I Cheated on my Boyfriend at Work. [F/F]

I’ve changed some details about this because I could get in a lot of trouble if it came out. For that reason I might not answer too many questions. Well I won’t be too specific with my answers at least.

My name's Helen I’m a very normal person really. I’m outgoing and like normal stuff, and I have an outgoing boyfriend who likes normal stuff too. We both exercise a lot together and we’re both in good shape which is something important to both of us. But other than that we’re like any couple. Our sex life is fine too, and the only complaint I have is that he doesn’t go down on me nearly as much as I would like. But it’s not a big problem really. All in all we’re very happy, we live together, and are planning a future. So I never thought of myself as a cheater, which is why it’s so weird to me that I’m writing this. Part of me writing this is because I want to share something with a subreddit that I have enjoyed for a few months now (made an account for this!), and part of it is to get it all off my chest because it's been a weird few weeks.

I work in a big open plan office in a city centre, and my job is quite fast paced and hectic. I like my job and I take my career very seriously, so I’m always looking for ways to further my ‘professional development’. Well a few months ago my company was putting a call out to anyone who would be willing to manage an intern and I thought I’d go for it. Not something I’d done before and a good opportunity. I had to interview quite a few applicants and eventually settled on this girl called Izzy, who was 21 and had just graduated from uni (I’m 25 btw).

Izzy is short and slim, with wavy blonde hair and a very pretty face. I’m completely straight so didn’t really think anything of it, other than in a ‘Oh she’s quite pretty’ kind of way. I feel weird talking about myself, but for reference I think I’m somewhat good looking too. I’m slim and tall with straight blonde hair and small boobs. Guys have said I’m ‘too skinny’ quite a lot, but it’s never bothered me. My face isn’t as pretty as Izzy’s but I scrub up okay!

Anyway, Izzy fit in with our team really well which was great. She started a bit over 2 months ago and we got along pretty well from the start. Part of my responsibility as her line manager is to schedule our weekly 1-to-1 catch up sessions to see how she's getting on. Like I said my office is big and open, but in the middle to one side there is a row of little meeting rooms you can book if you want to make some calls or have a quiet conversation. The rooms are big enough for a fairly deep desk on one wall (with side panels) and a couple of chairs. The walls are semi sound proof, and they each have a big window that looks over the city. The only inside window is at head height in the door so you can check if anyone’s in there.

About 1 month in Izzy and I were having a catch up. We were going through some stuff on my laptop and it was going very normally. I’m a really talkative person so all our meetings have a lot of joking around and chit chat in them. But today I was a bit off because I’d been arguing with my boyfriend that morning. It was just about sex stuff but it put me in a bit of a downer for the whole dat. Izzy could tell and asked me what was up, and I told her I’d been arguing with the bf. That moved the topic onto boyfriends, and she told me she had recently broken up with hers.

I didn’t mean to pry but I suppose I did anyway and asked what had happened. She kind of brushed the question off at first, but then told me that actually it was the sex. Her face went super red which made me laugh but it wasn’t really awkward at all because I’m not very shy about that stuff and Izzy knows it. I considered being all professional about it and getting the meeting back on track, but truth is that it was nice to talk about all that crappy boyfriend stuff with someone new. Plus we had a halfhour left in the room and had completed our agenda. (Plus it was a friday afternoon!)

Turns out she had confessed to her boyfriend that she was bicurious and he didn’t take it well, and things went downhill after that. She asked me if I had ever had any experience or advice with it because she was finding it a bit hard to decide what to do about it. Obviously I said ‘No’ because I’m straight and didn’t have any idea, but I said that she definitely shouldn’t feel bad about it. To try and even up the exchange I confessed that my bf troubles had been about sex too. My boyfriend and I hadn’t had sex in a couple of weeks and he wanted to know if there was something wrong. I'd admitted to him that I’d been feeling neglected about the lack of oral, but that just made him get really defensive.

