[m]y [f]irst date with my Boy. By very popular request! (long)

About 20 people have asked me to tell the story of my first date with Boy (mentioned in my halloween story). So here you go – remembered as well as I can! The Boy says it’s pretty accurate! We hope you enjoy it!

I actually used the line "I thought you were meant to stop me getting all wet." I actually said it. I still cringe to this day. God knows how we're still together.

It was our first date. Our very first meeting. Until a few hours before, we had no idea that each other existed. Looking back eight years later, it seems unbelievable that there was a time that I didn't know my Boy.

It was an amazing first date. We went to a bar and then another bar, we talked and laughed and danced a little and at the end, sometime around midnight, we walked back along Oxford Street through the muggy London night.

His hand was warm in mine and I felt safe and companionable walking by his side. And I fancied him for sure – I'd watched him dance a little and admired his body – but I wasn't thinking about sex. I was 23 years old and I'd never had sex on a first date… it had gone well, but I had no plans to take it further that night.

He lived in South Kensington. I lived in Hammersmith. It made sense to walk across the park. I can't remember which of us suggested it; I think it was me and he thinks he said it. Either way – it was said, and at that point I did feel a little tug of sexual desire. Just a tiny bit, nothing that I'd have acted on, but the idea of a romantic walk across the very dark park definitely had its appeal.

Anyone who knows London will know that Hyde Park is VERY dark at night. In those days you could get in easily even when the park was closed, just by walking along the roads. We walked along the road at Marble Arch into the top of the park then cut down one of the paths across the middle. It's a sign of how much I already trusted him that I even thought about walking alone with him through the dark – normally I'd have needed five friends with me to walk that path at night.

It started to rain when we were about one third of the way across. A far-off rumble of thunder and a few small raindrops, followed quickly by larger ones, came rolling out of the sky. Neither of us had coats, it was the middle of the summer! We ran along the path as the rain got heavier, then ducked left onto the grass. "Under here," he said, leading me by the hand. "Under the trees, or you'll get soaked."

We ran down a small hollow, I remember long grass brushing my ankles (I must have been wearing sandals) as we ducked under a low, dark tree. There was a huge trunk behind me and I tucked up against it as the storm really got into its stride, the sound of raindrops hitting the trees above us so loud we almost had to shout.

The next bit is blurry in my mind. He was still holding my hand, my back to the tree, and somehow he came round to face me, his body close against mine. Did I pull him round – or did he move to meet me? I can't remember and neither can the boy; the wine and the passing of time have washed that from my memory.

But I remember the kiss. Oh god yes. I remember his lips on mine and his hands on my hips, and his tongue flickering into my mouth and mine into his. I remember putting my hands around his waist and pulling him against me as the storm raged around us.

And then I remember – how could I forget – I remember breaking away and saying the fateful line, the awful cringeworthy line which he's never let me forget. I broke away and pulled him in close, my lips right against his ear, and whispered "I thought you were meant to stop me getting all wet". Talk about a clanger in a romantic moment! In my head, before it came out, it sounded like a sexy, knowing invitation to explore my body with his hands. Out loud, trust me, it sounded crass.

He says now he thought it was cute. At the time I couldn't see his reaction – close as he was, it was very dark under the trees. He left his hands where they were, but he kissed me again, and this time I couldn't stop myself, I knew I was going to take it further. I don't know whether it was the wine, the rain, or wanting to erase the embarrassment of what I'd said, but I knew I wanted his hands on me, and not just on my hips.

I was wearing a dress, unusually for me (hey, I was on a date!), knee length with thin strappy straps. I've still got it! It has a low-ish v-neck and needs a push-up bra and usually some padding to make it look good. I can't remember what bra I had on that night, but I can remember pushing the strap off my shoulder and lifting his hand to my chest. I remember him hooking the other strap down (and me thinking 'finally, he gets the idea') and pushing the top of the dress and bra down together so I'm topless, my back against the trunk of the tree. I remember the contrast between the cold drips of rain on my shoulders and his hot fingertips gently exploring my breasts as we carried on kissing. He stroked around and past and finally over my nipples and at that point in my life I don't think I'd ever been more turned on. That's the closest I've ever been to having a nipple orgasm – that night under that tree. For a few seconds I thought I was actually going to go over the edge and come – I was extremely close! Sadly I've never got that close from just nipple touching again… maybe one day!

Any girls reading this who've been that close to orgasm know at that point there's only one thing on your mind! I was pulling him against me and I could feel his cock hard against my leg – and all I could think about was getting his trousers out of the way and getting it inside me. Even though I knew I wouldn't actually do it, even though that haze of desire I knew I wasn't actually going to have unprotected sex under that tree, I still needed it in my hand.

I fumbled to undo his jeans. He had a tricky belt on and a stupid button fly and he ended up having to help me, but I couldn't even wait for that and I pushed my hand down the front as he undid it and wrapped my hand around his cock. Finally he got them undone and I could feel it properly for the first time – I know this sounds like a cliché but it was the hardest cock I'd ever felt and so hot! Like it had been in the oven!

He pulled me back into a kiss as I stroked him. I was desperate for him to touch me but he went back to my boobs, pushing me close to the edge again and driving me crazy with lust until I grabbed his hand and just shoved it between my legs – totally unladylike but sometimes you just have no choice!

I was so close he barely had to touch me. He pulled my panties to one side and slid a finger onto my clit and I was there, orgasming hard as the thunder crashed around us. The Boy says I'm making this up, but I swear there was an actual thunderclap as I came! Perhaps it's just how I remember it. Afterward I definitely remember grabbing his hand to keep him still (I get very sensitive right after I come), and him apologising! Such a gentleman!

We turned around so his back was against the tree, and I stroked his cock as we kissed some more – loving the feel of it in my hand (and if I'm honest, wishing it was inside me – and looking forward to how it was going to feel). It didn't take long before he was breathing too hard to kiss properly, so I bent over and took it in my mouth just in time. I swallowed of course (the only time I've ever not swallowed was when I gave my first bj – a story for another time) and tasted my Boy's cum for the very first time! I dread to think how much of it I've swallowed since :-)

We'd been under the tree for a while, all told, and though it was still raining the worst was past. We were a little embarrassed and giggly as we pulled our clothes back on and trotted back up north to get a cab from Marble Arch. We went home in separate cabs – a bit awkward, and I wasn't sure I'd ever see him again, though I did of course! And that night is still in my wank-bank to this day – one of my favourite memories!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3slub8/my_first_date_with_my_boy_by_very_popular_request


  1. Thanks – so glad you liked it. It’s really just a fumble under a tree, but it was an important moment in my life!

  2. I actually received my first ever blow job in a park during a storm, but in the less glamorous surrounds of a park toilet. The sink area at least. She didn’t swallow, alas. And we only lasted 6 months. Anyway, I actually find your embarrassing one-liner very funny. But I like making bad jokes.

  3. Haha – it’s funny now. I was totally mortified at the time, I thought he’d never want to go out with me again. I’ve never done it in a park toilet. They tend to be a bit grim!! Thanks for the comments – glad you enjoyed the little glimpse into my embarrassing sex life hehe :-) Ax

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