By very popular request, my one and only [f]umble with another girl.

It was at a summer house party, one or maybe two years after I graduated. Usual thing, loads of people, loads of drink, a house with a huge, dark garden, late at night. I was there with a guy but to be honest, I can’t remember who it was! Kinda says all you need to know about my love life at the time.

Late in the evening, on a bench down the end of the garden, sharing a spliff with my good friend Rose and her housemate Paula, who I knew quite well from parties and the pub though we’d never been close. Rose went back towards the house, for more drink or more weed, or maybe just to dance, I don’t remember.

Paula and I were left on the bench, smoking and giggling about nothing in particular. As I handed her the spliff she took my hand and held it, just lightly, as if she wanted to ask me something. I remember turning to look at her, our faces quite close, ready to ask if she was ok. She held my gaze and I suddenly knew she was going to kiss me. I wasn’t too surprised, I knew she’d had relationships with girls in the past.

“Oh god Andy,” she said, “I’ve always fancied you.” She leant in for the kiss and I kissed her back, quite gently, eyes closed, enjoying the kiss and the gentle flickering of her tongue. I remember thinking how smooth it was, like kissing an incredibly well-shaved guy, and how gentle.

We pulled closer together, my hand on her back, her hand sliding up my skirt, and I happily moved my legs apart for her. Kissing always makes me want to be touched, and I could feel my wetness as she slid her fingers inside my pants.

To be honest, I didn’t really concentrate on it being any different from being kissed and fingered by a guy. I didn’t touch her – I guess I was a bit scared to though she probably thought I was being selfish. Looking back now, I wish I’d been more brave. Instead I just let myself enjoy the gentle kissing and skilful touch, her fingers inside me and her thumb flicking over my clit. I pulled her close towards me, breathing too hard to kiss properly, grinding against her hand as I came.

We held each other for a few seconds, before I broke away, still breathless. I remember clearly the feeling of her fingers tracing wetness down my thighs as she moved away.

I don’t remember what I said. Hopefully I managed at least a ‘thankyou’. I do remember her telling me I was beautiful, and only a few seconds later Rose coming back and asking how we’d managed to lose the spliff, and Paula and I collapsing into fits of giggles.

I don’t know if she ever told anyone. I never did. I’ve changed the names, obviously, but if you every read this Paula, I’m sorry I never returned the favour. It was a lovely orgasm!



  1. Great story! It sounds like you had a good time and have no regrets. Would you explore that side of your sexuality again, given the opportunity? Have you ever thought about seeking it out?

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