I kind of realised at this point that our conversation had gone waaaaaay over the line of what is okay. Yes we are both adults, but I am her manager and she is an intern. I was about to suggest we pack up and leave the room go join our team, but Izzy gave me a friendly frown and said ‘That sucks, that’s exactly the kind of thing I’m looking for’. I think I must have gone white when she said that or something because she apologised straight away and started waving her hands. I felt bad because I didn’t want to make her feel awkward so I laughed and said ‘No no it’s fine, it makes perfect sense!’

We kind of had one of those weird moments then. Where you’re both looking at each other but your expressions don’t change for ages. She kept looking at me and eventually said ‘I wish I could find someone laid back who wants what you want, that would definitely make things easier’. I think I knew what she was hinting at straight away, but I didn’t really know how to reply, so I just kind of smiled and nodded. After what felt like a long time she shrugged and said in a jokey voice ‘Well if you’re ever in the market just let me know’. I really don’t know why I didn’t shut it down right then, or try and laugh it off or something, but I didn’t. It hit me then that I was sat in a room with someone who was basically asking to go down on me, and I got really excited. It’s weird, it wasn’t like being horny or anything, just really excited, like getting to the top of a rollercoaster. If I’m honest I enjoy the thrill of ‘taboo’ stuff quite a lot so I think that was part of it. I kind of chuckled and looked at my imaginary watch and said ‘well I’m free for the next twenty minutes!’ in a jokey way.

I said it because it sounded like a joke. I meant it as a joke, and it was a joke. It seemed like a good way to give us both a way out of a weird situation. But part of me really hoped she didn’t take it as a joke because I wanted to see how far it would go. Also, I won't lie, the thought of getting some oral was genuinely starting to push my buttons, even though it was a girl. But it was all hypothetical because it wasn't gonna happen. Right? Izzy laughed a bit in response, but then looked at me and asked ‘Er… are you serious?’. Holy shit. Before I had time to think I just shrugged and said ‘Well, sure. I mean why not? It's not like it has to be a big deal’. It felt like an out of body experience where someone else was talking and not me. I would never have said anything like that, but then I actually did. Even now when I think about the moment I said that, it still feels like it was somebody else.

Izzy looked pretty shocked and I thought for a terrifying moment she had been joking all along. I thought about getting reported to HR and being fired and explaining it to my boyfriend and having to find a new job. But after about 5 seconds she said ‘Well… uh… if you’re sure, that would be great. I mean, I’d really like it. But in here? I mean, like now? Did you mean now?’ . She was serious. It was probably suuuuper awkward in that tiny room with just us two, but I think we were both too caught up in the craziness to notice.

I looked up at the ceiling trying really hard to look like I was casually working out the logistics when I was actually just thinking ‘Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god’. My heart was beating so hard I could see it in my vision. Was I really trying to hook up with another girl at work? After pretending to think for a bit I said ‘Yeah, it’ll be fine. I mean, we’re pretty tucked away in here. No one ever comes in if the door’s closed’. Izzy breathed out slowly, nodded and said ‘Okay. Cool’. She had gone from red to white and back again several times by this point, and had this frightened smile on her face, which is probably the same thing I had on mine. We kind of sat there for a bit not looking at each other. Eventually she laughed and said ‘Wow… I did not expect this to happen when I got up this morning’. I laughed too and said ‘Hey me neither! This is definitely not a normal Friday for me’. We were quiet for another few moments when Izzy looked at me and said ‘So how do we, you know… go for it? Shall we just do it? Is there anything we should do first? I'm kind of new to this obviously, so yeah…’. I couldn’t believe it, we were both being deadly serious.

I crossed my legs super casually at this point to try and look relaxed, and as my thigh and pelvis shifted I realised that I had gotten pretty damn wet. I kind of freaked out at that moment because I was getting wet over a girl. But that fact also really turned me on even more. I tried to rationalise that it was the situation and not the girl, but the result was the same either way. I tried to think again, and realised that if we were going to do this we’d have to have a backup plan in case someone looked in the window or opened the door. It was super rare that anyone did, but I wasn’t going to take the risk. I was wearing a dark knee length dress with nude tights which made things a bit easier, and I realised we could use the desk too. At that point I kind of mentally slapped myself and this inner voice said ‘Dear god Helen what the fuck are you even thinking?’. I froze up for a moment, and realised I couldn't go ahead with it. But before I could backpedal, the other part of me just went with it.

