Unexpectedly dirty quickie (or, “Everything they say about Germans is true”) [f/m]

[preamble, see below for xxx]

Hi all. Long time pervert, first time poster. Please go easy. :) I am a female living in eastern Europe (5'4, petite, small tits, ample butt, blonde hair, blue eyes… boring-sounding when you break it down). I recently met a guy while traveling abroad in Germany (5'9, fit, gorgeous grabbable brown hair, vibrant eyes of a colour that I cannot actually describe). As he would tell you, we met at a festival and exchanged contact info. In reality, we met at a festival, I both immediately noted and consciously avoided his hotness (as I was already in the midst of an icky breakup/not looking for more relationshit), and at the end of the evening he struck up a conversation making sure not to leave without giving me his detailed coordinates so that, as I found out later, I "would be sure to find him". We met up the next night and stayed up talking, about zombie escape plans, reptilian alien overlords, glitches in the matrix, astronomy, philosophy and the nature of memory. Then around 4am, I began to shudder from the cold, so he took me home, made me tea and we ended up banging all night (quite by accident, I assure you, but that's another story for another time).

Since then, we have hooked up a few times in different countries for some adventures of both the sexual and non-sexual variety. I will write more about the sexy sort later, if anyone is interested. For now I will recount the most recent, where I was both pleasantly surprised at his openness and learned a new aspect of my own deviance of which I was not formerly aware. (Let me clarify by saying that I have a pretty kinky background and have been involved in the fetish community as a domina. However as much as I enjoy administering the pleasure of pain, I am open to switching for someone with strong character. This boy does not seem to have dabbled deep in the fetish world — so far we have experimented with some light bondage, spanking, and ass play (on both sides) — but his strength challenges and excites me, and whenever he flexes his dominance or a new kink surfaces, it come as a delightful surprise.)

[xxx — WARNING: might be a bit gross for some people]

Fast forward a few months to where he is paying me a weekend visit. We have about 40 minutes before he has to leave for the train station. No time for a long, languid sex marathons as I would like, but still plenty of time for a final goodbye.

I left the bedroom briefly to freshen up and returned to find him naked on the bed, his exemplary dick already firm and expectant. I missed the slow reveal, but we were in a race against time. I honestly don't remember removing my clothes, but I must have done it in a hurry also — all I can remember is leaning back, watching him get to work between my legs. Being the slut for sensation that I am, I stroked his hair and told him to tease me. To me there is nothing hotter than anticipation, even when on a timeline (perhaps especially when on a timeline?). He immediately complied and began tracing his tongue lightly around my pussy, depositing soft kisses and licks along my thighs. Every once in a while he would stop to breathe hot against my skin. The sensory overload made me shudder, and I gripped his head and bucked my hips toward him, rocking back and forth as he continued to tease my lips and clit, circling his tongue ever so lightly and sucking now and again.

Eventually the desire to be penetrated became too great — I reached down to grab his cock and guide it in, but the teasing was not over yet. He grabbed his (gorgeous) swollen dick and started to slide it back and forth — lightly teasing the tip against my pussy, then trailing it down through my wetness and pressing in into my ass (which I would have loved, but we definitely did not have time for that). I reached down to touch myself, and he smiled and watched, an impish grin on his face as he continued to run his cock over me – slow, light, firm, purposeful and positively maddening.

At this point, I was beginning to regret my instruction to tease. Every time he slid over my pussy it went in just a little bit, and I longed to feel myself stretching over his hard, throbbing, bare dick. Eventually he pressed it in and I gasped, inadvertently tightening and forcing him out again. I was dripping by this point, but tight with anticipation. I was aching for him to fuck me, and went so far as to beg for it. He fucks so hard, like a goddamn machine. Knowing this, not wanting to tear me, he leaned over, spat precisely on my lips and proceeded to drive his massive stiff dick into me.

I froze and stared at him, completely wide-eyed, jaw agape. Sure, saliva is a suitable lubricant but never has anyone dared to straight up spit on any part of me. Yet his precision, the way it felt when it hit me and dripped down, how it allowed him to slide in so smoothly, and the extreme balls he displayed… it was debasing, and at the same time, one of the hottest fucking things I'd ever experienced. I told him as much, and he spit again, and again, each time driving his cock in deeper and harder, working up a fast, forceful rhythm. I was so wet from watching him that the spit wasn't even necessary. I reached my fingers down to explore this slippery mess between my legs and he fucked me relentlessly until I came on his dick.

THEN… things got crazy.

The level to which I had been turned on must have ignited something in him. He threw my legs over my head and drove his tongue into my ass. As I mentioned, he'd tongued and fingered and fucked my ass, but had never gone at it with such reckless abandon. I was so completely surprised by how dirty, hot and unexpected it was that I laughed. I called him an ass slut and asked when he was going to let me fuck his ass and spit on him. In answer, he buried his face in my ass and fervently tugged on his dick.

I told him I love watching him jerk off… that I hope someday when we have more time, he would spend the day coming on me, in me, all over me, again and again… that I wanted to lick it all up and spend the day sticky and covered in his cum and spit. My dirty talk seemed to excite him to the point where he sat up, spread my legs, slid his rigid cock into my pussy started fucking me wildly again. He was fucking me so hard I was breathless, and as I opened my mouth to gasp for air, he grabbed ahold of my chin and spat directly into it.

Again, I was simultaneously offended and so incredibly turned on that I just stared at him incredulously, torn between throwing him off me, smacking the shit out of him, and completely giving in. He returned my stare, watching for my reaction, and when I didn't slap him upside the head, he spat in my mouth again.

This time I wanted it, reached for it… wanting to feel it on my tongue and lips. A few more times I opened my mouth and he accepted my wordless invitation. We started kissing lustfully and as our spit mingled, he exploded inside of me, hot and furious.

