NOT a sex story, a story of what ifs and characteristics of a shitty person (me)…

So to start of with, this is my second gonewild (not really) story. As I said in the title, I know I am a shitty person for even having thoughts like this, but hey I thought I would share it with yall and write something interesting, plus this is a throwaway anyways. So clearly I have no one else really to talk to about this, so you guys can comment whatever you like, or whatever you want to share. So basically I am just gonna let you know who these girls are and what I feel towards them. I have alot of gonewild stories of Taylor, and I will write a couple later, and yes they will involve actual sexual stuff.

Taylor- My gf, 19 years old, who has been with me for over a year, our relationship was really dynamic sexually at first but then a lot of things happened and we thought we would hold off on the sex for a while, its been a couple months, she goes to college and so do I, and its around 5 hours apart, and we see each other every two weeks. Taylor was my first and I was her first, she is pretty vanilla but we have done some kinky stuff in the past. Taylor has double DDs, a nice small petite firm ass, she is really beautiful, basically 8/10 when she is casual, and 9/10 when she tries. Recently I have not been attracted to Taylor a whole lot, Idk why but I sometimes find end up telling myself in my head how great this girl is. Basically wife material. Idk whats wrong with me cuz I dont have as much fun as I used to with her. Maybe its the pause on sex, or maybe its the fights we had in the past that now I am scared to love her again. (She broke up with me and then we ended up getting back together) I sometimes think that I am just scared to get hurt again by her. Now these issues have caused a couple more issues…Kind of makes me feel like it will end soon. Her values and my values dont really match at all, even though hers are better and I am trying my best to live up to them, it still doenst and sometimes I think I should break up with her and sometimes I think and I know that if I do the things that she wants from me, then yes in the long run I would be a better man.

Katie- Taylors very longtime best friend for like 18 years or something. Katie and Taylor attend the same college and yes they are rooming together. Katie is pretty hot too. So Katie dated one of my best friends for a couple months and it didn't work out and that best friend was the one who fucked it up with her and wants her back, but shes done with him. So Katie is really flirtatious. Katie is 19 basically flat chested, pretty nice ass ( I am kind of an ass man) and really pretty too. 8.5/10 at all times. Now Katie is super innocent, the girl has never even been fingered. She has kind of been flirting with me, like texting me when she just wants to talk, asking me for rides, sometimes talking about sexual things with me. To the point where Taylor had to tell her that it makes her feel uncomfortable and then Katie stopped, we all still hang out alot, the three of us. But recently I have really wanted to fuck Katie, even Taylor's little sister Melanie said that Katie might make a move on me if she is left alone with me. Taylor really freaked out about that. So she made sure that it stopped, basically me and Katie are never alone now.

Melody- Taylor's little sister, 18 years old. Ok so imagine Sarah Hyland but with 32Es.. This girl is hot. Classified Busty Petite. No going around that. Like ridiculous. Basically 9.9/10 at all times. Really bratty, but sometimes fun. Lately I find myself being really attracted to her. She has a long time bf since like her freshman year. She is a virgin, but have basically done everything else. So Katie is still the most innocent one out of the three. Whenever I am at Taylor's house and Melody is just walking around, I always take a look at her tits. I just cant help it. I have tried to kick the habit but I am still pretty attracted to her. There have been instances where I thought maybe in a couple years if me and Melody are alone and we are drunk something might happen. Cuz honestly I feel like theres some heat there. She is way too close to me than a regular gf's sister should be. Hell the last instance I noticed something like this was 2 nights ago when I was laying in Taylor's bed and both the sisters were there, and Melody was eating life savers or something and ended up taking one and just feeding me one, and then when Taylor asked for one, she handed it to taylor's hand. Its weird shit like that, my gf would never feed Melody's bf. Maybe I am just overthinking things. Probably am. Other instances were like her hugging me and wanting to hold my hand when we walked around Town Square and stuff, and her hugging you with those gigantic tits are fucking glorious.

There are times when I think that one of these days I will either end up fucking Katie or Melody, and sad thing is that I really do love Taylor.