So I looked at her and said ‘Okay, I've got an idea. I’ll go to the toilets, and while I’m gone you can get under the desk. If someone comes in while I’m gone you can just pretend you’re looking for something you dropped.’ She nodded. Then I said ‘When I get back I’ll come in and shut the door and sit down. I won’t say anything and I’ll just pretend to work on my laptop. Is that okay?’ Izzy nodded again. I said ‘You sure you’re okay Izzy?’ and she smiled and said ‘Yeah definitely, really okay. Are you definitely okay?’. I nodded and smiled back and we ended up staring at each other for a few pleasantly weird seconds again. Eventually I was like ‘Right, cool, see you in a bit I guess!’. I was trying to sound really normal so she wouldn’t see I was about to pass out from nerves, but it was probably obvious. I stood up as calmly as I could, picked my keycard off the desk, my bag off the floor, opened the door, walked out, and closed it again.

The walk down the middle of the office to the door at the end was incredibly slow, and all I could think about was Izzy behind me crawling under that desk. I felt like everyone was watching me but I know they probably weren’t. One of my friends in another department saw me and waved, and I nearly blanked her before giving her a forced smile. She asked if I was okay and I just said I was busy, which she understood.

Eventually I got to the door and opened it, and walked round the corner to the toilets. I was thankfully alone, walked straight into a cubicle, locked it, and took a moment to think about what I was doing. I didn’t want to leave Izzy waiting for ages and it already felt like a long time had passed (though it had probably been about 30 second), but I was starting to freak out a little bit. I had a boyfriend, and I wasn't even bi. I wasn't actually going to do this was I? I nearly unlocked the door and left, but I didn't. Without really thinking too much I lifted my dress up, slid my shoes off, and slipped my thumbs into the waistband of my tights. My hands were actually shaking, but ignored it, and pushed them down. It felt sooo naughty and wrong and scary to actually do that. I balled my tights up and shoved them under all the crap in my bag.

Then I lifted my dress back up to do the same with my panties. I stopped again with my thumbs in the waistband, because I knew this was the point of no return for me. If I was willing to sneak my panties off in a toilet cubicle, I was probably going to go all the way. I took a breath, and pushed them down. I like to keep everything hair free down there, and as soon as the fabric came away from my skin the cold air felt really intense. I tried not to look as I pulled them off so I could pretend nothing was happening, but as soon as I tried to ball them up I could feel how wet the fabric was in the middle. And after I stuck them in my bag I had to wipe my hand off with toilet paper. I still couldn’t believe what I was doing. It still felt like someone else doing everything. I was on a kind of weird autopilot. I slipped my shoes back on, picked up my bag, and left the cubicle. I was going to walk straight out but then I stopped by the paper towel dispenser and pulled a wad out and stuck them in my bag. Some weirdly logical part of my brain was like ‘My intern will probably need these after she goes down on me’.

I headed back to the office. It felt like ages but I had probably been gone only a bit more than one minute. I swiped back in, and started walking as normally as I could back to the meeting room. In my head I was sure everyone was going to notice that I had no tights on and ask about it. They were nude so I figured I’d just lie and said I hadn’t been wearing any, but of course no one actually did ask. I was trying to look calm, but before I got ten steps in I could feel my wetness going everywhere each time my thighs slipped past each other. My dress was really thin and I was afraid it would stick to my legs so I tried moving my legs as little possible and prayed no one would notice.

