College Freshman Adventures Part 1: Janis

I’ve always had a thing for legs. When I was around fourteen, I distinctly remember reading a copy of my dad’s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition and gawking at the smooth, tanned legs of the woman on the cover; her body brightened by her orange swimsuit, her feet curling together in the foreground of the picture on the sand of the beach where she sat. She looked at you with the coy, jaded look women are meant to have in these photos. I wondered, at that time, if I would ever be this close to a stunning female’s legs in real life and if she would ever look at me like so.

Let’s fast-forward five years.

My buddy Jason and I sat on the porch outside a house party in November, watching the partygoers exit. We were drinking scotch on ice and I was numerous sheets to the wind. Jason burped. “I’m gonna flunk that test tomorrow,” he said. I watched the legs of the girls wandering outside. A few of them stumbled on the doorstep like drunken high-schoolers (which was basically what we still were, as freshmen ages 18 to 19), some of them were helped out by their equally smashed, wonky boyfriends (or guys who wished they were their boyfriends), and others exited smoothly and without any help, thank you. Many wore those tight black silk pants that is a continuing fad among the hip middle class female set. But a surprising number wore skirts—short skirts—although it was a cold night.

A girl in a flannel Irish skirt walked out. Her legs were amazing. They got thick and curvy towards the top, but nice and lean as you went down to her feet. She wore black shoes that looked like particularly warm slippers. I wondered why she was dressed like this was the original Saint Patrick’s Day. She had red hair and freckles and was chatting with two other girls, didn’t seem too drunk. “Look at the legs on that one,” Jason said. Jason had no tact whatsoever. They probably heard him. But I was secretly surprised someone else cared about legs as much as I did. “Yeah,” I responded. “They’re really something.” In a moment of utter cockiness, I called to her. “In the Irish get-up! What’s your name?” She and her friends looked toward me, perplexed. “Janis…” she said eventually. “Hi.” I raised my beer. “Great to make your acquaintance.” “Yeah,” she said, sort of smiling. “Same.” “You ladies get home safe,” I said. I can sound like a dick if I want, like a smooth operator if I want, like a drunk teenager if I want, or like a cop, if I really want. Janis and her friends trotted off to a car at the far end of the driveway and I felt proud of sounding like all four to her. I knew at that point that somehow, some way, I would bang Janis before the year was up.

 During most of the fall semester I was pretty diligent about going to classes and studying, I was kind of serious about not smoking as much pot as I had in high school and not getting arrested for it as I had once. But gradually that all went out the window because the school I go to (I'm not going to name it. It's somewhere in the Midwest.), is one of the hardest partying institutions in the country. By the end of December I was crashing my bike in to the side of the student lounge because I was drunk and getting written up by the campus cops for playing beer pong outside, in the parking lot, with four other people. I was/am ridiculous. 

One of the people I played beer pong with that night was none other than Janis. We first hooked up that December night. I felt her boobs and made out with her against the brick wall of Dodson Hall. She was a Catholic school girl; that explained the uniform. At one point she pulled away and said, “I like you…” “You’re not too bad yourself,” I said. “I don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again, but you’re not too bad.”

I’d given this line before. At some point in high school I’d stopped fearing girls. At first, I’d gawked at them and asked awkward questions. Gradually, I’d learned to act like I just didn’t give a shit. As a result, I was not a virgin by the time I got to college. I’d had about four girls already. Janis looked vaguely disappointed after she heard my line. Her freckles gleamed out of the darkness in the corner of the building we were scrunched up against and made her look lonely. I kissed her again and said goodnight and left.

The next time we met was in January, shortly after I'd gotten back to campus. I saw her in the student lounge after our Economics class and we ended up sitting and eating lunch together. We shot the shit for a while, and then she asked if I wanted to take a walk with her. I was like, "Sure." We walked around in the cold over to her dorm and I led her to her door. As soon as we got to her door, she pulled me in and we kissed again. Next thing you know, I'm on the top of her bunk bed, naked except for my boxers and she's naked except for the insane tan lines on her skin left by her bra and panties, even in winter. I did a rotating pattern of sucking on the nipples of her tits while she ran her fingers through my hair like I was a fucking cat. She whispered to me me to go down on her.

This was something I’d never done. I had an idea of how to; I’d watched pornos. I just thought it was kind of gross. But Janis asked me to and she sounded so fucking sexy saying it I almost came on her leg. I looked down between her tits at the ridge of brown pubic hair that my tongue had been commissioned to climb and claim. I let my tongue droop out while I moved down her belly– I noticed she had a little bit of pudge coming in– and started licking her steep, prickly vagina. I knew that you were supposed to get right in there and also finger her. So I slipped a couple fingers in after tongue-soloing it for a few minutes. She was mostly shaved aside from the tuft of hair that tangled up on my tongue whenever I licked it over. I felt several stray pubes on the inside of my tongue, so I switched to using only the tip of my tongue, veering from left to right over her shaved prickles and the bulging pink mass swelling under her folds. She grabbed the nape of my neck and began pulling my hair. She squirmed her legs around and every time her thighs brushed against my cheeks or my ears I got a little more of a boner.

