The Big Admission – Sex Addiction (Taken from my blog, confessions of a sexaholic)

Well hello world. This is my first Blog. I have no idea how it works so I will wing it for now and learn as I go along.

First off let me introduce myself (although I am staying somewhat anonymous due to the nature of my stories) I would like to give you a little insight in to my world before I corrupt you all with my confessions (Names and locations will be changed but the content of the stories are 100% true).

My name is Donna and I am a Sexaholic. This has only come to light recently (at the tender age of 32) due to me finally realising I'm not just your average slut. I have seeked out help for this addiction (a sex therapist) but have yet to go to any sessions so I'd thought it best that I write about my 'experiences' before I am possibly cured.

So…let's begin.

Like I said, my 'blog name' is Donna. I am 32 years old and live in a small town in the UK. I am currently single and have never been married or had kids. I have had 'several' long term relationships which have all been ended by me. Now up until recently I thought this was due to me not finding Mr 'Right' but nope, that's total bullshit because they all could have passed for being Mr Right I just have a serious case of 'wondering eyes' which I will talk about more in depth later.

First off I want to take you back to my childhood. Nope…nope, it's not a sad abused kid story, more of a 'odd kid' story.

From a very very young age I figured out a way to pleasure myself sexually (and I'm not exaggerating with the age, I was around 6). Not quite sure how I figured it out but basically I would turn over and place my hands down below and enjoy it (although I'd feel dirty and odd after) this went on through my entire childhood. I never told a soul (until now) that I did this and I'm prettty sure this is how it all started.

By the age of 12 I was regularly watching porn. Nothing too dirty, just the average man and women having sex and, well, I loved it.

Then we have…the School years…

I wasn't the prettiest girl in school. In fact I was far from it and no boys ever liked me (I was chubby with spots and frizzy hair) but it didn't stop me from liking the boys/men (yes teachers too). This is when my fantasies started. First off it was the crush in my class I would imagine kissing me and groping my breast but as I got older (around 14) the fantasies became more raunchy. One particular fantasy I had was my science teacher asking me to stay behind after class, bending me over the table, lifting my skirt and well I will leave the rest up to you. I also had a part time Saturday job by then and had the same fantasy about the security guard at the shop I worked in.

So here we have the start of my addiction. Just to clarify I didn't actually lose my virginity until I was 16 so you can all breathe a sigh of relief on that part. My younger years were just the building blocks for how this addiction grew.

Ok so I'm going to go ahead and publish this part now and look in to how this blogging thing works then I will come back and tell you all my stories from when I left school up to the present day (and believe me there's a lot) so feel free to comment or email me: with your thoughts so far. I hope I haven't grossed anyone out by what I have written so far I just wanted to be honest. All confessions will be from me being 16 and up from now on.

To be continued…

Yours sincerely,

The Sex Addict


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