Breaking up, then Reconnecting with Danny (MF)

There may be some references here to previous posts about me and Danny, they do provide a back story if you have not read them and are interested.

Danny and I had been dating for a couple of years when I broke off our relationship. It wasn't like he did anything wrong, it was simply the fact that after two years our relationship was at the same point it had been after two hours: lots and lots of sensational sex, but no real intimacy. It was almost as if we were Friends With Benefits. Don't get me wrong, we did fun things and were together more than not, but I didn't see any long term commitment, and decided I needed to shake things up.

Danny wasn't pleased when I told him of my decision, but he also didn't put up a really big fight. We parted as friends, and stayed in touch as we started dating others. A year or so later I found myself invited to Danny's wedding. He was marrying a girl I knew, Charlotte, and over time we even managed to become friends.

During the next few years I was occasionally invited to their house for a party or dinner, and I also started performing some contract work for Danny's company (I'm a commercial artist). Danny would sometimes drop off paperwork, or pick up finished product after he left the office, as my new apartment was on his way home. Like my old place, the new complex I lived in had a spa, and Danny and I would frequently spend some time there talking during his visits (I still had one of his old swim suits at my place). For four years or so everything was quite proper between us.

But then one time when Danny visited and I asked if he wanted to soak in the spa before he left, he said "Sure", and I found his suit for him to change into. In the past he had always found another room to change in, but this time he simply turned his back to me and started to undress, this right in my own bedroom! I wasn't sure what to think, but I wasn't going to leave my own room, so I found my skimpiest two piece, turned my back, and changed as well. I also put my hair up so it wouldn't get wet.

The spa was a short walk and the water temperature was perfect. We sat facing each other on the same bench. As usual we talked about all sorts of things. I think I was complaining about my current boyfriend when Danny casually reached down and took my left foot in his hands and started to massage it. He didn't break eye contact or pause in the conversation, he just did it. His right leg was on the bench pointed at me, and my leg was now running along the inside of his leg as he kneaded my heel and arch and toes and the ball of my foot. We were like this way for a while, when he moved his right hand under my calf and started massaging me there. As he moved up my leg, he pulled me towards him until the sole of my foot was pressed right up against his crotch. He didn't look at it, or mention it, but he had to be well aware of it. I say this because I could also tell that under his suit he was fully erect. When I pushed my foot, there was very little give. I had never become aware of an erection using the bottom of my foot before, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

After a while he let go of my left leg and asked for my other foot. He rubbed and massaged that foot and calf for a few minutes, then said it was probably time for him to get going. We got out of the spa, grabbed our towels, and walked back to my apartment, which was on the second floor. Once inside I asked Danny if he wanted to shower first or second (to take off the chlorine)? He surprised me by saying, "Why not together? I'll even scrub your back." Thinking back, I'm still not sure what came over me, but I said, "Sure. Why not?", then walked into the master bath and started to take off my bikini. Danny followed me in, reached into the shower and started the water, slipped out of his own suit, then stepped into the hot water and let it flow over his head and shoulders. I joined him in the shower and let the door swing shut behind me.

We had been standing there for a few moments, taking turns under the water, when Danny said, "Looks like you tired of shaving." The last time he had seen me nude I was shaving my pubic hair. I still trimmed it, but no longer completely. Danny grabbed the bar of soap and started to rub it all over my back. He then used his hands to move the lather around and probably managed to clean my back better than it had been in years. He continued moving down, next scrubbing my butt, then crouching down and starting to scrub my feet and ankles. As he continued, he had his hands on either side of my leg, moving up and down together to wash my calves, then my knees then my thighs. As he moved higher, the top of his hand (right where the thumb's knuckle is) started to move slowly back and forth up against my clitoris. He just continued this back and forth motion, applying just enough pressure to capture all of my attention. I steadied myself on the shower walls and lifted myself slightly with my toes. This was quite erotic, and coupled with the fact that Danny was married, was getting me very wet and aroused.

Finally, Danny switched to my other leg, but didn't linger as long at the top. As he straightened up, I moved behind him and started to scrub his back. As I moved my hands down and reached his waist, I reached around him on both sides and took his penis into my hands. I couldn't see it, but I could feel that he was very hard. I just stroked him slowly for a minute or two. He then took my elbows with his hands and his body stiffened. I think if I had continued, he might have come right there in the shower. Instead, I turned him around into the water, and allowed him to rinse down. I then looked up at Danny, and it was at that moment I was certain we would be lovers once again.

Danny bent down to kiss me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. His kiss was very hungry and passionate, I thought he would fill my mouth with his tongue. As he straightened up, I kept my arms locked around his neck, and he started to lift me. We had done this before, and he was ready for me. He stood and leaned his shoulders back against the tile, then slipped his hands under my knees and pulled me up to his waist. I put my legs around him and allowed him to slowly lower me. After a moment or two of fumbling around, I could feel him start to enter me. I began a very gentle bouncing motion, and with each bounce he pushed a little further into me. After a minute or so, he was as far into me as he could get while standing up.

