did too. It felt soooo nice to just laugh about it, like all the second-guessing and everything just flew away for a second. I suddenly felt like I could talk to Izzy about anything because of what we shared. I said 'You know it doesn't have to change anything right? It happened and then it was over and we're both still here'. She nodded again and said 'Yeah, totally. I'm really glad that we both feel, I don't know, stable about it. I was really afraid that everything was going to be messed up when I came in today. I've been a bit of a state all weekend'. I kind of opened my eyes a bit wider at that, because that is honestly not what I wanted to hear. I said 'I'm really sorry about that, we probably should have had this chat on Friday, but I think it was all a bit much'. She shook her head and said 'No no, it's all fine now. I'm just glad everything's okay'.

We had a completely comfortable moment of silence while we both relaxed a bit. Eventually Izzy piped back up and said 'So. I have to ask. Do you kind of wish it hadn't happened?'. I took a moment to think about it and was really surprised at what I thought. It occurred to me just then that at no point in the last few days had I thought 'I wish I hadn't done it'. I looked Izzy in the eye and said 'If I'm honest, I don't regret it. Still shocked it even happened, but I don't wish it hadn't'. She looked relived to hear that. I followed it up with 'What about you? Are you glad you got to… you know… try it out?'. She smiled really widely and said 'Definitely. I've been trying not to say this because I didn't know how you'd react, but I really enjoyed it'. I had another sudden flashback to her face from the last week, and still couldn't fully believe it was the same girl. She continued saying 'All that stuff has been going around my head for a few months now, and I'm really glad I got a chance to do something about it'. She was quiet again for a moment and then said 'Not just about the curiosity thing either. I mean, it was actually really fun. Like, really fun for me to do'.

I nodded. I was planning to kind of move the conversation on there, but then that weird thing happened again. Where some part of my brain intervened really quickly before I could think about it, and I said 'So, if you don't mind my asking… What about it did you like?'. My rational brain kicked in and said 'Stop it Helen', but the question was out there. Izzy took a few moments and said 'Well, lots of things I guess. I mean, I don't want to be really graphic about it…'. My heart started beating faster in my chest and Izzy had a very quick glance to make sure no one was around. She said 'It's kind of hard to describe, but it's just really intense to have… you know… your face… there.'. I nodded and forced some more tea down my throat. She continued saying 'And there's other things obviously, like….'. My autopilot brain said 'Like what?'. She smiled nervously and said 'Like… the taste? And the feel of everything against… your face? I don't know…'. I could feel my pulse in my head and some tiny part of my brain that had still been holding out was like 'Holy shit it really happened didn't it'. I had a sickeningly familiar rush of that rollercoaster excitement. 'Izzy knows what I taste like' I thought, 'She knows what I feel like against her face'.

We were quiet for a minute, before Izzy turned it around and said 'What about you? Did you enjoy it?'. I kind of looked up at the ceiling and said 'Uhhh….'. Izzy smiled and said 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked'. But I caught myself and said 'No it's fine. Yes. I did enjoy it'. Izzy nodded slowly and said 'Because, you know, if you didn't mean what you said before I'd totally understand'. I gave her a quizzical look. She said 'You know. After you…. finished…. you said it was the best or something?' ……

And there it was. The fact that I think I had been deliberately ignoring all along. It absolutely had been the best, or at least one of the best. Izzy had given me oral sex and I'd had maybe the most intense orgasm I could remember. I really didn’t want to think about what that might mean. I put my tea down and tried not to look at Izzy's face. I said 'Umm… Yeah. Well… It's kind of hard to, rate it, I guess… But yeah. It was….'. I let go for a moment and just said '… It was really, really good. Honestly. It was amazing'. Izzy's face basically split in two because she smiled so hard. She breathed out and said 'Phew! … I really liked it when you… Yeah… So I'm happy you did'. We both had another giggle. I could feel my face get really hot, and my heart was still pounding away.

After the moment passed I looked at her and said 'Do you think you answered your question?'. Izzy waited a moment and said 'Yeah I think so. I haven't told a soul about ANY of this obviously, but yeah. I think I'm kind of… Bi… Wow that feels weird to say out loud'. I smiled out of genuine happiness for her. It was actually a really nice moment. She looked at me after a moment and just said 'Thanks. I know it's a weird way to help someone, but you really did help me'. I started waving my hands and shaking my head because although it had been many things, it had not felt one bit like charity. I said 'No no no! Don't thank me! Let's just both say it was fun, okay?'. She nodded. It felt really nice to admit that it was fun, because it was.

Izzy waited a bit and then said 'What about you? I know you weren't trying to answer any 'questions' about yourself, but did you, er, did you like the fact that I'm a girl?'. I felt really stunned at that moment because that was the very question I had been trying to answer the last few days. 'Um. I don't know' I said truthfully. I could feel this voice in my head going 'Shut up Helen, shut up shut up' but I was kind of ignoring it. I said 'I don't think the 'girl' part had anything to do with it. But I don't know. I mean, part of me thinks I must at least be okay with it, because otherwise it wouldn't have been so… nice'. Izzy nodded and said 'Well I mean it's no big deal really. It doesn't have to be, I mean'. She chuckled and said 'I guess the test is: would you ever choose to do it again?'.

'Oh shit' I thought, 'Would I?'. I was not ready to think about that question. I just ummed and ahhed a bit and then said 'Hard to say, I mean I don't know. I mean it feels really good obviously, but I don't know if I would want it with a girl again. Specifically'. Izzy shook her head and said 'Hey it's fine, I suppose at the end of the day… umm… A mouth is a mouth right?'. We both started laughing again at that point because it was such a stupid thing to hear. Such a weird conversation to have.

At that point more people started to come in and a couple sat down nearby so we switched to work chat. It actually was useful to hear about what she'd been working on that day in more detail, and the rest of the conversation was pretty run of mill. After another twenty minutes or so our drinks were cold and we decided to call it. Saying goodbye was pretty awkward because after all of that she was still my intern and I was still her line manager. I started walking back to my car (not at the office) and all I could think about was how messy everything would get if something went wrong now. That, and the question Izzy had asked me about wanting to do it again. I still couldn't answer that one.

