Cheating with my (f) roommate’s boyfriend. Part 1

Part 1 of a story I wrote based on my experiences.

The apartment door opens, and a familiar smell fills the air. It wasn't the kind of smell that welcomed her when she first moved to America. Her first roommate was another Saudi girl. From the same city Nabila was from, Riyadh. A young woman that attended a nearby school, NYU. When Yasmine came to the US, she developed a keen interest in cooking different kinds of foods. Corn tortillas filled with sliced chicken coated in cumin, dark chili powder and salt, topped with Pico de Gallo, avocado, and cilantro and served with fried sweet plantain. Or steaks fried in homemade maple garlic butter and fresh sprigs of lemon thyme. Or rice served in a stone bowl and topped with spiced ground beef, boiled spinach and bean sprouts coated in garlic, oil and salt, and served with a gojuchang based sauce.

It was always something new. Now, though, now the smell is consistent and… Unpleasant. It was the smell of skunk. Her new roommate and her boyfriend smoked every day. They were nice people, of course, she just missed the daily, delicious meals. Maybe I should learn to cook instead of sulking

Nabila rested her bag on the couch and was about to step into the kitchen when Amy called her name.

"Nabila? Is that you?"

"Hi Amy. Yea it’s me"

"Hey!" Amy's head poked out of the bedroom door, a smile stretched across her fair skinned face. Blonde hairs poked through the brim of her hat. Her eyes looked red from across the living room, "how was class?"

"Uhh.. I guess it was alright.. I don't know, this teacher is.. Well, he's awful…" Nabila sighed, her words coming out in a thick Saudi accent.

Amy frowned, "Sorry Nabila. Hey! John got some sweets for me. It’s in the kitchen. Go ahead and help yourself!"

Amy's head pulled back into the bedroom, but not before displaying one last smile. Sweets? Nabila thought I really could go for that.

She stepped into the small kitchen and was able to quickly spot the tray of brownies on the counter. My favorite! In two steps she was in front of the tray and pulling a sizable piece out for a large bite. Mmm It was soft… Fudgy… Sweet… She chewed slowly, swallowed the last bit of the piece she had before grabbing another. I’m going to have to study for math after this…I HATE trigonometric funct.

Amy came around the corner screaming, “Nabila wait!” She stood in the entrance, the fluorescent lamp above Nabila shining on her gaping mouth and widened eyes. “Oh no…”

“W…What?” She swallowed the bite that was in her mouth and stared back at Amy.

“C..Can you come with me Nabila?”

A voice came from the living room, “Did she eat any of it?” John had been here. He must have been in the bedroom. When the two turned the corner toward the living room, he was standing in front of the brown sectional. “Well?”

Amy nodded, “Nabila… I am SO sorry… Oh my God…”

“Amy…What?” Nabila grew nervous, her heart’s pace rising.

“When I said John brought sweets, I meant the bag of chocolate next to the sink… Not the brownies… The brownies are special brownies…” Amy looked to John as she sat next to Nabila on the couch, “We put weed in the brownies, Nabila.”

“Oh my God…” Nabila’s heart sinks. She’d never taken drugs before. And now? Now she had eaten one and half pieces of weed brownies. Her heart rate only rose higher as she starts to lose her cool. “Oh my God, Amy… I ate two pieces…Call 911… I… I…”

Amy brushes her hair with her hand, “Shhh, Nabila calm down. It’s okay, you won’t get hurt, just stay calm. Shhh.”

“Yea, relax Nabila, you’ll be okay. Don’t tweak, it’ll only make things worse for you. At this point you may as well enjoy what happens next. This is a good thing.”

Amy reaches behind her and slaps his arm. “Ah!, what?”

“Be quiet!”

Nabila stars at the TV blankly, unaware that one of her favorite shows was on. John turned to watch Archer while Amy calmed her down.

“It’s okay, Nabila. You’ll be fine I promise. Look… John and I took some just a few minutes ago so we’ll all be doing this together, okay? Just relax. Can you do that?”

Nabila nods her head. Calm down… Calm down… You can’t overdose on weed… You won’t get sick… Her breathing is paced, deep. Her heart settles and she reaches out to hold Amy’s hand, “I’m.. I’m okay… Is there anything I should do?”

“You don’t need to do a thing. Just sit here with us, we’ll hang out!” Amy smiled, her pearly whites catching the light coming from the TV.

It wasn’t too long before Nabila started to feel the high. It crept in slowly. Her mind felt phased, as though it existed in two states at once. One that took in what was happening around her, the other that was lost in complete thoughtlessness. Archer became more interesting…Incredibly interesting. She couldn’t stop laughing. She pulls her legs in, jeans crinkling underneath bent knees as she wiped tears away from her eyes. After Archer, they started watching The Big Lebowksi, and it was the most amazing movie.

Every once in a while she’d feel John’s hand rub the back of her neck, his arm reaching behind Amy as she snuggles against his chest. The way he rubs her muscles feels good. Unusually good. She glances over at him and he looks over Amy’s blond hair, a smirk stretching across his lips. Nabila blushes, returning a smile before turning back to the movie. John had spent a lot of time in the apartment since Amy moved in. More than a few times did she catch him studying her.

