Virginity lost to the dad of the kids I babysit for

Some background: I've been babysitting the same couple's kids for 7 years, since I was 14. They used to be my neighbors, but then they moved across town 3 years after I started babysitting for them. Before I started babysitting on my own, my mother was the babysitter and I would help her out afterschool. After a year, both my mother and the couple decided to let me sit on my own, especially since my mom was right across the street in case of emergencies. Both the mom and the dad worked during the day and occasionally had nights out. As the kids started attending school, I would help out between the time they got home and when a parent came back. When they moved across town, I was only called weekly when the parents went out. I still hung out at their house sometimes, but more to chill than to work.

When I first started, I had a small crush on the dad, Rey. He was sweet, funny, caring, and a real family man. He cared deeply for his children, and spent as much time with them as he could. It added to his charm and his good looks. He was about 32 at the time, and resembled Harrison Ford quite a bit. I thought nothing of it and continued to chase boys at school.

Around the time I was 17, after they had moved across town, I had a lot of free time. The kids I babysat were really fond of me, so we would occasionally spend the day together every other Saturday. What I didn't know at the time was that Rey and his wife took this time to go to couple's therapy to repair their marriage. (She was too consumed with work and Rey eventually started his own business at home so he could spend time with his kids while working.) My mom would usually drop me off at their home and Rey always drove me back to my home after babysitting.

It was around this time that I had started developing a bigger crush on Rey, but I knew not to ever act on it. Sometimes afterschool, I would just show up to their house to hang out since they lived pretty close to where I attended. Rey definitely didn't mind as he could get some work done while the kids were occupied with me. He and I got to chat a lot while the kids were busy watching a movie or playing in the playroom. The more we talked, the more I fell in love with him. We were both big film junkies and had a love for food. We would talk on and on about movies until one of the kids interrupted us.

One day, I was bragging about my cooking game and we got competitive about it. He suggested we take it to the kitchen and settle who could make the best omelet, with the kids being the judge. To make it fair, we sent the kids out of the kitchen so they couldn't see who was making what and turned on Lilo and Stitch for them to watch. We started flirting a bit as we were making our omelets. He would poke my sides to mess up my focus and I would nudge him with my hip. Everytime he touched my sides, I felt an electric jolt and my heartbeat quickened. I started thinking about his hand on my waist, and him touching my bare skin. With another poke, I was taken out of my trance and forced back to reality. I felt myself flush and mumbled something about needing another egg for my egg ratio. I pulled out the carton of eggs and placed them on the counter. I was finished prepping and was ready to cook. Rey's kitchen has its pots and pans dangling from a top rack, so naturally I couldn't reach it since I was only 5 feet tall. As I stretched to reach it, Rey joked about only getting the pan for me since I would need all the help I can get. He reached from behind me, using one hand on my waist for "balance" and using the other to grab the pan. He was a whopping 6foot2, so it was easy to grab the pans. His wife is also 5foot9, so it made sense for them to have tall stuff. As he placed his hands on my waist, I felt myself get excited. His hands were soft and warm. I blushed and thanked him and he smiled. We continued the competition, and of course I won (the kids instantly knew which was mine).

To celebrate my win, he poured me a glass of apple cider as a joke instead of wine. Of course the kids wanted some, and let me know by grabbing my legs, making me lose my balance, and spill cider everywhere, including on myself. Rey told me to go upstairs to the master bedroom and wash up while he cleaned the kitchen and the kids. I quickly hopped into their shower to rinse off because apple cider is sticky as fuck. Making sure the door was locked, I started to masturbate in the shower. I thought about his touch and how it would feel with him touching my body. I played with my clit and slipped a finger inside of me. It wasn't too comfortable because water isn't the best lube. I noticed they had a detachable showerhead and used that to my advantage. Within seconds I reached an orgasm with the water pressure directly over my clit.

When I was done, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. My shirt was sticky along with my bra, so I let them soak in the sink. I opened the bathroom door and found myself face to face with Rey. He looked startled and awkwardly coughed. He found his composure and said he was about to knock and see if I was okay, since it had been 30 minutes since I first went in. I blushed and said I was fine. My heart was beating knowing I was naked underneath the towel. We were standing so close that I could feel his body heat radiating. I asked if he had a shirt I could borrow while mine soaked and he looked at me for a second. He coughed and told me to sit on the bed while he checked the closet. He came back with a plain white shirt and asked if that was okay. I thanked him and joked that he had to look away as I put it on. He smiled and left the room, to my disappointment. I dropped my towel and tried on his shirt. I walked over to the mirror and wet again. My nipples were hard and I started to play with them. My other hand reached down to play with my wet clitoris. It hadn't been 3 minutes when the door opened and I saw Rey in the reflection of the mirror. I froze, with my hand on my pussy and he just closed the door behind him. He walked toward me, pulled off his shirt, and pushed me against the wall. His lips met mine and I moaned as I felt his hands explore my body. I grasped his neck with my hands and lifted one leg around his hip. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He pulled off my shirt and started sucking on my neck. I tried my best not to moan loudly as I felt him grind against my pussy. He kissed up my neck and whispered, "can I please fuck you?" It was so hot how he asked and I moaned back, "please." I heard him moan and we started kissing again. He brought me back to the bed and he quickly pulled off his pants. He got on top of me and I could feel his cock rubbing against my clit. I kept squirming and gasping for air. I stopped him for a second and told him I was a virgin. He smiled and whispered, "even better." I couldn't wait, so I just grabbed his cock and pushed the head into my vagina. I moaned as it wasn't easy. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and slowly pushed into me in the missionary position. It was slightly painful, but worth it. After about 2 minutes, he was fully in me. While he slid in, he caressed my face and played with my clit to get me off. As soon as I got all of him in me, he gave a quick thrust and he was ballsdeep. I cried out and he put his hand over my mouth. He told me to be a "good quiet little girl" as he started thrusting more and more into me. I came within seconds, as the sensation of him thrusting and playing with my clit was too much. He moaned as he felt my vagina pulsate he gave me my first orgasm. He continued to thrust even harder and rode me through my orgasm into my second one. The sensation was too much for me and for him too. He whispered, "I'm gunna cum on your face." I told him no, and that I wanted him to cum inside of me. That put him over the edge and he came inside of me. Afterwards, he laid down next to me and held me. We cuddled for a few minutes, his hand on my face. He told me that his kids we downstairs watching Cars 2, which is why he wasn't too concerned about fucking me senseless.

Afterwards, as he was dropping me off, he told me he had thought I was cute since I was 16. I confessed my crush on him and he smiled. He pulled up to my driveway and as I undid my seatbelt, he caught my face with his hand and kissed me. I kissed him back and before I knew it, I slid over and straddled him. The thrill of being outside my home was too much. I started grinding him and we continued to passionately kiss. I undid his belt and he unzipped my pants. We fucked right there in the car, with my parents inside expecting me. They more than likely heard us pull up. Rey finished inside of me again, and I zipped up my pants. I give him a quick peck on the cheek and hopped out of the car.

This isn't the last time Rey and I hooked up, but it definitely was the most special since it was my first time.



  1. There are a lot of stories on here that just sound crazy, or aren’t really written all that well. This story is written so well, and just has that realistic feel, that’s is automatically one of my favorites on here. Beautiful!

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