Janis started making these sounds you’re supposed to make in church. If I spelled it out, it would look like any other female pleasure sound. Let's say it sounded like she'd just realized that Jesus himself was magically eating her pussy. I kept fingering/licking her and her thighs jerked upward inch by inch, rotating her vagina further in to my mouth. Her pubes tickled my nose and mouth. At one point her lower body tilted upward enough so that her clit sponged over my nose and my nose bumped in to my fingers, which were circling around inside of her. She caught her breath and kept on with her tenor yelps. I suddenly realized; "This is great. I love eating pussy. The End."

I felt my phone buzz. (My leg was on it). I drew my face away and a string of gooey wetness pulled away with me. I saw then that I was looking at this pink, monstrous, excited wilderness, inside of which my fingers were helplessly closed. I kept swirling my fingers around and looked at the text message. It was my friend asking if we were meeting in McDougal's at noon. Shit, I was supposed to meet James at McDougals, where he works. (McDougals is a place where they don’t give a shit how old you are if you know someone who works there. I got completely loaded there time and time again.) I propped my hand against her inner thigh and Janis did not even try to move away. I quickly punched in, Nope, can't do it. I paused and thought, and punched in; I'm eating pussy. I set my phone down and saw that Janis was staring down at me with the same expression as when she gets a question wrong in class, except redder. She said "Dennis…get off your phone. Stay with me."

I just looked at her for a second and then dove back in to her muff. Whatever the fluids are that make a girl's vagina wet?? I think they were getting in my nose. She slid her fingers over my shoulders. She hyperventilated. My brief act of nonchalance had made her happier: brilliant.

Janis moaned very loudly three times and did the most perfect goddam thing ever– she fumbled a hand on to my forehead and cocked my head back so I could look at her face while her thighs bounced off my shoulders. She held my head like that for just a few seconds– long enough for me to get one of my brilliant, deranged ideas. I grabbed my iPhone from beside her leg, pressed the camera app and snapped a picture of her. Her head was cocked back, her mouth formed a jagged O, her massive tits jangled on either corner–they were bouncy, future soccer mom tits– and her very Irish dimples basically having a staring contest with me, as if to say, 'Are ye having as blarney of a time as Janis, bogle??' That was what the picture looked like.

After I took the picture, I reached up and touched Janis' cheek with one hand, as if to say I was also a strong, sentimental lover. She let me hold the side of her face for a few seconds. Then she smacked my hand away and completely changed tempo. She screamed, "Fuck you, Dennis, fuck you!" I tried to look confused and said; "What??" "Take your fucking phone away from me, fuck you, Oh My God, I thought I could trust you, Oh my God, what is wrong with me…" She hit me with her pillow. For a while I thought it was a game she was playing and was really saying she wanted to fuck me, but when she threw my phone across the room I got the actual drift. I grabbed my phone and told her, okay, I guess I misread your signals, wow, way to tell a dude you hate him. She yelled at me fuck you again as I opened her door and bolted out.

For a while, I worried that my phone was broken, but guess what?? It isn't! I still have those pictures of Janis or rather Janis' tits, nape and chin. I’ve sent it to all my best buds. I sort of wish I had the cell number of everybody who’s ever hooked up with Janis so I could send it to them. I look at the photo and think it's kind of masterful, sort of like something Robert Mapplethorpe would have done if he were straight and ate pussy. No, I indeed was not having as blarney of a time as Janis, though perhaps I would have had she sucked me cock.

When Jason saw the picture, he said; "Dude! Can I get a copy?" I gave him one and he retook the test he flunked and aced it.

When my pal John saw the picture he said, "Well, you chose the right moment to take it."

When my pal Dirk saw it he said, "I had this idea before you. Stop doing things first, jackoff."

When I went home one weekend a few weeks after, I searched around the house for that original swimsuit edition magazine. I wanted to relive the feeling of being fourteen and not knowing what this mysterious thing was in front of me, and having not experienced it myself, so directly. But I got tired and couldn’t find it. So I’m stuck with this story, and with the photograph, and there’s no going back in time.



  1. Dude, you played that all wrong. When she gets mad, you say "you looked so sexy, I just had to take a picture. Look how sexy you are." Then you show them, and more importantly, you text it to her. Then it’s not something creepy you did, its a sexy secret you two are sharing.

  2. I’m not going to show the picture online dude. I could get in trouble for that. If you want to see an 18-year old girl climaxing, head over to a variety of porn sites, or a One Direction concert.

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