[F|20] A semester at uni, very busy with sex fun – the friends[M]-with-benefits

Now that exams are done and gone, I think it might be time for me to come back to Reddit and write about what happened. I'm a 20y.o. old girl, Italian, living and studying in England. Probably will tell my shenanigans over more than one post.

I will start saying I had more sex last summer and fall than at all my previous sexually active life. Even though at no point in time was I in any relationship, I kept a healthy and fun average of sex 3 times per week. I also hit the gym fairly often, and am now much happier with my body. The good side effect is that getting all fit also makes sex better and more active (I wasn't fat or anything, just lean without muscles or intense training/sports like I do now).

The secret to it was to eventually find ultimately 4 "friends-with-benefits". I used to be more skeptical these arrangements would work, but I learned brutal honesty about "never going to be your girlfriend" and vice-versa can help a lot setting boundaries and expectations.

The first FWB I'll call Liam. He studies in the same faculty, different program. We took some 1st year ("freshman courses" for you Americans) together and became friends. We just have a lot of common study/intellectual interests, studied together a lot and then one day after an exam I flat-out asked what he thought of we hooking up. He was a bit hesitant, I told him I'd go somewhere else in campus, if he wanted to, he should message me withing half-hour. He did messaged me 10 minutes later with a "LETS DO IT", so we met later that same day at his place, and it just went from there. Sex was intense and fun. We slept together and next day he was a bit awkward in the "what have we just done" way, so I just said I liked it, and we'd keep being friends. Fast forward one month (during which we keep friends as normal, without talking about what happened), and he suggested we should do it again without getting serious or anything official. Now we kinda meet once a month to fuck, the good thing about Liam is that he have some wild chemistry, sex is often on the sweaty/rough side and we kinda now we shouldn't meet more often so it is this small thing on the side of our friendship – which is great!

Then, there is Daniel. He is also a student, also a foreigner (from US, uncommon as there are not that many American degree-seeking students here because American universities are quite good on their own). The best way to describe our relationship is that I'm his non-licensed sex-active therapist (kidding). Daniel comes from a very religious family, and when we starting hanging out as friends it quickly became clear he's been totally confused by his upbringing (strict discipline, church school, speaking in tongues (?), everyone-but-us are under the Devil's influence etc etc), but he is a nice person, trying to get all the religious venom out of his system. On his own initiative he started talking about how he's been kinda messed up by his religious teaching about sex, how he's confused and that. He started seeing an actual psychologist, which has been good for him. As we are honest in our talks (and he likes that), I asked him cautiously if he wanted to have sex with me not as a girlfriend but as a woman that would help him just get his frustration and fuss about sexual pleasure out of his system. He had these big green eyes opened up, but didn't become shy or anything. We made out same day, I had to tell him it was fine and cool he was getting excited (=hard) and didn't need to hide it, had sex later that week and I've met him several times kinda to teach him things about sex. It is a very one direction only thing, he tells me when we wants to spend some sexual time with me, we arrange a day/afternoon, he usually asks a lot of questions but does everything I tell him to. Daniel then often tells me how much our encounters are helping him to see sex as a nice thing and get him reprogrammed lol. I feel kinda powerful in the situation, and now she's getting better in bed I also feel physically pleased. Last month he had his first hook-up with another girl and I was quite happy for him.

Tyler is my third FWB, more a fuckbuddy actually. He's a bit older (25) than me, and we met at the swimming club. Normally, I'm the girl in charge, I like to take initiative when flirting and in bed. Tyler is kinda a switch fix, he's a bit dominating and like to take charge, so it is good for a change of attitude in a partner. He is hot, very hot on my book actually, the kind of guy whose attention is good reward for all the gym/sports stuff I've been doing. We have a thing between us that he both me some sexy undies to wear when meeting him, and he usually asks me to dress certain way if we are going out clubbing. Normally I'd like a guy telling all that but it works between us, I like the way he kinda eats me with his eyes when we go clubbing or drinking at a pub.

Finally, there is Armin. Armin is an old friend, form Italy, with whom I re-connected when he moved to London. He has an open-relationship with his girlfriend (who stayed in Italy). I like our friendship a lot, and I was reluctant to start hooking up with him, but he has a girlfriend, and explained me they are really cool with each one meeting partners while they are long-distance, so I eased up and let things flow. It's nice to have intimacy with someone in my native language (lol) and we have a good chemistry (not as good as with Liam though). Another benefit from him is that he is a very, very social person and introduced me already to three different hot and sexy guys (his mates) that are not on my university circle/scene, only asking in return that I tell him details of what I did together with the friend he's introduced me to.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3y0lux/f20_a_semester_at_uni_very_busy_with_sex_fun_the


  1. Very interesting and refreshingly candid. I would have thought that the hot guy would have been the only one so it’s nice to see how you can accept each on his own terms. Sounds like you’re living your life how you want to. Lucky you.

  2. Where are you studying, and what? I [M/19] do engineering in London, and girls are hard to come by – let alone promiscuous ones. I’m surprised by how reluctant the lads at your uni are, over here we’re all starving virgins. Anyway, what form of birth control are you using?

  3. Why would you deprive yourselves of the best feeling on Earth- cumming inside-, if you know you’re both clean?

  4. If I had a fixed partner, we’d both get tested and then go without. Other than that, it is rare I have sex without condom. Happened with Daniel (from the story). I also traveled during summer with Tyler for a week-long vacation and we got tested and went without. Other than that, STDs are real concern.

  5. The responsibility’s good and all, but which man wants a used woman, used, that is, shagged dozens of times?

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