After the longest seconds of my life I approached my meeting room. I started to slow down a bit because I didn’t feel ready, but I knew I couldn’t just stop outside the door. I took a deep breath as I got up to it, and my heart was pounding again. Half of me was praying that Izzy wouldn’t be in there, that she had freaked out and gone back to our team’s main desk, and that we could pretend none of this had ever happened. But the other half knew I’d be bitterly disappointed if that happened. I put my hand on the handle and opened the door as casually as I could. I stepped into the room and closed it on the other side. The sudden silence was terrifying and exhilarating. I set my bag on the desk and dropped my card next to it. My heart was thudding again as I looked around the room. Izzy had moved her chair out the way so only mine was by the desk, and when I realised that her notepad and pen were still on the desk I had to let out a long breath to calm down. She was under the desk. I couldn’t see her but she was probably there. She was waiting under the fucking desk.

I pulled the chair a short way out to sit down on it, forcing myself not to look down in case I saw her expectant face. I kept my legs together as I sat down as close to the edge of the chair as I could, and remembered the cum on my legs as I did so. I pulled the back of my dress up as I sat down to avoid getting it wet, and kind of draped it around the seat of the chair so hopefully no one would notice if they came in. I could feel the coarse seat cover on my bare skin, and felt suddenly self conscious about having no underwear on. My head was a mess at this point and I couldn’t think straight. I pulled up a random spreadsheet and started clicking on cells for no reason, just trying to look busy in case someone burst in. My legs were gently pressed together and I sat rigid like that, pointlessly scanning numbers on the screen. Several agonising moments went by like this. I realised with a wave of relief and disappointment that she had probably gone. I had been sat there freaking out for like 15 seconds and nothing had happened. I would just get up and go back to my desk and we'd forget all about it.

Then I heard a quiet sound as Izzy repositioned herself under the table. 'Holy shit this is going to happen, I can't fucking believe this is going to happen'

I started to breathe quite heavily, trying to calm myself down a bit. Nothing happened for a few seconds, and then I felt her hand on my knee and froze. This was actually happening. She put her other hand on my other knee, and gently pulled them apart. I resisted at first, but only for a second. She kept pushing them wider really slowly, and I was staring at the laptop screen thinking ‘Oh my god Izzy can see my pussy right now’.

Then, when my legs were pretty far open, I felt one of her hands slide up my thigh. I kind of shuddered involuntarily because it felt so intense, and she paused for just a moment. She must have seen that I was really wet, because she started running a finger over the slippery patch on my inner thigh. This went on for maybe a minute or so, and my cum must have been everywhere. I was incredibly horny by this point. Not just asexually excited like before, but full on dripping-wet horny. Eventually she stopped, and I felt her hair brush against my skin as she leaned in. Oh my god I can’t tell you the anticipation I was feeling right at that moment. I could feel how close she was because her breath was warm. My mind was just going ‘Shit shit shit shit shit’. She pushed my thighs a little further apart, her clothes rustled as she leaned in, and I knew she about to go for it.

I thought of my boyfriend for just an instant, and then I felt Izzy’s warm, firm tongue push gently into my pussy. My whole body quivered and curled. My skin got really hot and I had to close my eyes and clench my fists to not have an orgasm right there. I could feel the muscles in my groin tensing up repeatedly, and her cheeks felt slippery against my thighs. All I could think was was ‘holy shit I’m at work and my intern’s tongue is inside me’. Izzy curved her arms under and over my legs and pulled my hips gently towards her as she licked all the way up between my lips in one go. I curled up again when her tongue went over my clit and it took all my strength not to moan. She pulled her face away for a moment and I heard her gulp quietly under the desk. That nearly sent me over right there. I had no idea why I was so into this even though it was a girl, but I didn't question it.

Then she leaned forward again, and started lapping at my pussy slowly but firmly. I can’t tell how you good it felt. Nothing has felt so good before or since. I couldn’t think anymore, all I could do was hold on. If someone had actually looked through the window in the door they would have sussed it out in three seconds. I was sitting at the desk with my head back and my eyes closed, shuddering rhythmically to the soft squelching sounds of Izzy's face buried between my legs. I don’t think I even lasted 30 seconds. There was this kind of white hot feeling between my legs and a ragged breath came out of my mouth as I had the stickiest, shakiest orgasm of my whole life. For a few long moments I could have been anywhere. It was just one long wave of pure, eye-watering ecstasy. I wanted to scream and cry and tell her how fucking good it felt, but I wouldn’t have even been able to make the words. Apparently I managed to stay pretty quiet, but I have no idea how as I’m quite loud usually.