They were only 40 minutes into the movie when Amy sprang up, “Shit! I have to run to class… I’m not going to make it… Maybe I should just skip…”

“You should probably go babe, didn’t you say there was review for your test next class?”

“Fuck… You’re right… Maybe you can drive me?”

“Sorry babe… I am in noooo shape to drive right now.”

Amy’s face grows longer as she rises, “Okay.” She sighed, “Nabila will you be fine?” She looks up at Amy and nods. Over the past 10 minutes it felt like she had gotten higher than she had been. She watches Amy grab her things and walk out the door, “Bye!” Nabila shouts as the door closes behind her.

Nabila sits silently with John for several minutes, the film playing across the television, before John speaks, “How are you feeling?”

“Good.” Nabila says, chuckling lightly, her eyes still on the television.

“I can remember my first time, too. It was, like, 4 years ago. Do they do that sort of thing in Saudi Arabia?”

Nabila nods her head. She knew a few people who did, but she’d never been up for it. Maybe because her parents kept close tabs, or her religious schooling and siblings left their mark. Either way, before today she’d never smoked. Nor did she drink. For the next 15 minutes they chat about school, being in America, his relationship with Amy. During that time John stops the movie and starts some music. He's also rubbing her neck with his hand again, the fabric of her hijab between her skin and his.

“So you must be a virgin, huh?” John asks her.

Nabila blushes lightly and nods her head, “I am.”

“Wow… I always wondered what it was like to just NOT have sex. You must’ve considered it before, right? Maybe gotten close.”

“Umm, not really. I haven’t really spent time with men alone before. Usually I am with groups of friends.”

“Oh… So I’m the first guy that isn’t family you’ve been alone with, huh?” Nabila nods, the music enhancing certain… feelings. She could feel herself grow damp… John’s hand continuously massaging the back of her neck. Was it the weed that made her feel like this. She didn’t put much thought into it.

“So you’ve never seen a dick before?”

The question made her heart quiver, “Not in person. Only on the internet.”

”Did you like what you saw?”

She nods.

“Maybe you want to see mine, then?” He slouches a little further, pushing his hips closer to the edge of the couch.

Nabila glances over, looking down at his crotch. It was the first time she had taken a look. It was the first time she’d seen the bulge in his pants, the fabric pressing tightly along his member as it grew alongside his thigh. Her heart flutters. Unnoticeably, a shiver travels down her spine. She nods again.

John smiles and pulls his hand off her neck before undoing his pants, the metal parts clinking together, nearly drowned out by the music. His button comes undone next. Then his zipper. It happened so slowly… so incredibly slowly. He pulls his pants down to the middle of his thigh and she can see the base of his cock. It's clean shaven. Not a hair. He reaches the fingers of his right hand underneath and pulls up. His shaft bends upwards, little by little slipping out of the waste of his boxer briefs and undone pants before popping loose to stand straight in the air. Nabila watches intently the entire time, noting the bulging veins that popped forth, pulsating with hot blood, swelling his massive head.

He begins to stroke himself, eyes fixated on hers, “Do you like it?”

She nods a third time.

He pulls his hand away, “Why don’t you go ahead and touch it?”

Touch it. Her hand reaches over slowly, fingers stretching free of the fist that sat in her lap. Cool air moves between them, she can feel the sweat evaporate away. Then warmth. Incredible warmth. He begins to throb in her hand, his cock twitching, the thick root shifting her hand back and forth.

“That’s that American dick.”

She nods.

“I think maybe you should suck it”

Suck it. She leans over, elbows resting on the couch fabric, his fair skinned cock throbbing in front of her eyes. It smells. The smell of sweat and heat. Suck it. Her lips part and she swallows his fat head. It’s so warm. That taste… He begins oozing precum onto her tongue.

“Mmm fuck…good girl.” His hand reaches for the back of her head. There it rests, clutching lightly onto her hijab, “Go ahead, Nabila. Suck it.”

She starts to suck. Inexpertly at first, but she remembers the porn she watched over the past couple years. The way the women sucked cocks. It encouraged her. It trained her. Her tongue starts to lap at the head of his dick, its strokes matching the rhythmic sucking of her mouth. Every drop of precum is swallowed with increasing enthusiasm. Suck it better. Make him cum. Her right hand wraps around the base of his cock and she starts to bob her head along the top half of his towering mast, spit glistening in the warm lamp light. Her other hand moves to brush part of her hijab out of the way of her mouth.

“Shit… You Saudi’s can suck dick.” He groans, his hand growing greedy as it pulls her head into his shaft. His hips begin to make slight circular motions, the skin of his buttocks dragging along the couch’s fabric. Nabila feels his cock push in further, the dry length rubbing against her lips before receiving a coat of spit. She can already feel the head reaching the back of her tongue and she’s barely half way down. Her eyes dart up towards John’s face, seeking an answer to an unasked question, unsure how much further she needs to go. She gets an answer.



  1. This sub is for true stories, but this very much reads like erotic literature, and I see you posted about the same character to /r/eroticliterature

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