In the end, we were late to the station. But his ride was delayed too so it all worked out in the end.

P.S. Starlord, did I miss anything?

Edit: formatting

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3u05xy/unexpectedly_dirty_quickie_or_everything_they_say


  1. What a sexy story! Thank you for sharing it. Sounds like you found a perfect match when it comes to being kinky and having fantastic sex. :) My wife and I recently stumbled on to spit play…or should i say, I also spit on her pussy and she (much later) told me how wet it made her. Since then, I’ve spit on her face quite a few times, and the look of surprise when I first do it during a session is well worth it! I hope you both continue to challenge and enjoy each other!

  2. Having read these posts for the last few days, I’ve noticed that one thing always lacks: The posts never explore the OP’s personal life such as wealth, job, age, location, sexual past, relationships etc. While I am not so adventurous, and only have intellectual friends with whom I would never indulge in such activities, I do enjoy reading these – but have to ask myself, what went so badly wrong in their life, that they have resorted to such antisocial behaviour. Some of the posters take pride in cheating, helping others cheat, destroying relationships etc. They are enjoyable to read, but I refuse to believe many of them: I refuse to believe that a commoner who I may pass on the street has acted so. Hence a quick summary of WHO they are in the introduction would be appreciated (what size tits you have is ludicrously irrelevant). WHO are you, OP, and am I right in thinking you don’t have a father?

  3. Dear 10minuteaccount123, Sometimes people have sex. Sometimes that sex does not line up with how you would choose to have sex. This does not mean they are broken or traumatized or that they owe you an explanation of why they like what they like. Unlike when they pass you on the street, sex is a time when people can do what they like without worrying about whether or not you’ll judge them to be "normal" or "antisocial." Also, being rude, presumptuous, and condescending is probably not the best way to ask for personal details from a stranger giving you free porn on the internet. xoxo, Some Guy On The Internet

  4. Hot! Ahh you just reminded me about the proverbial moneyshot — updated the ending. :)

  5. Indeed, I agree. I was merely shocked at the tragic level of promiscuity, but then again, it’s not really my business. My initial point of wanting some info of the OP still stands, because not one of my close friends is like that – it is antisocial, I don’t mean to be judgemental, but in a functioning community such behaviour has no place. Anyway, I suppose it is free porn as you put it, and I can be considered to be enjoying and indulging in antisocial behaviour: I see the hypocrisy. Anyway, information on the OP is still of interest to me (not particularly this OP, I find the other stories equally antisocial. What about that one wife who walked in on her husband cheating, and joined in. Christ.), because the lack of such people in my real life (unless they’re merely good at concealing it!). With love, A decent Human of the Internet.

  6. I did provide such information in my preamble… you must have skipped straight to the xxx. Though I see now this is a canned response which you have posted in the past. Regardless: this is a porn forum full of perverts here for sexy storytime. Why would personal details such as wealth matter, unless money is what gets you hard in the pants? If you met me in the street, you would not believe 99% of the things I’ve done, personally or professionally. If such information is crucial to your enjoyment of the story, save it for PMs. Further, I fail to see how this story indicates I am either antisocial or promiscuous. I haven’t been with anyone else since I met this person, and as far as I’m concerned, he could be the only person to spit in my mouth as long as I live. I posted this because I love sex (both having and thinking about it) and porn (watching, reading and writing about it) and wanted to share this surprisingly erotic experience with others with appreciation of same. If you really are a decent human on the internet, you have no business here in the trenches looking for "unexpectedly dirty" sex. Also, I have many close friends to whom I would not admit that I was recently spit upon and enjoyed it — not that it ought to be concealed, but rather that some discoveries are just best left in the bedroom, in a safe environment free from judgement, as pitrpatr suggests.

  7. The preamble was minimal and irrelevant to my interests. All I cared for – all I ever made an account for – was to determine whether you’re a failure in life; id est whether this is a common occurrence for you. As I said, I find it hard to believe that a commoner of decent grammar and vocabulary engages in such questionable behaviour. Perhaps being sexually inexperienced means I am yet to encounter this as indeed being normal – while I’d be surprised I would still indulge in it, with my wife, in my bedroom. I’m glad particularly about the last paragraph. I feel that you would lose all your friends (I would bloody well hope so) if they read this and knew who you are – it’s downright unacceptable; it must be concealed. When you say I wouldn’t believe 99% of what you have achieved – is unemployment one? — I’d believe that. The innumerable dislikes on my contributions illustrate what this community stands for, and represents all the reasons why I would never post my experiences on here. The sex community of reddit always has been an abomination – I learnt that a long time ago. Why I still present myself on such forums is beyond me – perhaps I get a kick out of belittling the acts of others. Good luck in life, you very much need it. Edit: I await the PMs in buoyancy and hope.

  8. Hahahaha. if you think a little spit is downright unacceptable, you better not read the rest of my stories. :D Deeply sorry to hear you are so sexually inexperienced, hope you manage to open your mind someday.

  9. I appreciate your condolences greatly. Get back to me once you have told your friends this story. It’d be interesting to see what will change in your life when you have no friends. I realize you won’t give me any private details from you – but let me guess one last thing: you have no children. Am I right? Wit love and may you prosper.

  10. My God, I’ve never read such presumptuous crap. Are you honestly expecting correlations between wealth, job, or single parent status and particular sexual kinks? It’s a crude social determinism at best; wild, spurious speculating at worst. Your posts reek of an ignorant and sanctimonious entitlement. It’s barely plausible to think that you’re posting these sincerely, and aren’t just some awful troll.

  11. This was a fantastic story. Thanks for contributing. Your lust and excitement shines through!

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