ANNIE: Not her real name, but it sounds kind of like it. BRENDA: Not her real name, but it sounds kind of like it. ME: 27 year-old law student. Male.


These events occur in a large Texas town known for professional sports teams, people who dress in Western wear (yikes!) and lots of churches (double yikes!). There are also lots of schools there. I was a graduate student in one of them. I’m 6 feet tall, brown hair and athletic. I weighed about 170 at the time. I was a pretty big gym rat and had a great build. My social life consisted of going to bars with my friends, meeting girls, getting numbers, trying to get laid, repeat.

I was introduced to a girl by a friend of mine. She was blonde, about 5’4”, cute with a good body. She tended to get really drunk. She was a student too, but not at the school I was attending. I think we fucked the first night we met—if not, it was shortly thereafter. Our relationship consisted of going out, her getting really drunk and fucking a lot.

Not long before she met me, Annie had been engaged. Her fiancé was going to leave his wife and elope with her. He bought her a ring and everything. One day, out of the blue, he ended it via a letter in which he told her he was staying with his wife and couldn’t see her anymore. Annie was devastated.


It is Friday, and I meet Annie at a bar. None of my regular friends are there—just her. I don’t remember why we picked that place. It’s about 5pm, and the waitress is walking around serving happy hour shots–Jello shots and other colorful shots in test tubes. There are about 15-20 other people there. It’s a standard bar with two pool tables, tall chairs and tall cocktail tables. There may have been some booths around the perimeter. We are standing by one of the pool tables. Annie starts putting away shots.

Not long after we arrive, she realizes that her ex fiancé (the one that dumped her via letter), is also there!!!! He is with his wife—the one that he went back to. We consider leaving.

Before we can leave, his wife comes over with a friend of hers. The husband stays at the bar.

The wife, who I will call “Brenda,” is seriously fucking hot. I’m talking centerfold hot. 5’10”, D sized, real boobs. Perfectly shaped. Athletic. Thick, long blonde hair. Beautiful face. A genuine knockout. Why that guy would leave her for Annie, I don’t know.

Brenda then starts playing pool some guys and pounding shots. As Brenda gets more wasted, she starts flirting with one of the guys she is playing pool with. This escalates until she is putting her arm around him, kissing him on his cheek, etc. This is obviously some kind of vengeance thing aimed at her husband.

Meanwhile, her husband is still sitting over at the bar by himself, staring at all of us. You can see he is getting pissed. Really pissed. He is grabbing his beer mug so hard it looks like it will break. He looks like he could explode he is so pissed. Like a cartoon character revving up before it explodes. Finally, he snaps. He storms over to where we are, pushes the guy Brenda was kissing on, pushes Brenda, then turns around and storms out. While he is walking by us, Annie tries to kick him, but completely misses and lands flat on her back (I couldn’t make this shit up). He jumps into his Porsche and burns rubber out of the parking lot.

So there we are—Annie, Brenda, Brenda’s friend and me. It’s like 6pm and they are WASTED. Brenda and her friend are now stranded, so they start hanging out with us.

We stay there for an hour or so, throwing back the shots. Eventually, we are like, “what are we going to do tonight? It’s not even dark outside.” We are all hungry, so we decide to go back to Annie’s place, which is just around the corner, to order pizza. We pile into my car and head over there.


Annie’s place is a 2 story duplex. Downstairs is a big room split into a living and dining area with a kitchen looking into the room. The front door is framed glass. You can clearly see into the living room if you are standing outside the front door. There is a half bath right inside the front door. Annie, Brenda and I are sitting on the couch, watching TV. Probably MTV. Brenda’s friend (I don’t remember her name) is sitting in a chair to the left, also watching TV. I order the pizza.

I then go into the kitchen to get some water. As I’m looking back into the living room, I can see Annie and Brenda on the couch whispering to each other in a pretty sexy way. This goes on for a bit until one of them kisses the other one on the ear or side of the face. I’m like, “holy shit!!!

I move in. I take a seat on the couch to the left of Annie so that she is in between me and Brenda. I then proceed to start to make out heavy with Annie. Both of them are in skirts. After making out for a while, I move my hand up under Annie’s skirt and slip my fingers in her pussy. After getting Annie revved up, I reach over and start to get Brenda involved. I feel her boobs and stick my fingers in her mouth. I slip my hand under her tights and underwear and start fingering her. I’m still making out with Annie while I do this. Both of them are totally into it. In retrospect, I don’t think it would have escalated like it did if I hadn’t jumped in.

And don’t forget about the girl sitting in the chair!!! She is still sitting in the chair—right there in front of us, absolutely frozen!!! She doesn’t know what to do!!!