So apparently this is way too long. I'm just gonna put the rest in a comment. Hope that's okay. Like I said I contacted the mods…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/40d0kx/i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_at_work_ff_2


  1. **Second chunk!** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** **tldr Cleared the air with Izzy after work but ended up feeling conflicted** *This bit is about what happened later that day when I was left alone with my thoughts. Skip ahead for a rundown of the next couple of days in the office.* That night I was a bit quiet because I was still going over everything. Ben actually asked me once or twice if I was okay, but I said I just felt tired. I still didn’t know what to think about Ben. Well no, I knew what I *should* think about Ben and what I should feel about it, but it wasn’t happening. My reality that I had built with him just wasn’t the same reality that Izzy existed in, in my head at least. I know this is a bizarre and cruel thing to say, but I have never stopped loving him through any of this. People say you can’t hurt someone if you truly love them but I don’t think that’s accurate. I know I love Ben but I did something bad to him very easily. But it wasn’t like I was upset that evening. I actually felt a lot happier after chatting with Izzy about everything. I think I was just still processing it. Anyway Ben went to bed a bit earlier than me that night and by the time I got some pjs on and got into bed he was completely out. I lay down in the dark trying to go to sleep but of course it wasn’t that simple. When something is bothering me I can find it really hard to sleep, because in the dark and the quiet it’s hard to distract yourself. Obviously I started thinking about Izzy and our conversation, and as I kept going over things I started to think again about how crazy it was that we’d done what we’d done. In the office. On a work day. And right then I felt a little flutter between my legs. ‘*Whaaat?*’. I froze up, and started trying to analyse my train of thought. I rationalised It had been a few days since Ben and I had done anything in bed, and my body was probably just reminding me, that’s all it was. Certainly nothing to do with Izzy. I kind of pushed it out of my mind at first, hoping it would go away. But it didn’t. And then I got curious. I tried to think about having sex with Ben, and about when he had gone down on me. It felt… good. I closed my eyes in the dark with my hands resting on my stomach and thought about him lying next to me, and about the stuff we had done the other day. It turned me on a bit. I tried to build on it and keep him my thoughts, but it was kind of aimless and I couldn’t concentrate on it properly. Whenever I tried to think about it in detail or fantasise about it my mind would wander off. Then I let myself do what I had been trying not to do for the last several days. I kept my eyes shut, and deliberately imagined myself back in that meeting room. Chest heaving with anticipation on the chair while two hands pulled my legs open. I thought about how wet I had been, and about Izzy’s fingers playing with it on my thigh. I thought about that moment when her tongue had gone inside me and how I had nearly doubled over. I thought about the amazing orgasm I’d had on her mouth and face. I thought about what Izzy’s cheeks and lips looked like covered in my cum. As I lay in bed thinking about Izzy and what we’d done, I immediately started to get turned on *hard*. Oh my god it was such a rush reliving it in my head. All the waiting and toying. And then the act itself. How soft her lips were and how good her tongue felt and how she looked afterwards. I was finally acknowledging how fucking fun it had been. I lay there in bed getting hornier and hornier thinking about a girl. My heart was beating loudly in the quiet room. And slowly at first my hand started to move south. I was so scared but I didn’t want to stop it. Kind of like before in the meeting room I just went with it and let a different part take over. My fingers eventually found the waist band of my shorts and slowly slipped under them. I stayed there like that for a moment, kind of mesmerised by how turned on I was and how loud my heart sounded. I figured if I moved my hand slowly enough I wouldn’t notice. I felt the fabric of my panties shift as my fingers slipped under them too. I imagined it was Izzy’s hand I could feel moving over my skin. All the images and emotions swam around in my head as my finger finally curled down and slid over my clit. Oh my god I was so wet. Not like before obviously, but still. My lips felt really hot and big, and my finger started to slide up and down really slowly, moving my cum up to my clit before going back down again. Every time I got to the top I would clench up in pleasure. It felt so good, and imagining it was Izzy’s tongue only made it better. I could feel my heart getting faster and my legs getting tighter. When all of a sudden Ben said something random in his sleep and rolled over to face me. I have *never* torn my hands out of my shorts so fast in my whole life. I lay so completely still with my arms bolted to my side, legs clamped shut and my eyes fixed on where I thought Ben’s face as. He mumbled something really quietly and settled again. Completely asleep. Holy shit I felt like my heart actually had nearly stopped for a moment. I exhaled as slowly and quietly as I could and slowly relaxed my muscles. After a minute or so with no sounds from Ben I had kind of recovered. The reality of the situation hit me then and I thought ‘*Oh my god, I was masturbating to a girl*’. I quickly wiped my fingers on the side of the mattress and then rolled onto my side. I could still feel all the wetness squirming around inside my shorts, but there was no way I was going to do anything about it now. ‘*I nearly made myself cum while thinking about Izzy*’ popped into my head again. I lay there like that until I fell asleep. **Oh my god I’m so sorry. I had no idea it would take this much space… more to come**