Danny turned us around in the shower and pushed my back into the tile. Holding me in place, he started to slowly raise and lower himself. Feeling him entering me was both wonderful and uncomfortable at the same time. While these sorts of gymnastics are very erotic in a steamy shower, they rarely lead to a climax (at least for us). After a couple of minutes Danny pulled out of me and let me stand again. He told me it had been over five years since he had done anything like that, then gave me another big hug and kiss.

We turned off the water and each grabbed a towel to dry off. Danny was out of the bath first, and when I came out he was reclining on top of my bed, still wearing nothing but a grin. I walked over and sat next to him. Danny reached out and pulled me close for another kiss, then started moving down my neck to my breasts. Danny really is a wonderful lover, his kisses are perfect and he knows every sensitive spot on my body. After a few moments I felt him roll onto his back, then start to lift me up. He got me straddling his stomach with his arms on top of my thighs. He whispered, "You are very beautiful, and incredibly sexy!"

With that he worked his arms underneath my legs and lifted me up onto his face. This was what Danny loved and where he really excelled. Quickly I found myself with "glad hands" against the wall behind the bed as I steadied myself. Danny reached up to tweak my nipples as his tongue and lips were working their magic. I heard a steady stream of small gasps escape from my lips as he was licking and probing and sucking and pinching, sometimes with circular motions, sometimes licking with just the stiffened tip of his tongue against my clitoris, sometimes slowly using his entire tongue to lick me back and forth.

He had been at it for three or four minutes when I felt the orgasm approaching. Danny loved to tease and the moment he noticed the signs, he changed his pace and the feeling started to subside. But it wasn't too long before he started again, and as I approached the tipping point this time I heard myself saying, "Oh, God, Danny!… Oh!… Oh!… Oh, God!… Oh!… Oh!… Ohhhhhhhhh!!", as I came very hard! Waves of pleasure ran up and down my body, arms and legs! I was squirming all around on Danny's face! Danny grabbed my legs and held me in place as he continued to poke and lick and suck on me. I was going out of my mind, begging him to please, please stop!

Finally he eased up and let go of me. I was able to swing myself off of him. His chin, cheeks and nose were covered from my wetness. He seemed very pleased with himself, and had a big grin on his face. I felt absolutely spent, and collapsed next to him on the bed like a wet dish cloth. I was still coming down when Danny sat up and pulled me to the middle of the bed. I was now on my back and he was gently caressing me, moving his fingers up and down my body, from my toes to my face. Danny then leaned over, gently kissed me, and rolled himself up on top of me into a sitting position.

We had been here before as well, but not terribly often. I reached up and started to lightly brush Danny's nipples. Readers of my previous posts will know that Danny has very sensitive nipples, and brushing or pinching them is the fastest way to bring on an erection. Sure enough, he was getting hard. He grabbed both bed pillows, bunched them up and put them behind my head. I was now almost facing directly forward. He scooted forward on his knees, then leaned forward allowing me to take his penis into my mouth. It had been so long since we had done this, but it was completely natural with Danny.

Danny put his left hand on the wall, and his right hand into my hair. He then started slowly thrusting his hips forward and back, easing his penis deeper and deeper into my mouth. Each time his pushed in he let out a little, "ungh" sound that I found arousing. I didn't have to do much. I couldn't move except to brush his nipples. He kept pushing in and out of my mouth, grunting slightly each time. He was as hard as ever and was slowly increasing his pace. After a few minutes he was moving much quicker and his grunts were gaining volume. Then he slowed to a pause and I could feel his whole body start to stiffen and tremble. He roughly pulled my head forward, and this was accompanied by a long, low groan as he started thrusting with purpose. Each thrust was matched with a loud, "Uhh!!" and a gush of cum into my mouth! My goodness! He seemed to be coming faster than I could swallow it!

After five or six thrusts he began to slow down. I managed to swallow almost all of it, with just a small amount that escaped onto my chin. Danny sat back and collected himself, then pulled himself off and lay next to me on the bed, pulling me up to put me under his arm with my head on his shoulder. We had slept together like this hundreds of times.

"God, dammit, Marcy! That was fantastic! You have no idea how long it's been since I have had an experience like that!" Part of me was secretly thrilled to hear that. I know it's wrong, but having a married man tell you things like that is somehow more exciting than if he's single. I told him, "I really enjoyed that too, Danny. You really are special."

After a little while Danny got dressed. I kissed him goodbye, still wearing nothing. We carried on together for many years. Not often, about two or three times a year. Most of those get-togethers were "routine", but many have fun stories or naughtiness involved. I broke it off again just before my wedding (the Wednesday before a Saturday service), and have had only one rendezvous with Danny since that time (a couple of years later). I still see him in social situations (in fact Josh and I are attending his Christmas party in a couple of weeks). While I have had several lovers over the years, Danny is easily my best.


1 comment

  1. Great story. I’m new to your posts, so haven’t read back. But sounds like Danny has a foot fetish, btw.

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