[F|10] – Fucking the first [M] flatmate before the semester ended

(EDIT: I'm 20 years old, ignore the 10) /idiot_me

I use to have quite this rule of considering male flatmates as off-limits by definition. There is just so many things that could be very awkward if I had sex with a flatmate, only to have not the option of not seeing the guy again everyday and sharing kitchen, living room etc.

I live in a fairly big student house, it was once probably a mansion or something converted to student residence, we are 12 people living in individual rooms and sharing common areas/facilities. Gender split this semester was 5 girls/7 guys.

Three or the guys were seriously hot. I confess I loved seeing them walking around on their briefs or shirtless (central heating kept rooms warm), an eye candy I enjoyed in silence and at a distance. I stuck to my rules most of the semester, but two of the guys, let's call them Riley and Sean, were moving out.

Riley is a New Zealander exchange student who is leaving back to his country. He has a nice accent, tanned and toned body, good chatting. If he were on 'RateMe' I'd give him an 8 or 8.5. He has that air of non-aggressive self-confidence I like and also an interesting body. We actually caught ourselves checking each other out sometimes during the year but neither him or me ever did anything, just that background low-key flirtation. I started walking around the house with a little less clothes and, couple times, stopped to talk with him wearing only t-shirt and underwear but no pants, which he noticed but didn't acknowledge. Fast forward two weeks before he was moving out, earlier this month, I just decided to go for it: one day I made sure he was at his room, then I texted him to confirm, he was surprised I was texting from within the house so then I just wrote him *"I think you are hot, never did anything cause we live together. I'm in the shower right now, if you want to fuck me, come and bring a condom, door is unlocked, come in, if not pretend it never happened, turning my phone off XO". Mind you all, I had been kinda fantasizing about him the whole day so it was a calculated move on my part, even if it look "spur of the moment".

The next 2 or 3 minutes were quite tense as I was waiting to see whether we'd show up. Just as I was about think "this was a bad idea" Riley knocked once, and entered (there are 3 shower compartments with a small space to dress, totally separated from each other). He was wearing underwear and a towel over it, and he was already hard. Riley and me didn't talk much, there was so much tension about to be relieved he push pull me and start kissing me, while I turned the shower on to conceal any noise. He was all over me, clearly hard still with underwear. We made out while I was grinding him and grabbing his cock over his boxers, I like to play like that before seeing what is underneath. He told me he would cum fast, I knelled, took his boxers out and started giving blowing him out while the mist of the shower made us quite wet, so much easier to play with his cock.

While I was blowing him, he told me that since we were in the shower he wanted to cum on my face and asked if I wanted to. I could almost feel the veins of his cock pulsating, so I just pull back, turned my head a bit, grabbed his legs and told "do it". He furiously started stroking and no more than 15 seconds later he cummed a lot, really a lot, all over my cheeks, neck, mouth, ear and hair.

After that Riley was a bit short breath, I was a mess and we just looked at each other with a 'what have we just done' look. It could get awkward, but then I told him "c'mon now you help me clean up", we went underneath the shower proper and I told him it was great and that I only didn't flirt with him before because we live together. He said he also wanted to fuck me, told me he did notice the couple times I was chatting him with in undies with a shirt and that he had masturbated over my facebook photos some times :lol:

Not long after (we were wasting a lot of water and not being environmentally friendly, I concede) I noticed he started to get a bit hard again, we give each other some dirty looks, step out of the shower but still wet. He wrapped a condom, turned back on him leaning against a wall, he then came from behind, leaning on me, one of his hands in the wall and the other pulling me and grabbing my boobs and going down. I could feel he slowly grinding his cock until it was fully hard and then he started fucking me thrusting up while one of his hands was going over my clit and boobs.

Because Riley was on the short side of height, being not taller than me, it made a great position, one I like but don't find guys anatomically compatible to play with lol. I loved feeling he push inside me while he played with hands and also soft biting my neck. Didn't take long for us both to cum, then we went back in the water, made out, chatted.

Because it was exam season and we were busy, we didn't have much time to play a lot, but we did fuck three times before he eventually left, including a much longer season on the very evening before he was travelling back to NZ (that day we went clubbing with some of his friends, were all over each other and had sex literally until 6 hours before his plane was due to leave. He had packed everything, closed and room and staying at mine for the night).

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3y47cn/f10_fucking_the_first_m_flatmate_before_the


  1. Is this really a true story? Either way, super hot. I wish a girl I thought was hot would randomly ask me to get in the shower.

  2. It’s a load of BS. She attends the same University as me (Imperial College London), where the male:female ratio is about 4:5, and it being an engineering college means the many men (largely Asian) don’t have time / interest for members of the opposite sex. They’d rather integrate than mate. Also, the few females present get off on differential equations and residue calculus so they don’t care about a social life.

  3. It’s a load of BS. She attends the same University as me (Imperial College London), where the male:female ratio is about 4:1, and it being an engineering college means the many men (largely Asian) don’t have time / interest for members of the opposite sex. They’d rather integrate than mate. Also, the few females present get off on differential equations and residue calculus so they don’t care about a social life.

  4. Can I also say, please, that while she studies at my College she does not in any form represent what it stands for. She is truly the only such abomination that I know of – and I do not know her personally – here at the university, which is essentially populated by decent students. I imagine that her pastimes are made up, because I cannot fathom how a woman (and they are in a significant minority here) got into the university being the bitch she is [all students are interviewed before accepted, so sluts are routinely filtered out]. All the best, a far better representative.

  5. Sounds like someone is jealous and isn’t getting the attention he wants so he’s going to get online and bully someone else. Who cares if the story is true, it was well written. Who cares if you think you know who the author is, nobody gives a shit unless you can bang her (which I doubt from your attitude).

  6. Jesus what a whiny misogynist asshole. Sorry your elitist cesspool of a school let in a woman and not just exclusionary tools like you. Why the fuck do you think it’s okay to stalk women onto the internet and then try to put them down? Human beings don’t deserve that bullshit.

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