The whole thing probably lasted no more than 10 seconds, but they were 10 seriously good seconds. When it was over I just slumped back in the chair with my eyes closed trying not to fall off. My breathing was deep and heavy, I could feel sweat on my forehead, and my still open legs were just kind of shaking about. Eventually I lifted my head up, and opened my eyes. Izzy was kneeling between my legs with her mouth open and a look of wonder on her face. It’s good she doesn’t really wear makeup because my cum was everywhere. Her cheeks were shiny with it, and there was a thin strand of it connecting her chin to her shirt. She had put her hair back in a ponytail, but it was sticky at her temples. I smiled at her and she beamed back at me. She asked me if it was good, and I laughed. Then she said ‘Did you… you know?’ And I just nodded happily because I couldn’t really speak.

With the moment passing I realised how amazingly ridiculous this would look to someone else, and I pulled the paper towels from my bag. I kept a couple for myself and handed a few to Izzy. We both stayed where we were, wiping up my cum for a minute or so. Watching a girl wipe my cum off her face was seriously surreal. When we were done I stuffed the towels in my bag and Izzy got up and sat back down in her chair. I scooted back a bit to inspect the damage, and saw a predictable wet patch on my chair. Luckily it wasn’t too big and I guess Izzy got most of it. I looked over at her and we shared a giggle. Half of me was deliriously happy on a post orgasm high, and the other half was reeling from the knowledge that I had just cheated on my boyfriend and gotten eaten out by a girl. What. The. Fuck.

Once my legs were up to the challenge I got up and inspected my dress and was relieved to find no visible blotches. I perched on the table’s edge and looked over at my partner in crime. ‘So… How was it?’ I asked. ‘Yeah’ she said with a massive smile ‘Pretty much everything I was hoping for’. That made me really happy for some reason. I really liked that she liked it too. She pulled her hair band off and said ‘Do you regret doing that?’. I thought about it for a moment and was really really surprised to find that I didn’t. I know it was wrong and bad and everything, but honestly I’d be lying if I said I felt any regret. I looked at her and said ‘No, I don’t. It was honestly the best I’ve ever had. Which is really weird ‘cause you’re a girl’. She smiled again and thanked me, and I just laughed. This girl had just given me the best orgasm I’d ever had and then said thank you.

I checked the time and we still had about 15 minutes left. We made sure we looked presentable, and got our stuff together (which included me finding my emergency panties and slipping them on). I fake spilled my cold cup of coffee on the chair, and we got up, opened the door, and strolled out into the noisy and busy office that had been a couple of feet away the whole time. Izzy went to go wash her face while I took the chair to the front desk and apologised to the facilities manager (the building has a central cleaning service for things like coffee spills).

I went and sat down at my desk and Izzy came back a few minutes later, gave me a quick smile and sat down to her work. After an hour or so my friend sat next to me actually did ask if I had been wearing tights earlier. I gave her a mildly confused look and shook my head, and she and said ‘oh right – sorry, it’s obviously been a looong week! Can’t wait for the weekend.’

The last couple of hours of the day were super normal. Every now and then I would get this weird sensation come over me and would stop in my tracks and think ‘oh my god I came on a girl’s face’ but I’d shake it off and it was fine. Oddly enough the guilt never really set it. Don’t get me wrong I know I cheated on my boyfriend and he didn’t do anything to deserve it. But even though my brain knew it was wrong it just felt different because it was another girl. I don’t think the gender makes any actual difference, but for some reason it just felt different. I have been propositioned before by guys (once or twice when my bf and I were in a rough patch) and I never considered cheating because the thought of it made me feel terrible. But one proposition from a curious girl and my legs are open within ten minutes. Go fucking figure.

