An ode to my sexual encounters

Note About a year ago I read a post on this sub by a user who just described all of the sexual encounters in her life in rich and humane detail. None of the stories were particularly sensational but I found it incredibly erotic and intimate and vulnerable and real and super sexy. It really stuck with me; I still think about it now and then. I wrote my first post in this sub recently and it got a really encouraging reception, but it was one of the few truly sensational moments in my life. For a follow up post I thought it would be fun to pay an homage to that post (that I can't find anymore)!with my own sexual encounters. I have no idea if this is raunchy or sexy or interesting enough for this sub but I hope that reading about these will give you the same erotic vouueristic feel that I get from reading other people's everyday sexual encounters.

hannah: my first love Hannah and I started dating the summer we graduated high school. We were both 18. It was doomed to fail. But I couldn't see the obvious at the time. I had had girlfriends before her but I was still a Virgin and was pretty naive about sex. I was a remarkably bad kisser, like historically bad. Like if aliens visited earth with out any clue about how humans behaved and studied my make out sessions it would take them about three seconds to realize I was doing it wrong.

Hannah was cute and sweet and kind enough to put up with my incredibly awkward sexual maneuvers. She had black hair. Big brown eyes and a facial expression that seemed to imply she was always in some other dream world. I think some people took that to mean she was a space case, but she was actually very thoughtful and perceptive.

We were in the kind of foolishly romantic silly young love where we could spend every second together without getting tired of each other and everyone else felt like an annoying distraction keeping us from spending time together.

She was painfully conservative and it took what felt like an eternity (a month) until i saw her breasts. When I did, it was like a whole new world had opened up to me, a better world. She was very thin but her breasts were very round and floppy. I was obsessed with them. We still weren't having sex so I would become rock hard, begging her to touch my penis, be rebuffed, and then masturbate furiously to the vivid thought of her tits as soon as she left. I literally think the only thoughts I had those few weeks were about her tits.

Finally the magic moment came. We walked into my bedroom and immediately dropped our pants and shirts at the door and made out on my bed. As always the intense make out sessions gave me a throbbing enflamed boner. We ended the make out session and I went to walk over to the door to pick up my clothes, still in my boxers, my boner bouncing as I walked. She walked over to me in her underwear and said "hold on"

I paused without picking up my clothes.

"Guess what" she asked?

"What?" I askedshe pulled my boxers down, and my rock hard erection immediately bobbed down and then up, finally out in the open.

"I just saw your dick!" She smiled.

It was the first time a romantic interest had seen my penisnand it was thrilling and exciting. It was the first time i felt like an actual sexual being. I pulled her underwear down too and saw her fantastically sexy pussy. It was completely shaven. I think she had been planning this today. She blushed and pulled her underwear back up.

We came back to the bed. I was completely naked and she was still in her underwear. I took her bra off to unleash her wonderful large boobs.she put her hand on my cock and started playing with it. She poked at it tugged it, watched it grow and respond to her touch. It was like a fascinating alien object to her and I still get horny thinking about the way she approached my cock with such interest, wonder and amusement. She started to jerk me off and the excitement was far too much for my inexperienced raging boner. I immediately came what I'm sure was the largest load of my line. In my memory I covered her in an ocean of spunk like a giant balloon of milk had exploded on her, but something tells me that this is a slight hyperbole. I was expecting her to be disgusted but she was delighted and perplexed.

That night we had sex for the first time. For some reason I didn't realize just how low the pussy is when it comes to sticking your cock inside of it and I had trouble inserting it at first. When I finally got it in I wasn't prepared for how good it felt to be in her impossibly tight warm sopping wet pussy and I came in less than a minute. It was almost as if my cock was on a different time zone and before my brain had even started the show my cock had finished watching it. She seemed to have no expectations and didn't seem disappointed but in retrospect it was probably a lame first time for her. It was truly awesome for me though. We had sex a whole lot that summer and eventually got less embarrassing for both parties involved.We ended up breaking up a couple weeks into college. Hannah was worried we would hold each other back. I acted as if I was stabbed in the heart and would never heal. She was of course right.

Carly there's certain people in your life that you may not fully appreciate at the time but are monumental in turning you from the stupid piece of shit loser you were into the functional non-cringe inducing human you will become. Carly was basically a gift from God that showed me how to not be a disaster sexually.

I met Carly the first semester of college. She was super cute and fiercely independent and just seemed impossibly cool. She liked the same shitty indie bands and loved the same pretentious art house movies I did. Although the reason I liked them was because I was a pretentious little turd, I think Carly just liked them because she was a total pothead.

We spent most of our time together getting high (Carly introduced me to weed) and fucking. Carly was petite with small but great and perky tits and a really lovely shapely ass. She was way too cool and sexy for me. She had a really cool way of subtly instructing me to not be terrible in bed. "I really like it when you do this thing" she would say when I did something right and not say that when I did something decidedly unsexy. She taught me how to eat pussy. I was totally unashamed and eager to learn and she was happy to teach me. I remember spending what felt like hours licking her sexy wet pussy eagerly anticipating her moans and shivers. I would keep going until my jaws were in physical pain and even then I didn't want to stop. She gave me an ungodly amount of blowjobs, so much that I didn't realize how good I had it until after we had broken up. We broke up for a really stupid reason and it makes me cringe when I think about why but I will always be grateful for the incredibly fun (and informative) time we had together.

