Almost gone wild? Singapore to Paris

I had this weird experience years ago on a plane and I always wonder about it.

I was going on my first solo holiday overseas to Europe (backpacking). I had caught a plane from Sydney to Singapore and from there a flight to Paris. On the flight to Paris I was seated at the very back of the plane. The seating arrangements were like this:

Seat Seat Seat- – Seat Seat Seat – – Seat Seat Seat

Seat Seat – – Back wall – – Seat Seat

I was sitting on the aisle and she was next to me. She was from Singapore and I found her really beautiful, slim, pouty lips, delicate features, she had that beautiful milky porcelain skin… She was in her early thirties and I was in my early twenties. More than her body though she was very charming and we immediately hit it off joking around. She proposed a toast to my travels and we shared a glass of white wine. She casually dropped that she was single and visiting her sister.

At one point she gave me her left hand and told me how annoying she found airplane travel because it dried out her skin and I just gently caressed her hand agreeing. Then she took it back.

Obviously at this point my mind was racing with crazy ideas as we were clearly flirting with each other. I couldn’t find my blanket and the flight was getting cold so she shared with me her own and we draped it across our legs. As she moved the blanket across my legs she smoothed it out with her hand patting the tops of my thighs. Then she told me she was just going to close her eyes for a little while and moved her legs so that they were just touching mine.

A female flight attendant came down the aisle checking how everyone was. When she reached me she gave me a salacious and knowing smile. I had no idea what was going on. How bold could I be with this lady next me. If I was too fast and I upset her what would happen? We would be stuck next to each other on the flight.

At first I just pushed my leg closer against hers to see if she would react. Nothing.

I closed my eyes, what was I doing, what was I meant to do in a situation like this, did I want anything to happen? I was really turned on but I had no idea what I could do.

I could feel my hand trembling, I decided I would touch her leg with it. I moved my hand first against the side of her leg, and then after getting no reaction moved it to the top of her knee. She still wasn’t reacting, not pulling away, no tensing, nothing. I moved a little further down, maybe a quarter of the way down her leg and stopped. I couldn’t, in all honesty do anything more without some sort of indication from her that she wanted me to go further.

I wondered if maybe she really was asleep or just had her eyes closed. I wondered if anyone could fall asleep that quickly and if they could how could they fall asleep so deeply on a plane so as to not feel me touching their leg.

At this point I really started worrying that maybe she was asleep and I was seriously breaching her personal space so I removed my hand. I felt awful and guilty. I moved my legs away from her and listened to music just debating it with myself if what I had done was wrong or not.

Eventually she did seem to be in a genuine sleep. I watched a movie and tried to put the whole thing out of mind. After a while my guilt passed, I figured she would have said something, or pushed my hand away or pulled away. I went into a restless sleep.

When I woke up it was nearly the end of the flight. She woke up and went to the bathroom then came back and we chatted, but no longer were we flirty or even particularly friendly. Just very business like. When the plane landed we said our goodbyes and left.

I always wonder if I should have gotten her number or if she was secretly disgusted at me for making a move, but she never gave me any indication that was the case or that she ever wanted to see me again. I always wonder if I should have moved my hand further down her thigh, of course I've fantasized that I went further, maybe I could have rubbed her through her skin tight jeans. But in reality if I had chance again I don’t think I would, purely because she was giving me no indication that she wanted me to go further.

*edit fixed line endings so that the seat layout makes sense.


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