
Annaliese found herself feeling exposed, open and vulnerable, yet in no true danger. She had been intimate with Andrew before but this was different, far more personally and intimate. This wasn’t Andrew exerting his will over her, it was Annliese trusting him enough to care for both their needs while she was in this state.

When she had first voiced her curiosity regarding bondage, Annaliese wasn’t certain how her partner would react. At first he thought it was a curiosity borne from the latest media craze but she quickly reassured him that it was not. She’d read intimate literature before, from romance to light erotica, yet she had always been aware of the possibility of bondage. With the current social trend it had merely seemed like the safest time to mention her curiosity. Andrew was all too happy to oblige.

Neither were each other’s first lovers and Annaliese knew what she enjoyed most behind closed doors. She owned a toy of her own that helped to satisfy her during her single life before meeting Andrew, but it seemed that her partner had more experience in the area than she. And so there she lay in almost complete darkness. Andrew had suggested starting with a simple blindfold made of black stitched leather to cover her eyes, placing it gently over her head taking care not to catch any of her long, raven hair in the elastic. From there, all she could see was a sliver of light at the bottom of the mask as she looked down. She couldn’t make out much, just fuzzy shapes, but she knew where she was, laid back on her bed atop her blankets, slightly uncertain of what to do next while her heart started to race.

From there she felt Andrews hands begin to place a pair of cuffs around her wrists, dyed purple leather she guessed from the pair she had briefly glimpsed before the being blindfolded. With a click, she heard as he latched the two cuffs together, binding her hands and letting them fall to her stomach before she heard rummaging and felt something run across her body before being woven around the buckle restraining her hands. She couldn’t tell, but Andrew was securing a piece of silk rope to the cuffs before pulling her hands up, over her head and tying the rope to the headboard of her bed. She pulled lightly of the rope, testing its limits more out of curiosity than defiance. “Don’t worry, you aren’t getting out of there.” Andrew voice came from beside the bed. It made her heart beat faster to hear his voice come from the darkness, reassuring her while also confirming what was in store. Her arousal at this point was undeniable but the sounds of Andrew’s belt unbuckling and clothes falling to the floor caused her to squirm ever so slightly.

She felt strong yet careful hands begin to unbutton her pants and slowly remove all her garments below the waist, save for her socks. The sudden air against her legs and waist sent goose bumps over her body as she imagine Andrew’s naked form looking down at her, taking in her half-naked form, her legs as they ran up, bent slightly at the knee as she continued to squirm, light hair decorating the most intimate parts of her until suddenly she felt hands on her leg. She gasped lightly, hearing velcro tear as something was wrapped around one of her upper things, just below where she wished his hand would travel, before a similar item was fastened around the other leg.

After a moment f silence, she felt a sudden weight on the as her legs were parted by warm hands, Andrew’s kneeling form positioning himself where she wanted him yet taking special care not to touch her more sensitive areas. She felt his hands run along her hips, slowly lifting her shirt up, over her head, allowing the clothing to fall upon her cuffed wrists, like a second, lighter pair of restraints. She knew right then that if he decided to take her, she would be more than ready to accommodate him. Already she was far more aroused than ever before, and Andrew hadn’t even yet fully undressed her!

She felt his finger hook under her bra, lifting it up in much the same way as her shirt and leaving it in a pile atop her hands. She felt the cool air against the nipples of her exposed breasts and felt her body tingle for scarcely a moment before she felt Andrew’s body lean down over her, suddenly feeling his warm lips pressed against her as he began to kiss her, his lips working to part hers allowing his tongue to slip lightly into her mouth and coil around her own. It was the most control she had at that moment and she wasted no time exploiting it, her own tongue slipping past before letting them intertwine, a slight moan escaping both their lips until finally Andrew began to draw his head back, only to have Annaliese bite lightly upon his lower lip for just a moment before allowing him to escape. She could almost hear his smile as she felt him lean back down, his lips coming close enough to her ear that she could feel his breath but not the touch of his lips. “Are you ready for your first lesson?” He asked, the playfulness and excitement clear in his voice. Shivers were sent through her body, both from his words and the feeling of his breath on her ear.

“Yes.” She sighed, lightly. Never before had she felt more prepared for this most intimate moment, to accommodate the man who she had given her trust to, to listen to him moan in pleasure as he savored the feel of her. But that was to come later. For now, it seemed, Andrew wanted to push Annaleiese to the limits of her arousal.

