That Time You Slipped [MF]

You wearily look out across the sea of people, smiling and laughing. Yep, gonna need another drink, you think to yourself. Wedding receptions are the worst, and everyone knows it, yet married people always insist on having them for some reason. Sure, it’s your brother getting married. But that doesn’t make it any less dreadful. Maybe if I slip and fall, I can get out of here sooner, you inwardly opine. It’d at least make the evening more interesting.

Fortunately for you, part way through the reception, your mom says she forgot something back at the house. You jump at the chance to get away, tired of the small talk and questions. It’ll be a brief respite, but a welcome one. So you pull up to the house, only to find that I’m there. Sitting on your doorstep. As I watch you get out of your car, I spread my legs, just enough to make you want to see what’s under my dress, but not enough that you can actually see. Your heartbeat quickens, and you look around to make sure no one else is there, worried that you’ll get caught in the very problems you were trying to avoid by not taking me to the wedding.

“What are you doing here, Jessica? I thought we talked about this,” you tersely chastise me.

“I got lonely,” I pout with an exaggerated frown as you pull me up to my feet. “I need to be touched. Bad.” As I say this, I run my hand along the length of my body, starting at my neck, down across my chest, my stomach, and briefly past my pussy before I grab the hem of my fairly short dress, pulling up ever so slightly.

You swallow hard before saying, “You can’t do this. Not here. Not now. What if someone comes home? I’m just here to pick something up and then I have to get back to the wedding.” With a slightly pleading tone, you say, “You have to go.”

Putting my finger to my lips in a feigned pondering motion, I look you up and down. Seeing you in your suit, the way it fits just right, I quickly make up my mind. I move my finger all the way into my mouth, sucking as I slowly pull it out. “Nope,” I decide. “Now, I’m going to start doing inappropriate things. We can either do that out here on the porch, or you can invite me in.” You just stare at me, unmoving. So to show you I’m serious, I place my hand on your chest. I let it trail down, sliding over your shirt, your belt, onto your pants, where I grab hold of whatever I can find. You quickly grab my hand off and use it to pull me inside the house, again looking around to make sure no one has seen us before locking the door behind you.

You start for the kitchen, looking for whatever you came to get. “I really have to get back. We can talk about this another time, but right now I need you to go.” I can tell you’re trying very hard not to look at me as you shuffle through kitchen drawers. But of course that doesn’t sway me. I come up behind you, wrap my arms around you, and rest my hands on your chest. I press my body up against yours and you can feel my hard nipples pressing through the silk material of my dress. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, trying to draw up what little you have left of your waning strength.

When you turn around, you do it so swiftly, you catch me off guard. You roughly take both my arms in your hands and firmly push me arms-length away. “I have to go.” Your brusqueness is almost alarming, but it only serves to excite me more.

Of course, your strong exit is hindered by the fact you still haven’t found what your mom sent you to get. As you resume your search, I can tell you’ve quickly lost steam after that brief moment of anger. So I hop up on the counter and let you keep searching.

“Okay,” I say resignedly. “I get it. I guess I’ll just have to find some other way to entertain myself.” From out of the corner of your eye, you see that I’ve hiked my dress up. You look at me fully as I lay back on the counter, pulling the dress up even higher, exposing my panties, then my stomach. Your mouth gets dry as you watch my finger trace lazy circles across my skin. A moan escapes my lips as my hand slips into my panties and your damn cock, refusing to listen to your rational mind, begins to harden.

Just as I pull my finger out of my panties, tracing a wet trail up to my belly button, an animal urge takes over you. You quickly walk over to me, stopping abruptly between my legs. Now it’s my turn for my heart to race, unsure exactly which way this is going to go. You roughly grab my thighs, squeezing hard before you slide your hands all the way up to my breasts, where you again squeeze until you feel the nipples harden beneath your palms. You breathe in deeply, and moan just slightly on the exhale.

