the Swing

Swingers Club

A low-light room with matresses in one half of the room and a swing dead centre. A couple have commandeered the swing. The Girl is on it. (are there any other choices?)

As we both approach slowly to survey (we like to watch.. that's our excuse) the gentleman quite unannounced slowly covers his lady's face with .. a flimsy shawl-like material, and cleverly uses the edges hanging off each side to somehow also tie her wrists to the chains holding it up.

Much murmuring of Appreciation from.. about 3 other couples who have now wandered past. My Girl says 'how Clever He is'

We get closer. He his veeery slowly and gently stroking her face, breasts, arms.. and kissing his Lady.

(Co-incidentally, I had been day-dreaming of doing EXACTLY this setup for mine.. but he beat me to it!)

We stand right in front of her, her legs fully apart to us, feet in the stirrups. We start stroking her legs and feet, all the way up, all the way down. At some point he looks to me, I touch my lips to signify 'is this ok'? He nods. I ask my Dear 'May I?' "yes"

I kneel down – our Reclined Lady is now directly in front of me. I get very close without actually touching except my fingers going up and down on her thighs. I am deliberatly and cheekily breathing against her Puss. My Miss is now standing behind me pressing against me, stroking her restrained legs above me as well

I maintain the distance, taking in her aroma, the sensation of her energy building as she waits for the inevitable.

Another couple I (somehow) notice is to my left, she is stroking the Reclined One's breasts and tummy, and using her tongue occassionally on Tight Nipples as well while her partner stands behind and.. begins to take the opportunity to slowly fill her up.

I take that first Slow gentle steady lick. Allll the way up. Electric.

Again. Many times always slowly .. because Rythmic Consistancy causes Much Focus.

I pick up the pace – there's a lot going on in close Proximity now – the Swing couple-he is Really Kissing her I can just see-, the Left Couple -she being filled from behind latched on to Swing-girls Breast- My Miss now kneeling slightly behind me as well, the VitE cream out on her hands gripping me and sliding Back & Forth. I Know she is watching Everything.

I focus now on maintaining the Consistancy and Pressure as I let my tongue play

Always a great honour

That gentle sing-song starts to build as She on the Swing is going down a path she will not get off. I tickle her puss with my fingers as well, gradualy introducing 1 Finger, then 2, moving at the same pace and pressure. Gradually, so gradually, faster and faster.

and when I think… I wrap my arms and hands around her hips, my tongue all over her, she just.. releases all over me, the hand on my cock is gripping and sliding, and the Couple on our Left have a focus all their own. She also cums vigorously now, hanging on for dear life to our Suspended Lady.

I hang on to her while she calms down, I stand up, we unhook her legs, bringing her knees together in mid air, and just hold her for a minute. I indicate to her partner he should take her legs now, and we gently swap.