First, he began to trace the fingers of both his hands down along her neck, allowing on his thumb to stray in order to lightly brush against her lips. Then he continued down over her lightly freckled shoulders before coming to her breasts. At first he did nothing but circle her nipples, tracing around the shape of her bust until she felt one finger brush lightly against one nipple while another set of fingers began to lightly pinch the other. As one hand traced circles around the most sensitive par of her chest, the other squeezed and twisted lightly, causing first a whimper to escape her lips, followed by a gasp. Soon however his hands continued down, causing her to focus on feeling of his skin as his touch approached her waist. She almost cried out when she suddenly felt his tongue dart across her breast, catching her nipple in his lips as he lightly bit down and drew his head back, pulling her nipple lightly in his teeth.

Her heart was pounding in her chest now, the heat of his breath against her skin adding to her excitement until she suddenly realized his had disappeared, taking their touch with them until, from out of nowhere, Annaliese felt the entirety of Andrew’s hand pressed against her sex. She cried out lightly, both in shock and ecstasy as she began to feel a finger run along the length of her, opening her, enjoying the feeling of her arousal before she felt a finger begin to slowly enter her. He met no resistance, just a series of gasps and whimpers as the length of his digit entered her fully before being withdrawn, sliding in and out of her again and again for a few mere strokes before being joined by a second finger. Annaleiese closed her lips as she moaned, but the urge to cry out in pleasure was becoming too strong. It became worse when she felt Andrew’s fingers begin to curl inside her.

She gasped louder now as he began to explore her, looking for those parts that made her squirm the most as a thumb began to rub her most sensitive region at the top of her sex, Andrew’s curled fingers continuing to move in and out of her ever so slightly as he worked, causing her to lose track of time until she began to feel herself reaching her peak. She began to tense herself, to try to hold Andrew’s fingers in place as her legs tried to force themselves closed. She was only dimly aware of the fact that she was moaning her lover’s name over and over as she began to reach climax until she could manage nothing but wordless gasps. Her stomach tensed and she tried to raise herself up as the sensations enveloped her and then she could take no more. With one last wordless cry, she fell back onto the bed, panting, occasionally twitching as satisfaction washed over her. She still lay panting when Andrew began to remove his fingers and reposition her. He untied the rope first, and then un-cuffed her hands as her threw her clothes to the floor. He then began to lift her, still blindfolded, and began to turn her, moving pillows until the rested against her chest and she found herself bent over with the man who had provided so much pleasure behind her. He felt her grab her now unrestrained hands and begin to slip them into something that hung from her thighs. The items he had attached to her legs were revealed to be another set of restraints. Thigh cuffs that kept her hands securely bound to her legs, locking her in this exposed position.

She began to feel a light pressure press against her opening as Andrew began to push against her. Soon she felt his hands grip her waist from behind as began to enter her fully. Annaleise heard Andrew moan as his rigid length made it’s way deep within her, his warmth and size causing her to let out a long, satisfied moan. His girth was definitely greater than that of his fingers but his size overall was perfect, enough to fill her without invading her too much, with only the slightest bit of pain that seemed to heighten her current pleasure. With long, even strokes, she felt Andrew savor her body. She felt the curve of him inside of her, reaching places he’d been unable to by hand. As he began to increase his speed, she began to moan once more, listening to his own sounds of satisfaction behind her, from his moaning her name to his grunts as she listened to his body collide with hers. A hand left her waist and wrapped around the back of her neck and gripped firmly yet lightly and she felt that she would climax again. She wanted to feel his hands toy with her breasts again, to have him reach beneath her and to use his thumb once more. The sounds of the ecstasy filled the room, their grunts, cries of each other’s names, the bed as it began to creak and move.

Soon, Annaleise felt Andrew’s body tense, his grip around the back of her neck tightened as he thrust as deep as he could. She could feel the slight twitching within her as her climaxed, another hand coming to rest on her shoulder as he steadied himself, panting for several moments before he reached down to free her hands and remove her blindfold. Annaliese pushed herself off the bed, arching her back until she felt the touch of Andrew’s chest as he began to lightly kiss and bite her neck while she gave a contented purr, playfully waggling her ass against him, She knew how sensitive he got once he finished.

“You ok?” Andrew asked, still slightly breathless.

“Mmm-hmm…” She replied, wordlessly. Truth be told she wanted more, but she’d long since realized that some men had their limits.

“Good.” Andrew said, running his hands along her breasts, down over her stomach and stopping between her legs. “So what did you think?”

Annaliese reached back, grabbing Andrew by the waist and pressing him against her. “We’re definitely doing that again.”
