Last night – ex encounter!! [m/f] (This actually happened on friday night. I´ve just taken it from my blog!!!!!!

Ok, so I will be disrupting the running order of my story when something significant happens so I can keep you all updated with my sexual activity while I write this blog.

Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I haven’t had a chance to check this posts. I am also dyslexic so go easy on me.

Sex addiction is a constant battle and mixed with some alcahol, one that I always tend to lose.

Ok, so I’m home alone, it’s a friday night and I’m feeling a little bored. I head to the shop and grab some wine, beer and cigarettes.

I open my first beer at 6pm, this isn’t a good time to start drinking.

Most nights I am constantly bombarded with text messages. I am currently seeing several men at once and get a thrill from being wanted (you will see how this progresses throughout my posts).

Beep beep, beep beep it’s a text from Sean. He’s my fuck buddy and currently on holiday and seems to think he’s the only man in my life.

‘Send me a picture of your pussy’ the message read. ‘No’ I reply bluntly. I’m relaxed and chilling and can’t be arsed taking pictures. ‘Why, not’ says Sean ‘I can’t be arsed im chilling’ ‘Ok I will have to play my trump card then’ he replies. ‘What’s that then’ ‘If you don’t send me a naked picture of you then I won’t come round on Monday and fuck you hard’ ‘Ok’ I reply. I know he will be round. He’s more obsessed with sex than me most days.

While Sean contunues to message me I receive another text. ‘Friday night in alone, booo’ it reads. The message is from Chris. An ex boyfriend from almost 15 years ago (I will write about our relationship in another post). He must have seen my selfie sad face snapchat I’d posted in hopes to get a reaction. I’d had a few beers by this stage so was feeling naughty.

‘Yeah, night in by myself having a drink, what you up to’ I reply. ‘Heading to a mates house for a drink, awww I could have kept you company’ says Chris. ‘Pop round then’ ‘Yeah might do, are you staying up?’ ‘Yes, slept in today to will be up late’ ‘Ok will message you shortly, I will probably be around 10’ ‘Ok no probs’ I reply with a naughty grin on my face.

It’s now 8pm and I was now on to the wine. I decided I’d better get a bath, just incase, even though I had no intention of having sex with a married man (yeah my ex is also married with kids) I usually ignore my intentions.

Wine, candles and bubbles in the bath. I look forward to a long soak. Beep beep, beep beep It’s Sean again. ‘I bet your texting loads of lads coz I’m not der’ he writes (I fucking hate it when he puts der…who says der) ‘Nope’ I lie ‘Do you text other guys?’ He asks. Sean tends to do this a lot when he’s had a drink. ‘I use to, not anymore’ I lie again. ‘What rude pics?’ ‘Yeah’ The questions continue and we end up arguing while I’m trying to relax in the bath.

The messages from Sean suddenly stop which usually means he’s fallen asleep.

Beep beep, beep beep Another message comes through from Craig. This is the guy I left my ex partner for but that’s another story for another blog post. He lives several hours away and had been down to see me a few weeks ago. He also thinks he’s the only guy in my life.

‘I don’t know what’s happening with us again :( ‘ the message says. I could tell he had been drinking as Craig isn’t one for emotions and saying how he feels. ‘Me either :(‘ I reply The conversation goes on for a little while until he gets upset and stops talking. I do like Craig and have some feelings for him but I keep my distance as he has no idea how fucked up my life really is. I really need to stop leading him on and let him move on but I can’t seem too.

I know a lot of you are probably thinking I’m some sort of slut and horrible person but I’m really not. I’m not proud of the things I do but unfortunately it’s an addiction that has spiralled out of control.

Beep beep, beep beep ‘I’m on my way :)’ the message with Chris reads.

I answer the door dressed in my pyjama shorts and a black see through top (trying to look casual while really looking seductive). Chris smiles and hugs me. I’d only really seen him a couple of times since I had moved back in to town, but we were never alone.

