6 Month Update – I [M] fucked my uptight roommate [F]

Ok I still get so many messages asking if we’re still together so I figured now it’s been 6 months I would write another update. I apologize now that there isn’t detailed sex in this but I can’t write about 6 months worth of sex (and there has been a lot haha) so probably shouldn’t post this in gws but I didn’t know where else to post it.

So the major question. Yes. We’re still together, still having a good time. I don’t think either of us are the easiest people to be in a relationship with but we do have great chemistry and, for now, it’s enough to keep us together. I think I posted this in reply to someone but I moved out a couple of months ago. One of my good friends had a spare room and I thought it would probably be a good idea to move out. When we first began our “official” relationship I told Bernice that I wanted us to keep our own space but that didn’t last very long. Of course, a lot of the time it was pretty nice going to bed and waking up with her everyday but she is a difficult person to live with. I did try to be a better roommate but she definitely has different standards when it comes to cleanliness and stuff – I am more and more convinced she has OCD or something.

She didn’t take it too well when I told her I was moving out – she took it very personally. Which I guess it kind of was but I did it partly for us, I don’t think I could have coped living with her for much longer – I’m still not very good at dealing with her when she’s stressed. So we went through a real rocky patch then, she still can be a little irrationally crazy and dramatic. Sometimes I enjoy it because it keeps things fun (if that makes sense) but she nearly pushed me to my limit. She really fucking knows how to piss me off but I’m obviously good at pissing her off too.

Anyway, she got over it and I would say the relationship is a LOT better now. The sex is just as good – maybe we don’t do it quite as regularly because of the not living together but I actually think that has made it better. We were both probably putting less effort in and it was maybe getting a bit repetitive but it was still good, just not as good as it had been at the start.

Ok I’ll give you a short sex story. One night I visited her at work – she was working the late shift and she told me she wouldn’t come to my place when she finished because she would be too tired. I was a little bit annoyed because I was fucking horny that night and I thought I would be rewarded for visiting her at work. Then she told me she had an idea and on her half hour break I fucked her in the staff room. She rode me as I was sat on a chair and we kept most of our clothes on so if someone came in we might have got away with it – no one did but it was hot. That’s what’s still really great – the spontaneous stuff and for sure the sex with her is the best I’ve had.

So that’s the quick update. In summary: still together, sex still good, she’s still a little bit crazy but it’s all fun haha. Don’t really know what else to say apart from stop asking me for pictures.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3su2ly/6_month_update_i_m_fucked_my_uptight_roommate_f


  1. I’m surprised with myself at much much I enjoyed hearing this happy ending. Glad to year it though dude.

  2. Take up meditation my friend, it’ll help you deal with her OCD, if it bothers you :)

  3. I haven’t read any other thread on this subreddit. I can’t remember how I ended up reading your first post, but I’m now emotionally invested in your life. When I saw this, my heart jumped a little and I’m delighted it’s still a happy story.

  4. This relationship is going to end very badly…. Crazy never gets saner…just crazier. Also, moving out wasnt exactly the BEST choice. If you cant live with her now, how the fuck are you going to live with her in the future? This whole post has me SMH!

  5. Even though I’ve never met either you, I feel happy that you’re together. Keep it up, ya crazy kids.

  6. So glad things are going smoothly. I’ll always remember your first posts fondly. Totally the right move in moving out and giving each other space, btw. Thanks for the update!

  7. Maybe I’m doing things wrong but if I’m being ridden my lap gets SOAKED. I never understood how people have sex with their clothes ‘mostly still on’.

  8. What was more shocking when I saw this update was that I was reading your last post 6 MONTHS AGO!?!?!? Holy shit I don’t think I’ve done much since then…lol

  9. Bee waiting for this update for a while now, once again calling we get an update called ‘so I fucked my uptight wife #1’

  10. You know..this is uncanny but I wanted to read your post once again cause it’s just so darn hot, so I checked out your username and history like an hour ago, and your replies just got me intrigued about your relationship. So yeah, hi there from a longtime follower of your relationship, and thanks for the update I guess.

  11. I don’t visit this sub often and I just randomly thought, "hey I should go check on that guy that fucked his roommate". Then I come here and you’re right on the first page.

  12. Instant upvote upon seeing the title. Instead read from cover to cover. You’re a legend OP.

  13. Instant upvote upon seeing the title. Instead read from cover to cover. You’re a legend OP.

  14. You’re probably right but we’re having fun now. I’m not really thinking about the future

  15. welcome back to reddit aussami, more stories or not i do hope the spice and fun of pushing eachother’s limits is still there.

  16. Same here. When I saw there was an update, I was so excited…and then oddly apprehensive. So glad to hear things are still going well.

  17. Maybe I’m just used to dating ‘crazy’ girls but she doesn’t seem crazy at all. Just high strung and anal about cleanliness, order. And probably has a hard time expressing her frustrations. Obviously the sex helps her anxieties. She seems caring and affectionate and based off your stories she’s hasn’t done/said anything that’s violent, mean spirited, or vindictive. She might need a lot of attention/affection but that’s not so bad if she’s willing to give you your space.

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