I got home that night expecting to be really awkward around my bf, but it was fine. We both apologised to each other and made up and some really loving sex. He even went down on me which I really appreciated, and everything has been great since. Do I feel gay or bi now? Not really no. Do I still feel straight? I think so. I’m not really sure to be honest. It’s all so unfamiliar.

As for Izzy… I do have more to talk about, but I didn’t want to write it out here because this is already so long. I didn’t mean for it to be but I just kept going. Haven’t written anything this long since uni! Feels really good to write it out though. If you want to tell me off for being a cheat then go for it. But if someone enjoys it like I have enjoyed other stories here than that’s cool too. x

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3xicjg/i_cheated_on_my_boyfriend_at_work_ff


  1. I dont think one person in this subreddit cares if a story is long or short, and especially if its a good read like this one. Looking forward to hearing more.

  2. Great story, reminds me of a story a friend of mine told me a long time ago about the first time she was with another girl. hope to hear more of your adventures.

  3. That was a very enjoyable story! The descriptions of your emotions leading up to the act were on par with the act itself! Very thrilling and very fun, thank you for sharing!

  4. This story is so hot. I also don’t get guys who are uncomfortable with a girl being bi, or not wanting to go down more because stories like this are just indescribably hot. This may be my favorite story on here in a long time.

  5. As soon as I saw "with side panels" I knew where this was gonna be going. A GWS post with foreshadowing. Look at you :-p Super hot story. Can totally relate to that feeling of illogical separateness and absence of guilt.

  6. Great story :) I kind of have a relaxed view on Girl girl cheating. My ex was upfront south me about it though when she did it.

  7. Wow, that was absolutely unbelievable. Thanks so much for sharing ;) It’d be a dream to see a picture of your legs open to have an even better imagination of the scene..thank you for your tale!

  8. Wow, that was absolutely unbelievable. Thanks so much for sharing ;)
    It’d be a dream to see a picture of your legs open to have an even better imagination of the scene..thank you for your tale!

  9. Well that’s just it. I principle I think a lot of people might be ‘open’ to the idea of same-sex experimentation because it can offer something new they otherwise can’t get. But I was definitely not upfront with my boyfriend about it… Also I don’t want to mislead anyone. One of the main reasons I went for it was because I really liked the thought of getting some oral. Hardly something I couldn’t have done with the bf… Glad you liked

  10. Wow, that was hawt. Damn. Edit: oh, and seriously well-written. I noticed the attention to detail all the while it was arousing me – intellectually stimulating as well as sexually so. You definitely put the reader into your head to the point that the story felt real-time. :)

  11. Wow thanks! I happy you liked it so much. And I think some people are just insecure about being replaced. Or they feel like their partner bringing it up means it’s imminent or something. I don’t think Izzy and him were super serious or anything though.

  12. haha! Yeah the side panels were a big part of my reasoning, not that they would have made much difference in the end :s

  13. Correct, I did not tell him. Not going to make excuses about it. Just here to write and share.

  14. I’m happy you wrote it…and I hope you write more, about her or anything else your writing style is very good. I guess I always just thought that if any girl I’ve been with were interested in someone else, guy or girl, or even just thought about it, it is because of different reasons. All people are different (both sexually and otherwise) and liking someone else doesn’t mean you don’t like the first person too.

  15. Boo for that. He might’ve been ok, considering he doesn’t like to go down. Did you keep going?

  16. He *might* have, but I seriously doubt it. We both have pretty ordinary ‘status quo’ ideas about what is and isn’t good for a relationship. Randomly hooking up with a member of the same sex is not something either of us would class as ‘okay’. My friendship/association/relationship – whatever it is – with Izzy is deeper and lengthier than this post. I kind of don’t want to talk about it without doing it justice though, so I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.

  17. It was getting long enough that I was getting worried it would suddenly stop with "the actual wildgoing will be in part 2" (because OP aaaaaalways delivers) but instead it just kept going to a spectacular finish. One of the best stories I’ve ever read in this sub. Cheers! And thank you for sharing! (And moar pls & tx)

  18. One of the most erotic stories I’ve read here. Very hot. I’ve been in that situation where it’s almost like an out of body experience and there’s a part of your brain that’s just kinda watching what you’re doing in disbelief.