  2. **Third chunk!** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** **tldr nearly got myself off while thinking about Izzy, felt super weird about it** *This bit is a rundown of my next couple of days in the office, including my next catch up with Izzy* That was Tuesday night, and there isn’t loads to talk about in terms of what happened on Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday Izzy was in, but I was in meetings all day so we didn’t really get a chance to talk beyond saying hi and bye. On Thursday Izzy wasn’t in so I was left to kind of stew a bit in the office. In general I would say I felt okay about Izzy by that point, what was bothering me was my own behaviour on the Tuesday. No matter how I tried to rationalise it, I could not figure out how masturbating while thinking about a girl was compatible with being straight. Like I said before I don’t have a problem with non heterosexuals, it just wasn’t something that ever applied to *me*. But then I was masturbating while thinking about a girl, sooo….. yeah. In the end I kind of decided it was just because of what we’d done and how exciting the situation was. Also it wasn’t like it was girls in general I had been thinking about, it was specifically Izzy and only Izzy. I kept trying to sneak glances at female colleagues though to see if I had magically started fancying any of them. Nope. As for Izzy herself I didn’t really know how I felt. I was still pretty sure it was just the excitement from that one off thing, but I wasn’t super sure. One other thing to mention on Thursday was that the office did some remodeling. They had people in to put new doors on the private meeting rooms (something about fire safety I think). The doors were pretty much the same only the windows were way bigger and came down nearly halfway. Seeing them made me feel really relieved in a way because I thought ‘*Well that’s that then*’. No way anything else could happen if the windows were that big. That prompted me to do something I had been putting off all week: I had to book a room for Izzy and I to have our weekly progress catch up the next day. The office has bigger meeting rooms you can book with glass walls, but obviously I never went with those before because it was just us two. This time I decided to look into them first despite the new doors on the smaller rooms. Fully booked. That’s what you get for leaving it till the day before I guess. I reluctantly swapped rooms to one of the private ones and clicked confirm. A little message popped up saying there would be work going on but it was scheduled to finish before our afternoon timeslot. ‘*It’ll be fine…*’ I thought. Next morning I was a little nervous if I’m honest as it was one full week since my last official catch up with Izzy. I had picked out a white blouse and a pretty blue skirt and some dark tights, and was getting dressed when I suddenly thought ‘*Better go with the trousers again, just in case*. I stood there for a moment, and then I decided to do just that and go with trousers. No harm in being careful right? In case something stupid happened. I guess it was just to reassure myself. I was buttoning them up when I kind of caught myself and thought ‘*No. This is ridiculous. Honestly Helen this is ridiculous. It’s just a skirt for god’s sake*’. I stood there for a minute or so thinking, and then doubting those thoughts back and forth. And then for the second time I took all my clothes off and started again, this time putting on the original outfit. Well not quite the original, because I paused for a bit and then made a couple of last-second alterations. Stupid alterations that I knew I shouldn’t have made… But it was a stupid situation. I like to consider myself a pretty pragmatic person most of the time and I found it irritating that I was being so twitchy about the clothes I was wearing. I got my head screwed on straight, got my stuff together and headed off to work. The morning was pretty intense actually. Notifications for different things kept popping up on my screen and each one served to remind me that I had a catch up with Izzy later that day. It was this super weird mix of foreboding doom plus excitement plus anger at myself for feeling foreboding doom and excitement. Eventually at 1pm a notification popped up specifically for the catch up and let me know it was only an hour away. I heard it on Izzy’s computer too and my stomach turned. I suddenly wished I had gone with a different outfit. I was starting to have real regrets about the clothes I had picked. I kept telling myself ‘*Stop worrying, everything will be fine. Nothing’s going to happen. Just don’t start anything and nothing will happen*’. That hour crept past at about 0mph. Well, you know that feeling when something feels like it’s taking ages but happening really quickly at the same time? It was just like that. Like turning off your alarm in the morning and lying in bed half awake waiting for the next one. The last five minutes were really dumb because I basically just clock watched for all of them. No way was I going to get any work done. Eventually though it happened and it was 2pm. I packed away my barely touched lunch, popped my stuff in my bag, got my laptop out and stood up. I definitely felt a bit sick. Izzy looked over at me with her awesome smile and started following suit. Then she stood up holding her notepad with her rucksack slung over her shoulder. ‘Which room are we in Helen?’ she said. I read a lot into that question and then told myself off for being stupid. I pretended to think for like half a second and said ‘Um room 1’. She nodded and we started walking over to the middle of the office where the room was. I kept thinking ‘*Don’t worry, there are those new windows in the doors now…*’. We got to room 1 and my stomach just completely dropped inside me. It absolutely did have the new door on. And the new door had a much bigger window in it. But there was a white plastic film stuck to the glass on the inside making it completely opaque, like the film on a new phone. I tried to act like I hadn’t even noticed and just opened the door very decisively, but I don’t know if Izzy saw me trying too hard. I thought ‘*Oh shit. It’s even worse than before*’. We both stepped inside and Izzy put her bag and notepad down while I gently pushed the door closed. The room had a bit of that new car smell from the door I think. I looked quickly at the inside of the window and it basically was just like a film they put on appliances and stuff to protect the surfaces. ‘*Just peel it off*’ I thought ‘*They probably just forgot*’. But then I thought ‘*Or maybe they didn’t. No one’s told you to touch it so you should just leave it alone*’. I went back and forth like that loads of times super quickly. I almost reached out my hand to peel it off but then thought ‘*What will Izzy think? Will she think I’m trying to say something? Am I trying to say something?*’. All this probably happened over like 2 seconds, but it felt like fooorrreeevverrrr. To stop myself looking like more of an idiot I just left the film on and moved away from the door. Part of me regretted that decision straight away because it really compounded certain other decisions I had already made that day… I sat myself down at the desk and started opening my laptop. We were both sat kind of half facing the desk half facing each other. I said ‘How you doing Izzy? Good morning?’ without looking at her. She said ‘Yeah thanks, been quite productive which was good. Managed to finish that draft you wanted to talk about’. I said ‘Excellent stuff, well done’. I turned to look at her as I said it because it felt a bit weird denying her eye contact, but I think I blushed a bit when I saw her sat barely three feet away. She smiled back at me. I couldn’t help but notice that she was looking characteristically pretty. Her hair was swept back with a plain alice band. She was wearing snug black jeans and a loose, satiny black and white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows (she always has a kind of practical look about her). Like normal she wasn’t wearing any makeup, but honestly I don’t know if it would suit her as her features are quite striking anyway.