Megan Megan was my first one night stand. I didn't have a lot of confidence in myself after the Carly breakup and I wasn't feeling especially appealing to the opposite sex. A cute girl from a class had invited me to an anything but clothes party and although I didn't really have the energy or self esteem to go I got really drunk and went with a friend. I've got a decent body and I've always had a hidden exhibitionist side so I basically just wore a kite around my crotch. The girl that invited me warmly greeted me at the door. She was wearing caution tape around her tits and crotch and she looked super sexy and appealingly slutty. She seemed to also be pretty drunk and greeted me by hugging me and grabbing my cock hard, right in the middle of a crowded party. I didn't know if she realized that I wasn't wearing underwear under my outfit (no clothes allowed at an anything but clothes party!) but she seemed pleased with her discovery. Later that night we tried to sneak up to her party as inconspicuously as we could and started fucking almost immediately. She ripped off my more and started sucking on my dick like she had just ingested a poison and my cock was the antidote. I tossed her onto the bed and started fucking her like a mad man. I spread her legs wide open and slid my cock into her super tight small pussy. I'm not small or anything (about 7 inches fully erect) but her pussy was the only time I genuinely felt too big to comfortably have sex. It seemed like I was hurting her but she kept telling me to go harder. She screamed and moaned loud enough to wake up bears hibernating in Antarctica. It was a pretty huge turn on.

chelsea Chelsea was the only legitamatelt insane girl I've ever slept with. I was 19 at the time and was at a mutual friend's party. Chelsea was this cute super skinny girl that dressed like a cross between a hipster and a hot goth and just seemed really interesting. We made small talk that I remember being clever at the time but in retrospect was probably incredibly punch worthy and irritating, and by the time she was leaving the party she asked me if I wanted to go with her. I was thrilled and we went back to her place. When we got there she asked me to choke her and made really weird noises while we had sex. I don't even know how to describe them. Like alien moose noises or something. After we finished she told me she had fantasized about holding disembodied cocks in her hand because the thought made her feel powerful. Needless to say I did not stay the night. I noped the fuck out of there while my penis was still attached. This was one of those sexual encounters (and I feel like women have these more than men) where it's almost worth the disaster just so you can laugh about it and put it behind you with your friends the next day at breakfast in the dining hall.

Camille: Camille was one of three foreign exchange female French students at my college that was living with on my gal friends and my friends became obsessed with fucking a French girl. She wasn't particularly attractive: she looked like a monkey and she had serviceable but unspectacular petite breasts with uncommonly pointy nipples and a super hairy bush (though I find that sexy in its own way.) but there is totally something to French culture that just made her ridiculously sexy anyway and I could not stop thinking about fucking her. Finally at a party I had a chance and we went back to my place and fucked. It was one of the best fucks I ever had. She knew how to move her pussy in a way that I didn't even know was possible. It made me want to immediately go to cowgirl with every girl I fucked but none of them had the magical French pussy power she did.

Emma: Emma was mind meltingly, impossibly beautiful, I-must-be-dreaming-she-is-so-hot hot. So hot that you suspect you're on the Truman show and this is the new actress they brought into your life in order to improve viewer ratings. She was very Italian looking with dark hair dark features amazing tits a tiny waist and the most beautiful ass you have ever seen. We had a writing class together and apparently she found me funny and charming and developed a crush on me. She practically had to spell out blatantly that she wanted to fuck me otherwise i would have assumed that I had no chance.

Man am I thankful for that writing class. She had the most perfect breasts I have ever seen, and maybe the best ever recorded in human history. Scientists could not create tits with better ratios of perkiness, firmness, roundness, suckability and nipple to aereola proportions. And she sucked a mean cock too. She was also ridiculously funny and witty and a wonderful writer. I know, you're waiting for the catch. No she didn't also have a penis (though honestly she's so hot that even the straightest of men would really have to debate if that was a deal breaker) but she did have in retrospect what was a pretty big Coke problem. I didn't ever do Coke but I did allow her to snort it off my rock hard cock which i would feel guilty about for years later. But that wasn't why we broke up. I honestly thought she was way too good for me (and so did everyone else apparently. Female friends started assuming I must have a huge cock) and my guy friends expressed polite disbelief.) and I never really felt comfortable fucking this goddess as a mere mortal. This comedy video basically perfectly describes our relationship in a nutshell. I've never watched anything hit so close to home. After she inevitably dumped Me it became a self fulfilling prophecy but I really wish I had better appreciated her magnificent titties and cock sucking lips more while we were together.

That's the end of the first chapter of my sexual encounters. I know people hate part 1s and other such teases but This ended up taking way longer for me to write than I anticipated and I have no idea if anyone even finds this remotely interesting or erotic. Hopefully this makes someone feel the same way I first did when I read the post that inspired it!



  1. That was amazing. It definitely has a lot of feeling behind it and I like how most of it is their good parts. It is too easy to get bitter about things that no longer are but you seem to have a good grasp on what is important. This was only part 1? I don’t mind! Also, you managed to link to a video made 5 years ago that has a Back To The Future reference in it… On this of all days!

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