  19. > Before I had time to think I just shrugged and said ‘Well, sure. I mean why not? It’s not like it has to be a big deal’. It felt like an out of body experience where someone else was talking and not me. I would never have said anything like that, but then I actually did. Even now when I think about the moment I said that, it still feels like it was somebody else. So fucking true. You did a great job of capturing exactly what this is like. Giving in to sexual compulsions is a total rush that creates great memories… as long as there aren’t negative consequences. Thanks for posting.

  20. This sub has had a rough patch lately with really badly written stories holy shit please stay around

  21. I loved your story, it was so passionate and sexy. Imagining it happen unexpectedly really turned me on

  22. thanks for your story and it is well- written. and, i do not think it is a cheating for your bf, maybe he also like to appreciate your story

  23. That was very well written. Also I find it interesting that part where you slightly "resisted" even though you wanted it. I’m a guy and I got into it with a lesbian best friend , as we were about to go at it, I actually felt her slightly resist but let me in. Interesting

  24. As a guy, this is one of my biggest fantasies–to have an SO who would give in to a bi-curious craving (or even take advantage of someone else’s, as you did). This is definitely one of the hottest stories I’ve read in months. I don’t know how your BF would feel about it, and it might be a bit risky, but would you consider asking him how he would feel about you fooling around with another woman, in a "hypothetical" way? My favorite quote: Every now and then I would get this weird sensation come over me and would stop in my tracks and think ‘oh my god I came on a girl’s face’ but I’d shake it off and it was fine. Fuuuuuck that’s hot.

  25. The story started out with an striking resemblance to my gf. The age, the description of your situation with the bf and even the Helen name. Damn. only thing that broke the illusion was the office description. My gf doesn’t work at an office. It would be the hottest thing on the planet to know she had an experience like this. Very well written story. Looking forward to more. I’ll just keep pretending it’s actually my gf :)

  26. I gotta say, you worry your boyfriend did nothing to deserve a cheating, but it’s just not so. I can’t really call your libido-driven choices the ‘high road,’ but I tend to agree with Dan Savage that, short of extenuating circumstances, oral comes standard (so to speak.) And whereas I happen to like hair down there, I’ve no doubt it’s the more difficult and involved approach to keep one’s intimate bits bare of fur. He really should show some goddamn appreciation of the effort, regardless of whom it’s for (your benefit or his). Anyway, hot stuff. Regret can be crucial to changing one’s behavior, but I doubt it’s really necessary to feel bad about this. Edit: My wife has extenuating circumstances, so it does happen. A pity, but she is very affectionate on the whole, so s’okay.

  27. One of the best stories I have read here for a long time. More! And you should return the favour to Izzy…

  28. > And I think some people are just insecure about being replaced. The whole "cheating is the worst thing ever" in a nutshell. Keep doing what you are doing.

  29. Wow. That was a wonderful story. You perfectly succeeded in letting the reader have the same anticipation and build-up to the big, relieving moment. I, for one, await any continuation of this story with that same anticipation. Thank you so very much for sharing.

  30. Enjoying sec with people of a certain gender casually doesn’t determine your sexuality. Sexuality is more like attracted to in every way, trust me I’m very bi like that. Also on non Western Cultures sexuality isn’t even defined, i mean you sleep with whoever you want and no one bats an eye, this is particularly common in the middle east.

  31. Enjoying sec with people of a certain gender casually doesn’t determine your sexuality.
    Sexuality is more like attracted to in every way, trust me I’m very bi like that.
    Also on non Western Cultures sexuality isn’t even defined, i mean you sleep with whoever you want and no one bats an eye, this is particularly common in the middle east.

  32. what a story! It is *really long* but felt like one paragraph. please say you’ll see her again and write about it!

