Sex and the telescope…

Sex and the telescope….

September in Chicago. Normally a very nice month, but this particular Friday the wind and rain were vicious.

It had been a tough week. This was my third sales call to this company, and it had been tough. I'm 46 years old, and I think the oldest person in this upstart company was 26. The youngest was Chad, the IT guy, who just turned 21 on that day. But, the contract was finally signed!

There was a short after-work celebration at the local pub for Chad, who had just turned 21. There was a lot of good natured kidding about finally being able to have a drink. Chad, for his part, was mesmerized with Kristen as he always was. Aged 23, she had a body that you would almost not believe was real – her photo could be on any magazine cover; she was simply beautiful. She also paid virtually no attention to Chad – almost to the point of being rude. You know the type. After about an hour everyone broke up to head home.

Then “Murphy's Law” took over. I was walking to my hotel to retrieve my luggage and catch a taxi to the airport. A gust of wind turned my umbrella inside out, tearing it up. A large truck then drove by through water streaming down the curb, drenching me. Then while reading a text message that my flight had been canceled, I tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, looking like a total fool as I fell.

A hand reached down to help me up, which I was thankful for. Looking up, it was Chad, of all people.

“Come on, let's get inside and out of this weather”, pulling me by the hand. “I just live a block away”

At first I did not notice the interior of his apartment, only that it was up 20 floors or so. He showed me the bathroom where I could clean up. “I'll find something for you to wear while your clothes dry.” Taking a hot shower felt good. Stepping out of the shower I dried and combed my wet hair back. “That dress shirt is all I could find for you to wear, if that is OK” he shouted. It was fine with me – heck, anything dry was fine with me.

“Go ahead and look around and make yourself at home while I shower” he said as he went to the bath. “There is some wine in the kitchen” he shouted from the bath, and I poured myself a glass.

The apartment looked like an IT guy – very neat, clean organized and almost minimalist. Jazz music seemed to come from hidden speakers from every room. The bedroom had large screen TV's on three walls, while the other wall had a window the width of the room. Noticing a telescope by the window, I took a peek, scanning the apartment across the street. Much to my surprise it was Kristen's apartment. She was just stepping out of the shower, appearing to be getting ready to go out for the evening. She was even more stunning nude – incredible!

Feeling like a voyeur, I turned the telescope. While many apartments were still dark, I counted at least 3 where I could see people having sex. I wondered how exciting it must be for these people, knowing that someone, or maybe several people, were watching them in their intimate moments.

“Eighteenth floor, exact center apartment”, Chad said as he walked into the bedroom. Reaching from behind me, he adjusted the telescope. “Every Friday night he has two girls there, letting one rest while he fucks the other. All night long.” I was surprised to hear the word “fuck” come out of Chad's mouth. Leaning over me, he smelled good. His hands on my butt cheeks as the shirt rode up, felt warm. The sexy visuals, the wine, his hands – I was getting wet. Turning around I saw that Chad had put on a pair of skinny jeans and yet another Star Wars shirt – seems like these were the only clothes he had.

“I wonder what it's like, knowing people are watching you” I said to him. Smiling, he said “well, we could find out. After all, it's my birthday”

He opened the draperies all the way and moved the telescope to the corner of the room. With a remote he turned on some very soft lighting.

Walking me to the end of the bed, Chad slowly unbuttoned my shirt, dropping it of f my shoulders. “Emma, I can pretty much guarantee that there are some people watching right now, if that is what you want. Otherwise I can shut the draperies. Either way I want to fuck you Emma.”

“Leave them open please”, the excitement in me rising. He was 25 years younger that me, and I wanted him. I was also thankful that my rather rigorous exercise routine kept me in very good shape as this young man looked at me naked.

Sitting me on the bed, Chad pulled his Star Wars shirt off and got to his knees. Spreading my legs he put his mouth over me, over my pussy, spreading my lips with his tongue. Then taking my clitoris in his mouth, swirling, sucking. A moan escaped my mouth as I fell back on the bed, clutching the sheets. His tongue darting in me, my clit begging for his lips, sucking my pussy – Chad seemed to know all of my desires, until my body began that slowly building quivering, reaching a crescendo as I began bucking my hips to hip, pressing my body to him as I came. Came hard.

While I was still trying to catch my breath, he stood, turning me over to my stomach, my feet on the floor. I heard him unzip his jeans, then the rustling as he stepped out of them.

Before I had recovered, Chad spread my legs, rubbing his penis against my soaked pussy, rubbing the head of it up and down my slit. “Emma, this may hurt a little”, but as wet as I was I doubted that.

Positioning me on the bed the way he wanted, he began pressing the head of his cock in me. I gasped, as he asked if I was OK. “Yes, the head was just bigger than I expected” I said. “Please don't stop.”

Entering me a little at a time then pulling out, he began to work his cock into me, fucking me with long slow strokes, fucking me to a quick orgasm. Holding my hips with his hands, I spasm-ed on his cock until I finished. And I was thinking “there are people watching us”…….

Pulling out, Chad flipped me over on the bed. Looking down at him I caught my breath – “Oh My God, I didn't……”

“No Emma, you didn't. That was about half of me, but I wanted to let you take your own time.” Looking down at this young, slim, rather short man (he couldn't be over 5'7”) I was stunned to see the size of his cock – “wow, that must be at least 8” or 9” long…..”

“Actually 10”, but who's measuring” he grinned. “Let's try something different this time”, and he turned on the 3 TV screens with the remote. Obviously there were cameras somewhere in the room as there we were on each screen, different angles. “This should give our voyeur friends a better view” he smiled.

I sat up for a moment, wanting to feel this cock in my hands, the size and weight, my hand would not even go around it. Lying back on the bad I looked in his eyes and simply said “fuck me Chad.”

With TV's around us, I could see him as he slid inside me. Half way inside me. Then he began hitting places deep in me that I am sure had never been touched before. Deeper and deeper he kept stroking, pulling almost all the way out before pounding back inside me. Then I cried out as I felt a sharp pain. I could see he was buried all the way inside me, and I felt him hitting something deep. As he kept fucking me, the pain gave way to pleasure. It was as if something deep in my body started to shake. He pushed tightly against me, causing me to quiver (and I realized he must be hitting my cervix) first inside then outside. My body rose to begin an orgasm, but this time it kept rising, kept rising. My arms and legs shaking uncontrollably, my head flipping from side to side. An orgasm like never before experienced as he kept pressing into me. Except it would not stop. Took me to an incredible level, then kept me there. Chad began growing even larger inside me, then began pounding me with long fast strokes, until he strained for the deepest part of me. And with a moan he exploded, over and over and over again – I did not think he would ever stop – filling me with his cum. And at that moment, we both screamed as our bodies tensed, pounding each other until we fell back.

Shutting off the TV screens, we fucked each other throughout the night.

The next morning, I cleaned up, dressed in my now dry clothes and kissed Chad on the cheek as he put me in a taxi for the airport. On the flight home, I wrote a short note to Kristen, telling her maybe she should give Chad a chance. At least go out with him.

A couple months later, I received a note from Kristen. It simply read “Thank you!”



  1. I knew he had a big cock but imagine my surprise when I pulled down his pants and saw the Loch Ness Monster.

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