Resting bitchface [f+f]

A story from a few years back:

First year uni – shared student accommodation. Four girls (including me), each with their own room, but shared kitchen and shared shower.

The other two flat mates were nice people, but not important to this story … today you're going to hear about "resting bitchface" (RBF).

Where to start: thinks she's better than you. Smug. Punchable face. Long dark hair (brunette) – decent body, pale with over plucked eyebrows. Studying something business related.

Pisses me right off from day one.

She had a boyfriend when she started uni – I guess that died a death about 6 months in, as that's when she really started pissing us all off.

Lots of petty complaints, but the peak was her writing a letter (an actual hand written letter) to student services about us "treating the place like a squat" (her exact words – we were all interviewed by student services and that was quoted). Long story short, nothing came of it, but it was too late in the year to move her.

She somehow always seemed to need something from the bathroom when we were using it… another reason she'd found to get herself wound up and make us "in the wrong" – we'd taken to just leaving the door unlocked just to take away her opportunity to get pissed off ("Well just fucking open the door and get your fucking …")

On the day in question I'd just showered and was moisturising my legs – I notice a line of stubble, the kind of thing that will bug you all day. I go back to the bathroom and the shower is running – I knock:

RBF: "I'm in here" Me: "I just need to get my razor" RBF: (indignantly) "I'm in here" Me: (half to myself) "for fucks sake"

I walk in regardless… RBF is behind the shitty shower curtain.

"Can you pass me my razor?" "Can't you wait?!" "Seriously?! Just pass it to me … please " "No"


Pissed off I pull back the curtain… "of course", I think to myself, "of course she's using it". There she is, leg up on the ugly accessibility rail, shaving her leg …

I see red … I lunge forward and grab her wrist with one hand, and with my other hand on her chest I push her against the tiled shower wall. From the hand above her head, she drops the razor – I hear the sound of it clatter.

I'm eye to eye with her, my face about an inch from hers.

"The fuck are you doing!?" I scream. I'm in the shower with her … I'm already late and I know my towel is getting soaked … but I don't care.

She looks at me with a look I still remember to this day – it wasn't fear, it was something like shock mixed with surprise.

We share a very odd moment… She just stares at me. She's looking at me, actually making eye contact… I think it's actually the first time she's looked me in the eye since we'd lived together.

I catch myself.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

She stares.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

She still stares.

I'm angry… and I'm an evil bitch anyway… I'm going to make her question everything she knows about who she is. I want to take away that smugness… that bitchy self assuredness.

Still holding one hand above her head, I slowly, but firmly, slide my right hand down … spinning it around so my fingers flick over her left breast.

[part two shortly]



  1. […continued] Each finger flicks over her nipple slowly… as I twist my hand around. Fingers pointing down now, with my hand still flat against her wet skin, I still slowly and forcefully slide down towards her cunt. I’m edging downwards… my fingertips graze her pubes. I catch myself again. "What the fuck … what the actual fuck am I doing" I think to myself. Fingertips still resting at the edge of her neatly trimmed bush… "What the hell have I done…" She’s still staring at me. I don’t think I even saw her blink. "Do it" she says, still staring at me with that same look. My eyes narrow… I feel myself confused for a second. "Do … it" she says, in the same flat tone. I slide my hand down. Index and ring finger either side of her pussy. I press in towards her, then slowly ease my fingers apart. I feel her heat. I relax my middle finger and let it rest between her lips. She’s wet. Like, juicy and wet. I slide my middle finger into her, curling it towards me slightly. She’s wet, hot and tight. I feel like she’s gripping my finger … my palm is flat against her, I feel her push against my hand. I’m still holding her wrist… her free hand pressed against the wall. She’s pushing harder against my hand. I rock my hand slowly and firmly back and forth, working my fingers in and out. I hear her take a quick breath … I’m still staring into her eyes. Her expression hasn’t changed. I slide my ring finger in as well. She’s tight, but so wet. She gasps again, and closes her eyes. I start to to make a "come here" motion with my fingers… I’m slow, steady and firm. I hear her breathing speed up. She’s short of breath now. Slow and steady. God she’s wet. Slow and firm. "Unnghhh!" she moans. I feel her clamp down on my fingers… she’s squeezing my hand between her thighs. Her legs are shaking. I’m still an inch from her face. She opens her eyes. She looks calm … the expression in her eyes has changed. It’s subtle, but it’s changed – I can’t put my finger on it… she looks different. I ease my hand out from between her legs. I let go of her wrist and she slides down the wall. My towel had fallen off in the middle of all this, I pick it up – it’s drenched – I still pick it up along with my razor and walk back to my room. I don’t know how I feel …

  2. [a bit more for anyone who’s interested] So … after that, I get ready and go out. I don’t see RBF for a few days (not that unusual). Flat mates say they’ve not seen her for a little while, but like I say, only a few days. The middle of the next week, she’s definitely around and pissing people off as usual (me included). Not change at all … so much for hoping … Jump forward to that following weekend, and I’m in the bathroom taking a shower. A knock on the door: "How long will you be?" "Like, 20 mins, I’ve just got in the shower" "Okay" I get back to showering. 2 mins later: "Can you hurry up?" "Well, no … can’t you wait?" I hear the door (not unusual for her) … she walks in. I ignore her. I’m still in the shower. After a little while I notice I’d not heard her leave. "You still there?" I ask. Nothing. I pull back the curtain to see here stood there, wearing a white vest and pink knickers. She’s just staring at me … I’ll be honest … it was a bit unnerving. "What?" I ask … She’s just staring. "What are you after?" I ask again … Nothing. It’s actually a bit freaky, but I’m at least wearing something resembling a poker face. She lifts her vest off over her head, and walks over to me. The shower is still running. She stands in front of me, then puts her arm around me and tries to lean in to kiss me. I push her away: "what the fuck are you doing?!" I ask. Again, nothing. She stands there, right in front of me. Water is still running down my back, with some of it running over my shoulder and down over my front. We stare at each other for what feels like a minute or two. Fuck this … I tell her to kneel down … she does. I take a small step towards her, place my hand on the back of her head and push her face into me. She tilts her head back and licks me. It’s a light flick of her tongue … and it makes me shiver. She licks again … and again … darting from back to front. I feel myself start to swell … I’m getting wet. I push her face into me more, lifting my leg up and putting my foot on one of the bars. I force her in there … she coughs a little from the water. "I say when you stop" She buries her tongue deep into me, and then starts sucking on my labia … she’s not done this before (I guess …), but she seems to relish it. She reaches up and grabs one of my nipples between her thumb and index finger. She’s firm … I gasp (I wish I hadn’t). She stops and looks up. "What?" I tell her, in more usual bolshie tone. I grab her head again with both hands and push her deep into me. She sucks on my labia again … it’s a fucking tease. It’s good, but it’s not going to get me off. She’s there for I’d guess about 5 mins … like she’s never licked pussy before. I can’t help but get pissed off. "Leave … you’re done … leave" There’s a flash of confusion on her face, but she gets up picks up her vest and leaves. "Jesus" I say out loud. What the fuck was that?? I try to finish myself off, but the wierdness of it all keeps popping in my head … I can’t get into a good rhythm. Bitch … [There’s more, but I have to get to bed …]

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