  3. **Fourth chunk!** I kind of clapped my hands on my legs to snap myself back into focus, and started trying to go for it with the catch up. We spoke for about fifteen or twenty minutes about how she was getting on with a report she had to write and it was more or less okay. I was having a lot of trouble concentrating though if I’m honest. Whenever Izzy spoke I had to force myself not to look at her mouth because I was afraid I would perv on her lips or something. Super weird I know, but I couldn’t block out the thoughts of what I had done the other night when I had been thinking about her. But then I kept staring at her eyes really intently. I kept going back and forth in my brain like this when I eventually realised that I wasn’t actually listening to what she was saying. I thought’ ‘*Oh for god’s sake get it together*’. I caught enough of what she was saying to reply with something fairly generic but she saw straight away that I hadn’t been listening as intently as it looked like I had. She looked at me and said ‘Helen are you okay? You seem really… distracted’. I forced a smile and said ‘Yeah sorry. I’m really sorry. Nothing’s the matter it’s just…’. I really had not intended to just trail off but I kind of did. I couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t be awkward or a lie so I ended up not saying anything. Izzy seemed pretty calm compared to how I felt and she just said ‘Is this… awkward? I’m finding it a bit funny being back here too. We can do this on Tuesday if you like?’. There’s a little aircon vent in the room and for some reason I really clearly remember it turning on then. It makes a background white noise which was nice because it removed the silence a bit. I took a breath and forced myself to chuckle light heartedly and said ‘No, I’m really sorry Izzy. I’m not usually like this I promise. It’s just been a funny old week’. Izzy smiled genuinely and nodded. I was really annoyed at myself because she seemed pretty together while I was a bit of a state, even though she was supposed to be looking to me as a capable manager. I had a load of questions spinning around in my brain and I didn’t know which one to ask, if any. Looking at Izzy I realised I really needed to know what she was thinking, so I said ‘Izzy. Have you…. thought about what we did much?’. She looked surprised for a moment and said ‘How do you mean? I mean I’ve definitely thought about it yeah, it was pretty crazy’. I nodded slowly and said ‘I mean, like, thought about it… I don’t know… fondly?’. Izzy smiled again and went a bit red, and said ‘Umm. Yeah. Of course…. It was fun. Kind of hard not to think about it fondly to be honest’. I nodded again, not really sure why I had even asked the question. I felt a bit better though. But then I started to feel really anxious again. My brain was just going ‘*Helen, get out of this. This is not how this catch up was supposed to go*’. I breathed out and said ‘Would you like to wrap this up Izzy? You seem pretty on top of everything. We could just do this next week and go back into the office’. All I could think about was the white film on the window, and how no one could see in, and I kept thinking ‘*Please say you want to leave, please say you want to leave*’. Izzy shifted a little and said ‘No it’s okay, I’m fine. Unless you want to go? I mean, obviously if you want to go we can go’. I didn’t say anything but I bit my lip anxiously. She looked at me and said ‘Do you want to go Helen?’. My brain was going ‘*Say yes, say yes, say yes*’ but I said ‘Umm. No?’. ‘*Oh shit Helen don’t do this again*’ popped into my head. I glanced away from Izzy for a moment and said ‘So, do you want stay here then?’. She didn’t answer straight away so I looked back to her. Her mouth was slightly open, and I noticed that I could see her heartbeat in her neck. It was hard to see, but it was going pretty fast. ‘*Oh shit, she’s nervous too*’ I thought. She kept quiet for a moment more then just said ‘Um. Yeah’. Oh my god I felt sick when she said that. My stomach felt like it was just twisting up. ‘*She probably wants to just finish the meeting*’ I told myself. I looked at her sitting there on the chair, and all I could think about was how good she had made me feel exactly one week before. Her heart was still racing in her neck and I knew she wasn’t interested in the meeting either. The fluttery feeling I’d had on the Tuesday night suddenly rushed back to me. It’s hard to describe, but it felt like in between my legs was the main part of me, and everything else was just arranged around it. I had this sudden moment of clarity where I thought ‘*I want this. I definitely want this*’. I looked away again for a moment and said ‘Would you ever want to do it again? Seeing as you liked it I mean?’. She thought for a moment and nodded quietly and then said ‘Uh. Yes. I would’. She was sat rigid in the chair with her legs together and her hands clasped on her lap. By now she looked as nervous as I felt. ‘*Oh my god how am I letting this happen again?*’ flashed through in my brain. I slowly shifted my chair around to face her more, and then used my feet to push myself and my chair back so there was more distance between us. The voice in my head had kind of faded and all I could think about was Izzy sat in front of me. I started thinking about her tongue and her lips again. I thought about the orgasm she had given me, and I remembered watching her as she cleaned her face up with paper towels afterwards. I remembered touching myself while thinking about her, and how warm her mouth was. We sat there like that for probably about fifteen seconds, and I was so turned on by the end of it I couldn’t think of anything else. Izzy hadn’t moved but I could hear her breathing quite quickly, and she was just looking at me in the chair. I didn’t think about what to do next, I just did it. I slowly opened my legs in the chair and shifted my bum forward to the edge of the seat, causing my skirt to kind of ride up my tights a bit. Then I put my hands on my thighs and slowly started to slide my skirt back as I continued opening my legs. I kept looking at Izzy’s face, but she wasn’t looking at mine anymore, she was looking at my thighs and watching my hands. Eventually I revealed it. I revealed one of the stupid, stupid clothing decisions I had made that morning. I apologise for fibbing earlier but I hope you see why. Eventually the hem of my skirt slipped back far enough to show my bare skin, and revealed that I wasn’t wearing tights at all. I had been wearing black holdups all day, and I couldn’t think of any reason I’d done it other than my catch up with Izzy. As soon as she saw the dark elasticated bands on my thighs she let out a tiny gasp. ‘*I wore them for her, and she knows it*’ I thought. I stopped for a moment terrified she was about to say she wanted to leave or something but she didn’t. So I kept going. I slid the hem back further and lifted it up, and opened my legs wider so she could see me, and see the second stupid clothing decision I had made that morning. I didn’t look down because I was too busy staring at her face, but I knew exactly what she could see. She could see the lacy button-up lingerie panties Ben had bought me for valentine’s day. I had put them on that morning, along with the holdups, in case she wanted to go down on me again. Thinking about it now and writing it out like that feels ridiculous, but it’s basically true. That stupid, curious, crazy autopilot part of my brain had decided to wear lingerie to work in case I got licked out by a girl. I watched her stare at me, imagining that she was enjoying what she was seeing. I could feel the panties pressed against my skin. I knew she could see pretty much everything. I could feel my lips pushed up tightly against the skimpy lace. She sat there looking at me for what felt like ages, though it had to be less than twenty seconds. I could feel myself getting wet for her as she looked.

