DISCLAIMER- I do not condone sex while intoxicated/under the influence of substances that cloud cognition. Consent is the only thing that separates sex from rape.
Awkward, clumsy, uncoordinated, embarrassing and noisy in all the wrong ways.
But fucking amazing
I'd had a crush on him for ages, We'd been close friends for years and as teenagers we innocently shared a bed at sleepovers, He'd always been the perfect gentleman, offering to take the couch or the floor, and I'd always been a flirt, saying i'm cold or afraid of things that go bump in the night and would rather he share my bed.
I started to wonder if he was daft or just too polite to assume, so I psyched myself up and I told him that I had never felt the way he made me feel. He had told me a he wasn't attracted to me and he wasn't interested in me "that way".
So I wasn't expecting anything to ever happen.
Months later, trying to push him out of my mind, an impossible task considering he continued to wear those jeans and roll his sleeves up in that way, we gathered around the fire-pit in the backyard, my housemates had secured enough pot to green out an elephant and we had the whole weekend a head of us, Drinks, Music, good friends and nothing but the sound of crickets and the distant road to distract us from the stories and questions we would entertain each other with as the night progressed.
He'd never smoked before, I'd never drunk before, Needless to say, We were both forced to retire early to prevent needing a babysitter.
It was pitch black in my bedroom, and freezing cold, My head was spinning and I couldn't tell if he was moving or if I was moving, But someone was. I heard a mumble and felt an arm fall across my side, context and post-processing suggested he's mumbled something about snugging for warmth.
I thought he didn't like me
His hand is so warm, I can't remember the last time I was held or touched like that. Time ballooned longer and shorter and I have no idea how long he was gently caressing me, But it must have been hours because I heard my friends outside move into the loungeroom, then back out, I heard cars starting up, beer runs being completed and pizza being delivered. All the while his hand moved slowly from my stomach to my breasts and then back down towards my hips. And it quickly became obvious that he is an ass man. Each time he passed his hand over my buttocks he squeezed them firmly and pulled my hips into his crotch just slightly, as the night progressed and this pattern continued he began pulling me closer and harder, and I could feel his hard on, pulsing against my bottom as I grinded my hips back into him in reciprocation.
He was manipulating my cheeks with his hand to rub his hard cock between them, His boxer shorts did nothing to disguise his eagerness, Nor did my panties provide any protection from the sensation of his cock running past my arse with every thrust. I awkwardly reached my arm behind me to hold onto his hip to provide some stability as he pushed against me. After what felt like forever, He grabbed my hand from off his hip and guided me down, under the waistband of his boxers.
I'm not very good at hand jobs at the best of times, let alone while reaching behind me, and I know this, so I quickly rolled over and started tugging at his boxers. He lifted his hips and slid off his shorts. It was still pitch black, I couldn't see anything, I could hear him breathing deeply and feel his dick throbbing under my fingers. It felt amazing, I wanted to tell him how perfect his cock felt, how I wanted to see it, to taste it, to feel him inside me, But it was silent except for the sound of our breathing and stifled moans, and I didn't want to break the trend. I used my hand to paint a mental image of where I was, running my tongue up his shaft as I questioned the best way to ask what it was he wanted from tonight.
People often talk about what a "good blowjob" is, and it often comes down to her enthusiasm and how messy she's prepared to get, Well the same can be said for the receiver, I've given plenty of sad blowjobs, where I start off eager but soon become bored or sore as the guy sits there silent and unmoving. No such thing here, he moaned the whole time I was sucking him off, he played with my hair and told me how good it felt. His hips gently moved in time with my head, he applied gentle pressure to my head and neck, and all I could think about was how perfectly the curve of his penis lined up with my throat, how comfortable it was to take his whole length into my mouth and how badly I wanted to hear him cum and feel his hot load shoot down my throat.
But the weed had gone straight to his dick, After what was most certainly 40 minutes of head, He told me to stop, He wasn't going to be able to cum from that. I climbed on top of him, My thighs clamped around his legs, his cock standing tall in front of me resting gently against me. I asked if he wanted to go further.
He didn't answer.
I waited what felt like an eternity, then asked again, "do you want to try something else?" He mumbled something incoherent, then explained that he still didn't like me "that way" and that he didn't want to lead me on. Normally I'd be hurt by that comment, But I was so turned on, I didn't care for emotions and feelings, I wanted release, and I could tell he did to. So I asked again "Do you want me to fuck you?". He slid his hand along my thigh and grabbed my hips, More silence, until finally, a short, yet longing "yes"
I took my panties so fast and with enough vigour that I almost fell off the bed because I was still drunk.
I mounted him and grabbed the shaft of his penis to guide him in. I still couldn't see what I was doing, But his body felt so familiar, his way of touching me felt so familiar. It's like we had the exact same style without even having to think about it.
I was so fucking wet because he'd been teasing me for the last 4 hours, it made a really loud "Schlick" noise as he penetrated me and I was really embarrassed by the noise. But his cock fit perfectly inside me, stretching me just enough to feel full without bruising.
Every thrust was making annoying slurping sounds, I felt myself literally dripping all over him, There was almost no friction. I got off and used my shirt to wipe away some of my wetness. I normally hate being shirtless in person, Pictures are all well and good, I can hold my breasts and frame them perfectly, in person they fall to the sides and hang low and look sad, But it was pitch black, I knew he couldn't see a damn thing, so off came the shirt.
I continued to ride him with friction restored he began to be vocal once again, Moaning underneath me as I felt his cock hitting all the right places as I moved my hips. My head was still spinning, everything felt so much more sensitive than it logically should.
At one point he grabbed onto my hips really tight and grunted, telling me not to move, I could feel him shaking underneath me, I figured he was close and trying not to cum, but I really wanted him to, so I tried clenching my muscles to make him finish, His breathing increased as did his grip on my hips. It didn't work and his orgasm passed. With his hands still firmly grasping me, he tilted his hips and started thrusting into me, hard and fast. It was the first time since we started that I felt like he was fucking me, an not just the other way around.
I leaned back so I could touch myself with him inside me. I'm self conscious of my orgasm face but he couldn't see so I just went for it, It had been building all night, He'd been essentially teasing me for hours, I came quickly and I came really hard. Despite trying to keep it quiet I could't help but moan loudly and quiver as my whole body contracted with pleasure, Nervous that I might squirt (something that has been known to happen) and unsure how to warn him, I held back, but still enjoyed myself.
After cumming I was really wet again so I had to hop off and dry off a bit, but at this point the cana-dick was back and he said he wasn't going to be able to finish and he kind of had to pee. In the darkness I attempted to climb off while he tried to sit up, We bumped heads painfully. I clambered around for the light switch, still definitely tipsy. I heard him shuffle around and cuss as he tripped over my bedside table. We laughed uncomfortably at the sudden shift back to clumsiness.
So I put my panties back on, found a clean shirt and put the lights on. He went to pee and I lay there until he got back.
He got into bed on his side, We hit the lights, and I noted the first cracks of dawn light shining through my curtains, and the sounds of my housemate shuffling around in the kitchen. We fell asleep, on separate sides of the bed, no touching and fully clothed, sexually frustrated and in complete silence, Just like we did as teenagers. It was comforting to know nothing had really changed.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3q8hi6/mixed_messages_never_felt_so_good_fm
Sexy story!
That was some of the hottest sexual frustration i have read in a long time. Bravo / so sorry.