By this stage I’m rather drunk. I stare at him, he hasn’t changed or aged in almost 15 years. Tall, skinny with blonde spikey hair, blue eyes and baby face. He’s wearing jeans with missing buttons and a tight t-shirt. He sits down and we begin chatting. Me and Chris have always talked about anything and I’m not scared to tell him things about me as he is the least judgmental person I know.

‘Hows the sex addiction going’ he asks ‘It’s messy, and I haven’t seen a therapist yet but I have started blog’ I reply ‘Am I in it?’ ‘You will be yes, it’s from my childhood up so I haven’t got to our relationship yet. I’m just about to write about Jason’ I reply ‘We did have a crazy relationship didn’t we’ he says.

We spend the next hour talking about our relationship and what happened with our lives afterwards. We laugh, drink, smoke, he plays some music on my guitar (I was always a sucker for a bloke that could play an instrument) and eventually we run out of booze.

‘Right I’ll get a taxi to the 24 hour garage and get some beers and fags’ says Chris.

It’s now 12:30 and Chris disappears to the shop.

Beep beep, beep beep ‘Your still really hot by the way’ the message from Chris reads.

He returns with the beer and cigs and we continue our chatting. Sat side by side on the couch, a very drunk Chris puts his head on my knee. I stoke his hair and can feel myself getting wet down below.

Suddenly he sits up and leans in to kiss me. Our tongues and lips lock and a feeling of familiarity washes over me. I remembered how he kissed and how he taste and it was exactly the same but now my sex drive was much higher.

His hands are all over me and I can hear him groaning in pleasure as he dances his tongue in my mouth and runs his fingers over my hard nipples. He then lifts off my top and the look of lust on his face as he clocks eyes on my breast sends a familiar tingling feeling down to my already soaking wet virgina.

His lips and tingue find there way to my hard nipples and I groan in pleasure while running my fingers through his hair.

He then pulls off my shorts and looks lustfully at my smooth bald pussy. He grabs my hips and pulls me so im lying flat on the couch and then leans down and licks my throbbing pussy while I groan loader in pleasure. (Hold up hold up, I don’t remember it being this good, he’s certainly learnt a few things).

He then stands up and takes his clothes off. I stare at his hard penis, wanting it inside me so bad. I grab hold of it and pull it towards me. I open my legs and wrap them around him and he puts the edge of his throbbing hard cock against my soaking wet pussy and pushes.

Only slightly in he says, “oh my god I forgot how tight you are” and with that he pushes harder and I scream in euthoria.

My legs wrapped around him, he fucks me good and hard while his hands are all over my body. He bends down several times to kiss me and I lick and bite his lips. I notice he’s getting a bit worn out so I stand up, he then stands up and I grab him and push him back on to the sofa sat up. I then straddle him and put my pulsing pussy on to his hard cock, my breats are now level with his head and he sucks on my hard nipples. After several minutes he flips me over to finish off. With just a few pushes he cant hold it in any longer and soaks my pussy in his warm cum.

Both out of breath we lie there for a minute. “How have you stayed tight after all these years, in fact, you actually feel tighter than you did” he asks. “I have no idea but yeah it’s certainly got more tight as I get older” I reply with a giggle.

We both get up and have a naked cig together. “I want to do that again” says Chris “You’re married, we can’t make this a regular thing” I reply

He gives me a cheeky smile. Puts on his clothes, and kisses me goodnight as I walk him out. It’s now 4am and I fall in to bed with exhaustion.

Ok, so that’s what happened last night. Yes my life is pretty crazy and I don’t seem to have anything under control but hopefully once I’ve completed my blog and started therapy, I can maybe look at settling down and being a grown up.

Please let me know your thoughts on my latest confession. You can comment on this blog post, email me or follow me on twitter @sexaddictmdp

I hope your all having a fab Saturday. I’m having a lazy day in bed recovering from a hangover.

Will update you all soon.

Yours Sincerely, The Sex Addict



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