  4. **Fifth chunk! ridiculous…** Finally she looked up at me and said in a whisper ‘Do you want me to?’. ‘*Oh my god yes*’. I just nodded slowly. I really really did want her to. She didn’t move at first, but then she slowly slid forward in the chair and lowered herself onto the ground, still looking up at me. She scooted forwards a little bit and put her hands on my thighs to balance herself and she shifted closer on her knees. Just finally feeling her hands on me again was so intense. Eventually she was right between my legs still looking up at me. I pulled the hem back and let it drop on my stomach. My heart was beating like crazy, and I felt hot and dizzy, too excited and terrified to move a muscle. I tried to steady my breathing and said ‘They… They’ve got buttons on them. You can undo them’. She gave me look that was a little bit like a smile but was mostly excitement I think. She finally looked away from my eyes and down in between my legs, with my pussy just inches from her face, and let out another tiny excited breath. She said ‘I’ve been thinking about this so much you have no idea’. ‘*Oh my god*’ was all I could think in response. She was so close to me, I wondered if she could see a wet patch, or if I smelled good for her. Izzy lifted a hand off one of my knees and brought it forwards. Very slowly she placed her fingertips on the fabric of my panties and stroked my pussy all the way down. Oh my fucking god it felt amazing. I was so sensitive. She barely touched me but it made me shudder. She kept doing it, stroking me up and down with her fingertips. I kept tensing up deep inside and Izzy whispered ‘I love the way you twitch like that… You’re so wet. I can feel it’. ‘*Fuuuuucckkkk*’, my brain felt like it was melting in my head. I was so incredibly horny I couldn’t give a shit that she was a girl, I just wanted to her to let me slide my pussy up and down her face, but I was too frozen up to say anything. She stopped stroking me and slid her other hand up to my thigh. I leaned forward with my elbows on the arms of the chair and looked further down. I saw my lips bulging against the lace. They were kind of slick and shiny with the cum that had seeped through the fabric, and then been smeared up and down my panties as Izzy stroked me. I saw her teasing at the two buttons open on either side. ‘*Oh fuck, it’s gonna happen*’ I thought. I watched Izzy’s face as she worked the buttons. She released the one on the right, and glanced up at me before moving on to do the one on the other side. I was so desperate by this point, I’m pretty sure I had forgotten I was even at work. Izzy popped the button through, and I watched the section of lace pressed against me fall away. It felt so good to have nothing in the way anymore, and I looked so.. I don’t know, hot and thick. My lips felt so warm, and they looked so firm and juicy. Izzy reached her hand down out of sight briefly and brought it back up with a strand of cum resting across her fingers and said ‘Oh my god you’re dripping’. ‘*Holy shit I need this so bad*’ I thought. It occurred to me that it had been nearly a week since I’d had an orgasm last, but I’d been thinking about it every single day. I lowered myself back against the chair, looked at her and just said ‘Please…’. She rubbed her fingers together for moment making strings with my cum, and then looked at me as she wrapped her arms around my legs like before. I felt the wetness from her hand on my leg. ‘*Here it comes, here it comes*’ I thought. I thought about looking away, but I couldn’t. I kind of curled forwards again and kept my eyes open so I could watch. Izzy opened her lips slightly, started to push her tongue out, and then firmly pressed her mouth right onto my wet lips. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I fell back again straight away and forced my throat shut because I did not trust the noises that were about to come out of my mouth. I lifted my knees right up in the air and over the armrests to try and open myself up to her as much as possible. My legs were quivering and I was gripping the chair. My toes curled involuntarily because it felt so good. It’s meaningless to try and compare it to the first time because it was really different. But oh my god it was exactly what I needed. Her nose was pressing against my clit while her tongue curled into my vagina. She pulled away after a few seconds and I leaned forward again desperate to see what she looked like. There were strands of cum and saliva between her face and my thighs and pussy. I panted quietly while we looked at each other. She looked amazing like that. A couple of the strands of cum broke and dripped off her face. I looked down. Her shirt was kind of billowy and I could see right down it. I could see her silver chain hanging just slightly away from her creamy skin. She had faded tanlines on her boobs just above her black tshirt bra and I was kind of mesmerised by the way her chest was rising and falling, pushing her boobs up and down. They’re not huge but they’re bigger than mine, and they nicely filled out her bra cups. I was fascinated by her. Right then I did something I never thought I would do. Even a minute before I didn’t think I would have done this. I propped myself up on my left elbow, and then moved my right hand forward. I gently brushed my fingers against her face, and then slid them round through her hair to the back of her head. I can’t really describe it, but it felt electrifying to hold her like that, and it just felt so.. intimate I guess? I kept my hand there like that for a moment and stroked her temple with my thumb. And then without saying anything just pulled her face gently back between my legs. Izzy closed her eyes and let me guide her in. As soon as she made contact I had to close my throat up again, it just felt so so good. She was doing the same thing she did the before by just lapping gently with her tongue while she was pressed right up against me. I had to be really deliberate in not absolutely cramming her face between my legs and it was taking a lot of willpower. She slowed down a bit and shifted so her mouth was a bit higher. ‘*Yes, she’s going for my clit!*’ I thought with a lot of excitement. She started softly sweeping her tongue from side to side across my lips. I was still watching intently and I could see my lips fold and slide against her tongue with every lick. She gradually moved higher and higher, and when she was about to get to the top she suddenly switched to licking fast up and down with the just the tip of her tongue flicking me. The effect it had on me was basically instantaneous. I clenched up so hard and kind of collapsed back in the chair. My other hand went straight out and grabbed the other side of Izzy’s head and I held her to my pussy with both hands while I kind of humped up and down her face with my hips. I heard her moan into me as I pulled her in. She felt so fucking good. Her lips, tongue, chin and nose sliding all over my lips and clit. She tried really hard to hold onto me and keep me stable, but I wouldn’t let her because of how desperate I was to fuck her mouth. It must only have been a few seconds until I felt my body getting ready to climax, and I all I could think was ‘*Oh shit oh shit oh shit*’. I tried to tell her but I think I just whispered a single word like ‘*…Cum…*’ or something, I don’t really remember! I find it really hard to describe how this kind of thing feels, but it felt like the last time. My eyes closed and my knees lifted and I kind of just opened up to her. I tried not to grab Izzy’s hair but I was definitely forcing her face into me really hard because I couldn’t help it. I could still feel the elasticated bands of my holdups and the waistband of my panties, and the reminder of what I had done was pushing me further over the edge. I was just in a completely different place and had no real idea I was still at work in a meeting room. It was like my clit was the only real part of me that existed and everything else was just trying to hold it to Izzy’s tongue. Oh my god though, it felt amazing. Like lots of bright light and shallow breathing and shuddering and rippling muscular pleasure. Sometimes when I have an orgasm my nipples tingle a little bit, and this time they definitely were. Just such a satisfying experience.

