Fingerbanged a dude accidentally. Second time I’ve been duped this month. Help


West Hollywood is a fucking minefield.

It all started with a girl that I met on the street a couple weeks ago – Tess. Fucking angel. One of the most beautiful girls I’ve talked to as of late. She came over last week and gave me a handjob and I went down on her but we somehow didn’t fuck.

Just tonight we met again to teach her how to drive stick, but she was tired as fuck and decided to go “home”. I later see what I’m 99% sure is her car parked the same place it was before at a bar downtown. So I’m on the hunt for some retribution sex. I want to fuck someone else and pretend it’s Tess in some fucked up way to satisfy my need to fuck her and fuck her over.

So I head to the place where I’ve had the most success – a gay bar in West Hollywood.

The night kicks off with a fucking perfect little Filipino girl – ridiculously affectionate. We were hugging/cuddling/making out/dancing for a good hour before one of her friends got sick and had to pull her away with the group. Butterflies.

After she left I went to the dancefloor and promptly found myself dancing with two other girls back-and-forth. I wasn’t sure which one to pick so I just danced with both and it was a fucking blast. Smiles everywhere. But I fucked myself by not sticking with one. I got 50% of their numbers as the bar closed. Then the street hunt began.

It’s happened before – walking along the street and some drunk girl falls into your lap, goes home with you, and ends up sticking around for weeks of fucking.

So when I saw this girl in a tight red shirt with fine-ass legs and a skirt walking on the street, I decided to open my arms and welcome her to hug with a smile. She was into it.

We’re both drunk at this point. She hugs and I say “fate has led us to this moment” or some shit and we hop into an uber. I start fingering her over the fabric and she’s into it but doesn’t let me get into her panties. I notice that there’s a lot of skin down there but nothing crazy – almost like she used to be fat and lost some weight and all the extra skin ended up in her crotch. No biggie, totally normal. I continue rubbing and her moans decorate the music playing as we head downtown.

I keep trying to reach a finger around the fabric of her panties but she keeps saying “wait” – but then she pulls my hand back to the edge – so I’m sitting there thinking she wants to get fingerbanged but just not in the company of our uber driver. Maybe she makes a lot of noise when she’s getting fingered and just wants to spare the driver some discomfort. Fair enough. Really considerate of her. I rub her through her panties and she’s into it. We keep going until we get home. I swear she’s wet.

We get to my room, I help her slide her boots off. I’m sitting there all fucking proud of myself, saying “fuck you, Tess. Same night you bail on me, I fuck someone else”. I felt masculine as fuck, pulling someone off the street to fuck. Primitive.

I start fingering again through her panties. Reach around the fabric. So much skin. Where the fuck is her clit. There’s so much extra skin. I tell myself just to press more and power through the bundles of skin but I feel no moisture. Usually by now I get to the moisture, where the fuck is it. Press harder. Rotate. Locate.

Nothing, just skin.

I decide it’s time for a more direct strategy. At this point nothing strikes me as odd. Just a more challenging vaginal situation. That’s all. I must eliminate the fabric obstacles. I’m taking the panties off. She doesn’t resist at all. It’s a little more difficult than I’m used to. Some resistance. I force them down around her fine-ass legs and a fucking dick pops out. Balls and everything and some weird white pebbles all over her sack. Half-hard and just kind of chilling out like it was normal.

My jaw hits the fucking floor and I just fall over onto my bed. Eyes wide open. Shock. I begin muttering, not even seeing whatever I’m looking at.

“You seemed so feminine”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not into this at all”

“Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“You need to tell people this shit, you’re a fucking walking deception, you have such nice legs and eyes, what the fuck happened to your adam’s apple? How am I supposed to know?”

“We’ve been making out for the past twenty minutes how could you let me do this”

I’m such a fucking retard. I muster the humanity to help her put her boots on and hug her goodbye and tell her she’s a hot trick before showing her dick-featuring ass into an uber.

This is now the second time in the past month I’ve been duped. These people are not unattractive – they’re slim, curvy, feminine as fuck. Voices, mannerisms, eyes, facial structure, firmness, everything fucking checks out. I don’t get it.

And at no point during the night did I even ask this girl/guy for her/his name. I’m such an asshole.



  1. Holy fuck this is hilarious. Dicks start waaay higher than vaginas though so I have no idea how you didnt feel it sooner

  2. >So I head to the place where I’ve had the most success – a gay bar in West Hollywood. >“I’m sorry, but I’m not into this at all” ok, Tobias Funke

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