  33. Don’t preclude the possibility of bringing up your desire to have adventures with other women to your BF. He may/may not be OK with it, but you’re as apt to be surprised positively by his reaction as anything. Add to that, regardless of whether he reacts positively, you don’t have to bring up the details of this adventure. I bring all this up to say that there are a lot of men who would potentially be OK with their partners exploring same-sex situations, as long as there was openness and honesty in the situation and clear ground rules were set. Over time, couples learn that the emotional connection they have together is as important as the physical connection. If arriving at a "deal" you can both live with is possible, it could end up being a win-win for everybody. As far as this story goes, it was damn hot and we’d all love to hear more.

  34. For what it’s worth my two little cents is the old saying "take care of your partner or someone else will" you probably don’t feel like it was cheating bc he wasn’t doing his job so you outsourced it. It’s the American thing to do. ‘Merica!

  35. Amazing story! I even saved your post, hoping to check in and find more from you in the future! :)

  36. Tl;Dr I cheated on my bf with my female intern for my first g/g experience. It was good

  37. Great job exploring your sexual boundaries! I do not condone infidelity in any way, so if I were you I’d come clean, however never let facts get in the way of a great story! and great it was!

  38. Your story was infuckingcredible. I’m dying to hear more. Are you going to play with her again???

  39. As hot as the story was, you’re kinda a piece of shit and you really deserve whatever karmic justice is coming to you.

  40. Great story, very well written, and very hot!!! You thoroughly led us down the long and horny road of anticipation, which certainly raised the temperature. I’m sure many can relate to the impromptu opportunities in the workplace. I actually have a few in my memory bank which occasionally work themselves into my fantasies as I’m screwing my wife….ahhh….. I certainly look forward to hearing more about your experiences with Izzy. Also, like others have mentioned, it may be something to discuss with your husband. He may be open to additional spice in your sex life! I know I would be….in yours, and in mine LOL!!!

  41. did you tell to your BF? Because if I was your BF then this would be a 12/10 on the hotness meter. I’m not even mad.

  42. I’m going to break us. But I came to this story, and when I came to post my comment, it showed 69 comments. thought it was fitting, but now i’m messing it up. Fantastic story. I’d think your boyfriend would only get turned on by the story, and probably not upset about the cheating.

  43. /r/nonmonogamy and possibly even /r/swingers can help you down this path if you choose to pursue it.

  44. I thought it was a pretty universally accepted saying. Maybe it’s just an American thing??? That’s kind of odd though, because I’m picking up verbal cues that OP is from the UK.

  45. I know, still gonna do it. Cheating on your SO is one of the most terrible things you can do, easily it can outshine any positive qualities you have.

  46. Your writing skills are wholly impressive, just an FYI. Story was hot, but it was compounded by how well you write.

  47. That captured so many of the feelings that go along with really doing something like that.

  48. mmmmmm the feelings rushing through me, such a warm and sexy story, thanks for posting! Amanda

  49. Oh my god Helen reading this made me so fucking wet. Thank you! You’re amazing!

  50. usually i am not turned on by lesbian stuff, however for some reason i was hard the entire time reading this. I work in an office similar and I always see coworkers in skirts/tights and damn, i really wish i could see what was under.

    amazing story, best i read on this sub.

  51. Damn….I just got a serious work chubby. That is one hot story!

  52. ‘My intern will probably need these after she goes down on me’.

    That line made me chuckle! Your story was amazingly hot! I would maybe test the waters with your bf and see how he feels about it like others have suggested, he may like it! If not then keep it your dirty little secret ;)

  53. I have to say that this was some of the best writing I’ve seen on this thread. So provocative. The imagery, the scene setting, the anticipation, the conclusion, everything worked wonderfully.

    You should seriously consider other short stories or even a longer novel. When compared to that 50 shades crap, this was infinitely more sensual….

    Hopefully we’ll get to read about another instalment.

  54. > I pulled up a random spreadsheet and started clicking on cells for no reason, just trying to look busy in case someone burst in.

    Pretty much sums up my daily routine at the office.

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