  5. **Sixth chunk** I don’t remember how long it lasted or even coming down off it. But a few moments later I was in this kind of trance on the chair. Breathing slowly with my eyes closed and one leg draped over the arm. My hands were still around Izzy’s head but I wasn’t pulling her in anymore. She was kind of stroking my legs with her hands and just kissing my pussy really gently while I played with her hair. I usually hate being touched right after I cum, but she was being really gentle, and each time she did it I just tensed lightly against her face. I could have stayed there for ages, but I kind of just slowly woke up from it. I looked down at Izzy after a bit and she looked up to me completely covered in saliva and cum. There wasn’t as much as before I don’t think, but it was kind of everywhere. It was on her forehead and in her eyebrows and all over her nose. I remembered smearing myself up and down all over her face a couple of minutes before, so it kind of made sense. She was smiling at me and I started smiling back. Then she started giggling and I joined her. I can’t really describe it, I just felt so so relaxed. I didn’t want to think about it too much at the time but I realised I had been gagging for it for days and a little bit of my brain was just thinking ‘*Oh my god finally!*’. I got this weird sensation for just a moment like I had known all along this was going to happen and that it was the most normal thing ever. After a few moments Izzy kind of backed off and twisted around. I suddenly felt pretty weird lying there like that so I hooked my leg back over and sat up with my legs together. I nearly pulled my skirt down but I didn’t want to get cum on it so I kind of left it bunched up at the top. I noticed the bands on my holdups had a few wet patches, but thankfully they all looked high enough that they would get covered by my skirt. I was kind of looking around a bit aimlessly for something to wipe myself up with, and then I noticed Izzy as she unzipped her rucksack and honestly pulled out a pair of small hand towels and a pack of wet wipes. She turned back to me and instantly went red when she saw me because I was just in shock and making a face that said ‘*Oh my god you cheeky bitch!*’. I laughed (genuinely) and whispered ‘Oh my god Izzy. Seriously!?’. She laughed too and was like ‘Well I thought… You know… Just in case?’. I nearly laughed again at her but I suddenly remembered my holdups and my ridiculous panties and kind of stopped in my tracks. Izzy gestured to my legs and said ‘You blatantly thought the same thing though!’. I just laughed a bit awkwardly and nodded because she was right and I couldn’t deny it. I sat there and watched Izzy clean herself up while I tried to process everything. It was really strange. I kind of expected a lot of disbelief and shock at myself and everything, but I was just calm. Izzy handed me a towel and I dried my legs all over before cleaning myself up with a wet wipe (not very sexy I know). I remember how weird it was to look down and see my ‘bits’ while I cleaned myself up. Still wearing the open panties but suddenly all very non sexual. Just a bit weird. After I was clean I lifted up the middle section of the panties. It was pretty sticky, but I gave it a wipe which helped a bit. I remember Izzy watching me quite intently while I buttoned it back up and concealed myself with the skirt. All ready to face the world again. So fucking weird to go from legs up and pussy out to dressed and decent so quickly. Izzy packed the towels away, readjusted her band, and no one would’ve had any idea even if they’d burst in right then. We sat there in the room completely fine and tidy and everything. Izzy looked over and said ‘So, do you want to talk about this? I don’t want it to be awkward, and I’m not saying it is, but maybe we shouldn’t just go without sorting this out?’. I suddenly panicked a bit but I don’t really know why. I just said ‘Yeah, you’re probably right there’. Izzy glanced away for a moment and said ‘I’m guessing you liked that?’. I nodded trying not to look as embarrassed as I felt. She smiled at me and nodded back. Then she said ‘Just so you don’t get the wrong idea, I didn’t come in today planning this would happen, or even thinking it would happen. I guess I just hoped it might…. Tell me if I’m wrong obviously, but I’m guessing you had the same idea?’. I sat still for a moment desperately wanting to shake my head, but it would obviously have been a lie to both Izzy and myself. Although in a way I hadn’t wanted to do it, a part of me had definitely hoped it would happen. ‘*Jesus Helen what is wrong with you?*’ Popped through my head. I very slowly nodded my head and said ‘Yeah. I mean, part of me wanted it to happen I think. Just because it was… because it was so… good. Last time I mean’. Izzy nodded at me and gave me a small smile. She said ‘This is a pretty crazy situation. I mean, it wasn’t even really experimenting anymore. I know we probably should have said before that we wouldn’t do it again, but we can sort that out now if you like?’. I was looking down, but looked up and nodded at her. I said ‘Would you like to not do that again?’. Right then she definitely blushed again and just said ‘Er. Well, I would never want to make things stupid or awkward. Not that I didn’t enjoy it because I did, but you know. Probably not the best thing to keep doing it, if you don’t want to too’. All I thought was ‘*Holy shit we could keep doing it*’ but I stamped all over those thoughts straight away. It occurred to me straight afterwards that Izzy hadn’t really answered my question. I just followed it up with ‘Yeah. Probably not a good idea’. My brain suddenly filled with images of me stroking Izzy’s face and how weirdly tender it had been. My stomach just turned over at the thought. I felt sick. Just not how I saw myself at all, being tender with a girl. I still couldn’t separate it in my head from how amazing it had felt physically though. I kind of snapped myself out of my ‘moment’ and said ‘Yeah. I don’t want to say it was bad in any way, because it really wasn’t. But we shouldn’t do this again’. Izzy did that thing where you kind of nod your head and shake it at the same time and said ‘Completely, completely understand. No worries Helen’. She waited a few moments and said ‘I hope… I hope we didn’t ruin it. The last time I mean’. She gave me another big smile and looked away and said ‘It’s just, it was kind of a big deal for me obviously. It was just a bit of fun, but it was kind of a milestone at the same time, so I hope we haven’t made a “bad thing” out of it or something’. I shook my head, because honestly we hadn’t, and I really *really* didn’t want to fuck up that moment for her. I had a sudden desire to be really honest and just said ‘Both times it was really fun. Honestly it was great. It’s kind of weirding me out. It’s just that it’s not really…. who I am? Also I have a boyfriend… So yeah’. Izzy nodded again. I felt like everything should have been fine but it wasn’t. Neither of us was sad or anything, but it definitely felt like it had gone from ‘weird’ to ‘messy’. Looking back though I think it was just me, and it was just really weirding me out that I had liked it so much. But not just that I had liked it, but that I had enjoyed the fact that it was Izzy doing it. Right now (several weeks later) I still don’t consider myself gay or anything, and I haven’t seen a single girl and felt anything for them or wanted to do anything with them, but there was something about Izzy that was just messing with my head. I think it was just a by product of doing something so intense together, but it felt so murky in my brain. After a moment of silence I said ‘So shall we both agree that we liked it, it was fun, and we have no regrets about it, but that it should be something we keep firmly in the past?’. Izzy nodded and said ‘Absolutely. The thing I want most is for this not to be weird’. I felt a sudden rush of relief, like maybe for the first time my brain could start to compartmentalise everything. I smiled pretty widely and said ‘I’m really glad this is okay. Also, if you want to ‘talk’ about any of this that’s fine, I don’t want us to pretend it didn’t happen or anything’. Izzy just smiled and nodded and said ‘Thanks’.