I gasp as you take my hand and yank me upright, covering my mouth with yours. I find it difficult to catch my breath as you enthusiastically shower me with kisses. On my face, my neck, my chest. Your mouth is all over me as you claw at my clothes and all I can do is wrap my legs around you to pull you in closer to me…and then hold on for dear life.

This move seems to alert you to the fact that there is more of me than the lone exposed breast you are paying so much attention to at the moment. Looking down at your cock straining through your pants and pressing up against my still-clothed pussy, you quickly unwrap yourself from my legs’ embrace. You put your hands on my waist and pull me down onto my feet. You undo your belt and zipper as you turn me around and bend me over the counter. After roughly pulling my panties down to my knees, you place your hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks apart just slightly. Right before you enter me, you gruffly say, “Is this what you wanted? Say it!” “YES! FUCK! I want your hard cock in my wet pussy,” I practically scream.

“Well, okay then,” you calmly reply. “Why didn’t you just say so?” You then slide your hard cock inside, feeling the warmth and wetness surround you completely. You’re so hot at this point, there’s no sense in messing around any longer. You start thrusting, hard and fast. You pull my hips up just slightly to facilitate an even deeper pull. I gasp and moan all at the same time, unable to believe how good it all feels. With your hands on my hips, pulling me back with the same kind of force used to push your cock into me, your breathing matches my own and you can’t help but moan right along with me.

Things start to approach feverish levels as you start to feel the beginning pulls of what promises to be an epic climax. Grunting and thrusting, gripping my hips even harder, you brace yourself for what’s about to come.

Just then, I pull myself off your cock and turn around to look past you. “There’s someone at the door!” I whisper. I can’t help but laugh at the expression on your face as you start to panic. You grab your pants—currently down around your ankles—with one hand and my arm with the other as you run to the nearest bathroom. After sitting me down on the toilet, you slam the door shut and lock it, breathing heavily and frantically trying to figure out what to do next.

“Mike?” you hear someone call out. “You still here, man? Your mom’s wondering where you are. And she’s getting a little angry.”

“Fuck,” you whisper angrily. “Shit, what am I supposed to do now?” you ask me hurriedly.

“Probably answer him, would be my guess,” I respond with a crooked grin as I sit eye level with your still-throbbing cock. Unable to resist, I reach up and touch it. You slap my hand away as you shout back, “Yeah, I’m in the bathroom. I’ll be just a minute. I was trying to find that thing, but I just can’t seem to find it!”

“Think, think, I have to think,” you chant quietly to yourself. As you do so, I take advantage of your distractedness and quickly stick your cock all the way in my mouth. Your mind goes completely blank as the feeling explodes in your cock and consumes every ounce of your being. I start pulling and sucking, realizing the predicament I’ve put you in, and feeling bad I’ve left you in such a bad state. But my sucking gets quieter and more controlled as we hear footsteps come closer. I look up in your eyes, seeing the pleading there, begging me not to do this. But I also see the desire, because it’s impossible for you to hide it. I know you want me to do it. I know you need me to. You can’t go another second without coming inside me. So I quickly turn on the sink faucet as I pull you deep inside my throat, simultaneously stroking your cock hurriedly. You bite your lip and grab a hold of my hair as you fuck my face, hard and fast. As your cum squirts down my throat, you involuntarily let out a loud grunt before practically collapsing on the bathroom counter, breathing heavily.

I stand up, wiping the leftover cum from my lips, then licking it from my fingers. I nod at the sink, urging you to wash your hands as I slip inside the shower, out of sight. You manage to pull yourself together and look back at me one last time before opening the door.

Your friend is standing outside, holding up the item you were originally sent to obtain. “Oh! You found it. Great!” you say easily.

“Uh…everything all right?” he tentatively asks, peering behind you into the bathroom.

You smile wide. “Yeah,” you reply with the calmness that can only be provided by a fast and furious fuck. “Just slipped.”
