I used to fuck my ex girlfriends older sister while we were dating

This is going back quite some time now, but I used to fuck my girlfriend at the time, sister. We were dating for about 3 years or so and it started just over 2 years and in.

I was 20 and she was 23 when it started. It began by when she broke up with her boyfriend and moved back home. I often stayed at my girlfriends house (it was much closer to both work and uni for me) and our work schedules tied together that we were regularly both at home alone together.

As you can imagine we grew quite close as friends (just friends at this stage) A few months down the track it was a Friday night and we both just so happened to have the night off, and the house was empty too. We bought a couple of bottles of red wine, and as you guess this was the first night we fucked. What started this escapade was when we were actually talking about my relationship, and how I was some what struggling with my girlfriends serve bipolar (she often never took her meds) It was after that we began to cuddle watching a movie and we were both drunk, I was extremely attracted to her and she was of me, and it happened, right there on the couch and living room floor. In the morning we both admitted neither of us regretted it and thought it was just a one off thing, so we kept quiet and tried to put it behind us.

Fast forward a month, we both met up in town and we fucked again at her friends house. Us fucking became a regular occurrence for quite some time 3 – 4 months. Then it stopped, she got a boyfriend…. but little while down the track again, we became regular fuck buddy's again, keeping it discreet. To be honest I don't know why I kept doing it, I knew it was wrong but I was attracted to her, physically and emotionally and had fallen out of love my girlfriend. I knew she had strong feelings for me. We both never did anything about it though, we couldn't break up with our partners and be together as it would tear the family apart.

Our whole love spell came to abrupt halt finally. I revived a txt when I was at uni asking to catch up for coffee. We did and had a conversation/discussion about the fact she was pregnant. She still had her partner and said she couldn't get an abortion as he already knew. We both agreed it was in everyone's best interest if we didn't get a DNA test to undoubtedly prove who the father was. I broke up with my girlfriend about a week later.

I was young and stupid, and regret it. I now have to live with the fact that there is a 50/50 chance I have a son, that I'll have no part off.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3oq3if/i_used_to_fuck_my_ex_girlfriends_older_sister


  1. This wasn’t sexy at all, more of a confession. I don’t care that the story was about infidelity, but this isn’t a story.

  2. Not a bad premise for a story. Read some of the other stories and note the details. You need a paragraph or two of how that cuddling turned into sex.

  3. Good story arc, could benefit from a more detailed section about how it was, your feelings from it, how she did _____ better than anyone ever… The ending is a bit TIFU, but I personally enjoy when the fantasy gets real.

  4. Not really fair to the kid if he or she grows up believing a lie as to who their real father is.

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