  6. **Seventh chunk. Last one!** After a moment I kind of looked at the laptop, then looked back to Izzy. I said ‘So then, this report’ and we both started laughing a little bit. It took a few minutes, but we kind of settled back into a normal catch-up discussion about the work, though it was admittedly a bit slower and more distracted. By the time we had finished our chat about twenty minutes later I think we both felt loads better about everything. I kind of felt a bit like I wanted to hug her goodbye when we left the room, but obviously I didn’t. We both went back to our team and finished a very normal Friday afternoon. And when Izzy left at 4:30pm we said our smiley goodbyes to each other and the whole thing started to kind bubble away into my long term memory. Looking back I think half of my brain was kind of desperate to forget as many details as possible, although I couldn’t and didn’t. By the time I started to pack my stuff up to head home, all I could think about was seeing Ben. I still couldn’t really work out my feelings about Ben. I loved (and love) him, and obviously thought badly of myself for doing something so unfair to him, but it was only a thought. I don’t know how to explain it other than to say it was a thought but not a feeling. I didn’t feel that crushing sense of heaviness you usually do when you do something you know is bad, I just felt like ‘*I can’t ever let him know because I don’t want to make him sad*’. Even now I still think it’s because it was a girl. I know it still ‘counts’ as cheating, but it just never hit me emotionally. That’s a super selfish and stupid thing to say and I would never claim otherwise, but it’s the honest truth about how I felt. I made a decision early on not to lie about it here. I think I realised then that people aren’t as simple as you think. I had always unconsciously assumed that people who bad things are nasty, but I don’t think that’s true anymore. What I did to Ben was dishonest and selfish, but I didn’t do it out of spite. I don’t know, just makes me feel differently about other people who have done bad things now. Anyway, it was all over and done with so I could just move on with it. That evening I felt way more like my normal self, and even Ben noticed. We had another nice weekend visiting some friends, and I felt like I had closed a very dubious, weird, exhilarating chapter in my life. In reality (which I’m sure a lot of people will be pleased to know) I hadn’t closed it at all. But I’m going to post this as it is now because it is waaaaaay too long already, and I feel like I need to get it out there. I think I’ll probably post more, but it’s a really exhausting process so sorry if it takes ages. As before please go ahead and ask questions but be aware my answers might have limits! x

  7. Wanted to say my boyfriend said he would be more forgiving if I ever cheated on him with another girl but not with another guy. I don’t know if you’re still doing it or not but eventually something has to give right?

  8. Just wanted to say this is the hottest story I’ve read on here. Love all the detail and how real you are with your emotional state during the buildup and actual sex.

  9. Brilliant story. And honestly I can’t wait to read more. Yes it was long but it was brilliant. Keep it up. Btw my fiance and I have a rule. Its not cheating if it’s with the same sex. But that works for us. But hey you never know…

  10. Gotta say that this is the most sexually charged story ever on this forum. You gotta give us a hint tho- have you had your own first taste?

  11. One of my favorite series on the sub! The detail you explain your thoughts and interactions not only creates this incredibly hot slow build up, it reveals a lot of deeper truths. A masterful exploration of sexual identity, infidelity, and workplace affairs.

  12. Jesus H. Christ on a cracker, woman! This should be enshrined in the gonewildstories hall of fame for breaking three records: Longest story, lowest sex to total word count ratio, and hottest series of all time. You perfectly communicated your state of mind throughout, and though I’m a straight man, I feel like I could really empathize with everything. I’ve felt the strange sensation of words coming out of my mouth when I don’t want them to, usually accompanied by severe dry mouth and palpitating heartbeat. I do hope you continue to write. I’m loving every minute of the reading.

  13. I’m really glad you enjoyed it so much. I really didn’t mean for it to be so long. I felt so stupid putting it in like 6 extra comments. And that dry mouth is something I definitely forgot to mention, it’s so weird. I think I will keep writing it up, but it’s exhausting so don’t hold your breath!

  14. haha! Never thought about fiction, I like reading though. What can I say? I’ve obviously spent too much time on this subreddit. Like I said to someone else: I think I will keep writing it up, but it’s exhausting so don’t hold your breath!

  15. Quite obviously the whole experience has at least taught you that love/sex with other people can be much more fluid than what some might think. It makes for a lovely story. I do have a few Q’s, like had you ever felt guilty for not offering the same or for not kissing Izzy? or had you ever told her about finding it difficult picturing other women doing the same things she had? How long ago was this/what has happened since? Now that you’ve experienced some of the dominant/subordinate actions men are typically associated whats your take on it? Probably the only one that you might find worthwhile answering for yourself… Would the idea of Ben doing the same for you, turn you on just as much?

  16. Wow. As a guy with a sexual marriage relationship with 2 women who consider themselves fully straight I loved your story. Not the infidelity part but the rest.

  17. "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to" Who cares how long your story is! It’s your story. Umm is its exhausting or exciting to write I all down and think it through again?

  18. This was excellent! I enjoyed all the details! And I can very much relate to where your head was at in regards to Ben. I’ve been there. Thanks for sharing and I hope to read more from you soon!

  19. Your wrote the first part after the second part had already happened right? It would have been interesting to see how your decision to write a sex story about your first experience would have played into your mindstate going into the second, but then I realized it probably didn’t just happen.

  20. That was just unbelievable. Too much too take. I did want to read it word by word, but I often found myself skipping here and there to get to the finish line. Marvelous. I’m trying to picture Izzy. She must be my type, cute tiny and hot as hell.

  21. You’re such a good writer! Good grammar and punctuation is so rare on the net these days and makes a huge difference (for me any way)

  22. This is the most unbelievably hot story I’ve ever read! You are an incredible writer! The way you build sexual tension is amazing! You had me soaked by the time you got to the action!

  23. This is the best writing on here that I have read. Well done. I don’t usually read long stories like this from the start to the finish but this one had me engrossed the whole way through.

  24. Your writing is awesome. If you are ever going to write a novel, regardless of genre, I would love to read it.

  25. I know this isn’t up for a vote, but I want /u/verybadmanager to break up with Ben and live lesbianly ever after with Izzy.

  26. These stories are amazing. Do keep writing, please. Don’t worry about the length. I’ve read many stories that seemed too long, or in need of editing down, but not this. I loved every bit, and it felt captivating throughout. I loved the build up and reading your thoughts. It was sexy, erotic, voyeuristic, and fascinating.

  27. I created an account to say that was the hottest story I’ve ever fuckinng read. Even after reading your original story for the second time. Everything about it was hot and your thought process so practical and human. Loved it thanks for sharing

  28. Holy COW! That was amazing. It wouldn’t have been as good had we not had all your other thoughts between the steamy steamy scene. Thank you so much for writing it out!

  29. Do you plan on continuing things with Izzy or further exploring other girls? You mention that you were intrigued by her, one could even say physically attracted to her, do you want to go down on her (or try it on another girl) sometime?

  30. Some reasons I like this story besides the obvious. You are obviously British, so I can relate more. I can also tell you are really intelligent because you are extremely literate. I also enjoy it as much for the emotional aspect as the sexual one. Please keep us updated. I wonder if down the line you will always have a special place for Izzy given this experience together. I also have a question. Have you thought about it the other way round – wondering what Izzy tastes and smells like? And also, what about kissing her? It sounds to me like there is passion here, like you two could be lovers. Even if it’s based on lust more than anything. Lastly, my penis thanks you for this story. He says he would love to get even a hint of what you look like.

