Rammstein sex…[22 y.o. f/49 y.o. m]

When I graduated from college, I had a boyfriend with whom I was on again and off again for 3 years. At the time of my graduation we were off. However, we had tickets to the Rammstein concert in Denver which we had purchased many months before. We still planned on going together and giving our relationship another shot. Man, was that a stupid idea. So we drove to Denver from Iowa (where I’m from), and we even had sex while driving on the way over–things seemed to be going great.

The night of the concert I gave him a striptease and lap dance to Rammstein songs. Then we hit the bar before the show. As soon as we got to the arena, we downed a few more beers. Then we got to our seats (the first level above general admission on the floor) and drank some more as we awaited the performance. The show begins with pyrotechnics and crazy bass. A few songs in, I ditch my man and go down to the front row of the balcony for a better view.

Security comes and hands me a note, I’m like “Shit, I gotta go back up,” But I open the note and it reads "Come down to general admission,” I roll my eyes and crumple up the note and stay put. I think it’s a joke. Then a few minutes later another security person, who was down one level from me told me to climb down and come with him. Literally, he helped me hoist myself over the bars and down onto the next level. Now I’m really confused. He guides me to the front, even in front of the security barriers. I am truly front and center. He motions to me that I should flash the band. And I do. I’ve caught Till Lindemann’s (the lead singer) eye. He winks at me. The timing is perfect because they’re playing their song called "Pussy” and there’s a giant paper mache penis on stage spewing confetti-cum everywhere.

Now I don’t even know what the fuck to think. As they begin their last song the security guard whisks me away and leads me backstage. I’m like “Hey, I wanted to see the end!” He’s like, “No, this is better, trust me,” We walk through a long corridor and he plops me on the couch in a room stocked with booze and mixers, "Have whatever you want. Just wait here,” he says. I say “Wait for what?” but he’s already gone. So I’m texting people like mad saying “Omg, wtf I’m backstage at Rammstein, like what is happening to me,” And I make myself a drink.

Some time passes by and then right before my eyes the entire band passes through this room where I am and strips down naked to shower in the stalls that are right next to me. I am watching Rammstein fucking shower. What is going on? Who am I?! They finish and all of them but Till leave the room. Till is still naked. He sits down next to me and I just throw myself to the floor in between his legs and I suck his dick. I’m doing my best work because HELLO, IT’S TILL LINDEMANN. He’s hard now and he gets me naked. Till bends me over on the couch and takes me from behind. “Oh this is glorious,” I think “Till Lindemann is fucking the shit out of me right now. This is a magic moment that I will never forget,” I don’t stop to think about the fact that my “boyfriend” is out there mad as hell, looking for me but probably only to kill me, and I just fucked that whole relationship up.

Now you might think I’m a huge cunt for this, but I don’t really care. Oh by the way, did I mention his brother and sister-in-law are here on this trip with us? Yeah, and they don’t like me very much just because I was constantly breaking up with their brother. Anyways, Till finishes with me and tells me he has to get to a meet and greet with fans who actually paid for that shit. Haha wow. I didn’t even pay for my damn ticket and here I am getting banged out by the lead singer. So I get dressed and stumble out of the maze that is the back stage of the arena. I make it to the parking lot and I sort of come to, realizing I’m super fucking hammered and I didn’t think this through. I have no ride because DUH my “boyfriend” left me. I’m looking for a cab right when an officer comes out of nowhere, cuffs me up and puts me in a paddy wagon. I’m in the back of a paddy wagon in Denver, crying, of course.

Good lord what have I gotten myself into. The next day I wake up and my very first thought is “Hmmm. This looks like jail, and it feels like jail, but I don’t think it’s jail.” There are shitty cots everywhere and a reception desk at the front of the room. I go up to the desk, “What is this place?” I say. The worker replies “This is detox. You won’t be released until your sober time.” Oh. My. God. Wtf is a sober time? I ask her “What’s my sober time?” She says “1 pm.” I look at the clock. It’s fucking 9 am. Goddamn it. I make about a thousand collect calls to my “boyfriend” before I realize, he’s not talking to me. Then I make a collect call to my sister. She’s angry. Understandably so! She doesn’t know what to tell me. Understandably so. I just go back to my cot and I wait. I try to sleep, but I’m just sobbing my eyes out. Hours tick by slow as molasses. Finally the clock strikes 1 and I am released.

All I have on me is my phone (dying) and my license. No cash, no card. I look up the location of my bank and start walking. It’s two miles away but I have no choice. Then it dawns on me, hey my uncle lives in Denver!! My weird uncle to whom I never really speak, but it’s worth a shot. I call him and tell him the situation. He comes and picks me up and takes me to my bank. I get some cash and then by the grace of God, HE OFFERS TO BUY ME A PLANE TICKET. God bless America and God bless my uncle. So I have an obligatory lunch with him and his weird friends at some weird Chinese buffet and he takes me to the airport. Let’s keep in mind that I have NO luggage and I’m still in my gear from the concert the night before. Tight graphic pants, high heeled military boots, a loose fitting top with no bra and lots of nipple, and no purse. How weird do I look in the airport? Pretty fucking weird. I board the plane and try to forget how much of a piece of shit I am while at the same time reveling in the glory of having had Till Lindemann’s penis inside me.

My sister picks me up from the airport, relieved that I’m safe, but angry that I’m a parasite of a person. We drive home and I hurl myself onto my bed and crash.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3x01bn/rammstein_sex22_yo_f49_yo_m


  1. > Now you might think I’m a huge cunt for this You are correct, you’re pretty much the definition of a trashy whore. Hey if that’s what you want the more power to ya.

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