[M/F] – The Tales of My Girlfriend: A Crazy Four Years (Another Story)

As some of you may already know, I posted about a week ago on this sub detailing everything about my slutty girlfriend, Lexy, and some of her stories. If you didn't catch it, please check out my last post. Today I have another story I want to share with all of you. This story isn't very long, but she still gets very embarrassed by it. It takes place around sophomore year of college…

Lexy and some of her friends went out on a Friday night to a small house party. It was no more then 4-5 guys, and the rest were friends of Lexy. It was a pretty typical thing for them to go to a lot of these house parties sophomore year, as they weren't of legal drinking age yet. As the night went on Lexy and her friend Jessica started taking shots with some of the guys at the party. The guys kept telling them that they were too weak to hang with them, but both Jessica and Lexy managed to keep up. Lexy was wearing a black shirt with big slits up both sides. It sort of looked like a tank top if the arm holes went from hip to shoulder. The shirt was tight fitting though, so it covered up her boobs pretty well. But, she wasn't wearing a bra that night, because it would be very noticeable on both sides of the open shirt. One of the guys noticed this and loudly asked if she was wearing anything under her shirt, to which she eagerly replied she wasn't. He then dared her to drink 3 more shots in a row, and if she couldn't do it she had to flash her boobs.

Lexy, not wanting to back away from a dare, accepted. She quickly lined up all three shots and chugged them back one after the other. All of the guys stood there thoroughly impressed, as she was now close to 8-10 shots deep. Even the guy who dared Lexy bowed to her saying she was amazing. No more than 5 minutes later though Lexy was hammered. Like, out of her mind, everything feel amazing, hammered. But, not blackout drunk. She says to all of the guys and her friends that there is no way she can feel this amazing right now, and that it can't be real. She honestly believed she was in a dream, as she told multiple people over and over. When they tried to convince her that she wasn't dreaming she just brushed them off, and laughed. It was a typical Lexy thing, and all of her friends knew it.

The next thing you know she gets everyone's attention, and says she wants to prove it's a dream. She starts to pull up her shirt, when one of the guys and Jessica run up to her and tell her to stop. They tell her she shouldn't take off her clothes because she really isn't dreaming, and she would most likely be very embarrassed the next morning. Lexy pulled away from them both though, and drunkenly declared again that she was in a dream, and even if she wasn't that she didn't care. Jessica just stepped back, and watched with everyone else what was about to unfold. Lexy started to struggle with her black shirt, but managed to inch it closer and closer over her head. Most of the guys at the party barely knew Lexy, but there were also a good amount of her friends there too. All of whom had never seen Lexy in any form of undress, and who were eager to see what she looked like. Lexy's black shirt popped up over her head in an instant, and she was standing there giggling that she was topless in front of everyone. Jessica and someone else then tried to convince her again that she was actually really topless in front of everyone, but Lexy didn't care to listen at this point. She believed only what she wanted to believe.

She started to unbutton her pants, but was too drunk and uncoordinated to take them off properly. So, Lexy plopped down right on the floor as everyone hovered over her. She was sitting down with both legs in the air, her pants half way off and still struggling to get them completely down. She started kicking, saying to anyone that would listen to pull them off. All the while her small 32B boobs jiggled up and down, and her bright orange panties were clear as day. Finally Jessica came over, and removed her pants. Jessica had given up trying to convince Lexy not to strip, so she decided she might as well help her get it over with. Lexy sat on the cold kitchen floor of the house with only her orange panties covering her bottom half. Everyone was standing over her watching what her next move would be. Then without any hesitation or warning Lexy went from sitting up to lying on her back with her feet in the air and removed her final shred of dignity. She was now not only stark naked, but spread eagle in front of everyone. She posed in different positions all night, and would spread herself whenever anyone asked. Jessica and the rest of her girl friends were so embarrassed for her, but were laughing right along with everyone else and telling Lexy to do crazy things. Lexy was even convinced to spread her butt cheeks, and everyone got a very long and detailed view of her pussy and asshole.

Lexy stayed completely naked for the remainder of the night until Jessica had to forcibly dress her to take her home. The next morning Lexy remembered everything she had done, and didn't see anyone for a whole week! She eventually embraced what she had done, and no longer did public nudity bother her. She now thoroughly enjoys nudity around anyone whether sober or drunk. She's even sunbathed naked around her family! This experience surely turned her into even more of a slut then she already was.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3xe5ck/mf_the_tales_of_my_girlfriend_a_crazy_four_years


  1. any chance we could get some pictures of her, since she doesn’t mind the public nudity?

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