  31. This is the reason why we shouldn’t shame gonewildstory writers with cheating stories. This and your first chapter is probably the hottest reads ever OP. Bravo! But on a serious note – and I hope you keep writing to keep us updated but do you think the sex and what you are getting from Izzy is being built up too much in your head? What I mean is: you didn’t get oral from your bf in weeks, you did it somewhere public, the both of you were angry at your bfs, and the taboo nature of Manager / Employee. Maybe she is skilled or maybe it’s just all those factors making you have incredible orgasms. I know you said that she was the best you’ve had a few times, but are you sure it isn’t the adrenaline talking? Because if it isn’t then have you considered more of a future with Izzy? I’m not criticizing you at all by the way. Please keep us updated, I’m hoping the best for you. Thanks for sharing OP!

  32. I could see trying an AMA about it for this month. I have some time. Should I ask first somewhere if people would be interested? Do I post at IAMA or AMA?

  33. Next that’ll happen is that you’ll return the favor in a more private setting and enjoy having her rub her soaked self all over your face as much as you enjoyed doing that to her. That’d really allow you to explore her in a more conclusive manner. Plus, it’s only fair. That’s my bet :)

  34. God that was good. Loved every word! You could have a future in teen-lit, yknow. Very lucrative. And your experience! What a ride!

  35. Thanks that’s a nice way of putting it. And yes, definitely both! which is why it took me so long to write this bit of it.

  36. Yeah I know it’s a bit weird. For the sake of time scales Izzy started at the beginning of October. Our first ‘meeting’ happened on the 6th of Nov and then the second on the 13th. After ‘stuff’ that happened in the beginning of December I decided to go back and try and write a journal about everything. After writing some of it up for myself I got the idea to do it more fully for this sub, which works way better for me anyway. Edit: my point being (lol) that a bunch of stuff happened before I ever even thought to write any of it down.

  37. Thanks! And Izzy is weird like that. She kind of isn’t cute, because you get this sense that she’s really capable and pragmatic, which aren’t usually cute things. But then she is very ‘petite’ and pretty.

  38. haha! Thanks. I used to be pretty sloppy, but I need it for my job and it’s become a habit I cannot shake!

  39. Nothing on the horizon, but if anything changes I’ll drop by and let you know!

  40. Haha! ‘lesbianly ever after’ got a good laugh out loud me. Seriously though, that is just such an alien notion to me. I actually had a dream/nightmare after our second ‘meeting’ that I was married to Izzy and seeing Ben on the side. Really messed my head up for a day.

  41. Thank you, I really hope you get to write more and more (and that your relationship with Ben goes on and on). Out of curiosity: how much do you enjoy your job, how big is your team and what’s your real passion?

  42. I’m really glad you and others aren’t too bothered by the length. I never set out to get acclaim or anything but after the first bit did quite well I was worried I’d just piss people off.

  43. Humm… Those are interesting questions. I don’t want to go into too much detail in case my answers are too ‘identifying’ or something. But I definitely enjoy my job. It’s not my dream job but I’m happy to stay there for now. My team isn’t huge. It varies from week to week but less than fifteen. And I don’t know if I have a ‘real’ passion. I have loads of things I like to do, and I guess my passion is getting to do them all.

  44. Thanks, didn’t wanna get into too much detail at all ;) I’m Italian and live in Europe so wasn’t trying to stalk at all, just in a ‘career/path change’ period of my life, where I wish my passion could be my work haha – hence the interest

  45. Piss people off? Only if you stop writing. :) Granted, I’m sure you’re not a hit with the, "keep words to a minimum, naught bits only, it’s GW stories not GW erotic literature" crowd. But I think your warning at the beginning is sufficient to keep them from having to waste their time reading rather than wanking. Speaking as someone who enjoys a good story, I loved your ability to paint a picture, build anticipation, and really put the reader in your position.

  46. This is really good! Had to create a throwaway and it didn’t bother me that I had to read a very lengthy one because this is a perfect package. Please continue writing. Have you ever thought of sharing your posts to Izzy?

  47. Very kind of you, but you will probably see a problem keeping your anonymity – but feel encouraged anyway

  48. This is by far the hottest story I’ve ever seen on here. It’s so hot because it’s one hundred percent real. Honest. I’m a 90-percent-straight guy, but occasionally like to play around with other guys: my first few times were EXACTLY like you describe, it was really like an out-of-body experience. I didn’t walk to meet him, someone else in my body did. But deep down I knew the whole time exactly what was gonna happen. Thanks for writing this so well, and making me feel like I’m not alone feeling this way.

  49. Wow. Whatever your day job is I hope it has something to do with marketing or writing because you have some serious talent!

  50. What I’m curious about is, have you ever thought about a Threesome with Izzy and Ben? If you could feel comfortable with the notion of Ben fucking Izzy, of course, since she’s the Bi one…

  51. Thanks! I’ll give it my best. That is something that actually came up last time. I haven’t shared these posts with her yet but I’m strongly considering it.

  52. You’re certainly not. That’s actually one thing that has helped this all feel less strange. I never thought I’d get comments and messages from people who can describe the exact same feelings.

  53. Haha! Thanks! It’s not actually which I suppose is a bit odd. I do have to write stuff for my job but it’s pretty dry usually, and not the bulk of the work.

  54. You know what? Never has that thought even once crossed my mind. It feels so… weird. Really weird to think about that. My intern and my bf!?!?

  55. Of course, it could be you in the middle, being eaten out by Izzy, whilst snacking on your boyfriend.

  56. **Unfuckingbelievable…** I mean totally believable just amazing. I am another straight male that was totally enthralled with your sexy story. You describe your thoughts and feelings so well I was completely in to it. Thank you again and please continue.

  57. Holy shit woman! I’m a straight guy and you had me rock hard the entire time. I mean your descriptions of everything, including memories, feelings, emotions, the orgasms themselves, absolutely incredible. It helped that I firmly believed this was real happenings also. But yeah, cheating is a big thing. I don’t know if those of us who have done it actually know to what extent it affects the other person. I think I know, or knew, but I was clearly wrong! And yeah for some people emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating. But I didn’t come here to judge! Just to applaud your story, and it’s insane hotness! I say this with all honesty: I hope it goes well with the bf. You sound like a phenomenal girl – emotionally, physically, and last but not least, sexually ;)

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