(F)emale feels her life flash beyond her control

One night, me and this guy started fooling around and that led to me on all fours and him mounting me from behind. His hand was on my neck gripping it gently along my right shoulder. He pulled me into him and I remember really liking the way he pulled my body into his. It felt like he was controlling me, as if I had no power, though at the time I had plenty of control to feel secure. I remember feeling a little shocked when his hand tightened around the sensitive crease between my neck and shoulder, but in the moment I went with it. I felt him going deeper inside of me, and then I felt his fingers dig into that narrow arch between my neck and shoulder.

My head cringed against his hand, but it did nothing to stop him. I remember making the most pathetic noise. It was so uncomfortable, but I remember feeling so helpless. It was like he didn't care about my discomfort; he was too wrapped up in treating me like a piece of meat that it didn't occur to him what I was feeling. Not that he didn't care; he was just so hungry for my body that he couldn't help himself… at least I'd rather think that!

I remember really being able to feel his grip around my throat. The thought of choking and dying hit me suddenly and I felt the heat rising in my head. I thought of dying and of him losing control and choking me so hard I pass out. I thought of whether he'd keep fucking me; wanted him to; I wanted him to fuck me until he was done with me. I wanted him to use me however he needed. I felt so vulnerable. There was no way of defending myself. There was no other option, except doing whatever he wanted.

His grip tightened and his other arm wrapped around my body, stretching between my breasts, as he wrapped his other hand around my neck. He took control of me. I couldn't even move. It was such a turn on, being forced beneath him, my body rubbing against his, being forced where he wanted me to be. He could force me wherever he wanted me. What I felt in fear and thoughts of death frightened me the most and still managed to turn me on. I loved it. I could only think in terms of fear and it was because he made me this way.

With his hands around my neck, I felt the air being squeezed from my throat. It left my throat first and then it hurt to feel it inside my lungs. The air inside me wouldn't leave; it was trapped and it started to burn. It hurt so bad to hold it and I made this embarrassing squeaking noise, like some helpless, useless little mouse, before expelling it in one amazing wheezing exhale. I felt my face flush with such a terrible heat, felt my lungs burning with incredible pain. I'm glad he didn't tighten any more. The pain I felt in that moment was enough. Tears came over me. I didnt even realize it until they were rolling down my face. I felt the skin squeezing my face. I felt so helpless. I was so afraid and when I tried to pull away his grip tightened a little more, but it was just him keeping me where I belonged.

Through that wave of terror and pain, I felt the unbelievable burst of pleasure. I can't even describe it, just as a breath of light breaking through the darkness. Just when I was so afraid of dying, at my most helpless moment, I felt the most amazing orgasm seize my body. I rocked against him, pushing against his body. I'm not sure if it was out of fear or adrenaline or because my orgasm was so powerful. I felt so helpless, as his arms tightened around me. I was scrunched in such an uncomfortable position, feeling so useless, so helpless. I know I'm doing a horrible job at describing it, but I think it's something that has to be experienced. I'm going from memory, but I think the best feeling was being able to lose control. Not just to lose control, but to feel my life in someone else's hands. I thought of it slipping away and him bringing it back. He saved me.

(It felt really good to know the danger of what I was doing and not being able to do anything about it. Not having to think for a while, to just be two animals looking to express our horrible urges is an amazing feeling. I understand now that I need something of that dark, dangerous variety in my sexual life and have made peace with my inner madness :) )

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/3oejc4/female_feels_her_life_flash_beyond_her_control


  1. So so so hot!! As a dominant guy this was really hot to hear the other side of the story in such detail. Please do post again!

  2. Thank you. It was one of the few times I really felt… inferior or maybe I should say ‘submissive’ during sex and I loved the feeling of being at odds with my partner.

  3. It seems like you two had a serious mental and physical connection going, and it only makes the sex that much better. Glad you enjoyed it! I hope he or someone else keeps you feeling that way very often.

  4. We did, but it was mostly sexual. He knew my body so well. Our relationship only worked on that level, but I think we both knew not to mess up a good thing!

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