I get up, undo my jeans, take Annie’s panties off and stick my dick in her. I’m still touching Brenda while I’m doing this. After I fuck Annie for a while, I move over to Brenda. Brenda is wearing thin black tights, so I pull them off and stick my dick in her. It was so fucking good. She is probably the hottest girl I have ever fucked. She would have these quick, intense orgasms that would just blast through me. She came 3 or so times and then it was too much, so I had to pull out—I was trying not to come, but I pulled out just a little bit too late and my cum pumped out onto the floor. I was like, shit!!

Right around that time, there is a knock on the door. The fucking pizza guy!!! Remember it is a glass door. He sees everything. I don’t know how long he stood there before he knocked. I pull on my jeans, get the pizza and come back to the living room. I don’t remember what I said to him, but I still wonder what he must have thought.

At some point during all of this, Brenda’s friend locks herself in the half-bath in the entry.

After the pizza guy leaves, we pick up where we left off. They lose their skirts and I take my jeans off. Because I just came, I can’t get it up!!!! Shit!!!! There is also a little bit of stage fright going on, which makes it a little more difficult than normal. Somehow, the three of us end up on the floor. Annie is now sitting cowgirl on top of Brenda, kissing her. I am laying on the floor a few feet away, jerking my cock trying to get hard again. I close my eyes to focus on that. When I open my eyes, they both have their heads turned back looking at me, giggling, and one of them says, “busted.” I will never forget that. They thought I was jerking off to them, but I was really just trying to get my dick hard again.

I have another funny memory from that sequence—Annie goes to the restroom (she must have gone upstairs because of the girl locked in the one downstairs), and when she comes back down, there is a piece of toilet paper stuck a little bit inside her pussy and hanging out. Not a big piece, but very apparent. She is sitting there on the floor, wasted, leaning against the arm of the couch, with her legs kind of spread and the piece of toilet paper hanging out. She has a really nice pussy, by the way—large lips that hang open a little bit. And she is a natural blonde, so her bush is also blonde. Brenda then reaches over and closes her legs together and makes some comment like, “that’s not very ladylike.” Hilarious.

We then go upstairs. I get hard again (thank god), and the rest of the night is spent in Annie’s bed. It is a full-sized, brass bed with frilly girl sheets and soft comforters. It looks like it was from her room when she was a little girl. It is really soft and fluffy. We fuck all night in every way imaginable. Brenda on her back with Annie on top of her while I fuck both of them, switching back and forth, pussy to pussy. They have quite a few mutual orgasms—even when I am fucking only one of them. This happens a bunch. For example, I fuck Annie while she is making out with Brenda, and when Annie cums, Brenda cums too—just by being in each others’ arms. It was so fucking hot! As someone who is fascinated by the female orgasm and pussy juice (almost to the point of a fetish), that is like reaching Valhalla. Annie eventually gets jealous and tells me, “I cool for me to fuck her, but it’s not cool for you to.” Bummer!!! I blew my load again and went to sleep after that.


The next morning, we wake up and decide to go to the place I normally go to for brunch. I know many of the wait staff. There are lots of families there. It is obvious what is going on with us. Neither of them have a bra on, and their makeup and hair are completely fucked up. We look like we just rolled out of bed after fucking each other all night (which is exactly what happened). We are still all over each other—I am kissing both of them at the same time—one in each arm—even at the table. The pulls me to the side and says something like, “dude, I’m so jealous.” It was surreal.

By the time we got back to Annie’s place, Brenda’s psychotropic meds were apparently wearing off and she was getting kind of weird. She kissed me and then scratched my back really hard at the same time—like to where I was bleeding. I would pull away and then she would do it again. I decided it was a good time to split.


The girl who locked herself in the bathroom apparently walked home, which we later found out took her 3 hours (the town we were in is very large). I don’t know why she didn’t get a ride.

My relationship with Annie continued for a while, but I never saw Brenda again. Eventually, Annie and I stopped hanging out—for no reason in particular, we just drifted apart.

The last time I saw Annie was at the same café, at like 3am (That place was also a big late night food place). I was with a different girl. I said hi to Annie and introduced the other girl, then we were seated. It seemed to be no big deal, but while waiting to order, my date was like, “oh my god, that girl put gum in my hair!”



  1. Absolutely. That’s what was at the root of everything. I was just there. It was between them.

  2. Annie seems like a gem! The gum in the hair just kills me for some reason. Wonderful story.

  3. Began reading this thinking it was fake, but by the end I decided this shit can’t be made up. Sounds like they were both crazy enough to decide that the best way at getting back at the husband was to get close to each other. You lucky bastard

  4. It definitely happened. Nothing close to that has ever happened to me before or after (although I wish it would). This was a really long time ago (I’ve been out of law school for 20 years now), but I still remember every second like it was yesterday. I like to share the story because it is so fucking completely unbelievable.

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