Giving in to my desires [M/F]

I am a 36 year old single father of two young boys. I lost my wife when I was 30, she was 31. It was a quick moving terminal illness and obviously not something I am going to dwell on in this story but suffice to say she went from perfectly healthy to taking her last breath in a 4 month period.

Once she passed it was an adjustment for my boys and I. But we settled into a routine. I am a spiritual man and religious. I attend a somewhat decent church that's rooted in sound doctrine. It can be a bit stuffy and legalistic at times….but nonetheless was the one my late wife and I attended. I don't masturbate much at all and don't look at porn. This is new for me posting here and not something I ever would have dreamt of doing before. But I want to…I don't know why. Broadening my horizons I guess.

I also don't have sex outside of marriage. If I date then I date women who share my views. In a 5 year period since losing my wife I went on dates with 3 different women. All nice decent women…but it never really went anywhere with them.

It's very difficult though especially after being married to revert to an otherwise celibate state until finding a new spouse. I was motivated to for my boys and for my beliefs. I get stares from women and they are the type of stares that instinctually I know are of interest. It's there and I let it be. I am in good shape. Take care of myself, dress well and have a good career.

Last year, a woman moved into the duplex behind my place. Her name is Lisa, she is a 49 year old woman. Has 3 grown children all in their 20's. Her husband passed away a few years ago from a heart attack. He was just a couple years older than her. I recognized her from the area and we got to know each others history shortly after she moved in. Both relating over deceased spouses, etc.

She loved my boys and quickly caught on to my lifestyle realizing that they could be handful now and then. So, she offered one day to help out with them or watch them when I needed it from time to time. It was welcome help.

Let me state now that Lisa is one of the best looking nearly-50 year old women I have ever seen. She easily passes for roughly 20 years younger. She is short (around 5'3) and has a youthful face even for her age. She is blessed with good genes and has always taken care of herself. She runs daily and also still lifts light weights at our local rec center. The same one I go to.

after we had gotten to know one another about 8 months or so, I had sent the boys to their grandparents house one weekend. It was a Friday night and I was relaxing around the house. I heard my phone go off and it was from Lisa (she has my number). She asked if I needed any help with the boys and I told her they were at their grandparents. She then responded that I should come over. This was the first time anything like this had been suggested from her and the first time we would have purely hung out apart from the boys or conversation in the yard. I registered this and decided to go over anyway.

I went over and she made supper for me. We talked and talked and had wine. It was nice and relaxing. We bonded and talked pretty deep. She had on a relaxed T shirt and yoga esque pants. Further contributing to her younger look. I remember the moment clearly when it started. We were sitting on the couch talking and there was a pause. We stared at each other. She looked at me with this type of sweetness yet I could clearly see was mixed with desire. She titled her head slightly. I smiled. It was a long deep stare that went on for probably a good minute or more. It communicated a lot. It was the first time I had shared a moment like that with a woman since my wife.

Now, a part of me told me I should leave…but it was overrode by something else.

She reached out and ran her hand across the top of mine and I remember leaning in and we kissed. It was deep, passionate and hot. We kept pulling back and then going in for it again, eventually incorporating tongue. This went on probably 5 or 10 minutes before she stood up and told me to wait a moment. I smiled as did she and she walked around a corner and down the hall.

When she came back, she was bare naked. It was intense as I hadn't laid eyes on a nude woman since my wife. Lisa, as I mentioned, is in good shape. Her chest is small with large nipples, she had toned arms, very toned, I could see the veins in them. She had a an actual 6 pack. I have never seen a 6 pack on a woman before and it was visceral to see. the way her stomach interacted with her lower abdomen and eventual pubic mound. Her vagina was trimmed down into a thin patch. Her legs were amazing as well, particularly her quads. They were very toned and noticeable. She had some varicose veins as well on her calfs. This made for a unique and truly natural experience.

She smiled and did a spin for me. I was in awe. Her butt was phenomenal to look at. I got a huge rush when I saw it. It had a round, compact yet soft nature to it. I'd say it was like a basketball that hung off her lower back. She didn't have to wear heels or anything, it was all natural 'booty'. She had dimples on her lower back as well right above her butt. But what shocked me the most was that she had a 'massive' tattoo on her back. It was a Chinese symbol. I never would have pegged her for something like that. It was amazing to look at.

Once she turned back around she walked up to me and ran her hands thru my (buzzed) hair and she leaned down and we kissed. I then stood up and kissed her for a moment before I felt her unbuttoning my jeans. I took my shirt off as she pulled my jeans down along with my boxer briefs. Soon, I was naked and we stood their and just ran our hands all over each other. She ran her hands across my chest and down over my penis and balls. I ran my hands down her back and sides and across her breasts. I also ran a hand down and across her vagina.

She sat me back down on the couch and proceeded to suck my nipples for the next 10 minutes. It was amazing. I love having my nipples sucked and she never knew this but somehow figured that would be a good thing to do.

During this we established our communication and vocal pace. She then leaned in and asked if it was okay if she tasted my penis. This was incredible to hear. I said yes in an aroused, breathy voice. She then got on her knees between my legs and slowly started licking and sucking me. It was out of this world. She had long, strong, hard sucks mixed with soft licking of my head. It wasn't long before she pulled back and smiled and then led me to her bedroom.

She got on the bed with me and I laid on my back. She then mounted me and slid herself down on me. I gasped as it had been so long. She smiled in a sweet sexy way and I reached down and started to play with her clitoris as she rode me slowly. She loved this an we soon were going at it like animals. We were loud, talking a lot and expressing what we wanted. I had never experienced anything like it. Soon, I had an orgasm….and amazing, strong explosive one where I moaned, growled and hollered in a way that would otherwise embarrass me. She drank it all in and had her own on the heels of mine.

Part 2 coming soon!



  1. If I’ve learned anything from the internet, it’s that that tattoo means "soup"

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